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Showing 1 results for Pilgrimage Architecture

Massud Wahdattalab, Zeinab Hayati,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

Understanding, comprehension and sensory reception of the human being, from the architectural implications, undergo changes by getting far and closer to the architectural works. It is necessary to pay attention to this issue in pilgrimage architecture due to the importance of feeling responses at different distances.This research answers these questions: 1- What effect does the change of scale have on the decline of pilgrimage architectural meanings such as "Grandeur" and "intimacy"? 2- What changes do people's feeling responses undergo at different stages of approaching a pilgrimage site? The purpose of this research is to investigate the two implications of Grandeur and Intimacy in pilgrimage buildings and how it is perceived by the visitor at different distances of the building, including the stages of seeing, crossing the threshold and touching the building in the center. In this research, a mixed approach was chosen and qualitative content analysis was used, followed by exploratory factor analysis in SPSS software and confirmatory factor analysis in AMOS software. For this purpose, the individual's "distance" variable was considered as an independent variable, and "intimacy" and " Grandeur" were considered as dependent variables. 19 items in the questionnaire were compiled using the intervention method and by manipulating the scale and size of the images and provided to 229 subjects. For ease of answering, one building was evaluated in each question. Further, exploratory factor analysis led to the discovery of 4 components, which were proved by confirmatory factor analysis. The findings of the research show that there is a significant relationship between visibility and Grandeur on the one hand and centrality and intimacy on the other hand. The standard factor loadings of the items of each factor are more than 0.4. Considering the significance of the items in their factor for all the variables of the research, it is concluded that by changing the scale in a desirable range from " Dominant scale" to "intimate scale", the person's preference is transformed from grandeur to intimacy. No matter how much in the stage of vision and desirability of grandeur, we witness a direct relationship with the same slope, the pleasantness of the proportional relationship and intimacy does not have such a constant rhythm and harmony, and too closeness to the sacred matter has an avoidance feature for the pilgrim.

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