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Showing 2 results for Health

Jafar Taheri,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Concerning the theoretical origins of the bathroom formation in Islamic civilization, from antique natural sciences (medicine) viewpoint, there are trivial researches. Although most of the Medieval Islamic medical texts dealt with the various aspects of human - environment interaction for health, the instructions of these texts in assessing the theoretical tenets of architectural creation have not been studied from the interdisciplinary links of natural sciences and architecture history perspective. The trace of architecture and medicine connection can be found in the medical texts of ancient Greece and Ten books on architecture. Vitruvius viewed the knowledge about different climates and healthy/unhealthy places quite essential for architects and believed that without these sorts of knowledge the adequacy of a residence was not provided. Following the predecessors, Medieval Islamic physicians supposed medicine as a science for the elements and temperaments of a human and considered its objective as health maintenance while being healthy and recovering while being patient. Bathing and bathrooms are interdisciplinary fields linking architecture and medicine; hence most of the antique physicians devoted some part of their works to the role of them. Since long time ago, beside the ceremonial, social, and hygienic functions, bathing has had direct impact on health protection (body/spirit) and the treatment of some illnesses. Although for the predecessors bathing originally pertains to the excretion of waste matters from body, additionally most physicians have focused on its advantages and disadvantages of health and the cure of diseases as well as some features of bathroom architecture. From all these instructions we perceive that besides cleanliness, refreshment, body recovery and some pain relieving functioning of bathing and bathroom architecture, in fact, they are reminiscences of natural and gradual return of moderation into body and self, based on natural philosophical theories towards human-cosmos affinity.

In this article I try to delineate the theoretical origins of bathroom’s formation in Islamic civilization by taking the Medieval Islamic medical texts into consideration. The major question is: what is the scientific origins and principles of the formation of bathrooms? This article approach is historical interpretation of Medieval Islamic Medical texts about the role of bathing and bathrooms in preventing and paving the way for the human physical-spiritual moderation. The theoretical framework on which this study has been formed is the scrutiny of architecture general pattern and painting in bathrooms based on the instructions of the two fields of Physical Medicine (al-Tibb al-Jesmani) and Spiritual Medicine (al-Tibb al-Ruhani). Since according to ancient Medicine the human health relies on the moderation of human strengths and temperaments through the coordination and adaptation of body and mind with the nature, hence this article claims that the structure of different sections in bathrooms of Islamic civilization is in harmony with human body (temperaments) and the themes of the paintings in these bathrooms are in accord with human selves. The findings of this study indicate that the formation of Medieval Islamic bathrooms has been based on the instructions of natural sciences, due to the interactions amongst physicians with artists and architects of senior rank in their castes. In fact, the creators of paintings and bathrooms founded the professional tenets and concepts of their crafts by imbibing the instructions of natural sciences sages and translating them into their profession jargon. Based on the medical knowledge, the most significant theoretical origin of Islamic artists and architects in the formation of bathrooms is justifiable due to the structural resemblance of a human and cosmos. In other words, bathrooms are in accord with body elements and types of self, in essence with cosmos. These resemblances include the correspondence of bathroom sections and human four temperaments as well as the correspondence of bathroom paintings and human triple self. The basic objective of these resemblances, structural and thematic, in bathrooms has been the creation of an environment in accord with human nature for keeping the temperament moderation and durable health.

Mona Borjian Boroujeni, Seyed-Abbas Agha Yazdanfar, Neda-Sadat Sahragard Monfared,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2024)

Childhood is the most important period of human life and children are the most precious wealth in any country. Childhood and its story, has always affected one's life in all aspects. The house and its immediate environment, the neighborhood, where children spend most of their time, have a significant impact on their health. That's a good reason for this place to be potentially able to cause a range of physical and mental problems for children, or, on the other hand, help them spend a healthy and energetic childhood. However, the design of these environments, often only based on the wishes and needs of adults, has made a set of alarming changes in children's daily habits; changes that make them more prone to problems such as depression, obesity, aggressive behavior, asthma, attention deficit disorder, heart disease, etc., by blocking them in a virtual space behind computers and in an artificial childhood. Since the number of apartment dwellers is increasing daily, more research in the field of residential architecture and child health should be done in order to create a favorable physical environment to raise healthy children. The upcoming research was done with the aim of prioritizing more effective design components for children's health in a residential complex and also answering the question that what the most important physical criteria for raising healthy children in residential environments are. For this purpose, a survey questionnaire was compiled for 4 groups, consisting of 100 children's architects, child psychologists, children's parents, and child educators after reviewing the sources by descriptive-analytical method, and was finally analyzed by Friedman's test and Shannon's entropy, which led to the most important environmental components of children's health in residential complexes in each group's point of view.
The results indicated that safety and security issues are the most obvious components that should be provided in spatial structures which are suitable for children. After these two obvious components, it can be said that while architects see play spaces as an educational-social-psychological-cultural context for children, to parents, sufficient light and a feeling of comfort about their child's physical development in optimal conditions is important. Psychologists also seek to expand children's bond with their peers and strengthen their interactions with others (in order to achieve basic life skills and achieve independence in self-management), and educators, as parents did, are concerned about providing enough light for the child's early development.

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