In the Name of God Nanoptronics Research Center performance report Responsible: Dr. Shahram Mohammad Nejad 2008
Table of contents: 1- Introduction
2- Research center members 3- Research activities 3-1 Journal articles 3-2 Conference articles
3-3 Translated books
3-4 Industrial research projects
3-5 Research schemes proposal
3-6 Scientific seminars Presentation 3-7 Scientific visits 4- Educational activities 4-1 M.Sc seminars 4-2 M.Sc projects 5- Scientific collaboration with foreign industrial and educational center 6- Participation in authoritative conference 7- Reception Appreciation position and scientific award 8- Holding graduation celebration 9- 2009 programs
1- Introduction: Establishing research centers and specialized laboratories are necessary factors in order to ascertain one of the most important academic prophecies, that is, to internalize research. Through the development of the Nanoptronics Research Center, Iran University of Science and Technology has dedicated a welcoming atmosphere for researchers and students interested in the field of Nanoptronics. This center is significant in conducting research, managing semi-industrial and industrial projects, creating appropriate opportunities for conducting M.Sc and Ph.D. student projects and researches, educating experts necessary for various centers and industries, and so forth. Immigration of scientists and educated people from Iran to western countries is not only due to economic reasons, but also due to under equipped and under developed laboratories. Providing scientific and academic advances can highly increase their return. The Nanoptronics research center can meet scientific and human development demands, prospects of medium-term and long-term plans, and specialize in electronic-related sciences. The center has been created as a result of the Nanoptronics sub-major (branch of study) in the Electronics faculty of Iran University of Science and Technology, and the necessity to develop related laboratories. According to the guidelines mentioned, research priorities and our country’s requirements, this center was established in 2007 with the following laboratories: |
1. Nanoelectronic Lab. 2. Optoelectronic Lab. 3. Quatronics Lab.
1. Nanoelectronic laboratory: One of the most important aspects of nanotechnology is its multi-disciplinary aspect. The current training program structure in most universities has some shortcomings for nanotechnology experts. Therefore training programs need to be optimized. The factors by which lead the way toward long-term goals of nanotechnology are being provided in a time period of less than 20 years, and include: establishing nanotechnology research centers, applied laboratories, and multi-disciplinary research programs and groups in universities. Hundreds of billions of dollars investments in the field of nanotechnology by developed countries like Japan and America indicates nanotechnology’s universal importance. In Iran there is a great deal of scientific potential in order to conduct nanoelectronic researches. As a matter of fact, published articles in authoritative international journals and successful research projects show that Iran has had great success in this area, leaving a minor distance between Iran and developed countries in this field, making competition all the more possible. Research contexts in this laboratory include studying quantum transmission, single-electron devices, applying nanoparticles to fabrication of photodetectors with ZnO and molecular nanoelectronic. It has been predicted that by means of equipping the laboratory in the future, it will be possible to conduct various experiments with tools, including the electronic microscope to measure atomic dimensions and molecular ordering, identifying three-dimensional features and nanoelectronic device surface, controlling molecular ordering and fabrication of photodetectors and so on. |
2. Optoelectronic laboratory: Measurement systems and accurate optical instruments are important requirements of different industries particularly those related to semiconductor device fabrication, optical lithography and mask production. In optical lithography processes, it is necessary to take care of nanometric accuracies in measuring mobility of different axes. Moreover, other practical instances of optical measurement equipments include calibration of laboratory and industrial equipments, accurate cutting, robotic systems, surface roughness measurement, and geological sciences and gravity measurement. Obtaining accurate measurement systems are ever more necessary for the planning and establishing of an applied laboratory concerning measurement equipments and devices and accurate instruments. Important applications of optical electronics, Laser and Optic, under our study include rangefinding and speedometer, aiming through laser, leader and tracker electro optic systems, electro optic discovery and detector systems and more. |
3. Quatronics laboratory: One of the basic applications of spintronics is quantum communication, the goal of which is to transfer quantum states from one point to the other. Because this is a new branch of the sciences, it is possible to achieve progress and innovation along with developed countries by attending and providing necessary facilities to researchers. This technology is critical to communication safety and quantum communication safety, which will be possible in the near future. Using quantum communication in national sensitive applications will help these sections greatly. Subjects like production of entangled photons, transferring them to receiver and transmitter stations, investigation of environmental effects on entangled photon pairs, design and fabrication parametric reducer convertors, quantum encoding, quantum key distribution, designing and testing quantum gates, entanglement exchange and distillation, investigation of optical fiber effects on entangled photon pairs, and processing quantum information and so on can be performed in this lab. |
2- Research center members: In 2013, two department faculty members, four Ph.D. students, six M.Sc. students have had the following activities: |
Num. | Name | Post | Research field | Responsibility | 1 | Dr. Shahram Mohammad Nejad | Assistant Professor of Iran University and Technology | Research center advisor | Research center chief | 2 | Dr. Saeed Olyaeei | Faculty members of Shahid Rajaee College and collaborator of this center | Optoelectronics | Responsible of optoelectronic Lab. | 3 | Mrs. Maryam Pourmahayabadi | Ph.D. student | Photonic crystal fibers | Collaborator of Optpelectronics Lab. | 4 | Mr. Kiazand Fasihi | Ph.D. student | Photonic crystal devics | Collaborator of Optoelectronics Lab. | 5 | Mr. Shams Allah Salemian | Ph.D. student | Quantum Communication | Collaborator of Quantunics Lab. | 6 | Mr. Ehsan Rahimi | Ph.D. student | Nanoelectronics | Collaborator of Nanoelectronics Lab. | 7 | Mr. Shahed Mohammad Nejad | - | - | Collaborator of Internal Affairs | 8 | Mr. Shahin Enaiati | M.Sc. student | UV/IR Photodetectors | - | 9 | Mr. Mostafa Aghaee | M.Sc. student | Laser Speedometer | - | 10 | Mr. Mohammad Ali Ramazani | M.Sc. student | Photonic crystal fibers | - | 11 | Mr. Mani Babaali | M.Sc. student | Photonic crystal lasers | - | 12 | Mr. Mazdak Listani | M.Sc. student | Optoelectronics | - | 13 | Mr. Ali Asghar Torabi | M.Sc. student | Quantum encoding | - |
Further, a collection of educational and research activities of the Nanoptronics Research Center has been exhibited in 1387. |
3- Research activites: Activity fields of the Nanoptronics Research Center in 1387 include: - Photonic crystal fibers and devices - Quantum calculation and communication - Nanoelectronics - Optoelectronics Research results have been exhibited in the following table: |
3-1 Journal Articles: No. | Title | Journal | Status | 1. | Orthogonal Hybrid Waveguides: An Approach To Low Crosstalk And Wideband Photonic Crystal Intersections Design | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY | Published | 2. | Design And Simulation Of Velocity And Displacement Measurement System With Subnanometer Uncertainty Based On A New Stabilized Laser Doppler–Interferometer | The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | Published | 3. | Error Analysis, Design and Modeling of an Improved Heterodyne Nano-Displacement Interferometer | Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering | Published | 4. | Prediction of Photonic Crystal Fiber Characteristics by Nero-Fuzzy Systems | Optics Communications | accepted | 5. | Design of Ultra-low and Ultra-Flattened Dispersion single mode Photonic Crystal Fiber by DE/EDA Algorithm | Journal of Modern Optics | accepted | 6. | Advanced Design and Optimization of Single Mode Photonic Crystal Fibers | Journal of Modern Optics | accepted | 7. | Highly efficient channel-drop filter with a coupled cavity-based wavelength-selective reflection feedback | Optics Express | accepted | 8. | The generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs using grating structures of Ti-diffused lithium niobate waveguides in integrated optics | Optics Communications | submitted | 9. | Quantum dot cellular ROM: A new approach to design secure digital data storage design | Journal of microelectronics | submitted |
3-2 Conference Articles: No. | Title | Conference | Date | 1. | Quantum State Swapping in Optical Quantum Communication Using Mach-Zehnder Interferometer | 2008 Internatioal Symposium on Telecommunications | 2008/04/15 | 2. | Design and Simulation of a Dual-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber for Dispersion Compensation over E to L Wavelength Band | 2008 Internatioal Symposium on Telecommunications | 2008/04/15 | 3. | Quantum NOT and CNOT Gates Implementation Using Interferometric Electro-Optic Modulator | 16 Iranian Conferece on Electrical Engineering | 1387/02/24 | 4. | Design of Single Mode Photonic Crystal Fibers with Low-Loss and Flattened Dispersion at 1.55µm Wavelength | 16 Iranian Conferece on Electrical Engineering | 1387/02/24 | 5. | A Novel Approach to Implementation of Quantum Entanglement Purification in Optical Quantum Communication | CSNDSP08 | 2008/04/11 | 6. | Reduction of Non-Orthogonality Effect in Nanometrology System by Modified Optics and Signal Conditioner | CSNDSP08 | 2008/04/11 | 7. | Numerical Investigation and Optimization of a 2d-Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Low Confinement Loss and Ultra-Flattened Dispersion | CSNDSP08 | 2008/04/11 | 8. | Quantum-Dot Cellular ROM: A Nano-Scale Level Approach to Digital Data Storage | CSNDSP08 | 2008/04/11 | 9. | Novel Design of an Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Flattened Dispersion and Ultra-Low Loss | BroadCom' 08 | 2008/11/23 | 10. | A Novel Design of Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Flattened Dispersion and Ultra-Low Loss | ICI2008 | 2008/09/23 | 11. | Analysis of Super-Gaussian Ultra-Short Pulse Propagation in Nonlinear Optical Fibers | HONET2009 | 1387/08/28 | 12. | Optimal Confinement Loss Reduction in Photonic Crystal Fiber with Flattened Dispersion | HONET2009 | 1387/08/28 | 13. | Design and Modeling of Hybrid Waveguides with Quasi-Flat Transmission Band | HONET2009 | 1387/08/28 | 14. | Dark Current Reduction in ZnO-Based MSM Photodetectors with Interfacial Thin Oxide Layer | HONET2009 | 1387/08/28 | 15. | Design of a Photonic Crystal Fiber with Improved Dispersion and Confinement Loss Over All Telecommunication Bands | HONET2009 | 1387/08/28 |
3-3 Translated Books No. | Project subject | Under contract | date | 1. | Fabrication possibility and simulation of fabrication process and electrical & optical parameters of dual band UV-IR detection in reticle seekers | Iran electronic industries corporation | 2008/9/17 | 2. | Investigation, study and design of UV-IR reticle seeker simulator for parameter testing of UV-IR reticle seeker | Iran electronic industries corporation | 2008/8/24 |
3-4 Industrial Research Projects No. | Project subject | Under contract | date | 1. | Fabrication possibility and simulation of fabrication process and electrical & optical parameters of dual band UV-IR detection in reticle seekers | Iran electronic industries corporation | 2008/9/17 | 2. | Investigation, study and design of UV-IR reticle seeker simulator for parameter testing of UV-IR reticle seeker | Iran electronic industries corporation | 2008/8/24 |
3-5 Research Schemes Proposal No. | Scheme subject | Presentation location | date | 1. | Design and fabrication of laser reticle seeker | Defence industries | 2008/4/13 | 2. | Design and fabrication of UV-IR photodetectors | Iran electronic industries corporation | 2008/5/30 | 3. | Design and fabrication of simulator table of reticle seeker | Defence industries | 2008/5/09 | 4. | scheme of New technologies | Ministry Of Defense | 2008/10/6 | 5. | comprehensive scheme of Nanoptronics | Technology assistant of president | 2008/4/18 | 6. | comprehensive scheme of dual reticle seeker | Defence industries | 2008/9/09 |
3-6 Scientific Seminars Presentation No. | Seminar subject | Presentation location | Date | 1. | UV-IR sensors | Defence industries | 2008/6/14 | 2. | Strategic scheme of components and systems of component industries | Iran electronic industries corporation | 2008/5/04 | 3. | Design and simulation of IR detectors for reticle seeker | Defence industries | 2009/3/10 | 4. | Design reticly simulator | Defence industries | 2009/3/10 |
3-7 Scientific Visits No. | Number of visitors | Visiting location | Date | 1. | 4 | Iranian component industries | 2008/10/6 | 2. | 3 | Iranian semiconductor industries | 2009/3/06 |
4- Educational activities 5 students have graduated in 2008. 5 seminar reports (3 of 5 were presented in 2007) and 5 M.Sc. projects were results of the researches. During the Optoelectronics course students have been spent some experimental classes in the Nanoptronics Research Center laboratories.
4-1 M.Sc seminars No. | Student name | Seminar subject | Date | 1. | Shahin Enaiati | Investigation of dual UV/IR detectors in recitle seekers | 2008/6/12 | 2. | Mazdak Listani | Investigation of properties and application of Ultraviolet photodetectors | 2008/6/12 |
4-2 M.Sc projects No. | Student name | Project subject | Date | 1. | Mani Babaali | Design and simulation of mode locked lasers by using optical photonic crystal waveguides | 2008/12/03 | 2. | Mohammad Ali Ramezani | Design and simulation of multistructure optical fiber crystals based on band gap | 2008/10/21 | 3. | Shahin Enaiati | Design and simulation of ultraviolet photodetectors based on ZnO and enhancment of quantum efficiency and dark current | 2008/10/21 | 4. | Saeed Aghaee | Design and fabrication of electrical section of laser speedometer by using TOF time method | 2008/07/19 | 5. | Ali Asghar Torabi | Security analysis of quantum key distribution and offering an algorithm for diffusion of optical interference in BB84 protocol | 2009/03/04 |
5- Scientific collaboration with foreign industrial and educational center One of the most important designed policies of the Nanoptronics Research Center is scientific collaboration with foreign industrial and academic centers. For this purpose, the Nanoptronics Research Center has been by distinguished centers including: Mr. John Kiun Co, industrial equipments manufacturing company chief, and his accompanying delegation Dr. Reza Ardebili from France Mount Pelee university Dr. Ghasemloee from Norton Beria university Dr. Kanli from Limberg Irland university Collaboration and interest of Malaysia Company for transferring knowledge of fabricated laser speedometer of nanoptronics research center to this company for mass production
6- Participation in authoritative conference One of the goals of the Nanoptronics Research Center is participating faculty members and students in international authoritative IEEE conferences. In 2008, researchers from this center have prominently given presentations in two IEEE conferences, which were held in Austria and Malaysia. No. | Conference title | Conference place | No. of papers | 1. | 6th Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP08) | Graz, Austria 23-25 July 2008 | 4 | 2. | 5th International conference on High-capacity Optical Networks & Enabling Technologies (HONET) | Penang , Malaysia Nov 18-20, 2008 | 5 |
7- Reception Appreciation position and scientific award In CSNDSP08, Following article has received award of the best article in IEEE: 1. E. Rahimi and Sh. Mohammadnejad, "Quantum-Dot Cellular ROM: A Nano-Scale Level Approach to Digital Data Storage" CSNDSP08
8- Commencement Ceremony The NRC center has held and will continue to hold commencement ceremonies as an appreciation to its graduated students.
9- 2009 Programs Goals and important announcements of the Nanoptronics Research Center include: Graduation of two Ph.D. students and some M.Sc. students Publication of at least 20 articles in national and international conferences Completion of at least 2 industrial projects Holding at least 6 seminars of M.Sc. students Getting at least 2 industrial projects Participating in several national and international conferences Developing international collaborations Negotiating with national scientific and technology responsibles for NRC's development Converting at least one of the produced technologies to a semi-industrial product Attracting at least 7 Ph.D. and M.Sc students. Publication of at least one book