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Mr. Seyed Majid Fareghian Ghomi, Dr. Fereshteh Ahmadi, Dr. Mostafa Behzadfar, Dr. Shirin Toghyani,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (4-2023)

Traditionalism as an approach in contemporary philosophy has a highly critical stance towards modernity. The opinions and critical views of traditionalists towards modernity in various fields, including the philosophy of art, have caused their views to be taken into account in the urbanism and architecture. Although almost none of the famous traditionalist theorists were architects or urban planners, their serious criticisms of modernity, has helped to shape the concepts such as the desanctification of the city space and the "secularization" of space and time. Also, Burkhart and Seyed Hossein Nasr works on Islamic art and the pathology of Islamic civilization have been created seriously prominent and influential in urbanism and Islamic architecture, especially in Iran.
At the same time, the opinions of traditionalists have faced serious criticism. This article tries to make an assessment of the achievements and shortcomings of this school, especially in the field of Islamic Iranian urbanism, by examining the traditionalist viewpoints and the criticisms leveled at theme and analysis of the effectiveness and capability of traditionalist viewpoints in the process of realizing the Islamic-Iranian city. This article reviews traditionalism according to its terminological definition. The above-mentioned traditionalists have suffered extremes and excesses. In this article, it is tried to introduce other approaches of fundamentalist traditionalists who have expressed the comprehensive and deeper relation between Islam and the creation of artworks, architecture and urbanism. It is also necessary to introduce these approaches for further and complementary of this research.
 This research came to the conclusion that a large part of the achievements of traditionalism in contrast with modernity is in the position of criticism of modernity, using the method of library documents in the information gathering stage and the method of logical reasoning in the analysis and inference stage. In such a way that the pathology of the adverse consequences of modernity in urbanism and architecture has been able to inspire and motivate many thinkers, experts, professors and decision-makers; However, in practice and in terms of realization and achieving the Islamic city, it has not been very successful. In this text, an attempt was made by exploring and examining this issue to reach an approach for the realization of the Islamic city.

Seyyed Majid Hashemi Toghroljerdi, Salman Noghreh Kar, Fatemeh Kowsar,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Through acknowledging the inclination of the world to transform around the existential axis of the Imams of Athar (a.s.) as the embodiment of God and models of flawless humanity, the ideal architectural markers of sacred shrines should be understood. Believers seek God's face in the Haram, which is a location of heavenly grace. In sacred shrines, signs and symbols of revelation are significant because Ashura is a portal of light leading to the interior of the Qiblah and a sign ensuring that the path is clear. Islamic art and architecture are visible representations of God's word, with spiritual-ritual inscriptions being the most common symbols that, by making truths manifest, provide a bridge between the material and the meaningful worlds. This article addresses the question of what conceptual-form model has been used to express the original religious concepts in the epic-religious architecture of this sacred path, with reference to religious-spiritual inscriptions as a permanent medium from the door of the Qibla to the dome of the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (AS). And the sacred shrine's dome, which represents Ahrar's quest for justice and serves as a point of connection between the earth and the sky, Using the analytical-interpretive method to take field observations and take pictures, it is determined that the sacred inscriptions of the Holy Shrine are set as a symbolic medium corresponding to the uprising of Imam Hussein (a.s.) in order to understand the text of the inscriptions in the dome and to know the type of writing and artistic format. The employment of Surah verses "Saf," "Yasin," and "Fajr" in the direction of the Qiblah to the inside of the dome has been more noticeable, despite the word of majesty "Allah," which is located in the center of some inscriptions. Surah "Fajr" in particular, which is a Surah about the holy existence of Imam Hussein (AS), has been recorded in the inscription of a scroll attached to the dome's land (the height of the leg and land is approximately 5 meters, and it is approximately 14 meters to the top and with a circular geometry system). The inscriptions also make the visit to Ashura and the holy place more evident. In 1373 AH, the renowned Qajar scribe Mohammad Hossein Shahid of Mashhad created a kind of calligraphy known as Tholut calligraphy. During this time, he was also successful in writing inscriptions for the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (a.s.). During the building phase, there was also discussion over the idea of four tranji inscriptions on the dome's leg, which would thank the Lord for the success of decorating and gilding the dome. Finally, taking into account the current plan to promote the holy dome of Imam Hussein (a.s.), this article suggests adding a mention of the unity and brotherhood between the two nations of Iran and Iraq in the inscriptions on the dome's leg, as well as repeating Surah Fajr in the leg's scroll inscription.

Mr Qasem Gedaali, Dr Mohsen Afshari,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)

The present study is in order to investigate the temperament of home spaces based on the presence of four elements. The four elements, in addition to the direct effects on how to choose effective climatic solutions in architecture, have affected the temperament of the living spaces of the residents.The temperament of the space has led to the formation of unique features in each architectural work, including the architecture of houses in the historical context of Bushehr. In this research, by selecting the houses and mansions of Bushehr historical context as a statistical population, the temperament characteristics of its spaces in terms of how the four elements of the environment are affected have been discussed and analyzed. This is important with the aim of finding factors in the architecture of traditional houses and mansions of Bushehr due to the effects of the environment on its temperament by recognizing the temperament characteristics of each space by studying the presence of four characteristics of the environment as representative of the four main temperaments, ie four elements; water (humidity and sultry), wind (air flow), soil (structure and connection with the earth) and fire (sun) are performed on the spaces of the house, each of which represents the main temperaments. Therefore, this study seeks to analyze the temperament of home spaces based on the presence of four elements. And what are the temperament characteristics of the spaces in the historical houses of Bushehr? Research method In this research, it is a descriptive, descriptive-analytical method and content analysis of resources to identify sources and basics; data analysis has been done to analyze the houses of Bushehr historical context in two methods of sampling (deductive) and detailed analysis in order to reach a general (inferential) result. In accordance with the field findings and case studies, the spaces in the houses of the historical context of Bushehr include; yard, mahtabi, roof and staircase, porch and entrance hall, Shanshir, Tarmeh, corridors and escalators, rooms (in the types of five-door, four-door and three-door with one side opening, five-door, four-door and three-door with two-sided opening, five-door, four-door and three-door With three and four sides of the opening), reception (guest house), chamber (dining room), closet (chest of drawers), kitchen (kitchen), basin and toilets, the temperament characteristics of the spaces were examined. According to the findings, the results of the study of home space in the historical context of Bushehr are as follows: The temperament of the main living spaces and related spaces is balanced, warm, hot and dry (Rooms three, four and fifty and Shanashir); sub-residential spaces are cold-tempered (Closet, safe and rooms without opening); the temperament of open living spaces is warm and humid (Moonlight, Tarmeh and Bam); The temperament of communication spaces is balanced (Entrance halls, corridors, stairs and stairs); and service spaces are cold-tempered. (Kitchen, basin, water storage and services). Each of the elements and organs of the houses of Bushehr's historical context has its own temperament. Just as man has the most balanced temperament among creatures, and each organ has its own temperament, The elements of these houses are also built next to each other in order to create a balance of temperament. It is also more balanced than the environment and is effective with the lack of intensification of temperament characteristics of people living in houses of historical texture due to the temperament of space. The results of the analysis of the relationship between the temperament of the environment and the spaces of houses in the historical context of Bushehr show that The spaces that are the place of party, living and family residence are warm-tempered, lively spaces that are in line with the behavior of the often warm-tempered residents. Also, the dryness of the temperament of these spaces is in contrast to the more temperament of the environment and the inhabitants, which balances the humidity of the temperament of the environment and the people living in it, in order to prevent boredom and numbness in the space. The pauses between spaces and the entrances from the open space to the closed space are balanced. The central courtyard, entrance porch, corridors and stairs are among these spaces and the reason is the presence of four elements in the best possible way in these spaces, which have formed the moderate temperament of the space. Service spaces, ie safes, closets, kitchens and basins, due to the absence of the sun, are often cold-tempered, and activity in these spaces, which in turn causes the body to warm up and it acts to regulate the body's mood and helps people's health. The most important result of this study is to investigate the existence of diversity in the temperament of home spaces in the historical context of Bushehr, so that each of the spaces is appropriate and appropriate to how the residents live and work in it and people can be based on physical needs, and life in the spaces of Bushehr's home.

Masoud Fallah, Abdul Hamid Noghrekar, Bahram Saleh Sadeghpour,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Based on the principle of unity of existence and its levels, all creatures have descended from the divine essence through stages. During these stages, all creatures become to exist by passing a journey from the world of meaning to the world of form. This journey causes each creatures to make an extent of benefit from the truth of meaning (on the base of Attribute of Qadr). This extent of epiphany of truth of meaning in artifact should liberate man from formal veils and guide him to the pure source of meaning. In this regard, man should prepare the context for this task by recognizing the truth of the meaning and the process of its descent. Therefore, this research tries to first: understand the structure of human processes (Salaam theory), and then, examine the possibility of synchronizing it with the process of descent of meaning. this may help to further manifestation of this spiritual source. For this reason, at first it is tried to explain the theoretical framework of the research with an interpretative-analytical approach. This framework is the process of the descent of meaning through divine action in the creatures. Then by explaining the theory of “Salaam” and using the method of logical reasoning, an effort is made to adapt this theory with the process of Devine action. Then, during the examination of this adaptation in an especial case, it will concluded that:  in order to manifest the truth of meaning in human artifacts, there should be a certain amount of interaction between" Asma al-fe’l" based on four Types of relations: marriage, confrontation, difference and cooperation. this amount should be recognized by professional ijtihad and used in the creation of artifacts.

Dr. Mohammad Taghi Pirbabaei, Dr. Leila Medghalchi, Mr. Ahmad Mirahmadi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Geometry is one of the important characteristics of architectural space, human is connected with architectural space and affects its creation. The field of architecture expresses a cultural category in which geometry is the tool for shaping space. The formation of architectural space is influenced by culture. The geometry of space is in a cultural framework and in the interaction between different dimensions and levels of space.
The method of this research is descriptive-analytical. The general strategy of the research is retroduction and the purpose of the research is the cultural explanation of the geometry of space in architecture. This strategy is dedicated to the process of building hypothetical models that reveal real structures and mechanisms and is characteristic of the realism approach.
With the approach of critical realism, in which it is possible to explain the phenomena in a general format and they can be investigated in a layered and comprehensive manner, the geometry of space based on culture is explained in architecture. In this approach, the reality of the phenomena can be examined in three levels: Empirical, Actual and Real. The real layer is at the last layer and is the causes and mechanisms of production of visible and invisible events that imply cultural affairs. Cultural geometry is not an absolutely real phenomenon or a completely represented relative one. In the analysis of the geometry of the space according to critical realism, three levels of geometry in the architectural space were identified: first; Formal-Physical that can be observed and measured based on logical and mathematical principles and rules, second; Perceptual-Behavioral that actually exists in the architectural space and causes environmental capabilities, but is not necessarily visible in an outward and explicit way, third; Constructional-Conceptual that deals with the mechanisms of the formation of architectural space by relying on anthropological, sociological issues and a more comprehensive expression of cultural issues. These levels have different characteristics and although they can be examined independently, they are connected and influence each other in the architectural space.
Human creates architectural spaces based on social needs and necessities. In the creation of architectural space, geometry is validated and built, and as a result, geometry changes from a mental position to an objective position by receiving certain mechanisms and mechanisms, and the cultural geometry of the space is formed. At the constructional-conceptual level, space includes spatial meaning, spatial interpretation and perception, and under the influence of effective layers at this level, which are made of cultural factors, environmental factors, and economic factors, it creates events and capabilities in the architectural space, which in Communication with humans can be analyzed at the perceptual-behavioral level. The architectural space is produced on a formal-physical level and can be observed and examined using the senses and experience. The cultural geometry of space, due to its creditable and constructed nature, is updated with changes and developments in temporal- local conditions and the creation of new needs, which can be achieved by identifying concepts and receiving them, to reach newer and more original layers of reality. This complex and continuous system is changing and multiplying in all aspects of human life. With human actions in the architectural space, new needs and developments arise in which cultural and social relations are produced and reproduced, and finally, the cultural geometry of the space is associated with change and updating.

Alireza Malekkavkani, Farhang Mozaffar, Mohsen Vafamehr,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)

 Mosque is the most significant body in Muslim architecture, and geometry and ornamentals are  through the most important elements of the mosque architecture. In addition to the geometric role and beauty of mosque configuration, considering the mundain and spiritual aspects of mosques, it also conveys the meanings of Allah's beauty and gelorious names and attributes in the form of a physical configuration. This type of attitude towards geometry and ornamental decorations is recognized as semantic and virtue-oriented architecture. therefore, the main issue is the relationship between the geometry and ornamental decoration of the mosques with the  quality improvement of the space of the nave of mosques.  This relationship creates the necessity and importance of the geometry and ornamental decorations in architectural design of mosques  at which the sprituality aspects must be considred in addition to the appearnce and mundain configuration. In this research, various methods such as document research libraray, Delphi, and  case studies were utilized as well as the interview tools, questionnaires, surveys, and statistical analysis software. In order to collect the research-required information, some surveys interviews and questionnaires were  conducted and distributed among the related experts within six historical and contemporary eminent mosques, and the data were analyzed using statistical softwares. Conclusively, in addition to improving the quality of the physical configuration, the results indicate that paying attention to geometry and ornamental decorations of mosques causes the increase in spritual manifestation of meaning and beauty in mosques.

Mohammad Habibzadeh Omran, Alireza Einifar, Azadeh Shahcheraghi,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2023)

Satisfaction with housing and residential environment is one of the aspects of life satisfaction. The relationship between solitude in personal spaces and collective interaction in the spatial organization of an apartment residential unit is one of the determining factors of the components affecting residents' satisfaction. Providing privacy for family members in the physical space of the residential unit is a foundation and a prerequisite for maintaining privacy and regulating internal relations and communication with the outside of the residential unit. The research question is, what is the relationship between spaces in the types of spatial organization of apartment residential units? What is the effect of the relationship between personal and collective spaces and inter-spaces of the residential unit on the level of satisfaction of the residents? And how can this satisfaction be improved with design solutions? The main goal of the research is to raise awareness for better design of apartment residential units. Other goals of the research can be to better understand the human relationship between the elements of the spatial organization of the residential unit, how to create a platform for individual privacy and collective communication between family members and guests, creating auditory and visual privacy in the interior of the residential unit and overlooking the neighboring units. The above research has benefited from residents to collect data and complete the questionnaire. The case study is limited to the common apartment housing of Amel city (row sets with medium height in three to six floors with spaces such as entrance, connecting stairs, open space and other common structural and facility elements). In these buildings, based on the study of the thesis documents registered in the central municipality of Amel, four types of residential units have been identified, whose spatial organization is the most frequent. The findings of the research show that the residents of apartment residential units have expressed relative dissatisfaction with the lack of necessary provisions in observing the transmission of sight and sound between the internal spaces, observing the necessary distance between the collective and personal spaces, the view from the entrance part of the unit and the openings of the facade to the internal spaces. The result of the research is to propose solutions for entrance design, geometry and plan fit, controlling sound transmission between the spaces of the residential unit, controlling the view from outside the unit and creating a useful space for pause and movement in the spaces between the two main parts of the unit. The research results can be generalized to similar cultures and cities in the north of the country. The table of research design solutions can be adjusted according to the cultural-climatic conditions of other regions of the country in order to develop design guides that are suitable for local cultures and special environments.

Mahboobeh Sadat Mirshamsi, Professor Mohsen Vafamehr, Dr Heidar Jahan Bakhsh, Dr Zahra Barzegar,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

In the noble verses of the Quran and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Imams, multiple references have been made to places of worship, education, and residence. On the other hand, religious texts have extensively discussed light and its concepts. Architecture has long been a manifestation of sublime human emotions and a platform for the realization of human excellence. It creates a perceptible space that leads individuals to contemplation. Therefore, this article focuses on the assessment of daylight in the combined pattern of mosque-school-residential buildings, in one of its exceptional case studies, the Mansouriye Traditional Seminary in Shiraz. Daylight was evaluated based on indicators of illuminance, daylight factor, and light penetration depth on the first day of 22 December from 8 AM to 5 PM. The data for each component was collected in the selected southeast direction of worship, educational, and residential spaces using measurement methods (lux meter device), numerical calculations (Olgy formula), and geometric calculations. The data was then analyzed using two quantitative comparative methods with the standard of LED and the Iranian Lighting Design Association, and a qualitative analysis method. The results indicate satisfactory utilization of daylight in the studied space within the functional time frame of Islamic-Iranian architecture. The illuminance intensity in the mosque does not meet the standard. However, this indicator ranges from 200 to 500 lux in the school and from 150 to 500 lux in the room, aligning with the specified standards. The daylight factor in the place of worship does not have the standard, while it ranges from 2 to 5 percent in the school and in the room until 11 AM remain within the standard.

Narges Loghmani, Nima Valibeig, Hamed Mazaherian,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

The construction of schools has a long history in Iran. But with the evolution of Islamic civilization and the development of literature and other sciences, it was not possible to be content with the circles of mosques where scattered debates took place. Therefore, the establishment of certain centers for this purpose seemed necessary. An institution in which higher education and traditional Islamic sciences such as hadith, commentary, jurisprudence and the like are established. Among the Islamic nations, the first people to feel this need were the Iranians, who for some time built simple, uninhabited schools, libraries, and the like, and then fully equipped schools such as the military. The city of Isfahan is one of the centers of Iranian architecture, which is known as Dar-ul-Alam Shargh, and the construction of religious schools next to its mosques began during the Al-Buwayh and Al-Ziyar periods. But over time, some of them have been lost or their faces have changed and no written information about the condition of their spaces is available. Previous studies on schools can be divided into several areas. Part of it is physical and functional analysis, other categories are typology and in the last part, studies have a historical aspect. According to studies, less research can be observed in the field of historical schools that has divided the functional structure of school spaces. Therefore, in this article, for the first time, by analyzing the functional characteristics, the historical schools of Isfahan have been analyzed. Leading research seeks to answer these questions: What are the most significant criteria in the plan of historical schools in Isfahan, which are included in the functional structure of their plan? And how can these criteria be examined in the micro-spaces of these schools? By answering these questions, one can recognize a part of the architectural identity of historical schools in Isfahan and reveal many meaningful repetitive principles and concepts in these uses. This research is fundamental in terms of what is qualitative and based on purpose. It also studies the samples with an analytical-descriptive approach. The present study is non-experimental in terms of data collection and retrospective in terms of time element. To achieve the objectives of this research, data collection has been obtained through library studies and field methods (plan capture, etc.). The tools used include manual meters and laser meters, as well as video documentation tools including photography. The statistical population of this study includes more mosque-schools (Rahim Khan, Sayyid, Rokna Al-Molk and Hakim) and some mosques such as Abbasi Mosque and Jame Mosque, which have Sulaimaniyah, Nasiri and Mozaffariyeh schools next to them, respectively. Of 23 pieces. Now, in order to provide a suitable measurement for the analysis, the seven mentioned samples have been removed from the statistical population. The samples are purposefully selected and correspond to the eighth to fourteenth centuries AH and their number is 16. The samples in this study are analyzed based on the five criteria mentioned and based on each criterion, different plan structures are presented in the form of tables. Data collection is based on authors' library and field studies. During this research, the criteria of the structural index of the plan of historical schools in Isfahan have been determined. These five index criteria that identify the commonalities and differences in the samples include, spatial diversity (outdoor, semi-open and closed), uses in schools and functions of different parts of the building (educational, Residential, prayer, cultural), building circulation (entrance device circulation, access to cells, access to prayer space in schools with prayer space and domes and movement circulation in the corners of the central courtyard), location and form of the device Stairs include, joining and enclosing the building and finally the type of space system (central-axial). These five criteria have created a different functional and spatial structure in the school plans of this city. These five criteria can be examined in different sections in such a way that in the analysis of spatial diversity, most of the samples have various open and semi-open spaces (in terms of multiplicity) that are formed with the center of the central courtyard. Also, the study of the place of prayer space in schools has placed them in three general categories. On the other hand, he pointed out that in schools attributed to the Safavid period onwards, the use of prayer has a special space, which before this use was shared with other uses in school spaces. Analyzes of the circulation criterion revealed that differences could be observed in different areas and sections of schools. On the other hand, access to the upper floors in the samples is done only with a stair device enclosed in the building. The stairwell is usually located next to the porches. This research can also provide an approach for other researchers to study buildings with similar uses, such as caravanserais.

Shima Eslampour, Saiid Mirriahi, Susan Habib,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

In recent decades, following changes in various social, cultural, economic and political fields, various types of housing have been formed. In this regard, social housing is one of the forms of responding to housing needs. Social housing is a housing that prevents the formation of social harms and creates social cohesion in the society with the possibility of mixing. Due to the fact that in Iran, the design of this type of housing proceeds with a comprehensive view, it seems necessary to realize housing with a semantic approach, due to the increasing expansion of low-quality settlements in cities, so that in such settlements it can be designed spaces according to human needs. The purpose of this article is to return to the concept of residence and explain its hidden dimensions in social housing with a semantic approach and in order to achieve design policies in order to improve the quality of this type of housing. This article is done with a qualitative approach and qualitative content analysis method in the field of architecture. Data have been collected using the consensus of three methods (library studies, observation and interview). Next, the obtained data were analyzed in the MAXQDA20 software environment, then using coding, the data were converted into concepts, categories, and then into aspects. According to the studies, four aspects including physical-structural, social-cultural, perceptual-aesthetic and environmental are the hidden aspects of living in social housing, each of which refers to a meaning of human needs. In this way, when a person can settle in a place in the real sense, that place is beyond the attention to the quantitative aspect, a representation of the attention to the aspects of his existence, which is the physical-spiritual, social, spiritual and psychological aspect, to all aspects. to meet his various needs

Eng Yahya Jamali, Doctor Minou Ghareh Baglou, Mr Mohammad Jamali,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

The environment around people can affect the formation of their behavior. If the environment does not play the desired role, a part of the chain of moral guidance of the individual and consequently the society will be disturbed. The question of this research is about what are the physical characteristics of the environment that supports ethical behavior. The purpose of the research is to provide physical examples for the environment that can provide a suitable platform for moral actions from the perspective of Islamic thought. This research has been done with qualitative approach and analytical descriptive method and using library resources. In order to answer the research question, the nature of behavior and types of ethical behavior were investigated first. Then the influencing factors on behavior were studied, one of which was the surrounding environment. After that, theories related to how the environment affects behavior were discussed. By examining the environment at three perceptual, behavioral, and physical levels, some of the moral orders found in religious sources at two perceptual and behavioral levels, under the title of religious anthropology and religious sociology, were identified and the factors causing disruption in these orders were identified. Finally, relying on the enabling nature of the environment and the theory of The Holistic Sacredness of Space, physical examples related to each of the perceptual and behavioral parts of the environment were presented in public spaces. With the realization of the physical characteristics presented regarding each of the levels of the environment, we can hope that the environment will become a platform for moral affairs.

Mozhgan Rezaei, Azita Balalioskuei, Mohammad Ali Keynejad,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

Water has a vital role in human life, as the source and symbol of life, particularly in the Islamic community. Poor management of water resources in recent decades has posed a serious threat to the physical aspect of life in Islamic countries, which are predominantly located in dry regions. Moreover, the weakness of functional and symbolic position of water in Islamic-Iranian architecture has been the consequence of this situation. Water have a tangible and essential role not only in the physical aspect of human life (external world), it is also closely connected with the spiritual aspect of life (inner world), assisting individuals in stages of felicity (sa'adah) and perfection (kamal) according to transcendent theosophy. With its richness linked with spiritual, sacred, and mystical manifestations, Islamic architecture represents water both in its external world (zahir) and inner world (batin). In terms of the former,issue water unites with the real space for the purposes of balancing and regulating the climate conditions; in terms of the latter, issue it merges with the sacred atmosphere of the architecture. Therefore, water is one of the most valuable, universal, and structural elements of Islamic architecture. In Mulla Sadra’s view, water can be considered as one of the symbolic cores of perfecting motion of life with regard to his doctrine of substantial motion. The Holy Quran mentions different forms of the role of water in witnessing and being of humanities more than 63 times. The manifestations of such intuitive quantitative instances were studied based on the stages of Sadrai perception, namely the sensory, the imaginary, and the intellectual. As shown in the theoretical framework, this analysis revealed the generalizability of universal vital, sacred, biological, and technological values to architecture and urban spaces. Accordingly, beauty, vitality, and life in the general sense and life in the sense of becoming Godliness were the ultimate findings of studying the function of water in Islamic architecture.

Mr Abouzar Izadpour, Dr Mahdi Hamzenejad, Dr Tahereh Nasr, Dr Mohamad Ali Akhgar,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

In the last three decades, many studies have been done in the design process. In some of these studies, there is a psychological or philosophical view. In Iran, there are few examples of a philosophical approach to the design process. One of the important attitudes in global and Iranian attitudes, which also has a strong philosophical root in Western thought; The attitude is Dualism. This research tries to clarify the influence of Mulla Sadra's philosophy in the design process. This research has a practical purpose. This research wants to provide designers with results compatible with philosophical foundations. Argumentative-analytical research method is based on philosophical rules. This research first has an overview of architectural design processes. The components obtained from these processes are these doubles: "implicit knowledge-scientific knowledge"; "Unconsciousness - self-awareness"; "divergence-convergence"; "Black box-transparent box" and "normative-proof theories". Each of these duals has an important role in the formation of the design process. These doubles are formed under the philosophical theories of structuralism or deconstruction and with the older roots of Hegelian dialectics; Sometimes psychological views such as "conscious" and "unconscious" play a role in them. The current research defines all doubles with two components: "simultaneous birth of part and whole from within each other"; This definition is obtained from Mulla Sadra's Basit al-Haqiqa rule. The result of the research is: the part-whole duality is the product of the experiences of the first to third generation of the design process. Each part of this dual is used in different parts of the design; So both parts can be used in the design process. Based on this, each architectural component in each part of the design stages can be examined from two different aspects and can be effective on architectural design processes: 1- It looks at itself from the aspect that is a part and is in plurality; 2- From that aspect which is the whole, it looks beyond itself (to its simple self) and is in unity. The innovation of this research is the navigation of the definition of "whole from part" and "part from whole" which probably creates necessary and valuable paths for the design process. It can be a comprehensive look between three generations of architectural design process and define the fourth generation.

Massud Wahdattalab, Zeinab Hayati,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

Understanding, comprehension and sensory reception of the human being, from the architectural implications, undergo changes by getting far and closer to the architectural works. It is necessary to pay attention to this issue in pilgrimage architecture due to the importance of feeling responses at different distances.This research answers these questions: 1- What effect does the change of scale have on the decline of pilgrimage architectural meanings such as "Grandeur" and "intimacy"? 2- What changes do people's feeling responses undergo at different stages of approaching a pilgrimage site? The purpose of this research is to investigate the two implications of Grandeur and Intimacy in pilgrimage buildings and how it is perceived by the visitor at different distances of the building, including the stages of seeing, crossing the threshold and touching the building in the center. In this research, a mixed approach was chosen and qualitative content analysis was used, followed by exploratory factor analysis in SPSS software and confirmatory factor analysis in AMOS software. For this purpose, the individual's "distance" variable was considered as an independent variable, and "intimacy" and " Grandeur" were considered as dependent variables. 19 items in the questionnaire were compiled using the intervention method and by manipulating the scale and size of the images and provided to 229 subjects. For ease of answering, one building was evaluated in each question. Further, exploratory factor analysis led to the discovery of 4 components, which were proved by confirmatory factor analysis. The findings of the research show that there is a significant relationship between visibility and Grandeur on the one hand and centrality and intimacy on the other hand. The standard factor loadings of the items of each factor are more than 0.4. Considering the significance of the items in their factor for all the variables of the research, it is concluded that by changing the scale in a desirable range from " Dominant scale" to "intimate scale", the person's preference is transformed from grandeur to intimacy. No matter how much in the stage of vision and desirability of grandeur, we witness a direct relationship with the same slope, the pleasantness of the proportional relationship and intimacy does not have such a constant rhythm and harmony, and too closeness to the sacred matter has an avoidance feature for the pilgrim.

Parsa Moosavinia, Neda Sadat Sahra Gard Monfared, Ali Ghafari,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

The housing debate has dimensions beyond just shelter, and among these dimensions, the social dimension is considered a measure of the growth of any society. One of the factors of the social dimension is the amount and type of social interactions among the residents of that society. However, in new constructions, less attention is paid to the social dimension.
By studying in this area, the importance of allocating a suitable space for the interaction of the residents of the complex, especially the open and semi-open space, is determined. The purpose of this research is to extract and identify the criteria of semi-open space effective on social interactions. In the step of reviewing the literature, using the descriptive-analytical method, to identify frequently repeated criteria with high impact capacity that considered both semi-open space and social interactions. Then, using the method of logical independence and comparative analogy, the criteria that exist separately in interactions or semi-open space were examined and their commonalities were identified as new criteria, and the frequency of all criteria was obtained through content analysis. Then, by using the Shannon entropy technique, all 34 criteria were measured and the main and most important criteria were obtained, among which the criteria for the provision of the territory of space provision related to the new criteria were identified.

Mr Abdolhamid Noghrekar, Dr Salman Noghrekar,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

This article marks the outset of a comprehensive series dedicated to evaluating architectural works in Iran and across the world through the lens of Islamic principles, with the ultimate objective of producing a scholarly book on the subject matter. Specifically, the initial phase of this article delves into the influence of cultural deviations on the architectural design of temples and places of worship from an Islamic perspective. The discourse commences with an introduction encompassing the categorization of divine and non-divine architectural schools, followed by an exploration of the reasons and justifications for evaluating architectural works worldwide within the framework of Islamic culture. In addition, the concept of prayer, characterized by its authenticity, formative nature, evolutionary potential, and optional aspects, is expounded upon to establish criteria for identifying suitable and preferred locations for prayer. Subsequently, the article examines various profound elements within architecture, including spatial and geometric concepts, appropriate and inappropriate embellishments, semantic and symbolic styles, as well as the integration of shrines within cultural and climatic contexts. To substantiate these principles, the evaluation extends to authentic mosques from Iran's Islamic era, featuring notable examples such as the transformation of the four-arch fire temple into the Izadkhast Mosque, the Jame'a Mosque of Isfahan, and the Imam Mosque of Isfahan. Additionally, non-authentic and heretical mosques before and after the Islamic Revolution in Iran are assessed, with notable cases including the Al-Javad Mosque, University of Tehran Mosque, Al-Ghadir Mosque, Tehran Carpet Museum Prayer Hall, Valiasr Mosque in the south of Daneshjoo Park (both its old and new designs), and the Imam Khomeini Mosalla. Employing a holistic and comprehensive research methodology anchored in Islamic sources and foundations, this study adopts a combined qualitative and quantitative approach, considering the causal relationship between ideas and phenomena. The infallible sources of this research are the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Infallible Prophets, while fallible sources encompass individual reasoning and the consensus of experts. The validity of rational propositions is substantiated through logical reasoning, while narrative propositions are supported through the interpretation of authentic sources. The findings of this research unequivocally demonstrate how belief systems and cultural deviations exert unfavorable and inappropriate effects on the religious practices, behavior, and rituals of worshipers, ultimately impacting the intricate and overarching structure of prayer halls.

Dr Ali Akbar Heidari, Dr Yaghoob Peyvastehgar, Mrs Maryam Kiaee,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2024)

A variety of activities are carried out in a house. This range includes the most private behaviors of members to their collective and social activities. The organization of these activities should be such that while facilitating them in different parts of the house, their incompatible interference is also prevented. This concept, known as functional compatibility, is directly related to the issue of functional efficiency. Based on this, the analysis of this relationship is the basis of the current research. Also, investigating the evolution of these concepts in the course of architectural structural changes that have occurred due to the passage of time is another goal of this research. Based on this, by selecting 18 examples of Qajar period houses in Tabriz city, an attempt has been made to investigate this issue. The reason for choosing Tabriz as the geographical area of ​​the research is its strategic position in the exchange with the Western world, and the reason for choosing the Qajar period as the temporal area of ​​the research was the beginning of modern trends in Iranian architecture in this period. The basic theory in this research is the theory of space syntax, and the tools used for analysis are Depthmap software and Syntax plugin in Grasshopper software. After reviewing the literature, effective indicators on the issue of functional compatibility in houses were extracted and suitable syntactic tools were introduced to analyze each one in the form of a theoretical research framework. Then, by analyzing each sample in the relevant software environment, data related to each index was extracted and analyzed. The results of the research showed that the most important change that occurred in the configuration system of houses in Tabriz during the Qajar period is the transformation of the central courtyard pattern in the early and middle of the Qajar to the Kushki pattern at the end of this period. Also, with the change in the configuration system of houses from an introverted model to an extroverted model at the end of the Qajar period, the issue of functional compatibility has changed in relation to some indicators and has not seen much change in relation to others. This issue can also be mentioned in connection with the functional efficiency of these houses. Based on this, it can be concluded that functional efficiency is a relative concept that depending on different conditions, different criteria affect its promotion or decline.
Based on this, the research questions can be presented as follows:
- How is the issue of functional compatibility in different house patterns in the city of Tabriz during the Qajar period?
- What effects did the changes in the spatial configuration system of different house patterns during the Qajar period in this city have on the functional compatibility of their different spaces?
- What effect did these changes have on the functional efficiency of these houses?
In this article at first the developments in the houses of Tabriz are evaluated, and the factors affecting these changes are also introduced. Then the definition of functional efficiency and related indicators in a residential use is discussed. Finally, in the theoretical framework section of the research, the relationship between the desired indicators of the research in explaining the functional efficiency of the houses and the tools introduced to measure these indicators in the body of the houses are explained according to the characteristics and abilities of each of them.
As mentioned earlier, this article aims to evaluate the link between architectural concepts related to functional compatibility and their impact on the functional efficiency of spaces in a house. Since the nature of both issues is related to the discussion of space arrangement and how to configure different spaces in a house, therefore, the most suitable method for their analysis is to use the technique of space syntax. This technique consists of various tools that can be used to analyze different spatial patterns and relationships between their components. In this technique, various tools are used to analyze the spatial configurations, among which the most important are the two software "Depthmap" and "Synthetic Plugin in the Grasshopper software". Depthmap software is used to analyze visual and physical access in the plans, and Grasshopper software is used to extract explanatory diagrams related to the plans and also to analyze the mathematical relationships between their different spaces. The indicators presented in the theoretical framework of the research after the analysis are presented in the form of quantitative data, and from the qualitative analysis of these data, it is possible to understand their relationship with the issue of functional compatibility and functional efficiency. Therefore, in this research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the data. Also, the collection of information has been done by field, documentary and library methods. The independent variable in this research is functional efficiency, the dependent variable is the spatial layout pattern, and the mediating variable is the issue of functional compatibility in the building.

Dr Akram Hosseini,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2024)

In addition to the prosperity of the country in various fields and the establishment of a national government after a long period, the Safavid period, for the first time on a large scale, Shiism became the official religion of the country. Current thoughts in this period, originating from Iranian-Shiite approaches, had unique characteristics. Due to the major role of mosques in this period in the political and social structure of the country, it is expected that the architecture of mosques is also influenced by the mentioned ideas. This research was formed with the aim of answering the question of what changes the approaches of the Safavid period have caused in the physical characteristics of the domes of Safavid mosques and what effects these changes have had on the human perception of the architectural space.
The purpose of the research has been achieved by comparing the physical characteristics of the dome of mosques of the Safavid period with mosques before this period. Since domed mosques have become popular since the Seljuk period, the statistical population of the research is ten Seljuk domes, ten Ilkhani domes, twelve Timurid domes and eleven Safavid domes, which are divided into two groups of mosques based on the dimensions of the opening. They are divided into big and small. These 43 mosques include a large number of the entire documented statistical population. Due to the historical nature of this research, the interpretative-historical method was used in combination with quantitative methods and the data were analyzed in a logical inference manner.
This research shows an important conceptual point of view about the architecture of mosques of the Safavid period in Iran based on the aforementioned characteristics.
Examining the physical characteristics of the domes of the great mosques under study showed that the opening and correspondingly the area of the domes of the mosques of the Safavid period have grown a lot compared to their previous periods. In the Safavid period, the average external diameter variables, the overall height of the mosque and the height of the dome increased compared to the previous periods, which indicates the construction of bigger and higher mosques than the previous periods. The physical characteristics of the dome of the Safavid mosques showed the greatest similarity to the physical characteristics of the Seljuk mosques. It was shown that Iranian golden proportions were the basis of the average external proportions of the Safavid dome, but the average internal proportions have changed towards a more human-centered spatial presentation. Despite the increase of all the physical components of the dome of the great Safavid mosques independently compared to the previous periods; The average interior proportions in Safavid mosques are much lower than the overall average and even the average of each period. Therefore, it can be said that the architecture of Safavid period mosques in the design of domes are considered from two important angles: the dimensions and size of the dome in order to create a visual impact from the outside and a pleasant sensory experience for people inside the space. In the architecture of Safavid mosques, attention to creating a balance between external grandeur and internal humanity has been the criterion of action in the design.
Although in the smaller mosques of the Safavid period, there was also a tendency to create large and lofty mosques like the mosques of the first group, but these mosques did not appear much different from their previous periods and are often located in the same physical area. Of course, it can be said that some of the investigated structures of Safavid mosques were closer to the Seljuk period. The only significant changes in the variables of the Safavid period compared to before are related to the internal height, the internal proportions of the dome and the external proportions of the dome in order to create more proportional spaces.
In the mosques of the Safavid period, the choice of geometric form, the outer height of the dome, the alignment of the dome with other architectural elements and complex artistic patterns, all to create a dramatic experience in order to create a sense of dramatic grandeur and power and attract the attention of foreign observers and religious and social influence. (Monumentality) However, this does not mean that inside the architecture of Safavid mosques human experience and human scale have been ignored as much as the external observer. (Human Scale) In the architecture of Safavid mosques, in response to the convergence between the needs of greatness with the needs of comfort and human experience, the two concepts of dramatic grandeur and humanity have been integrated in parallel and balanced. This balance and harmonious relationship between the interior and exterior of the mosque made mosques as religious places still influential for visitors and at the same time instilling people with a sense of comfort and positive interaction with the interior environment. In this way, while the space does not cause an unpleasant sensory perception in the audience, the architecture of the mosque acts as a foundation for the promotion of human dignity, and in this way, the architecture fulfills its social-religious responsibility.

Jana Arabzadeh, Hasan Bolkhari Ghehi, Seyed Majid Mofidi Shemirani, Iraj Etesam, Azadeh Shahcheraghi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Problem statement: Nature is Human’s first existence and home. Essence and accident are the aspects of Mollasadra Trans-substantial Motion theory, which defines the rhythm of motion, from form to meaning to substance utility and welfare. Seems that the mentioned subject is in contradiction with today scientific world rather that their goal is the same. Biophilic design tries to create a living condition with nature in human living environment. A realization of Alive Architecture according to Mollasadra Trans-substantial theory creates possibility to increase quality of life.
Question and research objective: the Aim of this research is to achieve the Alive Architecture purpose to increase quality of life and notify spirituality in Architecture to calm soul. To reach the mentioned aim, the research defines an appropriate answer to the relation of Mollasadra Tran-substantial Motion theory with Biophilic Architecture.
Research Methodology: The research was based on a Qualitative method (Grounded theory) with data analysis strategy, systematic coding of Strauss and Corbin with the help of MaxQDA software. The nature of the data in this research is Textual, semantic and unstructured derived from deep interviews, which have been analyzed with inductive logic by interpretive analysis.
Conclusion: The research findings prove that, essence transformation is in each being of existence, and Biophilic Architecture reminds Aliveness of existence by essence transformation through considering alive elements. The purposes such as: Perfection, Progressive, Reunion, soul and body, Timeless concept, are in Human and existence elements. The possibility of having essence transformation in a meaningful Architecture via considering more aimed purposes in terms of, communication, new thinking and Seeking reality, would have result in Beauty creation and Living Architecture.

Dr Reza Kheyroddin, Mrs S. Fatemeh Hojatzadeh,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2024)

The establishment of war museums is a common thing in most countries involved in war. These countries are trying to preserve and transfer these heritages to the next generations by displaying the tools and spaces left over from the war. The main goals of these museums are to commemorate the dead and victims of war, to praise peace and to learn from the evil effects of war. The design of war museums is different according to the attitude towards war, identity and culture of each society. Therefore, one of the goals of this research is to take a new look at the concept and model of the war museum and its artifacts in Iran, considering the way of looking at the IranـIraq war (Holy Defense).
Various previous researches show that the influence of religious teachings in the society was not only effective in the formation of the identity of the people present in the war, but also in the actions and attitudes of the visitors. In this regard, an effort has been made to define the new concept of "Regional Axial Museum in Regional Scale" in the light of the potential capacities of the cultural heritage of the society on one hand and the presence of a new type of visitors to war zones (Caravans of Rahian Noor) on the other hand.
In the new definition of the AMRS (Axial Museum in Regional Scale) some concepts of original literature should be used metaphorically to represent the concepts of works and heritage of holy defense, such as excellence, the spirit of sacrifice, and reaching closeness to God, which is quite a difficult and controversial endeavor. To crystallize the idea of ​​the AMRS, a part of the road from Ahvaz region to Arvand in the border of Persian Golf has been selected. Then, by arranging and sequencing the relevant path according to physical spatial features, as well as paying attention to war events related to different parts and nodes located on the path, the spatial values ​​of the path should be represented and displayed for the visitors and groups of pilgrims in RahianـNoor Caravans.
The stages of representing the relics and events of the IranـIraq war era in the studied route are explained with a brief escape to the metaphors of Attar's Seven Climates of Love in different sequences to strengthen the spatial perception of Ahvaz to Arvand Axial Museum on a regional scale.The sequencing of the path related to the study of the AhvazـArvand axis brings the development of the sacred defense museums from the idea phase to the realized phase, which is more original than the conventional and formatted forms of war museums in Iran and the world. The development and completion of this regional pattern in more operational scales such as planning and urban design and architectural scale can be the stages of expansion of this pattern.

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