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Showing 1 results for Verses and Narrations.

Dr Nasim Asharfi, ,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (3-2024)

The growing trend of the country's population in the last few decades, along with cultural eclecticism and a lack of reference to religious recommendations, has caused the concept of home in the design of human living spaces to distance itself from its essential meaning, relying instead on abstract rules and concepts. From the verses and narrations, it is possible to achieve a systematic truth in the design of the quality of home space, so that the expectations of a good house can be met through a network of related principles. Therefore, the present research tries to use a descriptive-analytical method based on the network model to introduce a conceptual model for the Tayyib house that fits the system of natural, psychological, and physical needs. In this regard, the two macro concepts of love and creativity in the field of human natural needs guide other human needs concerning the living space. If these two tendencies are actualized in the correct path of nature, there will always be a tendency towards perfection, and as a result, monotheism will be realized in the space of human life, leading to the divine promise of a good life.

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