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Showing 3 results for shahcheraghi

Ph.d. Candidate Mahsa Javadi Nodeh, Dr Azadeh Shahcheraghi, Dr Alireza Andalib,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Appropriate structural and physical design has been one of the climatic strategies of traditional houses in interacting with nature. Over many years, these houses have tested various types of designs and have now reached a stable structure and have obtained some reproducible principles. This way, not only have they affected the health of the users directly and positively, but also, they have prevented energy wastage, rectified the unhealthy conditions in internal spaces, reduced environmental crises, etc. These principles, however, have been disregarded in the structural aspects of spaces in the modern architecture. Bearing this in mind, the present study aimed to recognize the geometric and proportional patters as well as the standards being employed in the structures of central courtyard, winter halls, and the seasonal rooms designed based on the cold climate. The connections between various spaces were also investigated based on their structural features so that by comparing climatic criteria, we can get to a sustainable designing pattern based on the structural patterns. We can also recognize the most common nature-friendly spatial ratios in this region and make use of them to meet the needs of the modern era. In the current study, 12 traditional houses belonging to Qajar era were investigated. In so doing, the needed information was collected from the spaces affected by the cold climate via field observations and the obtained data were classified. Then using computational methods, logical reasoning, and qualitative as well as quantitative analyses, a series of geometric proportions and spatial relations were detected. The results of the analyses regarding the most common ratios, dimensions, and areas were indicative of the high compatibility of spatial patterns with the cold climate. More specifically, some spaces that are used for similar purposes in special seasons of the year have similar proportions and shapes. The differentiation between the spaces has only been limited to winter and summer. The details of the structures designed for winter have been attended to relatively more. Therefore, the structural patterns employed in the past can be used for designing buildings in the modern era. By doing so, we will be able to reduce most of the energy wastage.
Mohammad Habibzadeh Omran, Alireza Einifar, Azadeh Shahcheraghi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Satisfaction with housing and residential environment is one of the aspects of life satisfaction. The relationship between solitude in personal spaces and collective interaction in the spatial organization of an apartment residential unit is one of the determining factors of the components affecting residents' satisfaction. Providing privacy for family members in the physical space of the residential unit is a foundation and a prerequisite for maintaining privacy and regulating internal relations and communication with the outside of the residential unit. The research question is, what is the relationship between spaces in the types of spatial organization of apartment residential units? What is the effect of the relationship between personal and collective spaces and inter-spaces of the residential unit on the level of satisfaction of the residents? And how can this satisfaction be improved with design solutions? The main goal of the research is to raise awareness for better design of apartment residential units. Other goals of the research can be to better understand the human relationship between the elements of the spatial organization of the residential unit, how to create a platform for individual privacy and collective communication between family members and guests, creating auditory and visual privacy in the interior of the residential unit and overlooking the neighboring units. The above research has benefited from residents to collect data and complete the questionnaire. The case study is limited to the common apartment housing of Amel city (row sets with medium height in three to six floors with spaces such as entrance, connecting stairs, open space and other common structural and facility elements). In these buildings, based on the study of the thesis documents registered in the central municipality of Amel, four types of residential units have been identified, whose spatial organization is the most frequent. The findings of the research show that the residents of apartment residential units have expressed relative dissatisfaction with the lack of necessary provisions in observing the transmission of sight and sound between the internal spaces, observing the necessary distance between the collective and personal spaces, the view from the entrance part of the unit and the openings of the facade to the internal spaces. The result of the research is to propose solutions for entrance design, geometry and plan fit, controlling sound transmission between the spaces of the residential unit, controlling the view from outside the unit and creating a useful space for pause and movement in the spaces between the two main parts of the unit. The research results can be generalized to similar cultures and cities in the north of the country. The table of research design solutions can be adjusted according to the cultural-climatic conditions of other regions of the country in order to develop design guides that are suitable for local cultures and special environments.

Jana Arabzadeh, Hasan Bolkhari Ghehi, Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani, Iraj Etesam, Azadeh Shahcheraghi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Problem statement: Nature is Human’s first existence and home. Essence and accident are the aspects of Mollasadra Trans-substantial Motion theory, which defines the rhythm of motion, from form to meaning to substance utility and welfare. Seems that the mentioned subject is in contradiction with today scientific world rather that their goal is the same. Biophilic design tries to create a living condition with nature in human living environment. A realization of Alive Architecture according to Mollasadra Trans-substantial theory creates possibility to increase quality of life.
Question and research objective: the Aim of this research is to achieve the Alive Architecture purpose to increase quality of life and notify spirituality in Architecture to calm soul. To reach the mentioned aim, the research defines an appropriate answer to the relation of Mollasadra Tran-substantial Motion theory with Biophilic Architecture.
Research Methodology: The research was based on a Qualitative method (Grounded theory) with data analysis strategy, systematic coding of Strauss and Corbin with the help of MaxQDA software. The nature of the data in this research is Textual, semantic and unstructured derived from deep interviews, which have been analyzed with inductive logic by interpretive analysis.
Conclusion: The research findings prove that, essence transformation is in each being of existence, and Biophilic Architecture reminds Aliveness of existence by essence transformation through considering alive elements. The purposes such as: Perfection, Progressive, Reunion, soul and body, Timeless concept, are in Human and existence elements. The possibility of having essence transformation in a meaningful Architecture via considering more aimed purposes in terms of, communication, new thinking and Seeking reality, would have result in Beauty creation and Living Architecture.

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