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Showing 2 results for Framework

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Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2020)

Fair use of urban space is one of the new and emerging issues in the field of architectural law and urban planning, and one of the structures to address it is to assess the rights of architectural works. An architectural work, in addition to the specific audience or the people living in it, also has a general audience (the people of the city) who are influenced by the social aspects of that work. The existence of an element of influence in this regard (between architectural works and people) suggests that the creation of architectural works is a kind of influential social behavior; Behaviors that are inherently necessary to create all kinds of intersections and legal conflicts for individuals in society. The focus of the present study is to explain the theoretical framework for people's rights to artificial urban spaces (architectural works). An examination of the relevant literature suggests that the explanation of this framework goes beyond describing the three main pillars, including why and what, how to deduce, and so on. After addressing them, the following results were obtained: The space rights of the people, are the privileges and the red lines that obligatory have the support and guarantee that the people have. They have them compared to artificial urban spaces. The inference of these rights was based on three pillars of religious sources, legal documents and the nature of urban space, and five fundamental rights including "right to spatial spirituality", "right to spatial identity", "right to spatial quality", "right to spatial health" and " "Space Justice" was extracted. Of course, this separation does not mean the separation or supremacy of one right over another; rather, it looks at how these rights are enforced and how they are realized. In the current legal documents, some of these rights have been neglected. It is hoped that these lines will pave the way for theoretical discussions and, consequently, the reform of the legislative system in the field of architecture and urban planning.
- Mahsa Mirsalami, - Ali Omranipour, - Sara Shareati,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2023)

As a behavioral center, the mosque establishes a deep bond with its audience. This connection has been an inseparable part of the functioning of the mosque during many centuries from the creation of mosques until today. Several factors play a role in the behavioral and perceptual experiences of the audience in man-made spaces, including mosques, among these factors; Changes in form, variety of species and body in the structure of mosques are involved in the behavioral and spatial experiences of the audience. In the last decade, we can witness an increase in the formation of neighborhood mosques in the city of Qazvin, and most of these mosques lack vitality, dynamism, and the desired level of attendance of the audience and have simply turned into prayer rooms, this causes the inability to create a link between the space and the audience. The purpose of this research was to investigate the type of relationship between the shape-physical structure of mosques and its effect on the perception of the audience; As the type of geometry, proportions, accesses at the same level, classes and spatial hierarchies, create different perceptual and behavioral experiences for users. On the other hand, the diversity and adaptability of activities and perceptual interfaces affected by the body of mosques on the attendance rate of the audience in the mosque have been examined. The research method in this research is the use of two quantitative and qualitative methods in data collection: the data has been collected through activity reports, questionnaires and informal interviews, which is a comprehensive picture of case samples with characteristics related to quality and spatial configuration. The spaces of the investigated mosques provide the type of perception of the audience and the types of performance. According to the mentioned cases, it is possible to match the syntactic indicators of depth with the physical factors of architecture and use depth indicators to measure the control of arenas and the level of permeability in the mosque environment. Also, by referring to the metric depth in the drawings of the space and the data obtained from the space of the selected samples, it can be examined. In the analysis, the indicators of the depth of the space and the number of thresholds and the location of the middle spaces in the diagram and the percentage of their occupied area in relation to the whole building are used. Since the method of space syntax deals with physical factors in a form and only on one level (the possibility of analyzing the difference of levels is not possible with the method of space syntax), this causes the continuation of the research in order to investigate some physical factors and the relationship between perceptual and behavioral components. Correlation method and formulating a questionnaire should be used on the attendance rate. According to the previous explanations, 240 questionnaires were distributed among the audience of selected mosques, of which 217 questionnaires were completed by the users according to the sample size. Therefore, in mosques with a central courtyard structure, one can observe the variety and adaptability of desirable activities of users in the mosque environment. Limitations in the proportions and spatial distribution of contemporary mosques due to their class nature have caused the interference of arenas and the lack of variety of activity events and behavioral sequences in such mosques, the behavioral currents in the field of essential, optional and social activities have been separated into classes. He says that this leads to the lack of diversity and adaptability of activities in the environment of class mosques and the attendance rate in them decreases compared to the mosques in the central courtyard; The findings of the research indicate that the classification and physical components of architecture such as distribution and interconnection, depth, spatial connection, arrangement and communication of internal accesses on diversity, activity adaptability and also the type of perception of the audience according to the perceptual mediators (needs and preferences) with the duration of the stop and The attendance rate of mosque users creates a strong and direct connection.

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