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  تهران ، نارمک ، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران،، دانشکده برق، مرکز تحقیقات نانوپترونیکس
کد پستی: 13114-16846
 تلفن: 73222667-021
فکس: 73225777-021
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nrc( -At -) iust.ac.ir
:: بانک مقالات مرکز تحقیقات نانوپترونیکس ::

گنجینه مقالات مرکز تحقیقات نانوپترونیکس

گلچین مقالات

AWT IMAGE[1] S. Mohammadnejad, S. Roshani and M. Nasirisarvi, Fixed Pattern Noise Reduction Method in CCD Sensors for LEO Satellite Applications, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL), Graz 2011.
AWT IMAGE[2] S. Salemian, S. Mohammadnejad, Analysis of Polarization Mode Dispersion Effect on Quantum State Decoherence in Fiber-based Optical Quantum Communication, 11th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL), Graz 2011.
AWT IMAGE[3] A. Bahrami, S. Mohammadnejad, A. Rostami, “All-Optical Multimode interference switch using nonlinear directional coupler as a passive phase shifter,” Fiber and Integrated Optics 30 (2011) 139–150.
AWT IMAGE[4] S. Salemian, S. Mohammadnejad, “An error-free protocol for quantum entanglement distribution in long-distance quantum communication,” Chinese Science Bulletin 56 (2011) 618-625.
AWT IMAGE[5] S. Salemian, S. Mohammadnejad, “Design and implementation of polarization filter for quantum states discriminator in optical quantum communication,” Optik 122 (2011) 349–354.


[6] ز. اعلایی، ش. محمدنژاد، مطالعه فرآیندگرمایش نانو ذرات طلا درنانوپزشکی لیزری، لیزرپزشکی؛1389،دوره 7، شماره3،صفحات: 24-18.

AWT IMAGE[7] M. Aliramezani, Sh. MohammadNejad, Numerical analysis and optimization of a dual-concentric-core photonic crystal fiber for broadband dispersion compensation, Optics & Laser Technology 42 (2010) 1209–1217.
AWT IMAGE[8] H. Simchi, M. Mehmandoost, Sh. Mohammadnejad, E. Mahmoodzadeh and M. H. Saani, Scalar Relativistic and Impurity Effects on Nano-InSb MIS Capacitor Characteristics, Far East Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Physics 1 (2010) 99-109.
AWT IMAGE[9] S. Mohammadnejad, N. Ehteshami, Novel Design to Compensate Dispersion forIndex-Guiding PhotonicCrystal Fiber with Defected Core, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE), Japan 2010.
AWT IMAGE[10] S. Mohammadnejad, S. G. Samani, and E. Rahimi, Optical Characteristics of ZnO – Based Photodetectors Doped with Au Nanoparticles, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE), Japan 2010.
AWT IMAGE[11] S. Mohammadnejad, S. G. Samani, and E. Rahimi, Characterization of Responsivity and Quantum Efficiency of TiO2–Based Photodetectors Doped with Ag Nanoparticles, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE), Japan 2010.
AWT IMAGE[12] S. Mohammadnejad, M. Mehmandoost, Realization of Quantum Hadamard Gate by Applying Optimal Control Fields to a Spin Qubit, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE), Japan 2010.
AWT IMAGE[13] E. Rahimi, S. Mohammadnejad, A Novel Architecture for Quantum-Dot Cellular ROM, International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Newcastle 2010.
AWT IMAGE[14] S. Mohammadnejad,F.AhmadiKakhki, E. Rahimi, A Simple MathematicalModel for Clocked QCA Cells, International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Newcastle 2010.
AWT IMAGE[15] S. Mohammadnejad, N. Ehteshami, A Novel Design to Compensate Dispersion for Square-lattice Photonic Crystal Fiber over E to L Wavelength Bands, International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Newcastle 2010.
AWT IMAGE[16]Sh. Mohammadnejad, P. Khademi, E. Rahimi,Analysis andcomparison of electrical characteristics for a single molecule wire with different electrode materials, International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP),Newcastle 2010.
AWT IMAGE[17] H. Simchi, M. Raastgoo, A. Ranjbar, T. Barzekar, M. Qasempour, M. Daaraei, E. Mahmoodzadeh, M.H. Saani, Sh. Mohammadnejad, “Ar+ ion milling of InSb for manufacturing single electron devices,” Infrared Physics & Technology 52 (2009) 113–118.
AWT IMAGE[18] S.Salemian, S.Mohammad Nejad, “Quantum State Swapping in Optical Quantum Communication Using Mach–Zehnder Interferometer,” The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 35 (2009) 221-230.
AWT IMAGE[19] K. Fasihi, S.Mohammad Nejad, “Orthogonal Hybrid Waveguides: An Approach to Low Crosstalk and Wideband Photonic Crystal Intersections Design,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 27 (2009) 799-805.
AWT IMAGE[20] S.Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaeei, “Unified Pulse Laser Range Finder and Velocimeter Using Ultra-Fast Time-To-Digital Converter,” Iranian Journal of Electrical &Electonic Engineering 5 (2009) 112-121.
AWT IMAGE[21] S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahayabadi,“Prediction of Photonic Crystal Fiber Characteristics by Neuro-Fuzzy Systems,” Optics Communications 282(2009) 4081-4086.
AWT IMAGE[22] S.Mohammad Nejad and M.Pourmahayabadi.“Design of Ultra-low and Ultra-Flattened Dispersion Single Mode Photonic Crystal Fiber by DE/EDA Algorithm,” Journal of Modern Optics 56 (2009) 1348-1357.
AWT IMAGE[23] M. Pourmahayabadi and S. Mohammad Nejad, “Advanced design and optimization of single mode photonic crystal fibers,” Journal of Modern Optics 56 (2009) 1572 – 1581.
AWT IMAGE[24] S.Mohammad Nejad and M. Pourmahayabadi, “Numerical Analysis of Index-Guiding photonic Crystal Fibers with Low Confinement Loss and Ultra- Flattened Dispersion by FDFD Method,” Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 5 (2009) 170-179.
AWT IMAGE[25] K. Fasihi and S. Mohammadnejad, “Highly efficient channel-drop filter with a coupled cavity-based wavelength-selective reflection feedback,” Optics Express 17 (2009) 8983-8997.
AWT IMAGE[26] E.Rahimi, S.Mohammad Nejad, “Secure Clocked QCA logic for implementation of Quantum Cryptographic Processors,” Applied Electronics, November, 2009, 217 – 220.
AWT IMAGE[27] E.Rahimi, S.Mohammad Nejad , “The generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs using grating structures of Ti-diffused Lithium Niobate waveguides in integrated optics,” Applied Electronics, September, 2009, 225 – 228.
AWT IMAGE[28] M.Pourmahayabadi, S.Mohammad Nejad, “Design of Ultra-low and Ultra-Flattened Dispersion single mode Photonic Crystal Fiber by Differential Evolution Algorithm,” Applied Electronics, September, 2009, 211 – 215.
AWT IMAGE[29] S.Mohammad Nejad, M. Baba Ali, “Designing a 20GHz Mode Locked Semiconductor Laser by Using Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguides,” Applied Electronics, September, 2009, 181 – 185.
AWT IMAGE[30] K. Fasihi, S.Mohammad Nejad, “A Flexible Design of Waveguide Intersections with Low Cross-talk in Hexagonal Photonic Crystal Structures,” Applied Electronics, November, 2009.
AWT IMAGE[31] S.Salemian and S. Mohammadnejad, Design and Implementation of Polarization Filter for Quantum States Discriminator in Optical Quantum Communication , ICEE 2009, Iran.
AWT IMAGE[32] M. Pourmahyabadi and S. Mohammad Nejad, Design of a Large Mode Area Photonic Crystal Fiber with Flattened Dispersion and Low Confinement Loss, ICEE 2009, Iran.
AWT IMAGE[33] K. Fasihi and S. Mohammad Nejad, Design and Modeling of Hybrid Waveguides with Lorentzian Transmission band, ICEE 2009, Iran.
AWT IMAGE[34] S. Mohammad Nejad, M.Aliramezani and M.Pourmahyabadi, A Novel All-Solid PhotonicBandgap Fiber with Ultra-Low Confinement Loss, ICEE 2009, Iran.
AWT IMAGE[35] E. Rahimi, S. Mohammad Nejad, Time and Frequency Domain Analysis of Frequency Chirp and Raman Response for Soliton Propagation in Nonlinear Optical Fibers, ICEE 2009, Iran.
AWT IMAGE[36] S. Mohammad Nejad, K.Fasihi and S. Olyaee, “Modified Phase-Shift Measurement Technique to Improve Laser-Range Finder Performance,” Journal of Applied Sciences8 (2008) 316-321.
AWT IMAGE[37] S.Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaeei, “Low Noise High-Frequency Top Laser Range Finder,” American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (2008) 755-762.
AWT IMAGE[38] S. Mohammad Nejad and S. Salemian, “Quantum Entanglement Implementation Using InterferometricElecto-Optic Modulator and Coupled Mode Theory,” Journal of Applied Sciences 8 (2008) 743-752.
AWT IMAGE[39] S.Mohammad Nejad and M. Pourmahyabadi and S. Olyaeei, “Optimal Dark Current Reduction In Quantum Well 9 um GaAs/AIGaAs Infrared Photodetectros with Improved Detectivity,” American Journal of Applied Sciences5 (2008) 1071-1078.
AWT IMAGE[40] S. Mohammad Nejad and S. Salemian, “Quantum Hadamard Gate Implementation Using Planar Lightwave Circuit and Photonic Crystal Structure,” American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (2008) 1144-1148.
AWT IMAGE[41] M. Pourmahyabadi, S. Mohammad Nejad, "Optimal Confinement Loss Reduction in Photonic Crystal Fiber with Flattened Dispersion," 5th International Symposium on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), Malaysia 2008.
AWT IMAGE[42] E. Rahimi and S. Mohammad Nejad, "Analysis Of Super-Gaussian Ultra-Short Pulse Propagation Nonlinear Optical Fibers," 5th International Symposium on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), Malaysia 2008.
AWT IMAGE[43] K. Fasihi, S.Mohammad Nejad, "Design and Modeling of Hybrid Waveguides with Quasi-Flat Transmission Band," 5th International Symposium on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), Malaysia 2008.
AWT IMAGE[44] S. Mohammad Nejad, M. Aliramezani, and M. Pourmahyabadi, "Design of a Photonic Crystal Fiber with Improved Dispersion and Confinement Loss Over All Telecommunication Bands," 5th International Symposium on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), Malaysia 2008.
AWT IMAGE[45] S. Mohammad Nejad and S. EnayatiMaklavani and E. Rahimi, "Dark Current Reduction in ZnO-Based MSM Photodetectors with Interfacial Thin Oxide Layer," 5th International Symposium on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET), Malaysia 2008.
AWT IMAGE[46] S.Olyaee and S. Mohammad Nejad, “Nonlinearity and Frequency-Path Modeling of Three- Longitudinal-Mode Nanometric Displacement Measurement System,” IET(IEE) Optoelectronics-electronic 1 (2007) 211-220.
AWT IMAGE[47] S. Mohammad Nejad and S. Olyaee, “Stabilization of Laser Frequency Based on the Combination of Frequency Locking and Power Balance Methods,” Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (2007) 3965-3970.
AWT IMAGE[48] S. Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee, “Characterization of Elliptically Polarized Light and Rotation Angle of PBS in the Three-Longitudinal-Mode Laser Interferometer Using the Jones Matrices,” Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (2007) 2806-2811.
AWT IMAGE[49] S. Mohammad Nejad and S.Olyaee, “Design and simulation of velocity and displacement measurement system with subnanometer uncertainty based on a new stabilized laser Doppler-nterferometer,” The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 32 (2007) 89-99.
AWT IMAGE[50] S. Olyaee and Sh. Mohammad-Nejad, “Error Analysis, Design and Modeling of an Improved Heterodyne Nano-Displacement Interferometer,” Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 3 (2007) 53-63.

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