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Mehran Alalhesabi, Mohamad Anampour, Haleh Hosseinpour,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Autumn 2018 2017)

Central parts of the cities regardless of their role and function, embrace more people than their own inhabitants heading for meeting their needs. This is more significant in city centers having ultra-city impacts ditto holy places. One of the main centers in pilgrimage cities is the Holy shrines’ surroundings which attract considerable population of non-inhabitants in addition to their own inhabitants. To retain the validity of this principal area, the population’s requirements should be provided at this very zone.

Thus urban planning should predict and provide all types of required services in these areas.

To reach this specific goal utilizing the methods and technics of urban service planning is essential. Despite using various and efficient methods for estimating and planning the services of inhabitants, lack of written procedures for evaluation of such services and considering requirements of fluid and non-inhabitants population are of the most problematic issues in planning of land use and services at the pilgrimage cores.

 This paper is based on the authors’ experience in the field of planning services needed by pilgrims in the pilgrimage cities of MASHHAD and QOM. Due to the uncertainties and questions in this regard, this paper presents principles and methods for planning the needs of this group. In a way that it can be used for planning the developments of religious spaces and major or local urban plans.

To achieve this purpose, two methods of service planning have been used. One of them is based on functionally physical divisions of these areas and finally calculating the required infrastructure activities. And the other is based on utilizing common procedures of urbanism in Iran, the estimation of the fluid population in these areas and their corresponding needs and finally the calculation of their requirements based on per square meter.

 Using of each method has some requirements stated after knowing each confine and determination of management needs. And each one of them has its own features and limitations addressed upon.

Ramin Khorsand, Reza Khayredin, Mehran Alalhesabi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (winter 2020 2021)

The realization of the concept of 24-hour city and urban nightlife has been controversial from the very beginning, even in the original source, the western cities. Adherents of the 24-hour city believe that the nightlife increases economic prosperity, presence of urban spaces, security enhancement, space branding, and etc. In contrast, opponents do not recommend the nightlife in cities for reasons such as energy wastage, occurrence of crime and offensive behaviors, environmental damage, increasing individuality and reducing social cohesion, and etc.
Survey on existing examples of the nightlife in different cities suggests that a single pattern for nightlife cannot be imagined. In each society, according to requirements and facilities, general culture and social relations, and even the policies of the governments and the urban managers, different examples of the urban nightlife have been obtained.
The introduction of this concept into the Islamic societies - including Iran - has also posed challenges to the urban management and citizens, including whether the same western concept of the 24-hour city and the nightlife can be realized in Iran? To what extent do those concepts and goals conform to Iranian-Islamic culture and lifestyle? And basically, what is the relationship between the concept of the 24-hour city and the nightlife with the Islamic instructions? And so the urban nightlife has had serious proponents and opponents in Iran.
A review of theoretical literature of the 24-hour city, based on the Islamic instructions and the local and the cultural capacities, can probably provide inference of the 24-hour city and the urban nightlife in accordance with the Islamic lifestyle and cities of the Islamic countries, including Iran. The present study seeks to answer the above questions with qualitative method and to provide a pattern of the 24-hour cities and the nightlife based on the Islamic culture and the local capacities.
Mrs. Fatemeh Haddadeadel, Dr. Asghar Mohammad Moradi, Dr. Mehran Alalhesabi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Islamic-Iranian urban planning is one of the most important topics and concerns of thinkers who consider the buildings and spaces of the city as a place in line with human behavior and his spiritual and spiritual excellence and address the physical characteristics of the desired city from the perspective of Islam. According to the comprehensive teachings of the religion of Islam in the Utopia promised to the righteous people of the earth and its characteristics; It is understood that man with his civic nature will reach peace through participatory urban planning, and one of the important characteristics of a good public space is participation. The identity crisis caused by the damage to the historical contexts weakens the sense of human dependence on the environment and his civic character, and as a result, reduces social participation. In this article, by examining the physical criteria desired by Islam in the field of re-creation of historical textures, in the historical neighborhood of Oudlajan, Tehran, as a sample of studies where re-creation measures have been carried out and the presence of people in the context was weak after the measures; With the aim of investigating and studying the relationship between the indicators of "participation-based localization in the recreation of historical textures" as a factor of creating "local attachment" and "participation" using mixed research (quantitative and qualitative) using a descriptive-analytical method based on the methods of content analysis of library documents and quantitative cross-sectional survey (asking experts) and the people of Oudlajan neighborhood) and qualitative (systematic observations of the texture), has investigated the foundations of the Islamic idea of place-making based on participation in the recreation of historical textures. The data analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics method, the normality of the data was done by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and hypothesis testing was done by Spearman correlation coefficient and structural equations by PLS method and modeling by SmartPLS3 software. Validity was verified by professors and reliability was checked by reaching theoretical saturation point and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. After successfully passing all structural model tests including path coefficients (beta) and its significance (T-Value), coefficient of determination index (R2), predictive correlation index (Q2), influence intensity index (F2) and colinearity index (VIF) for two groups of people and experts with High reliability verification and modeling were presented. Then, through the systematic observation of each research index and expert qualitative analysis, the results were reviewed and generalized and a general model was presented. Based on the findings of the research, it was determined that the human-oriented and place-oriented spaces bound to the values of the religion of Islam and the originality of the historical context, through the location of the participation based on the context and increasing the social participation resulting from it in the process of re-creation, will lead to the preservation of the historical context and its Iranian-Islamic existence and increase the spatial attachment and participation.

1 Ahmed Almusawi, 3 Mehran Alalhesabi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Humans inherently place great importance on the development and management of the cities in which they live, work, and learn. This allows them to express their existence, authority, and personality. Cities are hubs for various human and social activities. The close relationship between religion and cities is also noteworthy. Religion expresses the consequences of social life through behaviours and religious customs, which are conducted and built-in religion-centric cities. Socio-cultural events are sometimes analyzed as tools to enhance specific places, benefiting residents or potential visitors. The Arbaeen event, as a religious factor and urban trend, directly impacts the region's sustainability. The main goal of this article is to explore and understand the mechanisms for achieving socio-cultural sustainability through relevant strategies that help manage urban areas. This approach is methodologically mixed and descriptive-analytical. Data were collected based on indicators from the scientific literature, using questionnaires, interviews, and observations along the Najaf-Karbala route. Two main factors, the social and the religious, were identified as elements of socio-cultural sustainability in managing the Arbaeen event. This research showed that community participation (guest and host) in the Arbaeen event is managed through religious factor mechanisms (beliefs) and its material and spiritual impact on the region.

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