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Showing 2 results for Iranian House

Hassan Ali Pourmand, Fatemeh Tabatabaei Malazi ,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Background: House in Islam, is considered as a center for teaching probity and creating a society without corruption and sin. Quran defines the best settlement for a human being the one, which is consistent with his needs and provides context for his growth and excellence. However, the mentioned factors are forgotten in contemporary housing and the Islamic theme is almost removed from the Iranian houses. So today we are witnessing houses far from the traditional Iranian pattern, which was combined with the rich Iranian-Islamic culture. In order to eliminate the gap between traditional and contemporary pattern, it is necessary to retrieve the values and principles considered in traditional architecture.

Researchers in this area, introduce features such as "unity, security, identity, coexistence with nature, moderation and social justice, beauty, hierarchy, preference spirituality, perfectionism, modesty, humility, purity, centrality, equality, privacy and comfort for Islamic house.

Purpose: Recent research in a different approach was after the principles, mentioned in Quran about the desired space arrangement in Islamic house, and by examining a sample of Iranian-Islamic house spatial arrangement, tryed to discover the latent geometry of Iranian-Islamic house spatial structure.

The purpose of the current study at the first step was to achieve the indicators affecting the desired spatial arrangement in Islamic perspective by grounded theory, and then evaluating the priorities of these indicators in Iranian- Islamic house spatial structure.

Methods: the methodology of the research was divided in to two main sections; the grounded theory and the case study method.

 In the first section, in order to investigate the pattern of desired spatial arrangement, the related verses extracted from Quran. Then, for apprehending the intention of each verse, the key points extracted from three different Quran interpretations; Al-Mizan interpretation, Noor interpretation, and Nemuneh interpretation. These key points then changed to codes (open coding). At the next stage, the codes with similar concepts gathered in groups called concepts. Psychological effects, social effects, residence interpretations, building orientation, visual contact of spaces, permeability control and different aspects of safety such as personal, bio-climatic and psychological, were some of the concepts extracted at this step. Then in axial coding, the concepts similar in content, created categories. Hence, the categories including the importance of Islamic residence, the importance of desired residence, importance of security, zoning, control and permeability, and the aims of the Islamic house, were some of the created categories. Finally the theory devise by selective coding. Selective coding was used after having found the core variable, which was the “characteristics of the Islamic residence” that was thought to be the core and explained the main concern. When the core variable was chosen, the data were selectively coded with the core guiding the coding not bothering about concepts with little importance to the core and its sub cores. Hence, the categories related to each other, and made four main sub cores; causal factors that include factors defining the cause of the investigation; underlying factors that defines the background of the investigation; preventive effects including factors that prevent achieving the main core; and strategies, which defines the solutions for achieving the goal. So, with the use of the grounded theory, the model of desired spatial arrangement extracted from Quran. Thus, the three key features of the desired arrangement and their application strategies defined: A) bioclimatic comfort and safety. B) Zoning. C) Monitoring and Control.

The second part of the research was devoted to the case study and assessed the extent to which the strategies were applied to Rasoulian house. At this stage, according to the extracted model, application of strategies for preparing bio-climatic comfort (appropriate orientation and spatial settlement of the building), appropriate zoning (visual hierarchy and connectivity of spaces and zones) and monitoring and control (space prmeability and permeability control of spaces and zone) evaluated in the case study in three scales: microscale, macro scale, and middle scale. The macro scale evaluated the extent to which the climatic factors were applied to the building. Zoning and monitoring factors evaluated with space syntax method and its two related software programs; “a-Graph” software, used for justification graph and permeability indicators analysis including mean depth (MD), relative integration and Control, and “Depth map” software, used for visibility graph and visual indicators analysis including visual connectivity and visual control. The mentioned indicators were analyzed both in micro and middle scales. Finally the evaluated indicators were scored according to their responsibility to the Islamic house aims mentioned in extracted model.

Results: According to the results, the example of Islamic-Iranian accommodation was in full compliance with environmental factors. The hierarchy of access and visibility control of access to the space results in more security from theft, psychological security, personal and family privacy, and provides a hierarchically well segregated complex. Besides, the great integration of private and semi-private arenas shows the importance of familiarity in Iranian- Islamic house structure. However, the high integration of public arena (the entrance) with the complex, which means easy access from entrance to the other spaces of complex, was inappropriate for security from theft, as well as individual and family privacy.

Also visibility of the private spaces from the half-private arena, damages the personal privacy. Moreover, the same permeability of semi-public and semi-private sectors from entrance, which means the separation according to permeability was not performed well and may undermine the privacy of the family.  Evaluation of the permeability of entrance space resulted in the priority of privacy to safety in placement of spaces.

Also the linear settlement of some interior spaces with opening on both interior and exterior facades, between interior and exterior yard, shows the importance of bioclimatic comfort in space arrangement. So the features according to their priority in spatial organization of Rasoulian house were as below:

According to the results, the most important issue was the adaptation to climatic factors and creating climate comfort by taking advantage of natural conditions and connection with nature. So, establishing bioclimatic comfort and security was prior to two other defined characteristics. That is while security of invade or theft was less important than the other aspects of security in the spatial structure of this Iranian- Islamic house example.

Parisa Mohamad Hoseini, Ali Javan Foruzandeh, Esmaeil Jahani Dolatabad, Ali Akbar Heidari,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (2-2021)

The home as the oldest and closest human shelter has a direct relationship with human culture. The connection between culture and architecture is more pronounced in vernacular residential architecture. Vernacular houses are the result of choices and adaptation of humans to the environment over time. They have evolved from the evolution of human experiences against various cultural, natural, biological, and economic factors. Human beings are always in the position of choosing different subjects of their lives. But what is true is that people usually choose things in different situations that are consistent with their mental structures, and at the same time, the result of that choice can meet their needs. It can be assumed that human culture is the basis of its various choices. Choosing is, on the one hand, influenced by the environmental conditions, which, basically, the type of response to these conditions influenced by cultural variables and attitudes of individuals.
Therefore, the main question is the question of what, how and why the effect of the «choice» factor, especially cultural choices, is on the formation of the vernacular house›s structure in Ardebil. The purpose of this study is to understand the semantic dimensions of the vernacular houses of Ardebil and to analyze the role of cultural choices in shaping of spatial_ physical and behavioral patterns, and in organizing the structure of houses. Accordingly, a number of houses belonging to the middle class of the city from the late Qajar and early Pahlavi periods in the traditional context of the city of Ardabil were chosen as a case study. Then the physical dimensions and cultural and behavioral components related to their inhabitants were extracted. The methodology of this research is qualitative. The method of data collection is field studies, documentary studies, and semi-structured interviews. The method of analyzing data is descriptive-analytic based on the rational reasoning method and qualitative content. The research steps are pursued in four steps: in the first step, the «basis of choice», which consists of two sections: «environmental factors» and «basic assumptions of culture» or the third level of culture, are explained; In the second step, the «Indicators of choice», which include the second-level variables of culture, such as do›s and don›ts, norms, rules, expectations, and valuations, were analyzed; In the third step, the «manifestation of choice», which are examples of the Indicators of choice as «meanings», were examined; And in the final step, «Impressions of choice» or Patterns of space and patterns of current behaviors related to
housing were analyzed. Following the above process in the formation of the structure of vernacular Ardebil houses in the late Qajar and early Pahlavi, the results were as follows: Environmental factors such as economic bottlenecks and cold climates formed meanings such as courtesy, self-sufficiency, foresight for the winter and ... as examples of choice indicators. These factors have had a great influence on the physical structure and discipline of the residential spaces of vernacular Ardebil houses in all three macro, middle, and small scales. For example, the orientation of the building, the establishment of the kitchen inside the house, the use of thick walls of brickwork and double-glazed windows, the presence of minimal spaces (consisting of a linear extension of a two-part pattern of the atrial chamber), simplicity in the components of the building, the use of indigenous materials and ... . Social and cultural commonalities such as worldview, religion, values, and beliefs, and ideals in the homogeneous and traditional Ardebil community of the time have shaped such meanings as the need to preserve kinship and neighborliness, the importance of the structure and position of the family, and norms and values such as religiosity, traditionalism, veil, Empathy with the people was in the minds of the people. The physical implications of these meanings are building houses of the same spatial pattern, without indicating superiority and isolation from other buildings, observing Islamic norms in the construction of houses, adopting solutions to privacy in houses, and so on. On the other hand, the behavior settings, the type of use of spaces, spatial divisions, territories and spatial boundaries, the relations of spaces, the use of communal spaces, etc. have also been influenced by valuations, norms, requirements, and the necessities of cultural factors. In sum, it can be said that culture in two stages affects human choices in relation to the issue of housing: 1) The basic assumptions or variables of the third level of culture (Figure 1), determine and explain the range of choice options for individuals. 2) Indicators of choice or second-level variables of culture (Figure 1), by defining a set of values, requirements, and necessities, generate meanings and orientations for the basis of choice, including environmental factors. This will prioritize some options against other options. Hence, human choices can be considered «cultural choices». Cultural differences are one of the most important factors influencing people›s choices. This means that differences in the culture of different societies create different meanings in people›s minds that create different behavioral and physical- spatial patterns. The research process of this paper for the recognition of vernacular Ardebil houses can be used as a model for understanding the structure of other houses in other regions and cultures. However, the method used in this research will have different results for different climates and cultures. However, given the fact that many variables of the basis of choices, such as climatic conditions and some of the basic assumptions of culture in different societies, have remained constant over time, one can use the results of the analysis of the structure of vernacular houses to improve the housing situation today in order to help make the house more consistent with the ecosystem, climate, and culture of societies.

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