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Showing 3 results for Architectural Technology

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Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2014)

Morality is one of the valuable things which has been considered in Islamic society. All thinkers of morality notional scope have tried to invite people to a good life by preparing them with cases such as contentment, forgiveness, true worshiping, pure life and earning kosher money. Islamic morality is a set of all headings correlated to morality specially morality science which is related to Islamic world and culture. Morality has a good adjacent with values and is divided into adaptive morality. Notional morality and practical morality and these items can be the origin of issuance of bad or good actions. Islam always recommends Islamic society to learn and rely on new science and technologies albeit in foreign and non-Islamic countries, and takes this as a honorable and devotional act, so there is no difference between Islamic root and science and technological development, but beside recommending knowledge avocation, Islam stresses on this point that the purpose of science and technology should be in direction of serving Islam root, this issue causes technology to be consistent in a contriving way with, cultural elements such as beliefs and thoughts, social values, social norms and provisions, symbols and ideologies, so that the performance of this technology be a desirable one. Architecture is an era for out breaking individual, social life and normative aspects like morality. This issue causes affective factors in architecture with special features grow in its framework and meaning. Considering moral norms of society and the human is one of basic requirements in shaping human s work place and life. So the relation between architecture morality and social norms is satisfying the needs of the human, so that he can find comfort in the architecture space. During history architects have tried to match their architecture with moral norms with understanding these needs, but the arrival of new technological alongside identification issues and originality crisis, has affected on moral components in architecture and has created new challenges between morality architecture and technology. The problem of the present paper is that: what is the relation between morality and technology in architecture? And our purpose is finding moral concept and social norms of morality in technology transferring process in terms of today technology when technology and architecture be synchronized, the effect of this problem that is technological architecture, would be inappreciable with regarding moral and normative criteria, but if technology won't be synchronized with architecture then they would be against each other and it will transform to “architecture technology“ phenomenon in which technology will become all forms of architecture and then necessary condition for shaping architecture would be technology. So architecture is always affected by technology, whether to promote architecture of spatial and semantic features to weaken them and to show the dominance of technology on architecture and the human. The purpose of this paper is not the deny technology acquisition from non-Islamic societies because technology is important in any society and if this technology would not be with awareness, this technology can destroy the remained morality. Technology makes a society develop in different dimensions and morality which is intrinsic should grasp as important concept in this time and this development matches morality development but with converse face which in a short time it will be with disappearing morality. Technology and development especially constant and development is a complex process. The technology procedure type is related to collaboration and public trust of all people of a society regarding to moral balance and other social norms of that society. If people want to use and develop technology without destroying morality and its concepts in today society, they should bring human values such as trust, humanitarianism and love in their lives and works. The results of the research shows that for reaching a proper pattern of current architecture in an Islamic society, some criteria for using architectural technology should be considered which the most important of them is to consider morality component I terms of using technology in architecture. Morality components in architecture include: - Continuous afford to promote moral and noumenon dimension in architecture and inside an architect. - Self–knowing and the other knowing in response to people's needs. - Continuous afford in self –construction and adjustment of job affairs. Continuous afford for effective presence of Islamic religion and morality in all dimension of works and jobs. - Re-knowing, preservation and adjustment of norm manners and society in light of Islamic standard. - Re-knowing Islamic culture and civilization and growing it to create architectural space regarding to current and future needs of society. - Afford to promote common human Islamic -Iranian dimensions which identity category would be grown by it. Observance these elements by architect alongside harmonizing technology with these elements, would create a result proportional to social morality, culture and it can be said that architecture is as a result of Islamic moral elements and updated with modern technology.
Masoud Nari Ghomi, Salman Noghrekar,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

“Islamic-Iranian Model of Architecture” is the strategic scape proposed for future of architecture of Iran. So guiding higher education courses towards this goal could be seen as their mission. In this respect and among architectural graduation courses the course of “architectural technology” has the potential to take leading place because it is attached directly to institute of technology as progressive force of the world today. But this may be its weakness as well as the technology tends to deny any locality in its nature. In its syllabus the current architectural technology course has been ill-attached to cultural priorities. So most recently a two-credit unit is added to its content called “Wisdom of art and technology in architecture”. It seems that the main mission of this class is to describe the technology from the view point of Islamic Wisdom so that prepare an appropriate theoretical stand for architectural technology students. This article is aimed to draw a conceptual framework for technology within Islamic system of world-view. So at first it is tried to locate religious view amongst context of philosophy of technology. In this respect the four-part categorization of Carl Mitcham is taken as main framework of discussion where technology is seen from four directions: physical products, types of knowledge, forms of procedures and goals. He makes a differentiation between religious technology, craft technology and scientific ones. To make a proper relation between Islamic views and current philosophy of technology another division of Mitcham is also taken into account: humanities views versus engineering ones. Humanities philosophy of technology refers to those attempts of philosophers who try to make descriptive insights to essential qualities of man-made tools so the traditional branch of Hikmat (philosophic work of Muslims) can be interpreted as a kind of engineering philosophy of technology. These philosophic analyses try to make a spectrum of creative force from God to human and describe why all man-made world is related to unity of the world. There is no obvious critical debate among traditional philosophic works of Muslims. Three subdivision here are Mash’a’ philosophy of Farabi and Ibn-e-Sina, Ishraq of Sohravardi and the composite reading of Molla Sadra that their influences on debate of technic are respectively considered in Ehsa-o-loloom (Farabi), FotovvatNames (unknown authors) and Resaleh-Senaeieh (Mirfendereski). The critical stand point of humanities branch could be traced among some current attempts of Islamic intellectuals who are originally affected by western critical views. These works are categorized in three groups: social oriented ones are those who see some weakness in Islamic society relation with new technology but put the blame on Muslims’ social approach not modern technology. The so-called Islamic enlightment throughout 150 recent years pursued this way. Among this group Ali Shariati’s thesis of four human’s prison is studied here. The second approach that could be called new-realism that is affected originally by works of Islamic cleric Allame Tabatabaii and then rational positivism of Poper is mainly known with name of Abdolkarim Soroosh who after a modest criticizing of modern technology without denying its positive effects, puts self-protection and independent will towards non-consumerism society as main tool for damping negative effects of new technology. The third approach is a Heideggerian one merged with intuitive school of Sohravardi and Ibn Arabi. Its proactive leader was seyyed Ahmad Fardid and until now has its own followers. In terms of technology this approach is more Heideggerian than Islamic and sees the rescue from evil force of modern technology unavailable unless a great change occurs in in human ontological world.
All six approach described here have some basic weaknesses for current situation either from descriptive view or from critical perspective especially in terms of architectural technology problems. So a new approach is designated here that looks for a fundamental map of relation of three major players: Islam, Human and Technology. Three keywords are used to reach to a basic platform for the debate: humanized Idealism (Kamal), ethical duty orientation (Taklif) and intellectual religious scrutiny (Ejtehad). The first term (Kamal) makes the main criteria of human change in the natural world and describes why the God (Allah) not only allowed the mankind to make changes in nature but also wanted him to do so. But Kamal is at the same time a restrictive term in Quranic view because it makes dependence among all creatures so that the growth of them is linked to each other.  This semi ethical meaning of Kamal is strengthen by more ethical concept of Taklif. Taklif in Islamic context in contrast to Kantian sample is not an ultra-real one but is a deep real and objective phenomena that draws brilliant lines between various rights and duties of not only humans but also all creatures. Here four basic types of Taklif in Islamic view are used to make the main model of ethical evaluation of technology that are four responsibility of human: responsibility for Allah, for the self, for the others and for the environment. Each of them has its own content in Islamic context and has a specific relation with technology that makes them very appropriate for the aimed model-making. Here otherness of every four is considered priory to unity of the “I” and them. So the responsibility is definable and evaluable. Finally this new approach is summarized in a table that can be used for weighting technological inventions in architecture.This table views every technological changes from to basic point: 1. If the technology is harmful for any of the for basic rights. 2. Whether it is generative for the four human relations or not. All evaluations are linked to the Islamic life style but the models of this text can be seen as independent from Islamic context as well.

Mahnaz Peyrovi, Mohammad Bagher Kabirsaber, Mohammad Reza Pakdelfard, Adel Ferdousi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2021)

During the last few decades the western societies has accomplished successful projects by creative utilization of architectural technology in architectural conservation such as the Columbia Museum of Art, New Acropolis Museum, and dozens of other projects. This is while in Iran we have not been able to benefit from architectural technology in architectural conservation measures in a creative way yet. It is obvious that architectural technology in Iran has not been progressed step by step with western societies, and there is a ponderable gap in this field between Iran and the mentioned societies; but, the research problem is that we cannot even benefit from what we have from technological developments in architecture field in architectural conservation measures. This issue is important because nowadays the architectural conservation measures in Iran do not meet the current expectations from architectural heritage, and in this respect and considering the richness of this heritage in the country, we have lost and are losing many material and spiritual opportunities that we could have achieved from this potential. Accordingly, the purpose of the present research is to investigate the cause and root for Iran's backwardness in this field, and the question that is proposed based on this purpose is that "Why do the western countries have a more successful performance in comparison to Iran in utilizing architectural technology common in architectural conservation?" If the focus is on a wider timeframe, it is found that since the Renaissance period that is from the emergence period of modern technology and thought backgrounds in western societies, the relationship of the specialized fields with each other and with the society began to break down and consequently some challenges in the field of architecture and architectural conservation were also created for these societies. Accordingly, in the present research, firstly, the evolutions history of each of the architectural technology fields – including engineering and architecture form – and architectural conservation and evolution of the relationship of these two fields in western countries and Iran were investigated, and secondly, the type of the relationship of the specialties with the society and with each other have been focused in investigating these evolutions. The present research has a qualitative approach that has used comparative analysis research method in terms of studying the relationship between the two fields of architectural technology and architectural conservation in two different societies, and historical research method in terms of studying the relationship between these two fields in different historical sections. So, in order to answer this question, the relationship between the two fields of architectural technology and architectural conservation during the periods of tradition, passing from tradition to industry after passing from tradition to industry and the present time have been studied comparatively with a qualitative approach, historical research method, and comparative analysis from the subsets of this approach. The studies indicated that in the western societies from the early fourteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century subsequent to the evolution of architectural technology from traditional nature to industrial one as well as the evolution of architectural conservation from traditional to scientific, an undesirable relationship was gradually formed based on the compliance of scientific conservation only from the architectural aspect, and subsequently, from the technology engineering aspect. As an undeveloped product of the transition period from tradition to industry in the mentioned societies, this undesirable relationship eventually became a desirable one through the evolution of industrial architectural technology and scientific conservation by paying attention to the user and approaching the culture-oriented paradigm. This is while in Iran since the beginning of the present century and following the offhand introduction of industrial architectural technology and scientific conservation, as the transition period’s product in the West, the relationship between these two fields faced problems beyond the post-transition period in the West and resulted in breaking down of the relationship between industrial architectural technology and scientific conservation. Even after paying attention to the user and culture, no relationship was established between these two fields in the country. This problem originated from a scientific gap of several centuries between Iran and the western societies in this field and failure to fill this gap by ignoring the culture-oriented paradigm in both fields of architectural conservation and architectural technology. Failure to approach this paradigm in architectural conservation has led to the control of archeological mentality over the country’s scientific conservation and continuation of its problematic relationship with architectural technology–whether from engineering or architectural aspect – and society until now. In the field of architectural technology, failure to adopt the culture-oriented paradigm also resulted in the lack of balance and coordination between engineering and architectural aspects and between them and society. Therefore, unlike western societies, a desirable triple relationship has not yet been established among engineering, architecture and architectural conservation and between this triple and the society which, in turn, has resulted in backwardness of the country in utilizing architectural technology in architectural conservation.

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