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Showing 3 results for Transparency

Zeinab Nazer, Azita Belali Oskoui, Mohammad Ali Keynejad,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

This research studies the concept of transparency behaviour of domes in Islamic mosque, with emphasis on the notion of the spiritual lighting.The topic of this study is important not only because it allows for a better understanding of the different types and purposes of these domes, but also because through calculating the veiling and revealing factor of each type, one can regenerate the use of dome in the architecture.In the analysis of quantitative factors, the quality of light in space and how to show the influence of Iranian architecture, structural elements play a prominent role.In the other words:Phrases related architectural lighting control within architecture elements that define spatial quality, are to identify and understand the value and meaning of the concept of light, began to attention to the importance of light in architecture.
The research method was used for which it is the consecutive combination explanation. Here, in the first stage, the quantitative data collected and analyzed, then in the second stage qualitative data collected and analyzed. Finally, both qualitative and quantitative analyzes are interpreted together.
The present study uses field measurements that the instrument used to collect the data, cameras and imaging and to take accurate of brightness quantitative information, and the digital photometer and simple devices were used, and its information has been gathered from documents and fieldwork. In this way the fieldwork for photometry to factors of physical and quantitative impact on the quality of light were studied and after identifying the physical factors affecting the quality of lighting the domes, the defining quality components transparency in relation to the characteristics of quality discussed and with quality components explaining to evaluate the degree of transparency of the domes of mosques reviewed, were studied. After examining different examples, seven residential mosque (Taj al-Mulk dome Isfahan Jame Mosque, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque of Isfahan, Blue Mosque of Tabriz, Barsian mosque, Imam Mosque in Isfahan, Jame Mosque of Yazd, Jame Mosque Ardestān) werechosen in the Iranian Islamic architecture.
The tools used to gather the data were cameras for photography and videorecording and a photometer for measuring light levels. The analysis of the information gathered indicates that the differentcharacteristics of domes all in their own way affect the level of spirituality and purity and transparency that the domesprovides. By examining the physical properties dome, transparency evokes components include: Unity (Unity means the harmony of the whole composition. The parts of a composition made to work together as a total visual theme. Unity is the relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elements function together. Unity gives a sense of oneness to a visual image. In other words, the words and the images work together to create meaning.), spatial continuity of light (a way to show how one type of space is directly linked to another by the light elements), the relationship between inside and outside (Physical or sensual links between inside and outside must be defined in some way that can characterize unique identity of each space and also establish proper interaction in whole architectural space. This proper interaction can create sense of consistency and integrity between this two spatial realms and furthermore express a link and boundary that if it is developed causes to creation another space that it is not inside or outside but it poses some character of each kind; this ambiguous moment of spatial experience, with focus as a connection between inside and outside, can be named “in-between”), lightness and dematerialization, resilience and adaptability, utility and readability (reading space is a process of using spatial knowledge appropriately after acquiring it and processing it in the mind), expansion spatial and light balance in space, was determined, each of which is associated with the physical properties of the atmosphere of a traditional mosque dome were examined, that indicated the highest degree of transparency in the dome of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque with 95%, and lowest degree of transparency is in the dome of Ardestān Mosque with 50%. The data analysis shows, all different characteristic domes with our way affectson the spirituality and the skylights creates transparency, and show that expression of spiritual clarity on the architecture of mosques in their bilateral relations with cover and illumination. By better understanding the effects of these characteristics, it is possible to design modern domes and skylight that arebetter suited to contemporary tasks.

Davoud Saadat, Iraj Etesam, Seyyed Mostafa Mokhtabad Amrai, Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2017)

In the history of architecture, since the architects sought to enter the light inside and as a result, its relationship with external conditions, the concept of transparency has been studied. Therefore, elements such as glass have been used to create transparency and entering the light. But because of lack of technical knowledge to achieve that goal, the less successes have been achieved. By the beginning of Modern architecture in the world, some new words come into the literature of architecture such as the theory of transparency in architecture. Actually transparency is an expression of the thoughts and ideals of Modern architecture in the shape of own self.
 On the other hand, deployment of transparency in the form of glassy architecture, created the base of criticism for its widespread use by critics of modernism. Colin Rowe and Robert Slutsky in the article “The Literal and the phenomenal transparency” presented an integral definition of transparency that could help Postmodern view about transparency. At the first, they classify the Literal transparency as the perceptual or spectacular one, and phenomenal transparency as the conceptual or readable one. Literal transparency actually refers to light permeability of materials and Interference indoor and outdoor spaces. A concept that could be considered as influenced by cubist painting techniques and aesthetics of Modern architecture.
The other statement of transparency, which is often used in the architecture of most of the world, is traction and appeal to create a sequence of spaces inside and outside the building. Which we can see the appearance of a perfect sample of it in Iranian architecture. In Iranian Islamic architecture that the valuable and exalted heritage of our ancients was the concepts of light and its different forms of that in wisdom, philosophy and art, not only before Islam but also after that.
The question is that how was transparency in Iranian Islamic architecture and what are conceptual differences between modern and postmodern architecture with Iranian Islamic architectural transparency. Transparency is among most important architectural issues that are rarely addressed. This importance is because of the comparison of some viewpoints about concept of transparency in the eras of Modern, Post-modern architecture and Iranian Islamic architecture to achieving principles of the formation of the concept and its types with aim to precise definition of structural concepts of objective and subjective.
The Article based on analyzing texts and collected data through librarian search and some documentaries. To narrow the scope of work, the evolution of transparency in the modern and post-modern movement. At first express types of transparency in modern architecture, postmodern and Iran›s Islamic architecture then study Comparative Comparison them and finally, explain and evaluate the transparency of Iran›s Islamic architecture.
This article expresses some kinds of transparency and divides it to Three Categories: Literal transparency, Phenomenal transparency and Semantic transparency and then analyses the philosophical and aesthetic based on architecture of modern, postmodern and Iranian Islamic architects. In this paper, we try to describe the features of transparency by considering of this parameter in modern architecture. After all, transparency in Iranian Islamic architecture is based on the concepts explained. With this method, the use of transparency in each of these eras has been explained and then used in a timeline, and finally examined the evolution of this application.
About achievement of this study to previous examples can be cited to this point what›s that Spatial transparency in the evolution of Iranian architecture introduced by Hadi Mirmiran, which means increased space and reduced material is on properties of Literal transparency more and based on the theory of modernism and is similar to Bruno Zevi,s view.
While results of this study, in addition to the above, in Iranian Islamic architecture, phenomenal transparency and semantic transparency are more and existence of major mental clarity (not objective). In the Iranian Islamic architecture and contrary to the last ones, we can give a hint, that the explanation of Iranian architecture with the modern architecture’s language instead of its Islamic and Iranian language is so wrong. Actually we ignore and connive at some parameters by this viewing. In fact, with dealing like visual material these concepts, a lot of deep cultural concepts in Islamic architecture will be ignored.
Kourosh Momeni,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2018)

The Transparency is a basic principle in Iranian architecture that has reached prosperity during the time. Isfahan is an important city in architecture because it has been as the political capital in the two important periods. So many valuable buildings have been built in these periods that the houses are more important between them.
Literature review:
The architecture was more transparent until the Qajar era but after that in Pahlavi era and contemporary architecture, it be used in different way and has lost the Iranian Islamic patterns. Unfortunately, this principle that has been improved fundamental and theoretical principles of Iranian architecture today will be ignored or less used in design and architecture. If these principles are also applied, its concept and appearance in architecture has changed and has been forgotten Iranian Islamic models. The authors try to answer these questions: How the transparency become manifest in the form of Isfahan traditional houses? How the transparency has been manifested in different era and in which era it has been more evident? Thus, due to this point that the Isfahan homes architecture has become more transparent during the time and different eras, this article studied the transparency principle in the houses forms of two important Isfahan eras.
This paper contains the parts are as follows: the theory part that introduces and defines the fundamental of transparency, and the field part that reviewing the principals that make the buildings more transparent in two different periods. So the theoretical part of paper, accomplished by using the library resources and the field studies is done by using authentic maps, direct observation of these houses and interview with experts. Numerous of significant historical houses related to Safavid and Qajar era has been reviewed because the transparency in Isfahan’s architecture is more manifested in these two eras. This comparison between these houses shows the difference of transparency in different periods. The collection of historic homes that have been registered with the National Monuments insist of 83 houses of the Qajar period, 38 houses related to the Safavid period, five houses related to Safavid- Qajar era and 12 houses from the Qajar- Pahlavi era. Among these houses, the buildings those are more impressive in architecture and their plans and map are existed, has selected to review. So 14 houses were evaluated.
So this paper has studied and compared the principle of transparency in the design of Safavid and Qajar's homes to recognize and reuse the transparency principle in the contemporary residential architecture. Reviewing different opinion and studies have been done about transparency; show that there are different aspects about this issue. The transparency in Europe and Islamic architecture is different but there are common in some concepts and factors. So it is necessary to set a clear definition. In this article transparency is a kind of design that contains “Reducing the Materials and Lightness”, “Opening the Space”," Permeability and Reflection", "Fluidity and Dynamism "," Hierarchy and Sequence” and “Visual Continuity”.
The transparency is appeared in Isfahan historical houses as the concepts such as “Reducing the Materials and Lightness”, “Opening the Space”," Permeability and Reflection", "Fluidity and Dynamism "," Hierarchy and Sequence” and “Visual Continuity”. Different strategies applied in designing the forms and body of building during the Qajar and Safavid period to create the transparency. So the transparency as a Basic and effective principle in Isfahan architecture, has become more obvious during the time and different periods
The design of the historical houses of Isfahan becomes more and more transparent during the time. Models and strategies that are used in each period are derived from the previous strategies. But these strategies will be completed and more visible in the next period. An obvious example can be seen in the porch (Eivan) of these houses. During Safavid period the porch in addition to climate issues, has been created to opening the space, visual continuity, fluidity and dynamism and lightness in the building. This space applied and with small size in some walls of Safavid houses. But in Qajar houses, these patterns are more completed and developed than previous periods. The size, number of columns, width, height and even decoration of these spaces has increased and become more developed in Qajar houses. These two eras are common in some strategies that applied to make the building transparent. Some of these solutions are: using multiple courtyards, Eivancheh, Mahtabi, Hozkhaneh, and numerous vaults.
Finally; if the transparency is defined as “Reducing the Materials and Lightness”, “Opening the Space”," Permeability and Reflection", "Fluidity and dynamism "," Hierarchy and Sequence” and “Visual Continuity”, the Qajar architecture is considered as the evolved architecture. So it can be said that, Qajar architecture has improved the theories and patterns that applied in the design of Safavid houses and even in some cases has been created innovation in the forms of buildings.

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