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Sajjad Behzadi , Samaneh Jalilisadrabad,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (winter 2020 2021)

Problem expression: The manifestation of modern thinking in urban life and, consequently, the spread of the culture of individualism and civic indifference in recent years, has faced problems for urban dwellers such as isolationism and reduced social interactions. Therefore, people's need for places for social interactions and psychological needs has become one of the necessities of urban life. Thus, recognizing human beings and how they relate to others as a social being, as well as examining potential camps and capacities for social action in order to achieve this, is very important and is one of the factors that many planners and city managers consider. For this purpose, in recent years, the issue of social interactions has been of great importance due to its impact on factors such as social cohesion and solidarity, responsibility and sense of belonging of residents, supervision and social security. To this end, many efforts have been made to create a suitable environment for the creation or increase of social interactions. In this regard, the focus of the planners has been on spaces such as local parks, social hangouts, neighborhood centers which in most cases have not been able to meet expectations. Meanwhile, mosques have been neglected due to their potential capacity to accept diverse functions and have long played a significant role in social interactions among residents. These inaccuracies have persisted to the point that mosques that have been the center of social interaction and interaction are currently content with only their religious role.
The Objective of research: In this research, an attempt has been made to examine the status of mosques and the effect it has on social interactions between residents.
Research Method: In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the present research approach is case-oriented. For this purpose, The Shahshahan neighborhood of Isfahan has been studied in order to achieve the goals of the research due to a large number of mosques. The present study is observational in terms of nature, descriptive-analytical, and data collection tools in this research. The statistical population of this study was selected according to Cochran's formula of 95 people, and the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to analyze the information.
Findings of the research: In order to evaluate the social interactions of the residents of Shahshahan neighborhood of Isfahan, four indicators of neighborhood members' knowledge, social contacts, social trust, and intimacy, and social relations, which are extracted from the theoretical literature of the research, have been used. According to the information obtained, the amount of social interactions in the Shahshahan neighborhood can be evaluated as average. Also, in order to investigate the role and position of mosques on the level of social interactions in the Shahshahan neighborhood of Isfahan, first, the level of presence of neighborhood members in mosques has been studied. According to the information gathered, about half of the members of the Shahshahan neighborhood have a small presence in mosques. Also, according to the observations made, many mosques in the the Shahshahan neighborhood are inactive, and most of the mosques that are active in the neighborhood have only been content with their religious role. Then, in order to measure the role of mosques on the social interactions of the residents of the neighborhood, criteria were developed for this purpose, and the role of the mosques of the neighborhood on the interactions and interactions between the members of the neighborhood was examined. The results show that mosques have a relatively significant impact on the social interactions of the residents of the Shahshahan neighborhood, and more than half of the statistical samples have stated that mosques are effective in their social interactions with their neighbors and all their neighborhoods. Finally, in order to investigate the role and position of mosques on the level of social interactions of residents of the Shahshahan neighborhood of Isfahan, Spearman correlation coefficient has been used to investigate the intensity and relationship between indicators. The findings show that there is a relatively high correlation between the presence of neighborhood residents in mosques and the impact that mosques have on social interactions between residents. Also, by accordance with different levels of social interactions, mosques can promote social interactions among residents to the highest level due to their ability to accept multiple maps as well as their capacity to accept and attend different sections of society. The results also show that more than half of the population of statistical sample of their social interactions in mosques as much as the conversation with members of the neighborhood and about 25% of the statistical sample expressed their level of social interactions in mosques at the highest level of social interaction (collective action). Have done. This means that the level of social interactions in mosques is at a high level, and these spaces also can strengthen social interactions among the residents of the neighborhood. Therefore, a deep understanding of the functions and functions of this sacred space, as well as a detailed and analytical look at the unique features of mosques and their use in today's cities can be useful in promoting social interactions between residents and increasing environmental quality.
Reza Motahar, Samaneh Jalilisadrabad, Reza Alizadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Neighborhood identity means having a tendency and belonging to the neighborhood community.
Continuation of urban life is the reason for the neighborhood`s importance in the social and psychological development of urban dwellers. Therefore, the neighborhood is the physical crystallization of the community, and its borders are the crystallization of the sanctuaries. The comparison shows that the past neighborhoods had a well-structured structure and strengthened the neighborhood identity, but the new neighborhoods first define the neighborhood`s structure with towers and apartments that have populated the population from all over Iran. The purpose of this study is to identify the criteria affecting the identity of neighborhoods according to current conditions and a comparative comparison between the old and new neighborhoods of Narmak and Hakimiyeh based on these criteria in order to promote Islamic identity.
Findings show that the differences in the criteria of cognition and awareness, sense of belonging, satisfaction, independence, environmental suitability, religion, civilization, territory, and unity in these neighborhoods are significant and real. Due to the implementation of renovation projects in The Hakimiyeh, in terms of affecting the social structure and people's sense of belonging to the region and local identity, it has acted poorly, reducing social capital and people's sense of belonging to the place of residence. The Narmak, despite the changes that have taken place in its physical texture, and has been formed according to a codified urban plan, but the residents of this neighborhood still experience a relatively large sense of spatial identity. The difference between the criteria of readability, social interactions and culture in Hakimiyeh and Narmak neighborhoods with different physical and social characteristics is not signi_cant and real. Therefore, it can be said that the texture renovation project of The Hakimieh has had acceptable results in terms of structure and physics. Finally, was found that due to the significance level (sig) less than 0.05 and the upper and lower limits of these two neighborhoods with a 95% confidence level were found that the average score of neighborhood identity criteria in the old neighborhood of The Narmak more than the new neighborhood and New is Wisdom.

Eng. Sajjad Behzadi, Dr. Samaneh Jalilisadrabad,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (4-2023)

Problem expression: In recent years, following the occurrence of disasters, the concept of resilience has received much attention in many scientific circles. Resilience is a multifaceted concept that seeks to minimize the damage caused by a crisis. Meanwhile, most planners pay more attention to the physical dimension. This is if the uncertainty of the severity and type of risks, the emergence of new crises and man-made, as well as attention to the capacity of communities in the face of disruption and improvement of conditions, has shifted the focus to the social dimension of resilience. The focus on the role of community members in the face of crisis and their ability and capacity to improve the situation is also that individuals and communities can cope with any crisis and change the situation without despair. In the meantime, mosques have long been involved in crises and societal issues and as a jihadi center by using and organizing the capacities of the people, in the face of crises and change and improvement of conditions and general resilience of societies, has played a key role.
The Objective of research: In this study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the status of mosques and the impact it has on the social resilience of residents, and to address the question of "to what extent have mosques been able to be effective on social resilience?"
Research Method: In order to achieve the objectives of the research, Naser Khosrow neighborhood and Negin town, which are adjacent to each other but have serious differences in terms of physical context and social and economic status, have been studied as study examples. The research method is descriptive-analytical and a questionnaire was used to obtain additional data. The statistical population of the study is 375 for Naserkhosrow neighborhood and 374 for Negin town using Cochran's formula. Spearman correlation coefficient has also been used to analyze the data.
Findings of the research: In general, mosques have long been established as the most spiritual and popular organization of the people, which has a high capacity and potential to attract public participation in various fields, in addition to special functions (worship function) and creating a bed for worship, self-cultivation and attainment. Peace of mind provides the basis for the formation of a social base and focus for the presentation of ideas and perspectives, insight, cooperation and collaboration in solving problems and dilemmas. Mosques have always adapted to the current needs of society and have tried to solve them according to the circumstances. This is important in recent years and considering the role and actions of mosques in the face of various crises such as natural disasters, sanctions and economic and political issues, hard and soft wars, biological measures (corona virus) can be seen and understood. Mosques, by utilizing and organizing to the maximum of all available capacities, create a spontaneous flow in order to solve the problems facing the society, which is effective in resuscitating and deterring communities in the face of shocks and crises, as well as preventing and reducing the dangers of such problems. Are. Therefore, in this study, sense of belonging, social participation, knowledge and awareness, personal capacity, trust, experiences, social responsibility and social interactions were considered as effective factors on social resilience and to achieve the objectives of the study. The results showed that mosques had a great impact on all factors including knowledge and awareness. The results also showed that despite the relatively low presence of neighborhood residents in mosques, this has a great impact on the social resilience of residents. In other words, it can be stated that increasing the presence in mosques has a great impact on the social resilience of residents and now that mosques have been satisfied with their worship role and other maps have been neglected, the activation of mosques in different areas and maps can be Increasing attendance increases the resilience of communities directly and indirectly. It is worth mentioning that due to the fact that the attendance rate in mosques has been significantly reduced, but these mosques have the capacity to become an active and relief base in times of crisis and in the event of an accident, play a pivotal role at the neighborhood level. They play. It is also important to note that, in addition to the knowledge and awareness factor that requires education, the strengthening of other components affecting social resilience is often done indirectly. Mosques as a place for continuous gathering of people with different views and social levels, gradually increase social solidarity, increase interactions, sense of belonging and the like. Practicing divine traditions such as Qarzat al-Hasna, helping fellow human beings also gives depth to these factors. Voluntary cooperation in collective activities and actions (ceremonies and occasions) that can lead to the formation of shared social memories and experiences also plays an important role in the factors affecting social resilience.

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