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Showing 3 results for Belali Oskoui

Sajad Rishsefid Noshabadi, Azita Belali Oskoui, Mohammad Ali Kaynejad,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Knowledge and understanding of human nature and existential dimensions of man, guides individuals to control and direct their needs against diversity and rapid change of styles. Nowadays, art and architecture aim to satisfy public opinion. Diversification and complex forms are changing constantly to satisfy needs according to style, culture, taste, and current technology without considering their inner side, and what goes unnoticed here is attention to the contextof humanity which does not advance up to date and is always obsolete. Therefore, consideringhuman as both the containing totality of microcosm and the creator and user of the art piece,plays a significant role in the understanding and utility of variety of sciences, including architecture.On the other hand, ignoring this important role can createa gap between desires and true needs. Therefore, current article is shaped based on the following questions: What are human existence dimensions in the realm of epistemology? What have they got in common with design trends which are based on public preferences? And to what extent should the epistemological understanding of architects and consumersbe considered? In present discussion, descriptive-explanatory method and logical reasoning is used.Viewpoints of intellectuals like Avicenna,MollaSadra, AzizuddinNasafi, Al-Kindi, and contemporaries such as Jersild, Bergson, Freud, Jung, MortezaMotahhari, and AllamehJa'farion dimensions of human existence were studied at the first step. A common view between all above-mentioned intellectuals point to a unique and immutable essence that propels human being towards innate, sustainable affairs and excellence. Since the transition of matter has become plural and diverse,this concept becomes invariant in the course of time, but under the impact of influential factors. Holy Quran, confirming this content and meaning, mentions "Disposition" as the main factor in pluralizing the unique essence of humankind. With the help of the recognition of this content, necessity of its role in architecture and urban planning- interpreted as the exhibition scene and defined by threefold classification of human role as subject, object and finally exhibition location. But the importance of public viewer and consumer, attention to preferences of individuals and giving authenticity to non-spiritual desires, leads authors to call it collective preferences approaches. For this reason, and to prevent confusion between human cognitive concepts and approaches based on collective preferences, different aspects of these two approaches are studied, which as a result will be distinguished from each other in four levels: time preference, common and social preference difference, commonality of collections and pluralism of desires. It should be mentioned that in this study, time preference refers to style and diversification in a certain time period,common and social difference deals with interpretation of the content of community(Gemeinschaft), and its larger part of society (Gesellschaft), and also the extent of its ethical and value-based content is specifics. In a smaller scale, commonality of collections refers to the placement of dissimilar values in a similar environment. Ampleness and endlessness of materialistic desires of individuals that can only summarize in pluralism is also the fourth used explanation of this study, which according to AllamehJa'fari, resembles a nonstop and flowing liquid. What we can see in the content of each of these explanations is the descent of inherent dignity of physical human which notes him to a plurality of items known as association and individualism. While, depending which side of the structure an individual architect or consumeris, the epistemological promotion will express its benefit to the individual in a way that the promotion of epistemological contexts of the consumerto himself and the his desires, strengthens the relationship between architect and consumer in expressing righteous desires. This study recognizing the environment, its effects and impressions as the preventionofits nurture and discusses that by banishing hidden libels in meaningless works,repetition will be prevented. On the above mentioned basis, researchers considered the utmost level of fulfilment of the righteous desires, dependent on gaining the cognitive knowledge of the consumer. In this view point, architect as the possessor of the technology and reminder of human values, comes to the scene where the consumer needs a reminder of his values, and the technology for implementing a work deserving his dignity. This procedure needs the enhancement of the cognitive background of the architect about self, consumer, work of art, and environment, and also the cognitive background of the consumer about self, environment and work of art as the most important cognitive elements that this study referred to. Priority of these factors in traditional architecture show that the necessityof gaining technique as learning tools was short and concise, but earning cognition was a permanent and never ending process. Epistemological aspects of the microcosm, occasional researches on the application of cognitive sciences in art and technique and codification of strategies and solutions mentioned in the conclusion of this study could be considered as a new groundwork for future research.
Zeinab Nazer, Azita Belali Oskoui, Mohammad Ali Keynejad,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

This research studies the concept of transparency behaviour of domes in Islamic mosque, with emphasis on the notion of the spiritual lighting.The topic of this study is important not only because it allows for a better understanding of the different types and purposes of these domes, but also because through calculating the veiling and revealing factor of each type, one can regenerate the use of dome in the architecture.In the analysis of quantitative factors, the quality of light in space and how to show the influence of Iranian architecture, structural elements play a prominent role.In the other words:Phrases related architectural lighting control within architecture elements that define spatial quality, are to identify and understand the value and meaning of the concept of light, began to attention to the importance of light in architecture.
The research method was used for which it is the consecutive combination explanation. Here, in the first stage, the quantitative data collected and analyzed, then in the second stage qualitative data collected and analyzed. Finally, both qualitative and quantitative analyzes are interpreted together.
The present study uses field measurements that the instrument used to collect the data, cameras and imaging and to take accurate of brightness quantitative information, and the digital photometer and simple devices were used, and its information has been gathered from documents and fieldwork. In this way the fieldwork for photometry to factors of physical and quantitative impact on the quality of light were studied and after identifying the physical factors affecting the quality of lighting the domes, the defining quality components transparency in relation to the characteristics of quality discussed and with quality components explaining to evaluate the degree of transparency of the domes of mosques reviewed, were studied. After examining different examples, seven residential mosque (Taj al-Mulk dome Isfahan Jame Mosque, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque of Isfahan, Blue Mosque of Tabriz, Barsian mosque, Imam Mosque in Isfahan, Jame Mosque of Yazd, Jame Mosque Ardestān) werechosen in the Iranian Islamic architecture.
The tools used to gather the data were cameras for photography and videorecording and a photometer for measuring light levels. The analysis of the information gathered indicates that the differentcharacteristics of domes all in their own way affect the level of spirituality and purity and transparency that the domesprovides. By examining the physical properties dome, transparency evokes components include: Unity (Unity means the harmony of the whole composition. The parts of a composition made to work together as a total visual theme. Unity is the relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elements function together. Unity gives a sense of oneness to a visual image. In other words, the words and the images work together to create meaning.), spatial continuity of light (a way to show how one type of space is directly linked to another by the light elements), the relationship between inside and outside (Physical or sensual links between inside and outside must be defined in some way that can characterize unique identity of each space and also establish proper interaction in whole architectural space. This proper interaction can create sense of consistency and integrity between this two spatial realms and furthermore express a link and boundary that if it is developed causes to creation another space that it is not inside or outside but it poses some character of each kind; this ambiguous moment of spatial experience, with focus as a connection between inside and outside, can be named “in-between”), lightness and dematerialization, resilience and adaptability, utility and readability (reading space is a process of using spatial knowledge appropriately after acquiring it and processing it in the mind), expansion spatial and light balance in space, was determined, each of which is associated with the physical properties of the atmosphere of a traditional mosque dome were examined, that indicated the highest degree of transparency in the dome of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque with 95%, and lowest degree of transparency is in the dome of Ardestān Mosque with 50%. The data analysis shows, all different characteristic domes with our way affectson the spirituality and the skylights creates transparency, and show that expression of spiritual clarity on the architecture of mosques in their bilateral relations with cover and illumination. By better understanding the effects of these characteristics, it is possible to design modern domes and skylight that arebetter suited to contemporary tasks.

Minou Gharehbaglou, Behrouz Tavakkoli, Azita Belali Oskoui, Raana Cinmar Asl,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (spring-2018 2018)

Human beings, as a social creature, need others to get their peace of mind and safety. Such needs encourage or force the idea of cooperation and partnership with others, while the formation of interpersonal relations in a society affects people to use a common environment. Today, urban planners and designers, in the form of professional specialists, are trying to engage their users through collaborative design approaches to identify the underlying aspects of the problem, highlighting those aspects, and proposing practical solutions to get public views. Nowadays, it could be said that the designers choose the middle path of independence and its opposite point being conservatism in design; in other words, they knock themselves out of their power position. A good number of studies have demonstrated that the use of user requirements increases the chance of success in the environment as people in the community know more about the needs and requirements of their environment than specialists. Hence, in recent years, popular participation has received considerable attention from theoretical and practical aspects. The present article was aimed at exploring the concept of participation and determining the criteria for attracting participation in the environment by reference to Western and authentic Islamic sources in order to achieve the principles and desirable criteria for participation in the environment while taking into account the shared values, beliefs, and common needs of the ideal society. In this regard, some questions were raised including the differences and the implications of the concept of participation in the environment from the two perspectives of Islamic and Western thoughts. Considering the fundamental-theoretical nature and the qualitative research approach, a collection of data was compiled through an interpretive-analytical method based on documentary studies to answer the question and collecting data and reviewing the literature of the subject. In the first step, the process of participation in Western literature was defined and applied. Then, the application of participation in various areas of environmental design and indicators influencing the participation of individuals in the environment were examined. In the second step, we tried to inspect the concept of participation in the environment from the perspective of Islamic thought. First, issues related to Islamic ethics, ethical principles that are social (not individual), and especially those related to participation in the environment were scrutinized. The available sources of Islamic sciences, especially the Holy Qur'an, hadiths, narrations, and sayings of Islamic scholars were used in this regard. The principles, criteria, and the results were then obtained by studying the verses and hadiths along with the study of the characteristics and manifestations of participation in the environment with a multi-faceted view. In the third step, these principles were determined in a comparative manner to identify commonalities and distinctions by combining the two previously examined categories. The findings indicated that in Western thought, the level of participation in the viewpoint of theorists involves a spectrum of non-participation to spontaneous participation. Besides, many views are formulated in a general way solely with regard to the background of individual mentality and the consideration of the ideals of intellectual and architectural institutions without considering the culture and social beliefs of various societies. Originality aims at the individual dimension and the consent of the parties while individual preferences are prioritized. In Islamic thought, one of the ethical principles of Islam in society for realizing a united nation is participation which has been emphasized abundantly. The principle of participation also has secondary ethics each of which has complementary components in itself that leads to the mixing of the spectra and levels. It could be said that all categorizations and principles were a subset of spontaneous participation and one can achieve the desired participation in the environment by observing them. The results of the adaptation of concepts and manifestations in both Islamic and Western thoughts provided different criteria for participation in the environment. The comparison of the principles pointed out that Western theories differ from the Islamic method in terms of participation of the environment in a fundamental element that is the importance of sensing and reasoning as the sole source of knowledge along with neglecting divine resources as unitary and complete resources. Contrary to the western-oriented view that focuses on individual dimension and satisfaction, the Islamic perspective emphasizes components such as cooperation, endowment spirit, jihad, and charity as high levels of participation. Numerous references to the symbolic crystallization of Islamic values in the physical form of the recommended architecture testify to the claim that the Islamic viewpoints lay down the basis of all works in the reverence of God and in the spiritual dimension of man. This clearly shows that religious and cultural values are preferable to all minor or short-term needs and ideals and norms derived from Islamic values are beyond individual and group needs and preferences.

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