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:: Description of duties of subordinate units of Vice President for planning and Development office ::

Description of duties of Planning and budget office:

1-      Implementation of required studies to design structural patterns and systems and methods which are appropriate to the university needs

2-      Arranging the organization chart and compiling the goals and description of duties of units

3-      Evaluating the possibilities and continuous inspection of university organization, systems and methods to amend and improve them

4-      Pondering the suggestions made by different university units regarding creation, elimination and combination of organizational levels and positions and offering improving suggestions

5-      Providing the criteria, prescriptions, forms and methods needed for university in all the backgrounds and amending and changing them if needed

6-      Standardizing the allotting professions in the university

7-      Studying and planning to settle an optimized organizational system in university

8-   Providing and adjusting the annual budget (expenditures, taking investing- allocating possessions), letters of agreement, taking allocations, providing the university budget reform and complementary within the framework of the university laws

9-      Supervising the implementation of budget

10-   Taking necessary actions to determine the university staff educational needs and planning to implement the programs

11-   Providing educational programs for specific Fields of professions

12-   Implementing related secretarial affairs

Supervision and Assessment office:

1-      Planning to compile statistic and specific criteria and indices to evaluate performance of University units

2-      Supervision, inspection and evaluation of performance of University units in periodic and case study manners and providing necessary reports

3-      Creating and updating comprehensive statistics and information systems in human resources, administrative, management and … backgrounds on the basis of predicted criteria and indices to provide the informational needs of the university by utilization of latest technologies

4-      Evaluating the participation and effective attendance of faculty members in universities and providing suitable methods to enhance it

5-      Inspection and analysis of the data and statistics taken from different university units and presenting the necessary reports to the superior position 

6-      Implementing case study and periodic investigations from different university domains and providing and presenting the necessary reports to the superior position 

7-       Implementing related secretarial affairs.

Constructional planning office

Obtaining precise and complete information about projects in hand, in order to determine the priorities and defend the predicted budgets for projects in the vice president for planning and effective supervision office and other resources.

-               Programming and presenting the development pattern of educational, research and service spaces of the university.

-               Selecting the contractors and consultants for the approved projects on the basis of vice president for planning and effective supervision office rules and trading regulations of the universities.

-               Supervising the approved construction, installation, equipment and decoration projects in accordance with the related rules and providing the necessary reports if needed.

-               Handling and investigating the preliminary accounts of the projects which are managed by the consulting engineers to make contract.   

-               Collaboration in the investigation of the university master plans and making them in accordance with comprehensive related educational plans.

-               Collaboration with projects administrators in studying and amending the predicted projects.

-               Participating in meetings and commissions regarding the approval of different steps of projects administration.

-               Study and approve of the projects provided by consulting engineers.

-               Handling the contractors and consulting engineers disputes.

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