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Showing 4 results for Efficiency

Masoud Nari Qomi, Mohammad Masoud Amini, Mahdi Forotan,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Searching for the criteria of Islamic settlement in current situation of Iran is seen as an important issue in Iranian urban planning. One of them that is rarely taken into account by designers and housing planners is the Islamic house as a productive unit. The mission of this research is to find suitable kinds of production from Islamic point of view for conducting at home via searching Islamic basics and instructions. Then by referring to modernism as a key factor that has shaped the social context of contemporary Islamic world, situation of domestic production in it is reviewed and its undesired effects on home culture and design of Islamic world is considered. So the essential question of this study is the status of production and productive activities in traditional Islamic houses, the nature of modernistic view of the subject and contemporary condition of Iran and Islamic world. Here after general study of the matter in both traditional and modern era, an inquiry is conducted among house-wives of the city of Qom. The samples were selected intentionally upon their religious life-style to study that how Islamic view of home-based production is pursued in contemporary religious society. A composed questionnaire of closed and open questions was prepared and distributed among 35 families who partially known by research group. Some analyzes were about productive activities advised by Islamic holy texts such as weaving and keeping productive animals at home or those that could be seen in direct line with them such as home-based foods. One important analyze was due to meaningful differences between productive life-style of dwellers of apartment houses and those who lived in row houses with front-yards. This showed a considerable difference among them as front-yard houses showed much more potential for productive activities. Another main difference was seen between age-groups of 20-40 years old and 40-60 ones that the recent one were more active in home-based production. Some main analyzes were concentrated on kitchen space as modern center of production at home. The main phenomenon is that there is huge concentration of works in space in modern houses. The transformation from traditional wood hearth kitchens to modern open kitchen, although is viewed by some as a progressive process towards elimination of placing women as second gender, but could be interpreted more reasonably as a restrictive change in woman territorial claim on home area; this means that her mere functional presence at home was only limited to have lunch cooked and other jobs of her at home were conducted in lively spaces of home even with neighbor women; and this cannot be seen as servant-type works but as lively jobs of everyday; there, her freedom to choose jobs places around the house made her territorial claim on home very stronger. It is also true about working times of the kitchen while it was active one time a day for pre-modern wife, now it should be active almost all day long. Changing temporal division into spatial one that restricts women’s claim to kitchen, is main cultural result of modern housing in this respect, but even in this circumstances, the above mentioned religious force has yet strong effects. Sacredness of productive space of kitchen was asked through some different questions. A sign of sacredness in perception of kitchen for Iranian housewives has been old custom to separate food disposals from other debris especially in terms of using independent swage system (even specified swage well) for dishwashing which might consist of some remainders of food (specially bread and rice). It was asked in the questionnaire to make comparative statements about certain topics and this separation of swages was one of them. Only in two cases, it was seen unimportant. If we add to this the fact that 13 of 15 emphasized on necessity of not turning back to Holy Direction of Mecca (Qiblah- although it is not regarded in new house designs), it can be concluded that even now kitchen has some strong aspects of sacredness in imagination of these Muslim housewives. In summary, findings of the research show that domestic production is of great value in Islamic thought and this role has been manifested in the form of specialized home spaces (from temporal and spatial configurations made by productive activities) and modernity has confronted with this subject via two contradictive approaches (optimization of domestic work or omitting any productive work from home space). Since the second approach was the one preferred by modernists, results of modern culture for Islamic society brought about non-productive domesticity. But this does not mean that now there is no home-based production in contemporary Islamic societies. It is an important reality as well as an idealistic goal that should be considered in architectural design of future which could be realized by identifying of all required or desired home-based productive activities, appropriation of house designs for incorporation of them and making architects, designers and housing planners aware of their role and responsibility in materializing this idea to fulfill this need of dwellers.

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Volume 5, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Functional efficiency performance space-oriented mosque like any other, it is influenced by the spatial configuration. In fact, religious spaces with unique featuressince the beginning of Islam has remained unchanged and only their own spaces. This special feature makes frequent use of specific patterns in the architecture of these buildings. The relationship between inputs, yard bedchamber (s)(or Shabestan) of the Mosque of these qualities. In many cases, there is a porch or Ivan of a communication node. In the form of a semi - open space, is the interface between the yard and bedchamber of the mosque. This study examines the role of the mosque›s porch to improve operational efficiency. In connection with the evaluation of functional efficiency using space efficiently, several studies have been completed. For example, Mustafa and his 2013 study, a variety of patterns and consider the variable dome mosques, with the introduction of elements of space efficiency, to evaluate the performance of these buildings have. To study and analyze the configuration space and the functional efficiency in a variety of patterns and a variety of home business has passages. Also in the article Khan (2012) to review and explain the functional efficiency indicators is discussed in hospitalsand the role of each component in order to optimize the layout of the interior space efficiency buildings, healthcare, according to the definitions analyzed and assessed. It should be noted that the present study was to evaluate the functional efficiency of the mosques with central courtyard space structure. Therefore, in this regard, this study intends to basic position Ivan element in achieving this important space in the form of mosques, explain. The hypothesis is also provided as follows: according to the calculation of operational efficiency indicators such as the depth of space, the association and the vision and perspective, space Layout mosques four porches highest functional efficiency.The research questions to examine the role of mosques Eyvan the configuration is as follows: Is Eyvan improve operational efficiency mosques is effective? Is count on a mosque porch can
improve the efficiency of its performance? How to Eyvan role in promoting functional efficiency
realized in the mosques?In order to achieve this goal in the first to introduce a paidwhich
explains the components of operating efficiency and definitions of it through studies that have
been conducted and evaluated the degree plan.So, in order to achieve this, two methods were
used.The first method uses mathematical syntax space.That information required to be used in
formulas, the plot justification for each of the samples obtained.The second method, using the
software Depthmap and analyze its output. the final results obtained from these two methods
revealed Eyvan and spaces that are dependent on the spatial structure of mosques increased
spatial depth, the degree of integration and better links between the yard and the Bedchamber the
combination of these factors, improving operational efficiency between the input space, garden
and Bedchamber (s) in the mosque. Software Depthmap including tools to analyze the different
spaces of urban spaces and architectural spaces, is used.With this software, such as deep space
indices visibility and visibility cone, and so on are useful.The software has features that can be
used to evaluate the efficiency indicators of the performance of different spaces payments.The
application for each of the areas in question, determine the calibration.Accordingly, any portion
of space considering the total area of the space and the position of the observer is standing, will
have a different grading. Among other results obtained from this study can be pointed to the
role of mosque porch improve operational efficiency;this means that the number of mosques
in the central courtyard porch increase its operational efficiency significantly increased. create
or increase the potential of space in mosques four porches because of elements such as Eyvan
and its related spaces (bedchamber behind it) than other samples The event observer relative
to the surrounding atmosphere and can be changed at first glance, this feature can be used to
improve the performance of the mosque.- Four-eyvan mosques because of the sequence of
spaces and their propagation, has more depth than the input space and depth are less than a
yard spaceBut due to space communication with other spaces in total efficiency is better than
the other mosques patterns.a total of four Eyvan mosques pattern due to the increased level of
communication spaces with each other, flexibility and permeability is there more space and thus
it tends to facilitate the movement of worshipers in the mosque is different spaces finally, with
regard to the importance of the porch to improve the operation efficiency of mosques, you can
mosque pattern layout of four porches due to its superior performance to other mosques patterns
used in the construction of mosques today.
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Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2020)

Review and change in architecture education, firstly periodically and secondly in the current situation of the country, is a necessity. Because of the current program and topic are defective in two parts. In the "theoretical arena", the impact of "Doctrines of Islamic Wisdom" on the foundations of education is small and the program has not been revised, changed and modified after the initial compilation, in accordance with the "indigenous needs of the country" in a dynamic and intelligent way. That is, it is not in harmony with the ideals and values of the revolution, nor with the realities of the country and the needs of the people. In the "practical field", the mechanism of implementing architectural education is not a purposeful system and does not work as a whole in order to fully develop qualified architects. The result is that graduates of this field, after the training course, do not achieve the balanced growth of individual human resources (actual goodness) nor do they have the efficiency of the architectural profession necessary to meet the needs of society (current goodness). The low level of architectural quality of the country today, both in terms of science and technology, as well as in terms of art and the fact that the works have their own originality and identities, is a proof of this claim.
 Solving this problem requires reflection on the Architecture curriculum. In this regard, the Council for the Transformation of Humanities and Arts informed the Ministry of Science of the four approaches of "updating, localization, efficiency and Islamization" as a basis for review and transformation, and it was decided to review the Architecture curriculum and topics based on these approaches. The purpose of this study is to find practical solutions to the effectiveness of these four approaches on architecture education. The research question is "What are the solutions to achieve this goal?" For this purpose, by selecting the courses "Introduction to Architectural Design" and by the combined research method "Logical Reasoning and Case Study", exercises were designed and tried to have a relative comprehensiveness, then it was performed with the participation of students and with the technique of "content analysis" The answer to the question was revealed. 
The studied samples are from two groups of students in the introductory course of architectural design 1, 2 and 3 in Teacher Training University. The research findings indicate that a fundamental change in order to achieve this goal should be made in the three main pillars of the course, namely "purpose, content and teaching method". Accordingly, by designing "enriched exercises", while developing the three skills of "understanding, creating and expressing architecture" in the student, it is possible to provide the ground for orienting these skills in line with the four mentioned approaches and "updated" engineers. And "efficient" and trained people to serve "Islamic Iran".
Dr Ali Akbar Heidari, Dr Yaghoob Peyvastehgar, Mrs Maryam Kiaee,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2024)

A variety of activities are carried out in a house. This range includes the most private behaviors of members to their collective and social activities. The organization of these activities should be such that while facilitating them in different parts of the house, their incompatible interference is also prevented. This concept, known as functional compatibility, is directly related to the issue of functional efficiency. Based on this, the analysis of this relationship is the basis of the current research. Also, investigating the evolution of these concepts in the course of architectural structural changes that have occurred due to the passage of time is another goal of this research. Based on this, by selecting 18 examples of Qajar period houses in Tabriz city, an attempt has been made to investigate this issue. The reason for choosing Tabriz as the geographical area of ​​the research is its strategic position in the exchange with the Western world, and the reason for choosing the Qajar period as the temporal area of ​​the research was the beginning of modern trends in Iranian architecture in this period. The basic theory in this research is the theory of space syntax, and the tools used for analysis are Depthmap software and Syntax plugin in Grasshopper software. After reviewing the literature, effective indicators on the issue of functional compatibility in houses were extracted and suitable syntactic tools were introduced to analyze each one in the form of a theoretical research framework. Then, by analyzing each sample in the relevant software environment, data related to each index was extracted and analyzed. The results of the research showed that the most important change that occurred in the configuration system of houses in Tabriz during the Qajar period is the transformation of the central courtyard pattern in the early and middle of the Qajar to the Kushki pattern at the end of this period. Also, with the change in the configuration system of houses from an introverted model to an extroverted model at the end of the Qajar period, the issue of functional compatibility has changed in relation to some indicators and has not seen much change in relation to others. This issue can also be mentioned in connection with the functional efficiency of these houses. Based on this, it can be concluded that functional efficiency is a relative concept that depending on different conditions, different criteria affect its promotion or decline.
Based on this, the research questions can be presented as follows:
- How is the issue of functional compatibility in different house patterns in the city of Tabriz during the Qajar period?
- What effects did the changes in the spatial configuration system of different house patterns during the Qajar period in this city have on the functional compatibility of their different spaces?
- What effect did these changes have on the functional efficiency of these houses?
In this article at first the developments in the houses of Tabriz are evaluated, and the factors affecting these changes are also introduced. Then the definition of functional efficiency and related indicators in a residential use is discussed. Finally, in the theoretical framework section of the research, the relationship between the desired indicators of the research in explaining the functional efficiency of the houses and the tools introduced to measure these indicators in the body of the houses are explained according to the characteristics and abilities of each of them.
As mentioned earlier, this article aims to evaluate the link between architectural concepts related to functional compatibility and their impact on the functional efficiency of spaces in a house. Since the nature of both issues is related to the discussion of space arrangement and how to configure different spaces in a house, therefore, the most suitable method for their analysis is to use the technique of space syntax. This technique consists of various tools that can be used to analyze different spatial patterns and relationships between their components. In this technique, various tools are used to analyze the spatial configurations, among which the most important are the two software "Depthmap" and "Synthetic Plugin in the Grasshopper software". Depthmap software is used to analyze visual and physical access in the plans, and Grasshopper software is used to extract explanatory diagrams related to the plans and also to analyze the mathematical relationships between their different spaces. The indicators presented in the theoretical framework of the research after the analysis are presented in the form of quantitative data, and from the qualitative analysis of these data, it is possible to understand their relationship with the issue of functional compatibility and functional efficiency. Therefore, in this research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the data. Also, the collection of information has been done by field, documentary and library methods. The independent variable in this research is functional efficiency, the dependent variable is the spatial layout pattern, and the mediating variable is the issue of functional compatibility in the building.

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