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اطلاعیه تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه درباره ثبت نام دانشجویان کارشناسی ارشد ورودی 98::
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Indeed, this Qur'an guides to that which is most suitable and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward(Quran-Al-Isra)

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:: Facts and Figures ::

Facts and Figures

Faculty , Student , Research , Campus , Athletics , Alumni ,Honors And Achievements

Number of Faculty Members: 376 full-time and 268 visiting faculty members dispersed among our schools, departments and research centers

Degrees Offered : 16 major fields of study in B.Sc. program, 56 major fields of study in M.S program and 27 major fields of study in Ph.D. program are offered by our faculty members.

  • Student                                                                                               AWT IMAGE

Number of Students : 9916 students as of fall 2008 including 4641 undergraduates, 3030 Masters, 669 Ph.D. students, 620 second-term students and 956 B.Sc. and M.Sc. students in E-learning programs.

Certificates Granted in 2007-08: 7758 degrees are granted in Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs.

Profile of Admitted Freshman: 876 B.Sc. students, 1125 M.Sc. students and 168 Ph.D. students enrolled in fall 2008

Gender Ratio of Admitted Freshman : 303 female and 573 male Bachelor students, 330 female and 795 male Master students and 29 female and 139 male Ph.D. students were admitted in fall 2007. 

Number of IUST Publication: more than 950 journal papers including ISI were published in 2007 and the first six-month of 2008. Also 569 national and 1420 international conference papers have been presented in scientific gatherings.

Number of Conferences and Festivals: IUST hosted 46 national and international conferences after the year 2001.

  • Campus                                                                                               AWT IMAGE

Number of Schools, Departments and Research Centers: 14 academic schools and departments, 36 interdisciplinary research groups and 12 research centers form the main campus of the university.

Number of Dormitories: IUST provides 8 dormitories with more than 3050 students living in, including 804 female and 2246 male students.

Number of Libraries: The main library stretched in 2000 square meters and more than 19 satellite libraries; with more than 108321 volumes of books, including 39500 volumes of books in the main library, 1033 annual publications in 60000 volumes, 100 video tapes, 2300 compact discs, 690 microfilms, 2092 dissertations, 30 databases of electronic journals and 12016 E-books.

Size of Area: The main campus is stretched in 42 acres.

  • Athletics                                                                                               AWT IMAGE

Number of Teams : 23 men's and 16 women's sport teams make up the main body of IUST sports.

National Championships Won by IUST Teams: 33 national awards achieve by IUST sports in the past two years

International Championships Won by IUST Teams: 31 international awards achieved by IUST sports (1997–2007)

Number of Alumni: More than 32000 students have been graduated at B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels since the establishment of University.

  • Honors and Achievements                                                                 AWT IMAGE

IUST Special Honors & Achievements

· Awarded the national title of Distinguished Institute in Human Ressource Development by the President of Iran in the year 2000.

· Awarded the national title of Excellent Institute, by Management and Planning Organization in the year 2001.

· Establishing the school of Railway Engineering, a unique academic school in the Middle East, by the full sponsorship of the Railway Company of Iran.

· Establishing the first school of Automotive Engineering in Iran with the cooperation of Iranian Organization of Development and Renovation of Industries through the joint sponsorship of Irankhodro and Saipa Companies.

· Two Information Technology Centers with the cooperation of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

· Establishing the Composite Institute of Iran.

· Establishing the Electronic Research Center.

· Acquiring the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Technical Assistance Agreement (Grant) for Capacity Building for Enhancing Quality Welding and Research Center at IUST.

· Signing a number of 589 research contracts with industries during the recent four years.

· Achieving 13 Book of the Year title authored by IUST faculty members. The title is annually awarded for the outstanding cultural and scientific contribution of the authors throughout the country.

· Publishing a total of 447 journal and 1209 conference papers in the academic year 2006, by IUST faculty members in various fields of Science and Engineering.

· Winning 14 awards in Khwarazmi International Festival during 18 recent years by faculty members. In this occasion IUST students have also reaped 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank of the Young Researcher Khwarizmi Festival in the last 6 festivals.

· Achieving 3 Honorable Eternal Figure by IUST faculty members

· Achieving 1 2 “Faculty Member of the Year” Title by IUST faculty members since 1988.

· Achieving 6 “Researcher of the year” titles by IUST faculty members in recent years

Outstanding Students’ Achievements in recent years

· First Rank in the Rescue Simulation League, Germany, 2005.

· Second rank in soccer 3D Simulation League, at the International Robocup Competition, Germany 2005.

· 3rd rank in the 8th International Robocup Championship, USA, 2004.

· 3rd rank in the International Robocup championship, Portugal, 2004.

· Holding the Championship title of USA Robocup competitions, 2003.

· First rank of Italy Robocup Competitions, Padova, 2003, in presentation, simulation analysis for playing (software), and simulation analysis for the football coach.

· 2nd rank in the international competition of American Concrete Institute in 2002 and 2003 competitions.

· First rank of the Robotic team in the Second World Robotic Championship, USA, 2002.

· 3rd rank in Japan Robocup, 2002.

· Fifth rank in the Germany Championship, 2002.

· 4th rank in the ACM championship of the West Asia, 2002.

National Distinguished Lecturers

Ministry of Science, Research and Technology selects and nominates annually 15 - 20 Distinguished Lecturers among the faculty members of more than 150 higher education institutions nationwide, who are glorified during a ceremony in the National Teacher’s Day. During recent ten years, one of the distinguished lecturers each year has been selected from the faculty members of IUST.

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