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Mohammad Ebrahim Zarei, Yadollah Heidari Babakamal, Majid Montazer Zohori,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2015)

After mosques, tombs are the most important buildings of the Islamic period. Octagonal domed Tombs in the Islamic middle ages are more abundant than the early centuries of Islam. The evolution of quadrilateral domed tombs to octagonal domed tombs occur with the advent of the Seljuk and architecture developments in this period. Kerman province that was regarded as one of the most important centers of the Seljuk rulers, converted to the place of numerous tombs of sufis and elders in this period. It could be noted several examples of octagonal domed tombs in the Seljuk period that has been prevalent design of the domed tomb in this period. The existence of these buildings is interpreted with reference to local elders and religious figures. In fall 2011, during the archaeological survey to identify archaeological sites of Shahdad, Andohjrd and Golbaf in Kerman, two octagonal domed buildings were identified and recorded. These buildings are located in the village of Nask and Keshit in Golbaf, and have been built in connection with the village cemetery. Because, these buildings have not been identified so far, an independent research on their condition seems to be necessary. Golbaf city is located in 110 km south-east of Kerman province .This city leading from north to Kerman, from south to Bam city, from east to the Lut Desert and from west to the Rayen city. Keshit region has been prestigious residential areas of Lut Desert margins and the Golbaf city, that history of living in these areas is due to the abundance of water. Castle - Village of Keshit and its village with dating of late Islamic centuries, located in north and east octagonal domed tomb of Keshit. Keshit Permanent River clinging to the Castle - Village and passed from the east of historical context of Keshit village. Nask village is located about 1.5 km in west of Keshit village. Octagonal domed tomb of Nask is located among the wasteland with scattered shrubs of Kahur and about 300 meter in east of village. In addition, a castle of the historical period (Parthian and Sasanian) is located about 200 meters in north octagonal domed tomb. Accordingly, the main objective of this study was to determine the nature and function of these buldings, with respect to their historical and cultural context, and provide relative dating in comparison with similar samples. Methods used to achieve these objectives were based on description the current status and the peripheral elements of these buildings with detailed reporting, drawn map and taken photography from all directions and within them. Alongside above mention, have been used of written sources with descriptive and analytical method. The most important questions that made the basis of this study are: 1. What is above historical monuments dating? 2. What are probabley function and their identities, according to historical and cultural context of the region? Since these buildings were without any inscription, dating of them is difficult. Nevertheless can be raised hypothesizes: ​​1. Based on similar plans in medieval Islam, probably octagonal buildings of Keshit and Nask were made during the Seljuk and Il-Khanid period. 2. The buildings have been constructed in relation to religious figures and village elders. The core of the village cemetery construction was based on these buildings. The results show, based on the similarity of plan and decoration of these buildings with other domed shrines, it seems that the date that they have been built, is the same as Islamic middle ages buildings (the period). The octagonal domed tombs has been popular form during the Seljuk and IL – Khanid periods. The domed tombs of Keshit and Nask among local residents are known to the “Hasht – Dar”. By comparison the architectural plans, decorations and kinds of buildings materials used, with octagonal domed tombs of Seljuk, many similarities can be found between them. Although similarities exist between the domed tombs of Keshit with octagonal domes in IL – Khanid periods, But according to the history of area studies, similarities and proportions between this building with other octagonal domed tombs in Kerman region during the Seljuk period, seems more likely attributing it to these period. Relative chronology of octagonal building of Nask to the Seljuk period, expressing with more certainty. Because decorate style and it plans close to the Seljuk buildings. According to the above mentioned, the octagonal building of Nask is older than octagonal building of Keshit. Another remarkable point about these buildings is that graves buried simultaneously with construction of these buildings or after them, could be indicates their position as convent or similar a place to that. As regards many burials can be seen in the vicinity of both tombs, bring up the above possibility could be true, because nowadays numerous burial can be seen besides the monasteries.

Parisa Mohamad Hoseini, Ali Javan Foruzandeh, Esmaeil Jahani Dolatabad, Ali Akbar Heidari,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (winter 2020 2021)

The home as the oldest and closest human shelter has a direct relationship with human culture. The connection between culture and architecture is more pronounced in vernacular residential architecture. Vernacular houses are the result of choices and adaptation of humans to the environment over time. They have evolved from the evolution of human experiences against various cultural, natural, biological, and economic factors. Human beings are always in the position of choosing different subjects of their lives. But what is true is that people usually choose things in different situations that are consistent with their mental structures, and at the same time, the result of that choice can meet their needs. It can be assumed that human culture is the basis of its various choices. Choosing is, on the one hand, influenced by the environmental conditions, which, basically, the type of response to these conditions influenced by cultural variables and attitudes of individuals.
Therefore, the main question is the question of what, how and why the effect of the «choice» factor, especially cultural choices, is on the formation of the vernacular house›s structure in Ardebil. The purpose of this study is to understand the semantic dimensions of the vernacular houses of Ardebil and to analyze the role of cultural choices in shaping of spatial_ physical and behavioral patterns, and in organizing the structure of houses. Accordingly, a number of houses belonging to the middle class of the city from the late Qajar and early Pahlavi periods in the traditional context of the city of Ardabil were chosen as a case study. Then the physical dimensions and cultural and behavioral components related to their inhabitants were extracted. The methodology of this research is qualitative. The method of data collection is field studies, documentary studies, and semi-structured interviews. The method of analyzing data is descriptive-analytic based on the rational reasoning method and qualitative content. The research steps are pursued in four steps: in the first step, the «basis of choice», which consists of two sections: «environmental factors» and «basic assumptions of culture» or the third level of culture, are explained; In the second step, the «Indicators of choice», which include the second-level variables of culture, such as do›s and don›ts, norms, rules, expectations, and valuations, were analyzed; In the third step, the «manifestation of choice», which are examples of the Indicators of choice as «meanings», were examined; And in the final step, «Impressions of choice» or Patterns of space and patterns of current behaviors related to
housing were analyzed. Following the above process in the formation of the structure of vernacular Ardebil houses in the late Qajar and early Pahlavi, the results were as follows: Environmental factors such as economic bottlenecks and cold climates formed meanings such as courtesy, self-sufficiency, foresight for the winter and ... as examples of choice indicators. These factors have had a great influence on the physical structure and discipline of the residential spaces of vernacular Ardebil houses in all three macro, middle, and small scales. For example, the orientation of the building, the establishment of the kitchen inside the house, the use of thick walls of brickwork and double-glazed windows, the presence of minimal spaces (consisting of a linear extension of a two-part pattern of the atrial chamber), simplicity in the components of the building, the use of indigenous materials and ... . Social and cultural commonalities such as worldview, religion, values, and beliefs, and ideals in the homogeneous and traditional Ardebil community of the time have shaped such meanings as the need to preserve kinship and neighborliness, the importance of the structure and position of the family, and norms and values such as religiosity, traditionalism, veil, Empathy with the people was in the minds of the people. The physical implications of these meanings are building houses of the same spatial pattern, without indicating superiority and isolation from other buildings, observing Islamic norms in the construction of houses, adopting solutions to privacy in houses, and so on. On the other hand, the behavior settings, the type of use of spaces, spatial divisions, territories and spatial boundaries, the relations of spaces, the use of communal spaces, etc. have also been influenced by valuations, norms, requirements, and the necessities of cultural factors. In sum, it can be said that culture in two stages affects human choices in relation to the issue of housing: 1) The basic assumptions or variables of the third level of culture (Figure 1), determine and explain the range of choice options for individuals. 2) Indicators of choice or second-level variables of culture (Figure 1), by defining a set of values, requirements, and necessities, generate meanings and orientations for the basis of choice, including environmental factors. This will prioritize some options against other options. Hence, human choices can be considered «cultural choices». Cultural differences are one of the most important factors influencing people›s choices. This means that differences in the culture of different societies create different meanings in people›s minds that create different behavioral and physical- spatial patterns. The research process of this paper for the recognition of vernacular Ardebil houses can be used as a model for understanding the structure of other houses in other regions and cultures. However, the method used in this research will have different results for different climates and cultures. However, given the fact that many variables of the basis of choices, such as climatic conditions and some of the basic assumptions of culture in different societies, have remained constant over time, one can use the results of the analysis of the structure of vernacular houses to improve the housing situation today in order to help make the house more consistent with the ecosystem, climate, and culture of societies.
Dr Ali Akbar Heidari, Dr Malihe Taghipour, Mrs Fatemeh Emad,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (3-2022)

The hierarchy in architecture is an attempt to express the concept of transition and the gradual aspect of the process of perception. This principle is well-known as one of the fundamental principles in traditional art and is consistent with the hierarchy of being above its material level. This principle proposes, in the order of reaching a space, the fundamental pattern of connection, transfer and acquisition, which expresses the aspect of exploiting the acquisition of space. In this regard, the mosque is one of the buildings in which the existence of the principle of hierarchy is very necessary in such a way that the concept of garment from the appearance to the inner part as the most important function of the mosque, is represented by the principle of hierarchy. However, during different periods and over time, the presentation of this principle has been made in mosques built in different styles of Iranian architecture in different ways. In this regard, the present study tries to examine various styles of mosques in the history of Iranian architecture. Accordingly, 16 mosques of four styles including Khorasani, Razi, Azari and Esfahani styles (each of the 4 mosques) are selected as case examples. By analyzing their spatial structure based on existing documents, three dimensions of the hierarchy include the hierarchy The shape, size, and location of each mosque in the style of these styles are discussed. The research method is descriptive-analytical based on historical documents. Using quantitative and qualitative methods including use of space syntax software, using scale meter to extract dimensions, and interviewing experts to analyze the facial features of the mosques in order to analyze the data. Has been used. Finally, the results of the research indicated that in Khorasani style, all three levels of hierarchy were at an elementary level in the mosques; in the mysterious style, the hierarchy of place was considered, but with time, this dimension in the styles Azeri and Esfahani; in the Azeri style, hierarchy of size was very much considered, and finally, in theIsfahan style, the hierarchy of form had the most visibility in the mosques.

Azin Ataei, Jamaladdin Soheili, Maryam Armaghan, Ali Akbar Heidari,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2023)

The quality improvement of the environment to ensure the citizens’ satisfaction with urban planning processes is one of the fundamental development principles. The environment results from activities, concepts and physical characteristics, and the user perception provides an analytical approach to spatial judgment. The importance of responding to the different perceptual levels of the individual by different environmental factors indicates the necessity of investigating the environment quality from the perspective of perceptual experience. Therefore, the crisis of the expansion of environments without experiential usefulness resulting from functionalist approaches causes inefficiencies in meeting needs, which endangers urban life along with damaging behavioral mechanisms. This study aimed to explain the effectiveness of environmental quality on the experiential perception of the residents of two garden cities in Alborz province with the assumption of the existence of a relationship between the environment quality in public spaces and the audience perception to answer the nature of this relationship. The village has controlled traffic, limited services, and enclosed bodies separated from the urban context, but Mehrshahr is equipped with neighborhood services without peripheral restrictions and traffic control, whose space syntax was preserved during joint construction. Two garden cities were compared based on the effects of different contextual features on the users' experience regarding the satisfaction level concerning the aesthetic and physicalspatial components. This descriptive-analytical and mixed study was conducted by the random distribution of questionnaires among the residents, and variables were analyzed with SPSS
and hypothesis testing using t-statistics. The results revealed that the perimeter fence and checkered structure of the village ensured the enclosure by creating communities through plant demarcation, and the lack of neighborhood walls and inclusiveness of the passages increased the continuity with the benefit of the corridors of view to the open spaces. The variety of formic houses in Mehrshahr, along with curvilinear design by changing the viewing angle, improved the spatial contrast and the coordination of the volume, façade, use of buildings, visual proportions, and the pedestrian axis satisfied the scale criteria. Personal gardens, natural landscapes, and visual-motor diversity in both collections have created equal aesthetic quality standards. Finally, the main success factors of the perceptual experience were inviting people tired of the boredom of hectic urban life, continuous greenness on the outer wall, enhancing the visual beauty of the neighboring urban texture landscape in the village, and emphasizing the order and geometric schema in Mehrshahr.

Dr Ali Akbar Heidari, Dr Yaghoob Peyvastehgar, Mrs Maryam Kiaee,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2024)

A variety of activities are carried out in a house. This range includes the most private behaviors of members to their collective and social activities. The organization of these activities should be such that while facilitating them in different parts of the house, their incompatible interference is also prevented. This concept, known as functional compatibility, is directly related to the issue of functional efficiency. Based on this, the analysis of this relationship is the basis of the current research. Also, investigating the evolution of these concepts in the course of architectural structural changes that have occurred due to the passage of time is another goal of this research. Based on this, by selecting 18 examples of Qajar period houses in Tabriz city, an attempt has been made to investigate this issue. The reason for choosing Tabriz as the geographical area of ​​the research is its strategic position in the exchange with the Western world, and the reason for choosing the Qajar period as the temporal area of ​​the research was the beginning of modern trends in Iranian architecture in this period. The basic theory in this research is the theory of space syntax, and the tools used for analysis are Depthmap software and Syntax plugin in Grasshopper software. After reviewing the literature, effective indicators on the issue of functional compatibility in houses were extracted and suitable syntactic tools were introduced to analyze each one in the form of a theoretical research framework. Then, by analyzing each sample in the relevant software environment, data related to each index was extracted and analyzed. The results of the research showed that the most important change that occurred in the configuration system of houses in Tabriz during the Qajar period is the transformation of the central courtyard pattern in the early and middle of the Qajar to the Kushki pattern at the end of this period. Also, with the change in the configuration system of houses from an introverted model to an extroverted model at the end of the Qajar period, the issue of functional compatibility has changed in relation to some indicators and has not seen much change in relation to others. This issue can also be mentioned in connection with the functional efficiency of these houses. Based on this, it can be concluded that functional efficiency is a relative concept that depending on different conditions, different criteria affect its promotion or decline.
Based on this, the research questions can be presented as follows:
- How is the issue of functional compatibility in different house patterns in the city of Tabriz during the Qajar period?
- What effects did the changes in the spatial configuration system of different house patterns during the Qajar period in this city have on the functional compatibility of their different spaces?
- What effect did these changes have on the functional efficiency of these houses?
In this article at first the developments in the houses of Tabriz are evaluated, and the factors affecting these changes are also introduced. Then the definition of functional efficiency and related indicators in a residential use is discussed. Finally, in the theoretical framework section of the research, the relationship between the desired indicators of the research in explaining the functional efficiency of the houses and the tools introduced to measure these indicators in the body of the houses are explained according to the characteristics and abilities of each of them.
As mentioned earlier, this article aims to evaluate the link between architectural concepts related to functional compatibility and their impact on the functional efficiency of spaces in a house. Since the nature of both issues is related to the discussion of space arrangement and how to configure different spaces in a house, therefore, the most suitable method for their analysis is to use the technique of space syntax. This technique consists of various tools that can be used to analyze different spatial patterns and relationships between their components. In this technique, various tools are used to analyze the spatial configurations, among which the most important are the two software "Depthmap" and "Synthetic Plugin in the Grasshopper software". Depthmap software is used to analyze visual and physical access in the plans, and Grasshopper software is used to extract explanatory diagrams related to the plans and also to analyze the mathematical relationships between their different spaces. The indicators presented in the theoretical framework of the research after the analysis are presented in the form of quantitative data, and from the qualitative analysis of these data, it is possible to understand their relationship with the issue of functional compatibility and functional efficiency. Therefore, in this research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the data. Also, the collection of information has been done by field, documentary and library methods. The independent variable in this research is functional efficiency, the dependent variable is the spatial layout pattern, and the mediating variable is the issue of functional compatibility in the building.

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