Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2015)                   JRIA 2015, 3(1): 55-67 | Back to browse issues page

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Tahersima S, Irani Behbahani H, Bazrafkan K. Determining of educational role of Iranian school open spaces Regarding the comparative investigation on traditional vs contemporary school (case studies: Chaharbagh, Darlolfonoun and Alborz schools). JRIA 2015; 3 (1) :55-67
URL: http://jria.iust.ac.ir/article-1-180-en.html
Abstract:   (12394 Views)
Developing knowledge and novelty are the main objectives of educational system. A lot of factors are needed to satisfy the above mentioned requirements. Factors such as quality enhancement of educational space.It should be noted that educationis notonlyinfluenced by the teacher's teaching, butalso touched byeducational spaces. Relating factors, includingeducational environment,play an important roleintransmitting the information to a person. It will leavebehind the significant effectsonthe learning.Therefore, anyproject aboutthe process of student’s learning will be incompleteand inefficient regardless of theeducational spacein which itislocated.Architectural environment superioritycan play an educational performance in training environment, with respect to intuitive, intellectual, and perceptual recognition effects. Investigations don on the effects of educational systems, dealing with open spaces, confirm the possibility of group work rehearsal, increase of students’ collaboration, space flexibility and higher development. They can increase the enthusiasm of students for learning. As a result, a direct relationshipbetweenthe open educational space and the learningof the studentscan be discovered. Expression of Problem: ContemporaryIranian civil societyneedsto expand the education as a whole, andpublic education in specific. Ignoring all of the effective factors will leads tothe construction ofseveralschools withouta constructive and positiveroleinthe development oftheeducationprocess. Despitemanychanges anddevelopmentsin the content ofeducation, the spatial pattern ofschoolshave been experienced nopositive changesand development inthe lasthundred years. The dominantpatterninthe currentschooldesign,regardless of theeducationalcapabilities ofopen space, is related to an emphasis onentertainment andfunaspect, such as arelativelysmallspaces. This pattern is similar to Residentiallandscapingin which ground is covered byasphalt. There are limitednumber ofelements and leisure equipmentfor kids’ play andphysicalactivities. Therefore, the problem of this study is investigating the degree of integration educational system with open space properties in the history. The objective: Determining the diversity of Iranian school’s open spaces and their role in regards to the transition of educational system at different time periods. Question of this study: What is the influence of different educational systems in shaping the characteristics of an space and the educational role of the Iranian school’s open space? What is the influence of the emergence ofneweducation systemin the educational role of Iranian school’s open space incontemporaryschools? Research Methodology of this study is the Combinational Method that isIncluded Descriptive-Analytical Methods and Logical reasoning, considered as a procedure of open, semi-open space evolutions and their educational role with respect to educational revolutions. General procedure of the study is about the origin of the revolution in physical space of schools. It is referred to transformations of the educational system and the function of school yard in teaching and learning.Methodology would be evaluated by applying the environmental psychology, Observation, Study, Simulation with space syntax Software and Comparative method in educational point of view. In this article,the education role of the open spacein schools is investigated by three levels of large, middle and small scale. In the large-scale, Relationship between building and city is discussed. In the middle-scale, circulation and role of the semi-open space in flexibility of educational environment is studied. In the small-scale, Active participation and teamwork is investigated. The topics thatwill bediscussedat everyscale, are selected with help of the analysisandstudyofissuesof environmental psychologyand theories ofurban planning, which issummarizedinthetheoreticalbeginning of eachsubject. Case studies: For this purpose, three school yards are selected for further investigations. Which are Chaharbagh as a conventional school, Darlolfonoun as a first educational structure in modern style, and Alborz as the transformed index of new schools in Iran. Conclusion: According to the result ofanalysisby space syntaxsoftware, it is indicated thatopenand semi-open design in traditionalschool have more degree of “integration” and “connectivity”. One of themost influentialform of “connectivity” is thatitcan create a high level ofaccess. Educational space in the traditional school is more flexible than classroom in contemporary school. As a result,due to thecommunication andinteractionwith theeducation system,studies elaborate the pattern of the traditional school in Iran which is formed regarding to the active rule of the education in open and semi-open environment. It acts as an educational tool during the training and it creates a center for social interaction. Inthese schools, bondingand interaction betweenopenandclosed spaces are so strongthat iftwo spacesare separatedfrom each other, their structuralconcepts andmeanings willget lost and cannot be identified. The pattern of school design at the contemporary time includes the uniform row of classrooms in the plan, typical and uniform of windows in view, typical and uniform seat arrangement of the classroom that are based on the invariable teaching methodology. Therefore, only the closed and inflexible environment of the classroom would be suitable for education based on the passive behavior of students. Moreover, if we consider having no semi-open space, open space ofthe school will become only the place to regulate the time of entrance and exit, entertainment and an escape from the pressures of teaching in the classroom and because ofits incongruity of dynamics and mobility properties, it cannot play the required educational role.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2015/07/28 | Accepted: 2015/07/28 | Published: 2015/07/28

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