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Showing 3 results for Omrani

Shamsollah Fattahi, Ali Omrani Pour,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (6-2014)

This paper attempts to identify the thoughts and the infrastructure of the thinking of architects of Islamic-Iranian mosques to study the role of Qebla in the architecture of mosques in city of Ilam. Aim of the research is discovering the hidden aspects of Qebla and the importance of traditional architecture in attention to "the qebla direction" in design of Islamic-Iranian mosques. So it is a lesson for contemporary architects of Ilam to correct the current process in design and not to forget the attention to Qebla in the architecture of mosques. Hypothesis of this research is the difference between the contemporary and traditional mosques in Qebla. This is a historic research. In this research, 21 mosques of this city are studied and analyzed in positioning, geometry, the arrangement of interior spaces and the direction of entrance to Qebla. Analysis of the history of traditional mosques and recognition of Qebla in successful examples of these mosques is an introduction to analyze the theoretic differences of Ilam architects. The study shows not enough attention to Qebla in the design of Ilam mosques. So the sanctity, spirituality and basic identity of these mosques are missed.
Amin Moradi , Behruz Omrani, Rasool Musavi Haji,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Summer 2019)

Around the controversial subject of Seljuq architecture in Iran, the dominion of such a style in Islamic architecture, not only following the stereotype of "Razi Style"; which was proposed by Prinya, but also includes various irrelevant architectural axis. Further, considering various schools in Islamic architecture like Khurasani, Razi, Azari, and Isfahani, does not match the existence architectural specimens. Although in his book titled “The Architecture of Islamic Iran: The Seljuk Period”, G. Hatam, tried to develop a new attitude towards Seljuk architecture in Iran, his conclusion was a reflection of previous studies in another language, focusing on describing plans and decorations; while, the architectural revolutions of structural developments were not considered. On the other hand, Hillenbrand’s classification of tower tombs and dome chamber do not suffice to clarify tangible boundaries between different regions of Iran. By analyzing architectural revolutions of Iran after Arab invaders, it can be concluded that the political stability was one of the main factors of Seljuq dominion in which for the first time after Sassanid extinction, art and architecture had reached to considerable success. Although Seljuq architecture in Iran has been assumed as a follower of Sassanid architecture style, but the formation of Seljuq dynasty in Northeast Iran territories, the gradual transition of monarchy to west and the selection of Isfahan, as the last powerful capital of Iran during 5th and 6th centuries caused distinguish architectural movements in various parts of Iran which clarifying distinctive feature of that has always been underestimated. According to the historical context, Seljuks were the first dynasty which had expanded their boundaries through Minor Asia and Anatolia for the first time. Hence, by the first half of 11th century, an unprecedented wave of Turkic groups turned to the Northwestern Iran near the Byzantine borders. In other words, the domination of Byzantine world and conquering Anatolians were not possible without having this point of Iran. It's not exaggeration if we consider here (Azerbaijan) as the collection of tombs; since, here is the frontier of Sunnis Muslim to meet the non-Muslim region Anatolia, where conflicts were in its peak. Hence, Azerbaijan was the garrison of Muslims and the presence of memorial buildings was for commemorating the ones killed in “Jihad” (The Holy War) to motivate the others to get involved in the war. So, a building as a mausoleum must be the best reflection of this desire. In this way, the distribution of tombs is considerably prominent from Northeast to the Northwest of Iran. If we titled the Northeast-Northwest axis as the axis of “Military Affairs” of Seljuk court with its powerful architecture focused on the tombs, central Iran would be the “political-religious” axis of Seljuk. Undoubtedly, the high security level of central Iran and the position of populated political cities like Isfahan, the construction of mosques, especially dome chamber shaped the framework of religious architecture there. According to the results, authors have proposed two distinguishable axes for the structure of the domes during Seljuk era. One starts from the most northeastern point of Iran and ends to the most northwestern point of Iran. Emphasizing on double layer domes with conical and pyramid shape and pointed domes in the structures like Lajim Tower, Resget Tower, Chehel Dokhtaran Tower, Radkan Tower in northeastern Iran and Mumina Khatun, Yusif-ibn-Gosair and Gonbad-e-Surkh in northwestern Iran. the outer layer of the latter has reached its maximum height to preserve the structure against its pulverous climate, guarantying the stability of the structure by channeling the forces in a more vertical angle. This axis is in connection with the other one where it starts from Kharragan’s towers and continues its direction to the central Iran in the structures. The character of this axis mainly includes double shield pointed domes whose interval is not considerable compared with the northeast-northwest axis. one important fact about northwestern Iran′s Seljuk structure is the technique of strengthening the join point where two walls meet. Taking the advantages of circular buttresses where tension could damage the whole structure gives one important character to these buildings i.e. the possibility of higher structures by decreasing the width of the wall.    
Considering climatic variations, technical characteristics of different areas as well as the architectural necessities depended on social-political conditions, two different axis including Northeast-Northwest axis with the centrality of Tomb and the central axis which is the “political-religious” axis of Seljuk's emphasizing on dome chamber, would deform the stereotype of "Razi Architectural style" in Iran. From this point of view, spotlighting the architectural technology of Tombs and dome chamber during Seljuk period in Iran would reviews the unity of Seljuk architecture and shed new lights towards Iranian architecture.
Since there has been no critical review about what is known as "The Iranian Stylistics of Architecture" which is proposed half a century before by Pirniya, this project would be the pioneer in this filed.
- Mahsa Mirsalami, - Ali Omranipour, - Sara Shareati,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2023)

As a behavioral center, the mosque establishes a deep bond with its audience. This connection has been an inseparable part of the functioning of the mosque during many centuries from the creation of mosques until today. Several factors play a role in the behavioral and perceptual experiences of the audience in man-made spaces, including mosques, among these factors; Changes in form, variety of species and body in the structure of mosques are involved in the behavioral and spatial experiences of the audience. In the last decade, we can witness an increase in the formation of neighborhood mosques in the city of Qazvin, and most of these mosques lack vitality, dynamism, and the desired level of attendance of the audience and have simply turned into prayer rooms, this causes the inability to create a link between the space and the audience. The purpose of this research was to investigate the type of relationship between the shape-physical structure of mosques and its effect on the perception of the audience; As the type of geometry, proportions, accesses at the same level, classes and spatial hierarchies, create different perceptual and behavioral experiences for users. On the other hand, the diversity and adaptability of activities and perceptual interfaces affected by the body of mosques on the attendance rate of the audience in the mosque have been examined. The research method in this research is the use of two quantitative and qualitative methods in data collection: the data has been collected through activity reports, questionnaires and informal interviews, which is a comprehensive picture of case samples with characteristics related to quality and spatial configuration. The spaces of the investigated mosques provide the type of perception of the audience and the types of performance. According to the mentioned cases, it is possible to match the syntactic indicators of depth with the physical factors of architecture and use depth indicators to measure the control of arenas and the level of permeability in the mosque environment. Also, by referring to the metric depth in the drawings of the space and the data obtained from the space of the selected samples, it can be examined. In the analysis, the indicators of the depth of the space and the number of thresholds and the location of the middle spaces in the diagram and the percentage of their occupied area in relation to the whole building are used. Since the method of space syntax deals with physical factors in a form and only on one level (the possibility of analyzing the difference of levels is not possible with the method of space syntax), this causes the continuation of the research in order to investigate some physical factors and the relationship between perceptual and behavioral components. Correlation method and formulating a questionnaire should be used on the attendance rate. According to the previous explanations, 240 questionnaires were distributed among the audience of selected mosques, of which 217 questionnaires were completed by the users according to the sample size. Therefore, in mosques with a central courtyard structure, one can observe the variety and adaptability of desirable activities of users in the mosque environment. Limitations in the proportions and spatial distribution of contemporary mosques due to their class nature have caused the interference of arenas and the lack of variety of activity events and behavioral sequences in such mosques, the behavioral currents in the field of essential, optional and social activities have been separated into classes. He says that this leads to the lack of diversity and adaptability of activities in the environment of class mosques and the attendance rate in them decreases compared to the mosques in the central courtyard; The findings of the research indicate that the classification and physical components of architecture such as distribution and interconnection, depth, spatial connection, arrangement and communication of internal accesses on diversity, activity adaptability and also the type of perception of the audience according to the perceptual mediators (needs and preferences) with the duration of the stop and The attendance rate of mosque users creates a strong and direct connection.

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