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Showing 12 results for Typology

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2015)

In current time, modern architecture design opinion along with new generation of academic graduated architects has great influence on new buildings, such as mosques design. One of the most important effects is the distortion of shapes and space, which is headlined as new design view of mosque in architecture and society. Unlike the past which mosque buildings were followed by special tradition style in each era, there is much diversity of types and design methods, which it cannot be classify in tradition or any specific category by shape and form. In addition of extreme evolution on design and built process of contemporary buildings, this article is trying to have a specific overview in the orientation of mosque designing. Then classifying the indexes of this development with identification and on the other hand notifies the effective courses on mosque architecture process. Research questions are: can we suggest any features of Iranian current mosque design comparing to Islamic world design? What standards can we consider? What is the design style of contemporary mosques? And what is the specification of each? Many researchers have proposed approaches for classifying the effective streams on contemporary architecture of Islamic countries, particularly the modernist mosques. These approaches investigate the recognition of the principles of design, favorite variables of architects, and also their work product as architecture body. Each of these researches, in turn, has suggested different categories or for modernist mosques. For example, "Ismail Serage-aldin" in his article titled "classification of effective approaches in contemporary architecture of Islamic countries", divided this approach into five groups of popular approach, traditionalist approach, people-oriented approach, adaptable modernism approach, and modernist approach. These approaches have an effective role in different streams of architecture design in contemporary era, particularly in the designing of mosques. This article is aimed to recognize trends of designing mosques in contemporary era specifically and by identifying indicators of these changes classifies them and recognizes effective streams on the evolution era in the architecture of mosques. Therefore, after reviewing performed classifications, the desired attitudes for investigating works are introduced and tables are prepared for each of these works that have been analyzed in those works based on defined attitudes, and then by comparing tables an attempt is done in classification of works based on common characteristics in the table. At the end, those attitudes that have affected contemporary mosques are introduced as a group of indicators. For better recognition, some examples of these groups in Iran and the other countries will be introduced. The questions that have been asked in this research are: Can attitudes be introduced in designing Iranian contemporary mosques in comparison with Islam world? What criteria can be considered for this issue? What orientation do exist in designing contemporary mosques? And what are the characteristics of each of them? At first, the research process has been formed based on quantitative variables that have had a key role in recognizing mosques as modernist mosques. These variables are volume versus space, full and empty, physical development, plan pattern, facade, the average ceiling height, decorations, form, color, position, construction location and its time and then categorizing the amounts of variables has converted them to qualitative data and make it possible to divide them to some groups based on a integrated structure that in every group part of amounts are in similarity or proportionality with each other. Therefore, three groups of tables were prepared from characteristics of mosques during research. In first group, the table introduces the status of each variable in mosques second group separates the mosques with common characteristics and the last group introduces their properties. This classification that has been obtained from investigating 50 modernist mosques can indicate shape-physical approach in typology of modernist mosques in Islam world. Based on conducted investigation, a part of contemporary mosques that a typology was done about them are mosques that are outstanding in Islamic society or have introduced the meaning of mosque in a new body from physical perspective. These mosques have been classified into four categories based on shape typology and these categories are: white modernist mosque, pure mosques, form-oriented mosques, and hybrid modernist mosques. In white modernist mosques, the volume is not important and often takes a form of project site. In pure mosques against traditional mosque building, the architect aims to create a symbolic volume. The volumes are simple and Platonic. Especially, the cubic shape that has a background in Islamic tradition is used. In form-oriented mosques, the attention to external volume is very important so that ignoring internal space is resulted. The volume of these mosques usually includes complicated and innovative forms and architectural sculpture and pure forms are not applied. Asymmetrical and simple decorations, use of color and light shadow diversity are usual in these mosques. Hybrid modernist mosques are a combination of the former types that means each of their elements follow one of types and cannot be placed in any former types. On the other hand, they are a hybrid of the former types.
Gholam Hosein Memarian, Seyyed Mahdi Madahi, Arash Sayyadi,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Today, there are a few dozens of historical index houses in the city Sabzevar. Reviews show that up until now, despite the presence of their special characteristics, variety and role, there have not been comprehensive studies about them but through the presence of valuable samples from various historical periods (Teymouri, Safavid, Qajar, Pahlavi), their exposure to destruction through changing the method of living, multiplicity of owners, migration and generally loss of attractions for today's life, reviewing these houses is necessary. Since most of the historical houses in Sabzevar are from the Qajar period, the purpose of this article is to read and recognize Qajari houses. The used research method is combined and the results obtained from the study show that Sabzevar's houses, with architectural specifications such as semi-hot and arid climate, have mostly been made as introvert houses and they can be divided to three types of the first, second and third period based on the features of architectural space, structure and decorations. Discussion of architectural typology has been proposed in some of the European countries since the late 11th century. At first, this topic was treated in a very clichéd way and they reviewed categorization of buildings based on a mutual feature. Another one of methods of categorization at this time was dividing the buildings with mutual feature of their map. This method has many advantages, but unfortunately, by being drawn in one way of thinking, being caught up in a deterministic framework and linking historical process with deterministic materialistic views, they came to conclusion and the result of it is predetermined by considering the mentioned framework whereas in a study, in addition to the overall review, the results shall be obtained after the study and research.

Accurate identification and classification of various architectural types can be useful in understanding the space better, protecting it and also in achieving new methods of designing.

Seyed Amir Mirsajadi, Hero Farkisch,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2017)

   Typology as a practical method has become to an important subject due to rise of modern architecture and lack of identity to achieve pattern of traditional architecture. Residential tissue as a core of traditional cities with its elements and specific form are valuable legacy for survey and analysis. This research refers to systematic method consisting analytical and descriptive method in fundamental issues linked to typology reviews, theoretical principles, and theories. In the process of research affective physical factors identified and based on field research 15 houses has been surveyed. Furthermore Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to evaluate and comparing effective physical factor in the form of houses. Results of research were obtained to promote new housing design patterns and guideline. The criteria obtained from results also compared with present urban principles to improving the quality of houses design in traditional tissues of Neyshabur city.

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Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Introduction: The plant decorations are considered as the most obvious designs that are used elaborately in different works of art. They are also used frequently in architectural decoration, particularly the ones made of stucco. The way these plant ornaments are composed characterizes the period in which they were created though many of these compositions have been repeated frequently over centuries. The goal of this research is to study the typology and classify the significant plant compositions in the stucco decorations from the Islamic period to the fourteenth century. In order to achieve this goal, the following questions should be answered:
  • What are the most popular plant compositions in the stucco decorations from the Islamic period to the fourteenth century?
  • Which compositions can be considered as the significant features of plant ornaments in a certain period?
Conclusion: The data was collected based upon written sources and field research (photography, linear print of the images) and analyzed through comparative-historical method. The results of this study suggest that the compositions existing in the samples can be classified into 9 groups some of which have been repeated in all historical periods, like the two and three-arabesque compositions in the margins and delicate joint/ stems with snail-shaped arches. But some of these compositions, including multi-layered plant compositions, delicate plant stems in the backgrounds, snail-shaped arches, etc., were evolved in some centuries, i.e. 13th and 14th centuries, or used more frequently. 
Narges Karimi, Reza Abouei, Dariush Heydari,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Buttresses has been used as a support structure in the field of architecture. This under pressure structure prevents from thrust force advancement and creates resistance and stability of main structure against any horizontal movement. Study references related to architectural structures makes it clear that little researches is dedicated to support structures, particularly buttress in Iran and is not provided the answer to this question: By what measures can investigated types of buttress and what are these types. Meanwhile, raised the issue of the buttress in the area of specialized restoration as a way of treatment, it is needed to urgent research conducted in this regard. The purpose of this study is understanding buttress in Iran. Therefore, relying on library studies then field research and surveying of 100 available samples, discovering and typology of buttresses of Persian architecture was intended. The main outcome of this study was to identify buttress species based on measures of form, position of buttress in plan, materials and construction time. The study of the typology of the studied samples showed that any combination of solid rectangular plan and combined sections (rectangle and triangle) types, are the most practical buttress of the 100 participants of this research. Ease of construct and play the best structural role of the buttress can be reasons of   using by architectures that has been based on their empirical knowledge. The buttresses have openings such as the type of a floor with the port covering of circular arch type; have allocated the most acceptances from the architects. An achievement that offers this research, are scientific solutions for restorers and architects to design the buttress species in restored historic buildings.
Fatemeh Baradaran Heravi, Mehdi Hamzehnejad,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2020)

Aesthetic-Sublime conflict has been as one of the most pressing issues in the thinking that included in the manifestations of human life and the construction of temples in history. In the modern era, both the formalist and the functionalist currents of modern architecture emerged in response to the German philosopher's theory of Emmanuel Kant. Later, deconstructionist architects such as Eisenman who that stated their anomalous roots in their heuristic formula for combining the two aspect of theory. These currents of thought penetrated the Islamic world, especially the construction of mosques. Unique Islamic conceptual patterns were less discussed in the amalgamation of aesthetics and the quest for its revival in the modern age. a universality of Jamal-Jalal is recommended in the Islamic viewpoint that Islam has not claimed in previous religions and this equilibrium has taken place with the rise of Islam. This equilibrium can be traversed to either side of the spectrum in each sample as needed. In this research, the philosophical principles and architectural criteria derived from both sides and a descriptive-analytical approach was discussed to the conceptual typology of historical mosques. Finally, The models were expressed to the architecture of the historical and Islamic periods in six sections. 1-The Origin of Style Effects from Organizing (High Pure) to Artistic (Pure Beautiful) and Comprehensive viewpoint at Architectural Styles. 2- On the Jamali-Jalali side of the environmentally sensitive historical epochs, approach of cultural periods in Europe with verticalism and attention to Sublime (Egypt) to Egypt with horizontalism and the periodic classification is based on the nature (Environment) that is compared in the three categories of medieval naturalism to Renaissance naturalism (Soft modernity). 3- Sublime-Aesthetic faculties in Formalist architecture schools fall into three categories: Anatomical, space-oriented and socialist in Islamic architects of Iran. 4- Conceptual model was presented for each aspect with sensitivity to the Sublime-Aesthetic (jalal-jamal) of sensing factors. 5- Functionalism indices were investigated by three-dimensional (aesthetic, sublime and socialist) principles of Iranian architectural architecture with the principles of organizing movement in space. 6- Encoding with symbolization factors was conceptually presented as Sublime-Aesthetic attention, and the share of attention to the purely beautiful symbol in the glamorous and sublime symbols refers to the glorious dimension.  The space and body were remarkable that were effective in expressing this dual opposition in the architecture of contemporary mosques. Nowadays, contemporary architects use Aesthetic and Aesthetic appearance to represent the clergy of space in Contemporary mosques. Ultimately, authenticity is in need of socialist. It is a sublime meaning that, along with simplicity, is reminiscent of the spiritual space of the model mosque (the Prophet). Finally, two examples of mosques were laid out in a comprehensive Western and traditional pattern. The indices were based in each contemporary work on Jamal-Jalal of Islam or Western Aesthetic-Sublime. The results of the study show the evolution of the architecture in the four Iranian mosques, that Has a tendency for pure sublimity or aestheticism to the sublime aesthetic states (holistic state) and when comparison to two types of mosque (contemporary Western-style mosques) have sometimes moved toward materialistic and authentic Aesthetic and Sublime. The perceptions are superficial in the past patterns but sometime this patterns are along to values. motivations of Aestheticism have given originality to outer space and Sublimation to originality and both dimensions of history have been distorted in the non-sacred paradigm and merely reduced to charm and functionality. Whereas the holistic viewpoint has a coherent and original view of spirit and spiritual growth.
Mr. Mohammad Amir Kakizadeh, Ms. Neda Naseri, Mr. Hozhabr Dabbagh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2021)

The historical Fabric of Boushehr has a high visual form and performance capacity that has been very influential in the urban landscape. So many special elements and factors can be found in architecture and urbanism of the Boushehr that even is not seen in other neighboring cities with same climate. Shanashir is one of the visual capacity that is vernacular in this place. Today this architectural and vernacular factor is ignoring in construction and it has been forgotten.
Literature review:
The meaning of the Shanashir word is not available in Persian dictionaries. Some scholars believe that this word is equivalent to Shansheel in the Arabic language. Shanashir has been used in architecture of various countries, including Arab countries, North Africa, parts of Europe such as Turkey and Spain and South Asia. Traditional version of Shanashir had many important environmental functions and specific parameters for design through recognized patterns. Shanashir did not provide only a decorative and aesthetic element, but also it was designed to perform many environmental functions like adjustment of lighting, humidity and air flow control, reducing the heat, and playing an essential role in securing privacy. Unfortunately, today this functional element of architecture ignores in the modern building and if it be applied don't abide by these aspects.
The aim of this study was to recognition and rehabilitation of this valuable element of architecture, and the consolidation of its position and value in indigenous architecture of Persian Gulf region, and answers to these questions: What are the principles, features, patterns and performance of Shanashirs in Bushehr? What kinds of Shanashirs are available in Bushehr and what is their difference? In order to answer the research questions, author was conducted to investigate this element of architecture with using the descriptive-analysis methods. So this paper contains the parts are as follows: the theory part that introduces and defines the fundamental of Shanashir, and the field part that reviewing the Typology of Shanashir in historical texture of Bushehr. So the theoretical part of paper, accomplished by using the library resources and the field studies is done by using authentic maps, direct observation of these buildings and interview with experts, old photographer and Homeowners. These historical buildings related to Qajar era. The comparison between these houses shows the difference of Shenashir and their frequency in Bushehr. Among all historical buildings of Bushehr, all of the buildings that have Shanashir and their plans and map are existed, has selected to review so The collection of 17 historic building that have been registered with the Cultural Heritage, Crafts & Tourism Organization and 5 Unregistered building have been reviewed in this article.
In the classification of Shanashir, various factors such as location, different types of form and shape, different structures, varied decorations and also the function which are expected from the Shanshir can be considered in their diversity of them. In the historic building of Bushehr, the exterior Shanashir is usually facing the sea and for the use of vision and a cool sea breeze, but in the internal types, in the four fronts of the building, they have been seen to Creating connections between spaces. In a form typology according to the differences that seen in Shanashir, these elements were examined from three perspectives: plan, facade and perspective. The geometry of Shanashir can be divided into 5 groups of linear, L-shaped, U-shaped, triangular and quadrilateral.
External Shanashir in Bushehr are usually linear and l-shaped, but the inner Shanashir have a variety of 5 categories. There are three types of fully-worn, semi-open and completely open. Shanashirs are either protruding or flat in the facade of Shanashirs in Bushehr. The appearance of them is different and according to this difference, there are different structures. The diversity of construction methods of Shanashirs is one of characteristics which have led to diversity and beauty of faced in historical fabric. Windows shade or animated shutter are also used in some of Shanashir. The contrast of brown or blue Shanshir on the white facede of building, make it very conspicuous.
According to the studies that had conducted on the Shanshir of buildings in this research, the authors found the points and characteristics of the Shanshir's element in Bushehr:
Shanshir is essentially an element imported into the Bushehr architecture, but has been changed and identified in accordance with the culture and climate of the country. This architectural element is a functional space that has different functions such as the following:
Climatic reasons such as preventing solar radiation, passive cooling, thermal filter; Aesthetic reasons: Creating variations in the facade, vitality, fluidity and dynamism, readability; cultural reasons: creating the privacy and nuisance vision control; functional reasons: Creating a connection between inside and outside space, flexibility, creating a terrace, vision and landscape.

Mahdi Mohammadzadeh, Hero Farkisch,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2021)

Due to the construction process and the emergence of new technologies in the construction industry, the use of vernacular architectural patterns is less common in today›s buildings. However, in order to maintain identity and preserve the vernacular architecture, it is important to know the features of the native architecture. Rehabilitation of indigenous buildings of an area requires recognizing, analyzing and presenting the appropriate model of an area and the texture of its neighborhoods and building types. The major objective of this study is to understanding the vernacular architectural and structures to recognition the typology of buildings, the pattern of local and traditional texture of the Masheh neighborhood of Kish Island in order to revive the local identity of the region. This research will first have a descriptive-analytical view, a review of key issues related to indigenous architecture, urban context and typology in architecture. Then, while analyzing and explaining, the research method of the case study has been used to identify and evaluate the Masheh neighborhood. Finally, according to the obtained findings and results from the physical analysis and typological studies of vernacular houses, the most effective indigenous factors of this neighborhood were identified. Effective physical factors included the network of passages, the system of mass and space, granulation and segmentation, spatial organization, height, and geometry. The results of the research based on typology examined the texture of the Masheh neighborhood in four general categories that can be considered by architects and urban planners in constructions based on the indigenous identity of the region.
Hamed Hayaty, Mahsa Behdarvand,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2022)

With the arrival of Islam in Iran, the knowledge that had a strong connection with religion flourished in this land. Although in later periods schools were established independently from mosques, because of the religious studies in schools, the connection between mosques and schools was recreated again and they were called mosque-school in Islamic architecture. The integration of the two functions of mosque and school led to spatial innovations and creativity in the architecture of these buildings. Therefore, the architecture of these buildings had quite a special importance in the history of Islamic architecture. This article is based on the assumption that the body of Iranian schools from the Seljuk period to the Qajar period has evolved; It seeks to find the structural characteristics of Iranian schools in each historical period and also the evolution of their spatial arrangement by examining the models. For a better understanding and more specific analysis, the evolution of the spatial arrangement, typology of the structural system, and the relationship of traditional schools were conducted for the mentioned schools. This typology includes topics like structural system, spatial layout, structural communications, how to connect educational and worshiping (prayer) areas, methods of defining space (closed, open, and covered). The data were initially presented using a descriptive method and then they were evaluated through an analytical and adaptive method, and in terms of historical-interpretive approach, it was accomplished with typological analysis method and using library sources, collecting data from historical books, mapping, documents and receipts reading.
Study results show that schools in each historical period in order to meet the needs of students, have found specific structural characteristics and this has led to spatial changes, including residential, educational, and worshipping areas. For example, the porches of traditional schools initially had an educational function, and students gathered on the porches to discuss. In some cases, they also had been used for praying purpose. As a result, according to the present study and the case studies, the body of traditional schools in terms of the characteristics of the main components (porch, dorm, madrasa, etc.) and spatial arrangement, have passed evolutionary developments during the Seljuk period, Timurids, Safavids, Qajar.
Dr. Reza Sameh, Mr Seyyed Mohsen Mousavi,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2022)

It seems necessary to conduct research on the towers of tomb as one of the outstanding manifestations of Iranian architecture. The dispersal and multiplicity of these buildings throughout the country demonstrates the special position of this type of buildings. Therefore, many cultural and artistic bases can be understood by recognizing and classifying these buildings and applying their architectural methods can help preserve and continue Iranian-Islamic architecture. The present article seeks to analyze the "transformation of the plan of the historical tomb towers in Iran based on time changes", which will lead to the cognition of the patterns of the tomb towers plan and the trend of changes in relation to time periods. The method used in the present article is qualitative that follows the historical strategy. Documentary and library study is one of the strategic methods that includes historiography and typology. Classification of tomb towers, study of the plan and form structure, and conformity to their geographical location and climate are some of the solutions in this article. Required information is also obtained from written sources that analyze theoretical concepts. Samples of 24 tomb towers with various plans and geographical and territorial dispersion have been selected and written data have been studied. The results of the present article confirm that in some time periods or periods of different reign, a kind of supremacy is seen in a form structure or a plan, but this type of relationship cannot be considered as the main factor in the formation of tomb towers because this type of relationship is not repetitive (plan-geographical location or plan-reign period).
Narges Loghmani, Nima Valibeig, Hamed Mazaherian,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

The construction of schools has a long history in Iran. But with the evolution of Islamic civilization and the development of literature and other sciences, it was not possible to be content with the circles of mosques where scattered debates took place. Therefore, the establishment of certain centers for this purpose seemed necessary. An institution in which higher education and traditional Islamic sciences such as hadith, commentary, jurisprudence and the like are established. Among the Islamic nations, the first people to feel this need were the Iranians, who for some time built simple, uninhabited schools, libraries, and the like, and then fully equipped schools such as the military. The city of Isfahan is one of the centers of Iranian architecture, which is known as Dar-ul-Alam Shargh, and the construction of religious schools next to its mosques began during the Al-Buwayh and Al-Ziyar periods. But over time, some of them have been lost or their faces have changed and no written information about the condition of their spaces is available. Previous studies on schools can be divided into several areas. Part of it is physical and functional analysis, other categories are typology and in the last part, studies have a historical aspect. According to studies, less research can be observed in the field of historical schools that has divided the functional structure of school spaces. Therefore, in this article, for the first time, by analyzing the functional characteristics, the historical schools of Isfahan have been analyzed. Leading research seeks to answer these questions: What are the most significant criteria in the plan of historical schools in Isfahan, which are included in the functional structure of their plan? And how can these criteria be examined in the micro-spaces of these schools? By answering these questions, one can recognize a part of the architectural identity of historical schools in Isfahan and reveal many meaningful repetitive principles and concepts in these uses. This research is fundamental in terms of what is qualitative and based on purpose. It also studies the samples with an analytical-descriptive approach. The present study is non-experimental in terms of data collection and retrospective in terms of time element. To achieve the objectives of this research, data collection has been obtained through library studies and field methods (plan capture, etc.). The tools used include manual meters and laser meters, as well as video documentation tools including photography. The statistical population of this study includes more mosque-schools (Rahim Khan, Sayyid, Rokna Al-Molk and Hakim) and some mosques such as Abbasi Mosque and Jame Mosque, which have Sulaimaniyah, Nasiri and Mozaffariyeh schools next to them, respectively. Of 23 pieces. Now, in order to provide a suitable measurement for the analysis, the seven mentioned samples have been removed from the statistical population. The samples are purposefully selected and correspond to the eighth to fourteenth centuries AH and their number is 16. The samples in this study are analyzed based on the five criteria mentioned and based on each criterion, different plan structures are presented in the form of tables. Data collection is based on authors' library and field studies. During this research, the criteria of the structural index of the plan of historical schools in Isfahan have been determined. These five index criteria that identify the commonalities and differences in the samples include, spatial diversity (outdoor, semi-open and closed), uses in schools and functions of different parts of the building (educational, Residential, prayer, cultural), building circulation (entrance device circulation, access to cells, access to prayer space in schools with prayer space and domes and movement circulation in the corners of the central courtyard), location and form of the device Stairs include, joining and enclosing the building and finally the type of space system (central-axial). These five criteria have created a different functional and spatial structure in the school plans of this city. These five criteria can be examined in different sections in such a way that in the analysis of spatial diversity, most of the samples have various open and semi-open spaces (in terms of multiplicity) that are formed with the center of the central courtyard. Also, the study of the place of prayer space in schools has placed them in three general categories. On the other hand, he pointed out that in schools attributed to the Safavid period onwards, the use of prayer has a special space, which before this use was shared with other uses in school spaces. Analyzes of the circulation criterion revealed that differences could be observed in different areas and sections of schools. On the other hand, access to the upper floors in the samples is done only with a stair device enclosed in the building. The stairwell is usually located next to the porches. This research can also provide an approach for other researchers to study buildings with similar uses, such as caravanserais.

Reza Salimi Gargari, Seyed Majid Mofidi, Haniyeh Sanaieian,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2024)

Given the crucial role of the building envelope as a protective shell and its impact on energy consumption, proper façade design is of significant importance in the building design process. Considering the challenges and time-consuming nature of traditional optimization methods, it is essential to provide an appropriate method for designers to use in the early stages of design. The building's exterior envelope, which includes opaque and transparent components, protects the interior space and improves external climatic conditions. This research examines the parameters affecting building façades on thermal behavior and energy consumption. Initially, through a systematic review of sources and similar studies, the physical parameters of façades are analyzed, and then the various façade types in District 15 are examined. After conducting studies, the GIS map of the area is precisely analyzed, and common façade types are extracted through field surveys. The parameters affecting the building envelope, including wall layering, façade treatment, and insulation, and their impact on heating and cooling energy consumption, are studied and analyzed. Subsequently, the effect of the window-to-wall ratio on energy consumption is investigated. The results obtained from simulations are validated through field studies.
According to the results, there is a direct relationship between the thermal conductivity of the wall and energy consumption. In the optimal case, compared to the worst case, there is a difference of approximately 38.43 kWh per square meter in heating energy and 1.48 kWh per square meter in cooling energy consumption. Given the electricity consumption for cooling, this amount is particularly significant.

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