[صفحه اصلی ]   [ English ]  
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صفحه اصلی::
معرفی قطب::
معرفی افراد::
منابع، امکانات و توانمندیها::
معرفی آزمایشگاهها و کارگاهها::
برنامه، طرحها و اقدامات::
معرفی دستاوردها و افتخارات::
دانشجویان دکترا::
آلبوم تصاویر::
تماس با ما::
جستجو در پایگاه

جستجوی پیشرفته
نظرتان درباره سایت چیست؟
تماس با ما


آدرس: تهران، میدان رسالت،

خیابان هنگام،

 دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران

دانشکده عمران، طبقه سوم،

دفتر قطب علمی پژوهش‌های بنیادین در مهندسی سازه

تلفن : 77240540-021

داخلی 6458

دورنگار: 77240398-021

آدرس الکترونیکی:

cefsee AT iust.ac.ir



:: مدیر قطب ::

 علی کاوه


 تاریخ تولد


 مرتبه علمی








 پست الکترونیکی

 alikaveh AT iust.ac.ir


 رشته تحصیلی

 محل تحصیل

 تاریخ اخذ

 دکترا تکنیک

 مهندسی سازه

 دانشگاه فنی وین


 دیپلم مهندسی (کارشناسی ارشد)

 مهندسی سازه

 دانشگاه فنی وین



 مهندسی سازه

 انگلستان، دانشگاه لندن


 کارشناسی ارشد

 مهندسی سازه

 انگلستان، دانشگاه لندن



 مهندسی عمران

 ایران، دانشگاه تبریز




 زمینه‌های تحقیقاتی مورد علاقه


 عضویت کمیته‌های علمی

 همکاری با مجلات علمی و بین‌المللی

 سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی

 کتاب‌های بین‌المللی

 کتاب‌ها به زبان فارسی

 مقالات در مجلات علمی و بین‌المللی ( ISI , ISC )

 مقالات کنفرانس‌های ملی و بین‌المللی

 افتخارات کسب شده





  •  طرح و تحلیل سازه ها به مدت 3 سال.

  •  تدریس موضوعات زیر به مدت 36 سال در سطوح کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد و دکترا.

  •  مقاومت مصالح 1 و 2.

  •  تحلیل سازه‌ها 1 و 2.

  •  تحلیل ماتریسی سازه‌ها با مقدمه‌ای بر روشهای اجزاء محدود.

  •  طرح و تحلیل پلاستیک سازه‌ها.

  •  روشهای گراف تئوریکی برای تحلیل ماتریسی سازه‌ها.

  •  کاربردهای تئوری گرافها و توپولوژی در مهندسی عمران.

  •  هدایت سمینارهای کارشناسی ارشد.

  •  هدایت پروژه‌های کارشناسی ارشد و دکترا.

  •  مشاور مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن به مدت 16 سال.

  •  مشاور شرکت نیرپارس به مدت 2 سال.

 زمینه‌های تحقیقاتی مورد علاقه

  •  مفاهیم بنیادین تحلیل سازه‌ها

  •  روش نیروها برای تحلیل سازه‌ها

  •  توپولوژی و تئوری گرافهای کاربردی

  •  بهینه‌یابی مسائل ریاضیات ترکیباتی

  •  ترتیب برای کاهش نوار، پروفیل و جبهه ماتریس‌ها

  •  تاشه‌پردازی

  •  تحلیل سازه‌ها به روش مستقیم تکراری

  •  طرح و تحلیل پلاستیک سازه ها

  •  طراحی بهینه سازه‌ها

  •  صلبیت سازه‌های اسکلتی

  •  روش‌های اجزاء محدود

  •  روش زیرسازه‌ها و افراز برای تحلیل سازه‌های بزرگ مقیاس

  •  زیردامنه‌هی بهینه برای مدل‌های اجزاء محدود بزرگ مقیاس

  •  سازه‌های تاشو

  •  شبکه‌های عصبی در مهندسی عمران

  •  آموزش مهندسی

  •  رو‌ش‌های بهینه‌یابی فراکاوشی و کاربردهای آنها

  •  تقارن و نظم در مکانیک سازه‌ها


  •  عضو پیوسته فرهنگستان علوم جمهوری اسلامی ایران

  •  عضو آکادمی جهان سوم

  •  عضو ارشد انجمن مهندسان راه و ساختمان ایران

  •  عضو پیوسته انجمن ریاضیات و کاربردهای آن (انگلستان)

  •  عضو انجمن ریاضیات صنعتی و کاربردی امریکا

  •  عضو انجمن ریاضیات کاربردی و مکانیک آلمان

  •  عضو انجمن مهندسان راه و ساختمان امریکا

  •  عضو انجمن ریاضی ایران

  •  عضو پیوسته انجمن مکانیک محاسباتی اروپا

  •  عضو انجمن ریاضی امریکا

  •  عضو انجمن بین‌المللی اندرکنش مکانیک و ریاضیات اروپا

 عضویت کمیته‌های علمی

  1. 3rd International Conference on Space Structures, Surrey, UK, 1984.
  2. International Conference on Applied Mathematics, IUST, Tehran, 1991.
  3. 4th International Conference on Space Structures, Surrey, UK, 1993.
  4. Iranian Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Shiraz, 1993.
  5. Civil-Comp 93, Edinburgh, UK, 1993.
  6. 1st International Conference on Graphs and Mechanics, Poland, 1993.
  7. International Conference on Applications of Fussy Systems, Iran, 1994.
  8. Civil-Comp 95, Cambridge, UK, 1995.
  9. Computational Structures Technology, Budapest, Hungary, 1996.
  10. Mouchel Centenary Conference on Innovation in Civil Engineering, Cambridge, 1997.
  11. Civil-Comp 98, Edinburgh, UK, 1998.
  12. International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 1998.
  13. 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2000.
  14. Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Oxford, 1999.
  15. 2nd International Conference on Graphs and Mechanics, Poland, 1999.
  16. Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Belgium, 2000.
  17. Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Austria, 2001.
  18. 5th International Conference on Space Structures, Surrey, UK, 2002.
  19. The first M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, USA, 2001.
  20. The second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, USA, 2003.
  21. Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Prague, 2002.
  22. 6th Int. Conference on Civil Engineering, Isfahan-Iran, 2003.
  23. Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Netherlands, 2003.
  24. Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Lisbon, 2004.
  25. The Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome, Italy, 2005.
  26. Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Spain, 2006.
  27. The Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, St. Julians, Malta 2007.
  28. Third International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cape Town, South Africa 2007.
  29. The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Greece, 2008.
  30. The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Madeira, Portugal, 2009.
  31. 2nd Conference on Domestic Technology, IUST, Tehran, 2009.
  32. Fourth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010.
  33. International Conference on Advances in Materials and Techniques in Civil Engineering India, 2010.
  34. The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain from 14-17 September, 2010.
  35. The 1st International Conference on Structural and Building Materials, Guangzhou, China, 7-9 January, 2011.
  36. The Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Chania, Crete, Greece, 6-9 September 2011.
  37. International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering., Member of Scientific Committee, Zhangjiajie, China, 10-12 August, 2012.
  38. The 2nd International Conference on Structural and Building Materials, Hangzhou, China, March 10-12, 2012.
  39. The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia 4-7 September 2012.
  40. Innovations in Concrete Construction Congress, Jalandhar Punjab India, 5-8 March 2013.
  41. The Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2013) is to be held in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy from 3-6 September 2013.
  42. The Third International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 3-6 September 2013.
  43. Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization (OPTI 2014) , Kos Island, Greece on 4-6 June 2014.
  44. The 15th EU/ME European Metaheuristics Community Workshop, Metaheuristics and Engineering, Istanbul, 24-25 March 2014.
  45. The Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2014) Naples, Italy, 2-5 September 2014.
  46. 2014 International Conference on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Ecological Development [EPSED2014], Wuhan, Hubei, China, 30 - 31 August, 2014.
  47. 3rd International Conference "Graph Modelling In Engineering", 22 - 24 June 2015, University of Bielsko-Biala , Poland.
  48. The Seventh International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE7), Member of the Scientific Committee.
  49. The Sixth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 5-7 September 2016, Cape Town, South Africa, International Advisory Board for SEMC 2016.
  50. Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed Computing Technologies and Applications (PDCTA-2016), Program Committee Member, Zurich,Switzerland, 2~3 January, 2016.
  51. International Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN 2017, Member of the Scientific Committee,  Rome, Italy, 10-13 September, 2017.
  52. The 4th International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics and Intelligent System (AMMIS-2016), Member of the Scientific Committee, Beijing, China, April 16-17, 2016.
  53. 2nd International & 6th National Conference on Earthquake & Structures, Member of the Scientific Committee, October 14-15, 2015, ACECR of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

 همکاری با مجلات علمی و بین‌المللی



 نام مجله


 Asian Journal of Civil Engineering


 Computers and Structures

 عضو هیئت تحریریه

 Asian Journal of Structural Engineering

 سردبیر سابق

 I.J. Water Resources Engineering

 عضو هئیت تحریریه سابق

 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology

 عضو هیئت مشاوران

 Scientia Iranica

 عضو هئیت مشاوران

 Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology

 عضو هئیت مشاوران

 Journal of Tabriz University

 عضو هئیت مشاوران

 International Journal of Engineering, IUST

 مؤسس و سردبیر سابق

 Iranian Journal of Engineering Education

 سردبیر سابق و عضوهیئت تحریریه

 Civil Engineering Journal of Sharif

 عضو هیئت تحریریه

 The Open Civil Engineering Journal

 عضو هیئت تحریریه

 The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal

 عضو هیئت تحریریه

 International Journal for Engineering and Applied Sciences

 عضو هیئت تحریریه

 سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی

  • طرح و تحلیل سازه ها به مدت 3 سال.
  • تدریس موضوعات زیر به مدت 34 سال در سطوح کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد و دکترا.
  • مقاومت مصالح 1 و 2.
  • تحلیل سازه‌ها 1 و 2.
  • تحلیل ماتریسی سازه‌ها با مقدمه‌‌ای بر روشهای اجزاء محدود.
  • طرح و تحلیل پلاستیک سازه‌ها.
  • روشهای گراف تئوریکی برای تحلیل ماتریسی سازه‌ها.
  • کاربردهای تئوری گرافها و توپولوژی در مهندسی عمران.
  • هدایت سمینارهای کارشناسی ارشد.
  • هدایت پروژه های کارشناسی ارشد و دکترا.
  • مشاور مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن به مدت 16 سال.
  • مشاور شرکت نیرپارس به مدت 2 سال.

 کتاب‌های بین‌المللی

  • A. Kaveh, Structural Mechanics: Graph and Matrix Methods, Research Studies Press (John Wiley), Exeter, U.K., 1992 (first edition), 1995 (second edition), 2004 (third edition).
  • A. Kaveh, Optimal Structural Analysis, John Wiley (Research Studies Press) Chichester, U.K., 1997 (first edition), 2006 (second edition).
  • A. Kaveh, Recent Developments in the Force Method of Structural Analysis, ASME Press, 45, September 1992.
  • A. Kaveh, Topological Transformation in Structural Mechanics, 2013 (in preparation).
  • A. Kaveh, Optimal Analysis of Structures by Concepts of Symmetry and Regularity, Springer Verlag, GmbH, Wien-NewYork, 2013.
  • A. Kaveh, Computaional Structural Analysis and Finite Element Methods, Springer Verlag, GmbH, Wien-NewYork, March 2014.
  • A. Kaveh. Advances in Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures, Springer Verlag, 2014.
  • A. Kaveh & V.R. Mahdavi, Colliding Bodies Optimization: Extensions and Applications, Springer, Switzerland, 2015.





  کتاب‌های به زبان فارسی

  • روشهای پخش ممان، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1363، 1366، 1369.
  • تحلیل سازه‌ها، مرکز نشر دانشگاهی، 1363، 1364، 1367، 1371، 1376، 1379، 1382، 1386، 1387، 1388.
  • روش اجزاء محدود، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1363، 1369، 1373، 1376، 1386، 1390.
  • تئوری ماتریس سازه‌ها، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1364، 1369، 1373، 1379، 1390.
  • مقاومت مصالح کاربردی، انتشارات جهاد دانشگاهی، 1365، 1366، 1369.
  • جداول ثابت‌های قابها، انتشارات دانشگاه یزد، 1364، 1369، 1373، 1376.
  • تحلیل کامپیوتری سازه‌ها، انتشارات مرکز نشر دانشگاهی، 1365، 1368، 1381، 1387
  • تحلیل ماتریسی سازه، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت و دانشگاه یزد، 1361، 1369، 1365، 1382.
  • طرح و تحلیل پلاستیک قابها، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1371، 1365.
  • مکانیک مصالح، انتشارات دانشگاه یزد، 1364.
  • روش اجزاء محدود کاربردی، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1370، 1379.
  • اصول پایداری سازه‌ها، انتشارات مرکز نشر دانشگاهی، 1370.
  • قابلیت اعتماد در سازه‌ها، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1377.
  • تحلیل سازه ها به روش ساده، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1377.
  • طرح و تحلیل پلاستیک قابها، جلد دوم، انتشارات دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1377.
  • تحلیل ماتریسی سازه‌ها، مرکز انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی، 1379.
  • روش‌های انرژی در مکانیک سازه‌ها، مرکز انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی، 1379.
  • شبکه‌های عصبی در بهینه‌یابی سازه‌ها، مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن، 1381، 1385، 1390.
  • شبکه‌های عصبی در طرح و تحلیل سازه‌های فضاکار، مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن، 1382، 1383، 1385، 1390.
  • تحلیل، طراحی و اجرای قابهای فضائی فولادی، مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن، 1383 و 1387، 1390.
  • طرح و تحلیل بهینه پلاستیک قابها، مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن، 1385، 1387.
  • بهینه‌یابی توسط کلونی مورچگان، مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن، 1386.

 مقالات در مجلات علمی و بین‌المللی (ISI, ISC)

  1. A.C. Cassell, J.C. de C. Henderson and A. Kaveh, Cycle bases for the flexibility analysis of Structures, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 8(1974)521-528.
  2. A. Kaveh, Improved cycle bases for the flexibility analysis of structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 9(1976)267-272.
  3. A. Kaveh, Static and kinematic indeterminacy of skeletal structures, Iranian Journal of Science ad Technology, 7(1978)37-45.
  4. A. Kaveh, A combinatorial optimization problem; optimal generalized cycle bases, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 20(1979)39-52.
  5. A. Kaveh, Topological study for bandwidth reduction of structural matrices, Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1977)27-36.
  6. A. Kaveh, Cycle selection for system analysis-A review, Journal of Science and Technology, 1(1977)88-96.
  7. A. Kaveh, A note on two-step approach to finite element ordering, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2(1984)1553-1554.
  8. A. Kaveh, Multiple use of a shortest route tree for ordering, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2(1986)213-215.
  9. A. Kaveh, An efficient program for generating subminimal cycle bases for the flexibility analysis of structures, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2(1986)339-344.
  10. A. Kaveh, An efficient flexibility analysis of structures, Computers and Structures, 22(1986) 973-977.
  11. A. Kaveh, Statical bases for a flexibility analysis of planar trusses, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 66(1986) T149-T150.
  12. A. Kaveh, Statical bases for an efficient flexibility analysis of planar trusses, J. Struct. Mech., 14(1986)475-488.
  13. A. Kaveh and A.M. Behzadi, An efficient algorithm for nodal ordering of networks, Iranian J. Sci. Tech., 11(1987)11-18.
  14. A. Kaveh, A combinatorial study of the rigidity of planar structures, Acta Mechanica, 59(1986)189-196.
  15. A. Kaveh, Graph-theoretical methods for efficient flexibility analysis of planar trusses, Computers and Structures, 59(1986)559-563.
  16. A. Kaveh, Ordering for bandwidth reduction, Computers and Structures, 25(1986)413-419.
  17. A. Kaveh, Element ordering for bandwidth and frontwidth optimization, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 67(1987)T482-T484.
  18. A. Kaveh, Subminimal cycle bases for the force method of structural analysis, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 3(1987)277-280.
  19. A. Kaveh, Topological properties of skeletal structures, Computers and Structures, 29(1988) 403-411.
  20. A. Kaveh, Suboptimal cycle bases of a graph for networks, International Journal of Networks, 19(1989) 273-279.
  21. A. Kaveh, Topology and skeletal structures, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 68(1988) 344-356.
  22. A. Kaveh, On subminimal cycle bases of a graph for the force method, Computers and Structures, 30(1988) 1215-1217.
  23. A. Kaveh, A note on ordering; transversal of a shortest route tree, Iranian Journal of Science ad Technology, 11(1987) 281-287.
  24. A. Kaveh, On minimal and optimal cycle bases of graphs for sparse flexibility matrices, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 69(1989)T212-T214.
  25. A. Behravesh, A. Kaveh, S. Sabet and M. Nani, A set theoretical approach for configuration generation, Computers and Structures, 30(1988) 1293-1302.
  26. A. Kaveh, Suboptimal cycle bases of graphs for the flexibility analysis of skeletal structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 71(1988) 259-271.
  27. A. Kaveh, Space structures and their planar drawings, ZAMM, 70(1990) T225-T228.
  28. A. Kaveh, Graphs and structures, Computers and Structures, Issue 4, 40(1991) 893-901.
  29. A. Kaveh, Planar drawing of space structures, Iranian Journal of Science ad Technology, 14(1992) 23-32.
  30. A. Kaveh and A. Behravesh, Iterative analysis of large structures, Computers and Structures, 35(1990)279-282.
  31. A. Kaveh, Algebraic graph theory for ordering, Computers and Structures, 37(1990) 51-54.
  32. A. Behravesh and A. Kaveh, Direct-iterative analysis of large structures, International Journal of Engineering IUST, 1(1990) 1-10.
  33. A. Kaveh, Algebraic graph theory for optimization, International Journal of Engineering IUST, 1(1990) 41-49.
  34. A. Kaveh, A connectivity coordinate system for node and element ordering, Computers and Structures, 41(1991) 1217-1223.
  35. A. Kaveh, Graphs and Structures, Computers and Structures, 40(1991) 893-901.
  36. A. Kaveh, Optimizing the conditioning of structural matrices, Computers and Structures, 41 (1991)289-294.
  37. A. Kaveh, Algebraic and topological graph theory for ordering, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 71(1991) T739-T742.
  38. A. Behravesh, A. Davaran and A. Kaveh, A finite difference scheme with variable recti-linear mesh for solving multi-harmonic partial differential equations, Computers and Structures, 44(1992) 789-795.
  39. A. Kaveh, Recent developments in the force method of structural analysis, Applied Mechanics Review, No.9, 45(1992)401-418, A FEATURE ARTICLE.
  40. A. Kaveh, Bandwidth reduction of rectangular matrices, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9(1993) 259-267.
  41. A. Kaveh, Matroids applied to the force method of structural analysis, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 73(1993) T355-T357.
  42. A. Kaveh, Space structures and crossing number of their graphs, Mech. Struct. Mach., 21(1993) 151-166.
  43. A. Kaveh, Matroids in structural mechanics, Computers and Structures, 47(1993)169-174.
  44. A. Kaveh, A Graph theoretical approach to configuration processing, Computers and Structures, 48(1993) 357-363.
  45. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Substructuring and ordering: graph theoretical approaches, Scientia Iranica, No. 2, 1(1994) 81-92.
  46. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, A revised Greedy Algorithm for the formation of a minimal cycle basis of a graph, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, issue 7, 10(1994) 523-530.
  47. A. Kaveh, and G.R. Roosta, Improved cycle bases of a graph for the force method of frame analysis, Computers and Structures, No. 3, 53(1995) 337-339.
  48. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, An improved Turn back method for the formation of cycle bases, Asian Journal of Structural Engineering, No. 1, 1(1994) 31-44.
  49. A. Kaveh and S.M. Behfar, Finite element nodal ordering, algorithms, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 11(1995) 995-1003.
  50. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Graph theoretical methods for substructuring, subdomaining and ordering, International Journal of Space Structures, No.2, 10(1995) 8-17.
  51. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, An efficient method for finite element nodal ordering, Asian Journal of Structural Engineering, No.3, 1(1995) 229-242.
  52. A. Kaveh and A. Davaran, Analysis of pantographic foldable structures, Computers and Structures, 59(1996) 131-141.
  53. A. Kaveh, Topological transformations applied to structural mechanics, Computers and Structures, 63(1997) 709-718.
  54. A. Kaveh and A. Mokhtar-zadeh, Comparative study of the combinatorial and algebraic force methods, Computers and Structures, 63(1997) 727-737.
  55. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Domain decomposition for finite element analysis, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 13(1997) 61-71.
  56. A. Kaveh and I. Ghaderi, Conditioning of structural stiffness matrices, Computers and Structures, 63(1997) 719-727.
  57. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Combinatorial methods for the formation of sparse flexibility matrices, Microcomputer in Civil Engineering , No . 1, 12(1997) 227-232.
  58. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Cycle bases for sparse flexibility matrices, Iranian Journal of Science ad Technology, 1998.
  59. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Comparative study of finite element nodal ordering methods, Engineering Journal, Nos. 1&2, 20(1998) 86-96.
  60. A. Kaveh and A. Davaran, Domain decomposition of adaptive finite element meshes using spectral bisection method, Amirkabir J. Sci. Tech, 37(1998) 15-26.
  61. A. Davaran and A. Kaveh, Substructuring dynamic analysis of large scale problems using Lanczos method, Amirkabir J. Sci. Tech., 38(1998) 104-115.
  62. A. Kaveh and A. Iranmanesh, Comparative study of backpropagation and improved counterpropagation neural nets in structural analysis and optimization, International Journal of Space Structures, 13(1998) 177-185.
  63. A. Kaveh and A. Davaran, Spectral bisection of adaptive finite element meshes for parallel processing, Computers and Structures, 70(1999) 315-324.
  64. A. Mokhtar-zadeh and A. Kaveh, Optimal plastic analysis and design of frames; graph-theoretical methods, Computers and Structures, No.2-5, 73(1999)485-496.
  65. A. Kaveh and A. Mokhtar-zadeh, Bandwidth optimization for rectangular matrices, Computers and Structures, No.2-5, 73(1999)497-510.
  66. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, An Algorithm for partitioning finite element meshes, Advances in Engineering Software, 30(1999)857-865.
  67. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, A graph theoretical method for frontwidth reduction, Advances in Engineering Software, 30(1999)789-797.
  68. A. Iranmanesh and A. Kaveh, Structural optimization by gradient base neural networks, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 46(1999) 297-311.
  69. A. Kaveh and A. Iranmanesh, Structural optimization by neural networks, Amikabir J. Sci. Tech, 1999.
  70. A. Kaveh, A. Bahreini-nejad, and M. Mostafaie, A hybrid graph-neural method for domain decomposition, Computers and Structures, 70(1999) 667-674.
  71. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Cycle bases of graphs for sparse flexibility matrices, Computers and Structures, Nos. 2-5, 73(1999)511-518.
  72. A. Kaveh A. Jafarvand and M.A. Barkhordari, Optimal design of pantograph foldable structures, International Journal of Space Structures, 14(1999) 295-302.
  73. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Finite element nodal ordering using complementary Laplacian matrix, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No.1, 1(2000) 15-27.
  74. A. Kaveh and H.A. Khalegi, Prediction of strength for concrete specimens using artificial neural network, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No.2, 2(2000) 1-13.
  75. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Ordering for wavefront optimization, Computers and Structures, 78(2000)227-235.
  76. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Finite element mesh decompositions using complementary Laplacian matrix, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 16(2000)379-389.
  77. A. Kaveh and A. Davaran, A hybrid method for domain decomposition in parallel computing, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 24(2000) 321-332.
  78. A. Yavari, A. Kaveh, S. Sarkani and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Topological aspects of meshless methods and nodal ordering for meshless discretization, International Journal Numerical Methods in Engineering, 52(2001)921-938.
  79. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Spectral trisection of finite element models, International Journal Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluids , No. 2, 11(2001) 358-370.
  80. A. Kaveh and H. Servati, Design of double layer grids using backpropagation neural networks, Computers and Structures, 79(2001) 1561-1568.
  81. A. Kaveh, Fazel-Dehkordi and H. Servati, Prediction of moment-rotation characteristic for saddle-like connections using BP neural networks, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 1, 2(2001)11-30.
  82. A. Kaveh, R. Elmieh and H. Servati, Prediction of moment-rotation characteristic for semi-rigid connections using BP neural networks, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 2, 2(2001)131-142.
  83. A. Kaveh, Algebraic and combinatorial graph theory for optimal structural analysis, Chapter 13 of the book on &#39Civil and Structural Engineering Computing&#39, Edited by BHV Topping, UK, 2001.
  84. A. Kaveh, Expedient transformations in structural mechanics, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 3, 2(2001)207-224.
  85. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A multi-level finite element nodal ordering using algebraic graph theory, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 38(2002)245-261.
  86. A. Kaveh and H. Servati, Neural networks for the approximate analysis and design of double layer grids, International Journal of Space Structures, 17(2002)77-89.
  87. A. Kaveh and V. Kalatjari, Genetic algorithm for discrete sizing optimal design of trusses using the force method, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 55(2002)55-72.
  88. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A hybrid method for finite element ordering, Computers and Structures, 80(2002)219-225.
  89. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Spectral Nodal Ordering for meshless discretization, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 2, 3(2002)93-108.
  90. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, An efficient algorithm for embedding non-planar graphs in planes, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 1(2002)257-268.
  91. A. Kaveh, Topological Transformation in Structural Mechanics, Chapter 13 of the book on &#39Civil and Structural Engineering Computing&#39, Edited by BHV Topping, UK, 2002.
  92. A. Kaveh and M.A. Syarinejad, Computation of eigenvalues of matrices with special patterns using graph symmetry, Scientia Iranica, No. 2, 10(2003)220-226.
  93. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Suboptimal cycle bases for the force method, Engineering Computations, No. 3, 20(2003)58-66.
  94. A. Kaveh and V. Kalatjari, Topology Optimization of Trusses Using Genetic Algorithm, Force Method and Graph Theory, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, No.5, 58(2003)771-791.
  95. A. Kaveh and M.A. Sayarinejad, Eigensolutions for matrices of special structures, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 19(2003)125-136.
  96. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Algebraic Graph theory for sparse flexibility matrices, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 2(2003)131-142.
  97. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A hybrid method for decomposition, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 39(2003)1237-1247.
  98. A. Kaveh and M. Raiessi Dehkordi, RBF and BP Neural Networks for the Analysis and Design of Domes, International Journal of Space Structures, No.3, 18(2003)181-194 .
  99. A. Kaveh and M.A. Syarinejad, Eigensolutions for factorable matrices of special patterns, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 2, 20 (2004)133-146.
  100. A. Kaveh and V. Kalatjari, Size/geometry optimisation of trusses by the force method and genetic algorithm, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., No.5, 84(2004)347-357.
  101. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Bisection for parallel computing using Ritz and Fiedler vectors, Acta Mechanica, Nos. 3-4, 167(2004)131-144 .
  102. H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady and A. Kaveh, Nodal ordering using graph theory and a genetic algorithm, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Nos. 9-10, 40(2004)1271-1280.
  103. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, A new spectral method for nodal ordering of regular space structures, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 40(13/14)(2004) 1931-1945.
  104. A. Kaveh and M. A. Sayarinejad, Eigensolutions for factorable matrices of special patterns, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No.2, 20(2004)133-146.
  105. A. Kaveh and M.A. Sayarinejad, Graph symmetry in dynamic systems, Computers and Structures, Nos. 23-26, 82(2004)2229-2240.
  106. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Wavefront reduction using graphs, neural networks and genetic algorithm, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 60( 2004)1803-1815.
  107. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Algebraic Graph theory for suboptimal cycle bases of graphs for an efficient force method, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B: Technology, 28( 2004)529-536.
  108. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, An efficient method for decomposition of regular structures using graph products, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 61(2004)1797-1808.
  109. A. Kaveh and K. Khanlari, Collapse load factor of planar frames using a modified Genetic algorithm, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 20(2004)911-925.
  110. A. Kaveh and A. Abditehrani, Design of frames using genetic algorithm, force method and graph theory, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 61(2004)2555-2565.
  111. A. Kaveh and B. Salimbahrami, Eigensolutions of symmetric frames using graph factorization, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 20(2004)889-910.
  112. A. Kaveh, The Role of Algebraic Graph Theory in Structural Mechanics, Chapter 4 of the book on &#39Progress in Computational Structures Technology&#39, Edited by B.H.V. Topping and C.A. Mota Soares, Saxe-Couberg Publications, UK, 2004.
  113. A. Monir Abbasi, A. Afshar, and A. Kaveh, Application of AHP in highway pavement budget allocation in Iran, Journal of Science and Technology, IUST, No. 2, 15(2004)1-13.
  114. Y. Nouri, A. Janali-zadeh Choobbasi and A. Kaveh, Soil profile prediction using artificial neural networks, EJGE, 2004, Ppr0402.
  115. F. Daneshjoo, A. Kaveh and M. Fathi, Seismic behaviour factor and period of moment resisting steel frames, Journal of Faculty of Engineering, Tabriz University, 29(2004)23-34.
  116. A. Kaveh and M.A. Sayarinejad, Eigenvalues of factorable matrices with form IV symmetry, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 6, 21(2005)269-278.
  117. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, An efficient spectral method for bisection of regular finite element meshes, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 6(2005)127-143.
  118. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, A Unified Method for Eigendecomposition of Graph Products, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No.7, 21(2005)377-388.
  119. . Kaveh and H. Moez, Subminimal cycle bases of graphs for sparse flexibility matrices, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 11, 21(2005)619-629.
  120. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, New canonical forms for analytical solution of problems in structural mechanics, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 9, 21(2005) 499-513.
  121. A. Kaveh and M.A. Syarinejad, Augmented canonical forms and factorization of graphs, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 6, 6(2005) 495-509.
  122. Behravesh A., Mozaffary I., Kaveh A., Nomograms for column base plates using the method of contact problem, IUST-International Journal of Engineering Science (Persian) No. 5, 15(2005)1-22.
  123. Massumi A., Tasnimi A.A., Kaveh A. Prediction of overstrength and redundancy in concrete moment resisting frames using nonlinear incremental static analysis, IUST-International Journal of Engineering Science (Persian) No. 5, 15(2005)235-258.
  124. A. Kaveh and M.A. Sayarinejad, Additively properties of graphs with Form II symmetry, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 3, 22(2006)181-195.
  125. A. Kaveh and H. Moez, Minimal cycle bases for efficient flexibility analysis of semi-rigid jointed frames, Engineering Structures, No. 6, 28(2006)829-836.
  126. A. Kaveh, M.A. Sayarinejad, Augmented canonical forms and factorization of graphs, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 10, 65(2006)1545-1560.
  127. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Analysis, design and optimisation of structures using force method and genetic algorithm, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No.10, 65(2006)1570-1584.
  128. A. Kaveh and M. Jahanshahi An efficient program for cycle basis selection and bandwidth optimization, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 1, 7(2006) 95-109.
  129. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Unification of three canonical forms with application to stability analysis, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No.2, 7(2006) 125-138.
  130. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Buckling load of symmetric plane frames using canonical forms and group theory, Acta Mechanica, Nos. 1-2, 185(2006)89-128.
  131. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Block diagonalization of adjacency and Laplacian matrices for graph products; Applications in structural mechanics, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 1, 68(2006)33-63.
  132. A. Kaveh and M. Shahrouzi, Direct index coding for discrete sizing optimization of structures by genetic algorithms, International Journal of Civil Engineering, IUST, Nos. 3-4, 3(2006)166-181.
  133. A. Kaveh and M.A. Syarinejad, Eigsolution of special compound matrices and application, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 6, 6(2005) 495-509.
  134. A. Kaveh and M. Sayarinejad, Eigensolution of specially structured matrices with hyper-symmetry, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No.7, 67(2006) 1012-1043.
  135. A. Kaveh and M. Shahrouzi, Simultaneous topology and size optimization of structures by genetic algorithm using minimal length chromosome, Engineering Computations, No. 6, 23(2006) 664-674.
  136. A. Kaveh, Advances in Computational Mechanics via Graph Theory, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 4, 7(2006)393-410.
  137. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Special decompositions for eigenproblems in structural mechanics, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 9, 22(2006) 943-953.
  138. A. Kaveh, H. Rahami, Nonlinear analysis and optimal design of structures via force method and genetic algorithm. Comput Struct 84(2006)770-778.
  139. A. Kaveh and M. Babaei, Generation and Geometric nonlinear analysis of scissor-like foldable structures, IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, No. 1, 17(2006) 39-49.
  140. A. Kaveh, Symmetry and Structures, Chapter 19 of a book, Innovation in Engineering Computational Technology, Edited by BHV Topping, G. Monteroand R. Montenegro, Saxe-Couberg Publication, UK, 2006, pp. 403-424.
  141. A. Kaveh and M.R. Farmanbar, A fast approximate method for calculating the collapse load factor of planar frames, Sharif Journal of Science and Technology, 35(2006)65-75.
  142. A. Kaveh and M. Shahrouzi, Simulated annealing and adaptive dynamic variable band mutation for stuctural optimization by genetic algorithms , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No.6, 7 (2006) 655-674.
  143. A. Kaveh H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady and L. Shahryari, Buckling Load of Symmetric Planar Frames with Semi-rigid Joints Using Graph Theory, International Journal of Civil Engineering IUST, No. 3, 4 (2006)157-175.
  144. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Block diagonalization of Laplacian matrices of symmetric graphs via group theory, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 5, 69 (2007)908-947.
  145. A. Kaveh and B. Dadfar, Eigensolution for free vibration of planar frames by weighted graph symmetry, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 6, 69 (2007)1305-1330.
  146. A. Kaveh and S. Shojaee, Optimal design of scissor-link foldable structures using ant colony optimization algorithm, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 22 (2007)72-80.
  147. Sh. M. Karimi, S.J. Mousavi, A. Kaveh and A. Afshar, A fuzzy optimization model for earthwork allocation with imprecise parameters, ASCE, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management , February (2007)181-190.
  148. K. Sholeh, A. Vafai, A. Kaveh, Online detection of the breathing crack using an adaptive tracking technique, Acta Mechanica, Nos. 3-4, 188(2007)139-154.
  149. A. Kaveh and B. Dadfar, Eigensolution for stability analysis of planar frames, by Graph Symmetry, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, No. 5, 22(2007)267-275.
  150. A. Kaveh and S. Shojaee, Optimal design of skeletal structures using ant colony optimisation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 5, 70(2007) 563-581 .
  151. A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, N. Taghizadeh, Efficient finite element analysis by graph-theoretical force method, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Nos. 6-7, 43(2007)543-554.
  152. A. Kaveh and M. Shahrouzi , A hybrid ant strategy and genetic algorithm to tune the population size for efficient structural optimization, Engineering Computations, No. 3, 24(2007)237-254.
  153. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Decomposition of symmetric mass-spring vibrating systems using groups, graphs and linear algebra, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 7, 23(2007) 639-719.
  154. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Compound matrix block diagonalization for efficient solution of eigenproblems in structural matrices, Acta Mechanica, Nos. 3-4, 188(2007)155-166.
  155. A. Kaveh and B. Salimbahrami, Buckling load of symmetric frames using canonical forms, Computers and Structures, No. 11, 85(2007)1420-1430.
  156. A. Afshar, A. Kaveh and O.R. Shoghli, Multi-objective optimization of time-cost-quality using multi-colony ant algorithm, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 2, 8(2007)113-124.
  157. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Tri-diagonal and penta-diagonal block matrices for efficient eigensolutions of problems in structural mechanics, Acta Mechanica, Nos. 1-4, 192(2007)77-87.
  158. A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, Graph coloration and group theory for factorization of symmetric dynamic systems, Acta Mechanica, Nos. 1-4, 192(2007)111-113.
  159. A. Kaveh and H. Fazli Graph coloration and group theory in dynamic analysis of symmetric finite element models, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Nos. 11-12, 43(2007)901-911.
  160. A. Kaveh, M. Zahedi and K. Laknegadi, A novel nodal ordering algorithm for profile optimization by efficient solution of differential equation, Engineering Computations, No. 6, 24(2007)572-585.
  161. A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, A comparative study of algorithms for minimal cycle bases for efficient force method of frame analysis, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 10, 23(2007)921-943.
  162. A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, An efficient graph theoretical method for plate bending finite element analysis via force method, Engineering Computations, No. 7, 24(2007)679-698.
  163. A. Kaveh and M. Raiessi Dehkordi, Application of artificial neural networks in predicting the deformation of domes under wind load, International Journal of IUST, 18(2007)45-53.
  164. A. Kaveh and L. Shahryari, Buckling load of planar frames with semi-rigid joints using weighted symmetric graphs, Computers and Structures , 85(2007) 1704-1728 .
  165. A. Kaveh and M. Najimi, Inter-relation of the structural variation theorems and the force method, Engineering Computations, No. 8, 24(2007)763-779.
  166. A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, N. Taghizadeh, Force method for finite element models with indeterminate support conditions, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 4, 8(2007)403-417.
  167. A. Kaveh and L. Shahryari, Eigenfrequencies of symmetric planar frames with semi-rigid joints using weighted graphs, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, No. 15, 43(2007) 1135-1154.
  168. A. Kaveh, M. Zahedi and K. Laknegadi, Symmetry detection for structural graph models, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 8(2007)659-676.
  169. A. Kaveh, M. Shahrouzi, Dynamic selective pressure using hybrid evolutionary and ant system strategies for structural optimization, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , No. 4, 73(2008)544-563.
  170. A. Kaveh and M. Shahrouzi, Graph theoretical implementation of memetic algorithms in structural optimization of frame bracing layouts, Engineering Computations , No. 1, 25(2008)55-85.
  171. A. Kaveh and P. Sharafi, Optimal priority functions for profile reduction using ant colony optimization, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design , No. 3, 44(2008)131-138.
  172. A. Kaveh and P. Sharafi, An ant algorithm for profile reduction of sparse matrices, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 1, 9(2008)35-46.
  173. A. Kaveh, B. Salimbahrami, Analysis of symmetric structures using canonical forms, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 3, 24(2008)195-218.
  174. A. Kaveh and S. Shojaee, Optimal domain decomposition via p-median methodology using ACO and hybrid ACGA, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, No. 8, 44(2008) 505-512.
  175. A. Kaveh and P. Sharafi, Ant colony optimization for finding medians of weighted graphs, Engineering Computations, No. 2, 25(2008)102-120.
  176. A. Kaveh, Y. Gholipour, and H. Rahami, Optimal design of transmission towers using genetic algorithm and neural networks, International Journal of Space Structures, No. 1, 23(2008)1-19.
  177. A. Kaveh and M. Shahrouzi, Optimal structural design family by genetic search and ant colony approach, Engineering Computations, No. 3, 25(2008)268-288.
  178. A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, Graph products for configuration processing of space structures, Computers and Structures, 86(2008)1219-1236.
  179. A. Kaveh, M. Jahanshahi and M. Khanzadi, Plastic analysis of frames using genetic alkgorithm and ant colony algorithm, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 3, 9(2008) 227-246.
  180. A . Kaveh and S. Talatahari, A hybrid particle swarm and ant colony optimization for design of truss structures Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 4, 9(2008)325-344.
  181. A. Kaveh and M. Jahanshahi, Plastic limit analysis of frames using ant colony systems, Computers and Structures, 86(2008)1152-1163.
  182. A. Kaveh and H. Moez, Minimal cycle bases for analysis of frames and semi-rigid joints, Computers and Structures, 86 (2008)503-510.
  183. A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, Efficient finite element analysis by graph-theoretical force method; triangular and rectangular plate bending elements, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44 (2008)646-654.
  184. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Factorization for efficient solution of eigenproblems of adjacency and Laplacian matrices for graph products, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 1, 75 (2008)58-82.
  185. A. Kaveh, K. Laknegadi and M. Zahedi, A new algorithm for domain decomposition of finite element models, Engineering Computations, No. 5, 25 (2008)464-479.
  186. A. Kaveh, and S. Talatahari, A discrete particle swarm ant colony optimization for design of steel frames, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 6, 9 (2008)531-542.
  187. A. Kaveh and R. Mirzaie, Minimal cycle basis of graph products for the force method of frame analysis, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 8, 24 (2008) 653-669.
  188. K. Sholeh, A. Vafai, A. Kaveh, Localized identification of shear buildings with embedded foundation in frequency domain, Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, No. 2, 17 (2008)245-256.
  189. A. Kaveh and A. Jahanmohammadi, Group-theoretic method for forced vibration analysis of symmetric structures, Acta Mechanica, Nos. (1-4), 199(2008)1-16.
  190. H. Rahami, A. Kaveh and Y. Gholipour, Sizing, geometry and topology optimization of trusses via force method and genetic algorithm, Engineering Structures, No. 9, 30(2008) 2360-2369.
  191. A. Kaveh, B. Hassani, S. Shojaee, and S.M. Tavakkoli, Structural Topology Optimization Using Ant Colony Methodology, Engineering Structures, No. 9, 30(2008)2559-2565.
  192. H. Rahami and A. Kaveh, Forced vibration of symmetric structures, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering , No. 11, 24(2008) 1393-1406.
  193. A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, Analysis of frames by substructuring technique based on using algebraic and graph methods, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering , No. 10, 24(2008) 867-874.
  194. A. Kaveh, B. Farhmand Azar, S. Talatahari, Ant colony optimization for design of space trusses, International Journal of Space Structures, No. 3, 23(2008)167-181.
  195. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Stability analysis of hyper symmetric skeletal structures using group theory, Acta Mechanica, Nos. (3-4), 200(2008)177-197.
  196. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Topology and graph products; eigenproblems in optimal structural analysis, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering , No. 11, 24(2008)929-945.
  197. A . Kaveh and M. Najimi, Variation theorems for dynamic analysis of 2D structures (TN), International Journal of Civil Engineering, IUST, No. 2, 6(2008)216-225.
  198. A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, Efficient graph-theoretical force method for three dimensional finite element analysis, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering , No. 11, 24(2008) 1533-1551.
  199. A. Kaveh and M. Daie, Formation of statical basis for efficient force method by ant colony optimization, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 1, 10 (2009)79-96.
  200. A. Kaveh and B. Alinejad, A general theorem for adjacency matrices of graph products and application in graph partitioning for parallel computing, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, No. 3, 45(2009)149-155.
  201. A . Kaveh, and S. Talatahari, Particle swarm optimizer, ant colony strategy and harmony search scheme hybridized for optimization of truss structures, Computers and Structures, 87(2009)267-283.
  202. A. Kaveh and M. Shahrouzi, Graph theoretical topology control in structural optimization of frame bracing systems, Scientia Iranica, Transaction A, No. 2, 16(2009)173-187.
  203. A. Kaveh and B. Salimbahrami, Eigensolution of symmetric space frames by factorization of their graph models, Advances in Structural Engineering, No. 2, 12(2009)139-167.
  204. A. Kaveh and M. Nouri, Weighted graph products for configuration processing of planar and space structures, International Journal of Space Structures, No. 1, 24(2009)13-26.
  205. A. Kaveh and K. Laknegadi, Factorization of product graphs for graph partitioning and domain decomposition, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, No. 6, 45(2009)476-483.
  206. A. Kaveh and P. Sharafi, Nodal ordering for bandwidth reduction using ant system algorithm, Engineering Computations, No. 3, 26 (2009)313-323 .
  207. A. Kaveh, Y. Gholipour, and H. Rahami, Optimization of transmission towers using genetic algorithm, Sharif (in Persian), 46(2009)74-84.
  208. A. Kaveh, and S. Talatahari, An efficient hybrid algorithm based on harmony search, particle swarm and ant colony strategies for optimal design of structures Chapter of a book entitled: Harmony Search Algorithms for Structural Design , Edited by Z.W. Geem, Springer Verlag, Chapter 5, 2009.
  209. A. Kaveh, and S. Talatahari, A particle swarm ant colony optimization for truss structures with discrete variables, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Nos (8-9), 65(2009)1558-1568.
  210. A. Afshar, A. Kasaeian Ziaraty, A. Kaveh, and F. Sharifi , Nondominated archiving multicolony ant algorithm in time–cost trade-off optimization, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE), No. 7, 135(2009)668-674.
  211. A. Kaveh and E. Naseri, A four-node quadrilateral element for finite element analysis via an efficient force method, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 3, 10(2009)283-307.
  212. A. Kaveh, and S. Talatahari, Size optimization of space trusses using Big Bang–Big Crunch algorithm, Computers and Structures, 87(2009)1129-1140.
  213. A. Kaveh and M. Daei, Efficient force method for the analysis of finite element models comprising of triangular elements using ant colony optimization, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, No. 10, 45(2009)710-720.
  214. A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, Efficient graph-theoretical force method for two dimensional rectangular finite element analysis, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering , No. 9, 25 (2009)951-971 .
  215. A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, Combinatorial optimization of special graphs for nodal ordering and graph partitioning, Acta Mechanica, Nos. (1-2), 207(2009)95-108.
  216. A. Kaveh and B. Alinejad, Eigensolution of Laplacian matrices for graph partitioning and domain decomposition: Approximate algebraic method, Engineering Computations, Issue 7, 26(2009)828-842.
  217. A. Kaveh and M. Hassani, Simultaneous analysis, design and optimization of structures using force method and ant colony algorithms, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 4, 10(2009)381-396.
  218. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Engineering optimization with HPSACO, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 6, 10(2009)611-628.
  219. A. Kaveh, M. Nouri and Taghizadieh, Eigensolution for Adjacency and Laplacian Matrices of Large Repetitive Structural Models, Scientia Iranica, No. 6, 16(2009) 481-489.
  220. A. Kaveh and B. Salimbahrami, Eigenproblems of Symmetric Planar Frames, Scientia Iranica, No. 6, 16(2009) 467-480.
  221. A. Kaveh and E. Naseri, A new four-node quadrilateral plate bending element for highly sparse and banded flexibility matrices, Acta Mechanica, Nos. 3-4, 209(2010) 295-309.
  222. A. Kaveh, and S. Talatahari, An improved ant colony optimization for constrained engineering design problems, Engineering Computations, Issue 1, 27(2010)155-182.
  223. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Improved group-theoretical method for eigenvalue problems of special symmetric structures, using graph theory, Advances in Engineering Software, 41(2010)22-31.
  224. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Optimal design of Schwedler and ribbed domes; hybrid Big Bang-Big Crunch algorithm, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 66(2010) 412-419.
  225. A. Kaveh and A. Shakouri Mahmud Abadi , Cost optimization of composite floor system using an improved harmony search algorithm, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 66(2010)664-669.
  226. A. Kaveh, B. Farahmand Azar, A. Hadidi, F. Rezazadeh Sorochi and S. Talatahari, Performance-based seismic design of steel frames using ant colony optimization Journal of Constructional Steel Research, No. 4, 66(2010)566-574. Continuously ranked as on of the Top 25 Hottest Articles by Elsevier.
  227. A. Kaveh and S. Malakouti Rad, Hybrid genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization for the force method-based simultaneous analysis and design, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 34( 2010)15-34.
  228. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, A discrete Big Bang–Big Crunch algorithm for optimal design of skeletal structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Issue 1, 11 (2010)103-123.
  229. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, An improved ant colony optimization for design of steel frames, Engineering Structures, Issue 3, 32 (2010)864-873.
  230. A. Kaveh, M. Nikbakht and H. Rahami, Improved group theoretic method using graphs products, for the analysis of symmetric-regular structures, Acta Mechanica, Nos. (3-4), 210(2010)265-289.
  231. A. Kaveh and B. Alinejad, Graph products with specified domains for configuration processing and formation of the adjacency matrices, Engineering Computations, Issue 2, 27(2010) 205-224.
  232. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Charged system search for optimum grillage systems design using the LRFD-AISC code , Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 66(2010)767-771.
  233. A. Kaveh and K. Koohestani, Formation of graph models for regular finite element meshes, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 16(2009)101-115.
  234. A. Kaveh and B. Alinejad, New graph products of specified domains for configuration processing, PAMM, No. 1, 9(2010)585-586.
  235. A. Kaveh and L. Shahryari, Eigenfrequencies of symmetric planar trusses via weighted graph symmetry and new canonical forms, Engineering Computations, Issue 3, 27(2010)409-439.
  236. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, A charged system search with a fly to boundary method for discrete optimum design of truss structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Issue 3, 11(2010)277-293.
  237. A. Kaveh, H. Rahami and M. Nikbakht, Vibration analysis of regular structures by graphs products: cable networks, Computers and Structures, 88(2010)588-601.
  238. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Corrigendum to: particle swarm optimizer, ant colony strategy and harmony search scheme hybridized for optimization of truss structures, By A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, 88(2010)648.
  239. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Optimal design of truss structures via the charged system search algorithm, Structural Multidisplinary Optimization, No. 6, 37(2010) 893-911.
  240. A. Kaveh, X. Jia and Q. Weng, Rotation as a general operation for configuration processing, Scientia Iranica, No. 2, 17(2010)131-140.
  241. A. Kaveh and M. Daei, Suboptimal cycle bases of graphs using an ant colony system algorithm, Engineering Computations, Issue 4, 27(2010)485-494.
  242. A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, Eigensolution of augmented graph products using shifted inverse iteration method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 5, 83(2010)558-574.
  243. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Imperialist competitive algorithm for Engineering design problems, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 6, 11(2010)675-697.
  244. A. Kaveh and Shahrouzi, An efficient stochastic search with minimal initial population for structural optimization, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 6, 11(2010)741-763.
  245. A. Kaveh and N. Farhoodi, Layout optimization for X-bracing of planar steel frames, International Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 3, 8(2010)187-206.
  246. A. Kaveh and M. Najimi, Structural variation theorems extended to integrated force method for the analysis of skeletal structures, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering , No. 8, 26(2010) 1050-1063.
  247. K. Koohestani and A. Kaveh, Efficient buckling and free vibration analysis of cyclically repeated space truss structures, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 46(2010)943-948.
  248. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, A novel heuristic optimization method: charged system search, Acta Mechaica, Nos. (3-4), 213(2010)267-286.
  249. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Optimum design of skeletal structures using imperialist competitive algorithm, Computers and Structures, 88 (2010)1220-1229. Continuously ranked as on of the Top 25 Hottest Articles by Elsevier.
  250. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, An efficient analysis of repetitive structures generated by graph products, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, No. 1, 84(2010)108-126.
  251. A. Kaveh, M. Shahrouzi and Y. Naserifar, Tuned genetic algorithms for finding p-median ofa weighted graph, Scientia Iranica, No. 5, 17(2010)350-362.
  252. A. Kaveh and A. Shakouri, Harmony search algorithm for optimum design of slab formwork, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, No. B4, 34(August 2010)335-351.
  253. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Optimal design of single layer domes using meta-heuristic algorithms; a comparative study, International Journal of Space Structures, No. 4, 25(2010)217-227.
  254. A. Kaveh and F. Nemati, Eigensolution of rotationally repetitive space structures using a canonical form, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering , No. 12, 26 (2010)1781-1796 .
  255. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Eigenvalues of the adjacency and Laplacian matrices for modified regular structural models, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering , No. 12, 26(2010)1836-1855.
  256.  A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari. Hybrid Algorithm of Harmony Search, Particle Swarm and Ant Colony for Structural Design Optimization, Harmony Search Algorithms for Structural Design Optimization Studies in Computational Intelligence , 239(2009) 159-98.
  257.  A. Kaveh and Aalizadeh Arvanaq, Free vibration of symmetric planar frames via the force method and canonical forms, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering , No. 6, 27 (2011)936-961.
  258. A.  Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Hybrid charged system search and particle swarm optimization for engineering design problems, Engineering Computations, No. 4, 28(2011) 423-440.
  259.  A. Kaveh and N. Farhoodi, A unified approach to parameter selection in meta-heuristic algorithms for layout optimization, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Issue 10, 67 (2011)1453-1462.
  260. A.Kaveh and S. Talatahari, optimization of large-scale truss structures using modified charged system search , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 1, 1(2011) 15- 28.
  261.  H. Rahami, A. Kaveh, M. Aslani and R. Najian Asl, A hybrid modified genetic-nelder mead simplex algorithm for large-scale truss optimization, International Journal Of Optimization In Civil Engineering, No. 1, 1(2011)29-46.
  262.  A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, A general model for meta-heuristic algorithms using the concept of fields of forces, Acta Mechanica, Numbers 1-2, 221 (2011)99-118.
  263. A.Kaveh and K. Laknejadi, A novel hybrid charge system search and particle swarm optimization method for multi-objective optimization, Expert Systems and Applications, No. 12, 38 (2011) 15475–15488.
  264. A. Kaveh, O. Sabzi, A comparative study of two metheuristic algorithms for optimal design of planar RC frames, International Journal of Civil Engineering IUST, 9(3) (2011)193-206.
  265. S. Talatahari, A. Kaveh, R. Sheikholeslami , A n efficient charged system search using chaos for global optimization problems , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 2, 1 (2011) 305-325.
  266. A.Kaveh and H. Nasr, Solving conditional and unconditional p-center Problem with greedy harmony search and its application , Scientia Iranica, A 18 (4)(2011) 867–877.
  267. A. Kaveh and K. Laknejadi, A hybrid multi-objective particle swarm optimization and decision making procedure for optimal design of truss structures , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 35(C2)(2011)137-154.
  268. A. Kaveh, M. Kalateh-Ahani and M.S. Masoudi, The CMA evolution strategy based size optimization of truss structures, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 2, 1(2011)233- 256.
  269.   A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, Approximate eigensolution of Laplacian matrices for locally modified graph products using implicitly restarted Lanczos method, Journal of Computational Applied Mathematics, 236 (2011) 1591–1603 .
  270.   A. Kaveh and M.S. Massoudi, Plate bending elements for efficient force method using graph theory Scientia Iranica, No. 5, 18(2011)1045-1053.
  271.   A. Kaveh and B. Alinejad, A general theorem for eigensolution of Laplacian matrices of product graphs and applications in structural mechanics , Acta Mechanica, Nos. 3-4, 222(2011)331-350.
  272.   A. Kaveh and A. Shakouri Mahmud Abadi , Harmony search based algorithm for the optimum cost design of reinforced concrete one-way ribbed slabs, The Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, No. 7, 37(2011)1179-1187.
  273.   L. Shahryari and A. Kaveh, Calculation of buckling load and eigenfrequencies for planar truss structures with multi-symmetry, International Journal of Engineering, Transaction A: Basic, No. 4, 24 (2011)351-365.
  274.   A. Hadidi, A. Kaveh, B. Farahmand Azar, S. Talatahari, C. Farahmandpour , An efficient hybrid algorithm based on particle swarm and simulated annealing for optimal design of space trusses, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 3, 1(2011) 377- 396.
  275.   F.R. Rofooei, A. Kaveh, F.M. Farahani, Estimating the vulnerability of the concrete moment resisting frame structures using artificial neural networks, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 3, 1(2011) 433- 448.
  276.   A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, Optimal analysis of regular structures using a substructuring technique , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering , No. 3, 13(2012)387-404.
  277.   A. Kaveh and B. Eftekhar, Optimal design of double layer barrel vaults using and improved hybrid Big bang-Big crunch method, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 4. 13(2012)465-487.
  278.   A. Kaveh and M. Ahangaran, Discrete Cost Optimization of Composite Floor System Using Social Harmony Search Model, Applied Soft Computing , No. 1, 12 (2012) 372–381.
  279.   A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Charged System Search for Optimal Design of Planar Frame Structures, Applied Soft Computing, No. 1, 12(2012) 382-393 .
  280.   A. Kaveh, K. Laknejadi, B. Alinejad, Performance based multi-objective optimization of large steel structures, Acta Mechanica, No. 2, 223(2012) 355-369 .
  281.   A. Kaveh and P. Sharafi, Ordering for bandwidth and profile minimization problems via charged system search method, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 36(2012)39-52.
  282.   A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, and B. Farhmand Azar, Optimum design of composite open channels using charged system search algorithm , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 36(2012)67-77.
  283.   A. Kaveh, and A. Zolghadr , A multi-set charged system search for truss optimization with variables of different natures; element grouping, Periodica Polytechnica , No. 2, 55(2011)87-98.
  284.   A. Kaveh, E. Ebrahimi. Graph-theoretical force method of finite element models with triangular and rectangular elements, Asian Journal Of Civil Engineering, No. 5, 13 (2012) 597-616.
  285.   A. Kaveh, T. Bakhshpoori and E. Afshari , An optimization-based comparative study of double layer grids with two different configurations using cuckoo search algorithm, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 4, 1(2011) 507-520 .
  286.  A. Kaveh , and V.R. Mahdavi, Optimal design of arch dams for frequency limitations using charged system search and particle swarm optimization, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 4, 1(2011) 543-555 .
  287.  A. Kaveh and M. Hassani, Ant colony algorithms for nonlinear analysis and optimal design of structures, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 4, 1(2011) 571-595 .
  288.   A. Kaveh and Tolou, Efficient finite element analysis using graph-theoretical force method; brick element, Finite Elements for Analysis and Design, 54 (2012) 1–15 .
  289.   A. Kaveh, S. Talatahari, and M.T. Alami , a new hybrid meta-heuristic for optimum design of frame structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering , N o . 6, 13 (2012) 705-717 .
  290.   A. Kaveh and H. Nasr, Hybrid harmony search for conditional p-median problems, International Journal of Civil Engineering, IUST, No. 1, 10(2012)32-36.
  291.   A. Kaveh, A. Shakouri Mahmud Abadi and S. Zolfaghari Moghaddam, An adapted harmony search based algorithm for facility layout optimization, International Journal of Civil Engineering IUST, No. 1, 10(2012)37-42.
  292.   Ali Kaveh and Sepehr Beheshti , Weighted triangular and circular graph products for configuration processing, Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering , No. 1, 56 (2012) 63-71.
  293.   A. Kaveh, T. Bakhshipour, and M. Ashoory , An efficient optimization procedure based on cuckoo search algorithm for practical design of steel structures , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No . 1, 2 (2012) 1-14 .
  294. A. Tahershamsi, A. Kaveh, R. Sheikholeslami and S. Talatahari , Big Bang – Big Crunch algorithm for least-cost design of water distribution systems , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No . 1, 2 (2012) 70-79 .
  295.   A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, Canonical forms for symmetric and regular structures, to
    Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, No. 2, 11(2012)119-157.
  296.  A. Kaveh, A. Zolghadr, Truss optimization with natural frequency constraints using a hybridized CSS-BBBC algorithm with trap recognition capability, Computers and Structures, 102-103(2012)14-27.
  297.   H. Rahami, A. Kaveh and H. Mehanpour, Optimal analysis of non-regular graphs using the results of regular models via an iterative method, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 2, 2(2012) 153-171 .
  298.  A. Kaveh and VR Mahdavi, Generation of endurance time acceleration functions using the wavelet transform, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 2, 2(2012) 203-219 .
  299.   A. Kaveh, H. Rahami, and H. Mehanpour, Static and modal analyses of structures with different repeated patterns, Advances in Engineering Software, 51(2012)1-9.
  300.  A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, A hybrid CSS and PSO algorithm for optimal design of structures, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, No. 6, 42(2012)783-797.
  301.  A. Kaveh, New developments in graph products and applications in structural engineering, Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering, 7 (2012)105-117.
  302.  A. Kaveh and A.F. Behnam, Cost optimization of a composite floor system, one-way waffle slab, and concrete slab formwork using Charged System Search algorithm, Scientia Iranica, No. 3, 19(2012)410-416.
  303.   A. Kaveh and O. Sabzi, Optimal design of reinforced concrete frames using big bang-big crunch algorithm, International Journal of Civil Engineering, IUST, No. 3, 10(2012) 189-200.
  304.   A. Kaveh and A. Zolghadr, An improved charged system search for structural damage identification in beams and frames using changes in natural frequencies, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 3, 2(2012)321-340.
  305.   A. Kaveh and P. Zakian, Performance based optimal seismic design of RC shear walls incorporating soil-structure interaction using CSS algorithm, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 3, 2(2012)383-405.
  306.   A. Kaveh and M. Ahanghran, Social harmony search algorithm for continuous optimization, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, C2, 36(2012)121-137.
  307.   A. Kaveh and M.S. Massoudi, Cost optimization of a composite floor system using ant colony system , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, C2, 36(2012)139-148.
  308.   S. Talatahari, A. Kaveh, R. Sheikholeslami , Chaotic imperialist competitive algorithm for optimum design of truss structures, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, No. 3, 46(2012) 355-367 .
  309.   S. Talatahari, A. Kaveh and N. Mohajer Rahbari, Parameter Identification of Bouc-Wen Model for MR Fluid Dampers Using Adaptive Charged System Search Optimization, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, No. 8, 26(2012)2523-2534.
  310.   A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, Eigensolution of locally modified regular structures using
    shifted inverse iteration method, Computers and Structures, 108-109(2012)75-82.
  311.   A. Kaveh, H. Rahami, and P. Pezeshky, Geometric nonlinear analysis of circulant structures using an efficient eigensolution method, Acta Mechanica, No.10. 223(2012) 2167-2182.
  312.   S. Talatahari, A. Kaveh, Sheikholeslami, R., Engineering design optimization using chaotic enhanced charged system search algorithms, Acta Mechanica, No. 10. 223 (2012) 2269-2285
  313.   A. Kaveh and M. Khayatazad, A new meta-heuristic method: ray optimization, Computers and Structures, 112-113 (2012) 283–294.
  314.   A. Kaveh, N. Shamsapour, R. Sheikholeslami, M. Mashhadian, Forecasting Transport Energy Demand in Iran Using Meta-heuristic Algorithms, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 2, 2(2012)533-544.
  315.   A. Kaveh, H. Rahami, S.R. Mirghaderi, and M. Ardalan Asl, Analysis of near-regular structures using the force method , Engineering Computation, No. 1, 30(2013) 21-48 .
  316.   A. Kaveh, M. Fahimi-Farzam, and M. Kalateh-Ahani, Time-history analysis based optimal design of space trusses: The CMA evolution strategy approach using GRNN and WA, Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Techno Press), No. 3, 44( 2012)379-403.
  317.   A. Kaveh , M. Farahani and N. Shojaei , Optimal design of barrel vaults using charged search system, International Journal of Civil Engineering, IUST, 4, 10(2012)301-308.
  318.   A. Kaveh and O. Khademhosseini, A hybrid HS-CSS algorithm for simultaneous analysis, Design and optimization of trusses via force method, Periodica Politechnica, No. 2, 56(2012)197-212.
  319.   A. Kaveh, and A. Nasrollahi, Engineering design optimization using a hybrid pso and hs algorithm, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 2, 14(2013) 201-223.
  320.   A. Kaveh and M. Khayatazad, Ray optimization for size and shape optimization of truss structures, Computers and Structures, 117(2013)82-94.
  321.   Ali Kaveh, Mohammad Ali Motie Share, and Mahsa Moslehi, A new meta-heuristic algorithm for optimization: magnetic charged system search, Acta Mechanica, No. 1, 224 (2013)85- 107.
  322.   Siamak Talatahari and Ali Kaveh, Optimum Design of Skeletal Structures via BigBang-Big Crunch Algorithm, Chapter of a book entitled: Metaheuristic Applications in Structures and Infrastructures, Elsevier, 2013.
  323. A. Kaveh , B. Ahmadi, F. Shokohi, N. Bohlooli, Simultaneous analysis, design and optimization of water distribution systems using supervised charged system search, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 1, 3 (2013)37-55.
  324. A. Kaveh , V.R. Kalatjari, M.H. Talebpour, J. Torkamanzadeh, Configuration optimization of trusses using a multi heuristic based search method, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering , No. 1, 3 (2013)157-184.
  325.   A. Kaveh, P. Zakian, Optimal design of steel frames under seismic loading using two meta-heuristic algorithms, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 82(2013)111-130.
  326.   A. Kaveh, K. Laknejadi, A hybrid evolutionary graph based multi-objective algorithm for layout optimization of truss structures, Acta Mechanica, 224(2013)343-364.
  327.   A. Kaveh and T. Bakhshpoori, Optimum design of space trusses using cuckoo search, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, C1, 37(2013)1-15 .
  328.   A. Kaveh and M.S. Massoudi, Plate bending finite element analysis by the force method using ant colony optimization, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology C1, 37(2013)17-35.
  329.   A. Kaveh, I. Shojaei, Y. Golipour and H. Rahami, Seismic design of eccentric braced frames using multi-objective optimization, Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  330.   (Techno Press), No. 2, 45(2013)211-232.
  331.   A. Kaveh and A.F. Behnam, Charged system search algorithm for the optimum cost design of reinforced concrete cantilever retaining walls , The Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, 38 (2013)563–570 .
  332.   A. Kaveh, B. Hashemi Soudmand, R. Sheikholeslami, Optimal design of laminated composite structures via hybrid charged system search and particle swarm optimization, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 4, 14(2013)517-531.
  333.   A. Kaveh, K. Laknejadi, A new multi-swarm multi-objective optimization method for structural design , Advances in Engineering Software, 58 ( 2013) 54–69 .
  334.   A. Kaveh and A. Zolghadr, Topology Optimization of Trusses Considering Static and Dynamic Constraints Using the CSS, Applied Soft Computing, No. 5, 13(2013)2727-2734.
  335.   A. Kaveh and B. Ahmadi, Simultaneous analysis, design and optimization of structures using force method and supervised CSS algorithm, Scientia Iranica, No. 1, 20(2013)65-76.
  336.   Ali Kaveh, and Vahid Reza Mahdavi, Optimal design of structures with multiple natural frequency constraints using a hybridized BB-BC/Quasi-Newton algorithm, Periodica Politechnica , 57 /1 (2013) 1–12 .
  337.   A. Kaveh and N, Farhoudi, A New Optimization Method: Dolphin Echolocation, Advances in Engineering Software, May, 59(2013)53-70.
  338.   I . Shojaei, A. Kaveh, H. Rahami, Analysis of structures convertible to repeated structures using graph products, Computers and Structures, 125 (2013) 153–163 .
  339.   H. Rahami , A. Kaveh, and S.M. Mirhosseini, Efficient solution of differential equations for linear and non-linear analysis of structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 6, 14(2013)831-848.
  340.   M. Grigorian and A. Kaveh, A practical weight optimization for moment frames under combined loading , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 2, 3(2013)289-312.
  341.   A. Kaveh, H. Rahami, M. Ardalan Asl and S.R. Mirghaderi, Analysis of regular structures with member irregularity using the equilibrium equations and singular valued decomposition, Advances in Structural Engineering, No. 5, 16(2013)823-843.
  342.   A. Kaveh and S. Beheshti, New graph products for configuration processing, IJCE (IUST), No. 2, 11(2013)67-76.
  343.   A. Kaveh and M.J. Tolou Kian, Efficient finite element analysis of models comprised of higher order triangular elements, Acta Mechanica, No. 9, 224(2013) 1957-1975.
  344.   S. Talatahari, N. Mohajer Rahbari, A. Kaveh, A new hybrid optimization algorithm to identify highly non-linear systems, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 5, 17(2013)1099-1110.
  345.   A. Kaveh and T. Bakhshpoori, Optimum design of steel frames using Cuckoo Search algorithm with Lévy flights, Tall Buildings and Special Structures , Issue 13, 22(2013) 1023–1036,
  346.   A. Kaveh, H. Rahami and H. Mehanpour, Application of Kronecker product to the analysis of modified regular structures, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, C2, 37(2013)191-202.
  347.   A. Kaveh, S.M. Javadi and M. Maniat, Damage assessment via modal data with a mixed particle swarm strategy, ray optimizer, and harmony search, No. 1, 15(2014)95-106.
  348.   A. Kaveh and A.F. Behnam, Optimal design of 3D reinforced concrete structures by charged system search considering frequency constraints, Scientia Iranica, No. 3, 20(2013)387-396.
  349.   A. Kaveh, T. Bakhshpoori, M. Kalate-Ahani, Optimum plastic analysis of planar frames using ant colony system and charged system search algorithms, Scientia Iranica, No. 3, 20(2013)387-396.
  350.   A. Kaveh, H. Rahami and Mir Hosseini, Analysis of structures transformable to circulant form using U-transformation and Kronecker products, Acta Mechanica, 224(2013)1625-1642.
  351.   A. Kaveh, V.R. Kalatjari and P. Mansourian, Reliability-Based Optimization of Trusses Using Parallel GA, Force Method and Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Ferdowsi University, No. 2, 24(2013)1-26.
  352.   A.Kaveh, M. Kalateh-Ahani and M. Fahimi-Farzam, Constructability optimal design of reinforced concrete retaining walls using a multi-objective genetic algorithm , Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Techno Press), No. 2, 47(2013)227-245.
  353.   A. Kaveh, MS Massoudi and MJ Massoudi, Efficient finite element analysis using graph-theoretical force method; rectangular plane stress and plane strain serendipity family elements, Computers and Structures, 128 (2013)175-188.
  354.   A. Kaveh and M. Nikaeen, Optimum design of irregular grillage systems using CSS and ECSS algorithms with different boundary conditions, International Journal of Civil Engineering, IUST, No. 3, 11(2013)143-153.
  355.   H. Rahami, A. Kaveh and H. Mehanpour, Optimal analysis of non-regular graphs usingthe results of regular models via an iterative method, Int. J. Optim. Civil Eng., No. 3, 3(2013)445-463.
  356.   A. Kaveh, B, Mirzaie and A. Jafarvand, Optimal design of single-layer barrel vaults using improved magnetic charged system search, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 4, 3(2013)575-600.
  357.  A. Kaveh and V.R. Mahdavi, Shape optimization of arch dams under earthquake loading using meta-heuristic algorithms, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 7, 17(2013)1690-1699.
  358.   R. Sheikholeslami and A. Kaveh, A survey of chaos embedded meta-heuristic algorithms, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 4, 3(2013)617-633.
  359. A. Kaveh, B, Mirzaie and A. Jafarvand, Optimal design of double layer barrel vaults using improved magnetic charged system search, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 1, 15(2014)135-154.
  360.  A. Kaveh, P. Zakian, Enhanced bat algorithm for optimal design of skeletal structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 2, 15(2014)179-212.
  361.  A. Kaveh and A. Zolghadr, Democratic PSO for truss layout and size optimization with frequency constraints, Computers and Structures, 130 (2014)10-21 .
  362.  A. Kaveh, S. Talatahari, R. Sheikholeslami, M. Keshvari, Chaotic Swarming of Particles: A New Method for Size Optimization of Truss Structures, Advances in Engineering Software, 67 (2014) 136–147.
  363. A. Kaveh and A. Nasrollahi, Performance-based seismic design of steel frames utilizing charged sharged system search optimization, Applied Soft Computing, 22C(2014) 213-221.
  364. . Kaveh, F. Shokouhi, and B. Ahmadi, Analysis and design of water distribution systems via colliding bodies optimization, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 2, 4(2014)165-185.
  365. A. Kaveh and Sh. Bijary, Optimum cost design of reinforced concrete one-way ribbed slabs using CBO, PSO and Democratic PSO algorithms, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 6, 14( 2014)788-802.
  366. A. Kaveh and S.M. Javadi, An efficient hybrid particle swarm strategy, ray optimizer, and harmony search algorithm for optimal design of truss structures Periodica Polytechnica, No. 2, 58(2014)65-81.
  367. A. Kaveh and M, Maniat, Damage detection in skeletal structures based on charged system search optimization using incomplete modal data, International Journal of Civil Engineering,  IUST, No. 2, 12(2014)291-298.
  368. A. Kaveh, MS Massoudi, Efficient finite element analysis using graph-theoretical force method; tetrahedron elements, International Journal of Civil Engineering, IUST, No. 2, 12(2014)347-367.
  369. A. Kaveh and A. Zolghadr, Performance comparison of nine meta-heuristic algorithms for structural optimization with frequency constraints, Advances in Engineering Software, 76(2014)9-30.
  370. A. Kaveh, V.R. Mahdavai, Colliding Bodies Optimization for Truss Optimization With Multiple Frequency cobstraints, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000402 , 04014078.
  371. A. Kaveh, T. Bakhshpoori and E. Afshari, An efficient hybrid particle swarm and swallow swarm optimization algorithm, Computers and Structures, 143(2014 )40–59.
  372. A. Kaveh and M. Ilchi, Enhanced colliding bodies optimization for design problems with continuous and discrete variables Advances in Engineering Software, 77(2014)66-75.
  373. A. Kaveh, L. Jafari and N. Farhoudi,  truss optimization with natural frequency constraints using a dolphin echolocation algorithm, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 1, 16 (2015)29-45.
  374. A. Kaveh, Ali Zolghadr, Magnetic charged system search for structural optimization, Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering, No. 3, 58(2014) 203–216.
  375. A. Kaveh and M. Ilchi Ghazaan, computer codes for colliding bodies optimization and its enhanced version, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 3, 4(2014)321-332.
  376. A. Kaveh, M. Kalateh-Ahani and M. Fahimi-Farzam,  Life-cycle cost optimization of steel moment-frame structures: performance-based seismic design approach,  Earthquakes and Structures, No. 3, 7(2014) 271-294.
  377. A. Kaveh and P. Hosseini, a simplified dolphin echolocation optimization method for optimum design of trusses, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 3, 4(2014)381-397.
  378. M. Shahrouzi,and A. Kaveh, Dynamic fuzzy-membership optimization: an enhanced meta-heuristic search, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 2, 16(2015)249-268.
  379. A. Kaveh and A. Nasrolahi, A new hybrid meta-heuristic for structural design: ranked particl optimization, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, No. 2, 52(2014) 405-426.
  380. A. Kaveh,  M.S. Massoudi and M. Ghanooni Bagha, Structural Reliability Analysis Using Charged System Search Algorithm, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 38 C2, (2014) 439-448.
  381. A. Kaveh and H. Safari, Hybrid-enhanced charged system search for solving travelling salesman problem and one of its applications: the single-row facility layout problem, International Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 3, 12(2014)363-370.
  382. A. Kaveh and A. Zolghadr, A new PSRO algorithm for frequency constraint truss shape and size optimization, Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Techno Press), No. 3, 52 (2014) 445-468.
  383. H. Arzani, A. Kaveh, M. Dehghan, Adaptive node moving refinement in discrete least squares meshless method using charged system search, Scientia Iranica, No. 5, 21(2014)1529-1538.
  384. A. Kaveh, and P. Zakian, Optimal seismic design of reinforced concrete shear wall-frame structures, KSCE, No. 7, 18(2014) 2181-2190.
  385. A. Kaveh and M. Ilchi, Hybridized optimization algorithms for design of trusses with multiple natural frequency constraints, Advances in Engineering Software, 70(2015)137-147.
  386. A. Kaveh, and T. Bakhshpouri,  M. Barkhori, Optimum design of multi-span composite box girder bridges using Cuckoo Search algorithm, Steel and Composit Structures-Techno, November, No. 5, 17(2014)705-719.
  387. A. Kaveh and M. Ilchi Ghazaan, Enhanced colliding bodies algorithm for truss optimization with dynamic constraints, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2014, 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000445 , 04014104.
  388. A. Kaveh, B. Mirzaei and A. Jafarvand, Shape-size optimization of single-layer barrel vaults using improved magnetic charged system search, International Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 4, 12 (2014)447- 465.
  389. A. Kaveh and VR Mahdavi, Colliding bodies optimization for optimal design of arch dams with frequency limitations, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 4, 4(2014)473-490.
  390. A. Kaveh, O. Khadem Hosseini, S. Mohammadi, V. R. Kalat Jari and A. Keyhani, optimum selection and scaling of accelerograms required in time history analysis of spatial Structures, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 4, 4(2014)525-547.
  391. A. Kaveh and A. Zolghadr, An improved CSS for damage detection of truss structures using changes in natural frequencies, Advances in Engineering Software, 80(2015)93-100.
  392. A. Kaveh and B. Alinejad, Hypergraph products for structural mechanics, Advances in Engineering Software, 80(2015)72-81.
  393. A. Kaveh and Sh. Hasana, Optimization of latticed columns using democratic PSO and CBO algorithms, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 3, 16(2015)437-450.
  394. A. Kaveh And M. Ilchi Ghazaan, Metaheuristic algorithms for minimum crossing number problem, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 1, 5(2015)67- 77.

  395. Sh. Jalili / Y. Hosseinzadehand A. Kaveh, Chaotic biogeography algorithm for size and shape optimization of truss structures with frequency constraints, Periodica Polytechnic, 58/4 (2014) 397–422.
  396. A. Kaveh, M. Kalateh-Ahani and M. Fahimi-Farzam, Damage-based optimization of large-scale steel structures,  Earthquakes and Structures, No. 6, 7(2014) 1119-1139.
  397. Kaveh A, Massoudi  MS. Multi-objective optimization using Charged System Search, Scientia Iranica,  No. 6,  21(2014)1845-1860.
  398. M. Saberi, and A. Kaveh, Structural damage identification using enhanced charged system search algorithm, Scientia Iranica, No. 6, 21(2014)1793 - 1802.
  399. S. Mokhtarimousavi, H. Rahami, A. Kaveh,  Multi-objective mathematical modeling of aircraft landing problem on a runway in static mode, scheduling and sequence determination using NSGA-II, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 1, 5(2015) 21-36.
  400. A. Kaveh, M. Ilchi Ghazaan, Structural reliability assessment utilizing four metaheuristic algorithms, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 2, 5(2015)205-255.
  401. A. Kaveh, B. Mirzaei, A. Jafarvand An improved magnetic charged system search for optimization of truss structures with continuous and discrete variables, Applied Soft Computing, 28C(2015)400-410.
  402. A. Kaveh, M.S. Mallaki and H. Rahami, Application of singular value decomposition in symmetric structures by force method, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 4, 16(2015)493-504.
  403. A. Kaveh, T. Bakhshpoori, and M. Azimi, Seismic optimal design of 3D steel frames using cuckoo search algorithm, Tall Buildings and Special Structures, No. 3, 24(2015) 210-227.
  404. H. Rahami, A. Kaveh and I. Shojaei, Swift analysis for size and geometry optimization of structures, Advances in Structural Engineering, No. 3, 18(2015)365-380.
  405. A. Kaveh and T. Bakhshpoori, subspace search mechanism and cuckoo search for size optimization of space trusses, Steel and Composite Structures, No. 2, 18(2015) 289-303.
  406. A. Kaveh, and F. Shokohi, Optimum design of castellated beams using colliding bodies optimization algorithm, Steel and Composite Structures, No. 2, 18(2015) 305-324.
  407. A. Kaveh and R. Gaffarian, Shape optimization of arch dams with frequency constraints by enhanced charged system search algorithm and neural network, International Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 1, 13(2015)102-111.
  408. Kaveh And Sh Bijari, Bandwidth optimization using CBO and ECBO, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 4, 16(2015)535-545.
  409. Kaveh and V.R. Mahdavi, Optimal domain decomposition using Colliding Bodies Optimization and k-median method, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, June 98(2015)41–49.
  410. Kaveh and V.R. Mahdavi, Two-dimensional colliding bodies algorithm  for optimal design of truss structures, Advances in Engineering Software, 83(2015)70-79.
  411. H. Rahami, A. Kaveh and  M. Ardalan Asl, S.R. Mirghaderi, Finite element analysis using mixed force-displacement method via singular value decomposition, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, C1, 39(2015)1-19.
  412. Kaveh, S. Mohammadi, O. Khadem Hosseini, A. Keyhani and V.R. Kalatjari, Optimum parameters of tuned mass dampers for seismic applications using charged system search, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, C1, 39(2015)21-40.
  413. Kaveh and V.R. Mahdavi, Colliding bodies optimization for size and topology optimization of truss structures, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, No. 5, 53(2015)847-865.
  414. Kaveh, I. Shojaie, and H. Rahami, New developments in the optimal analysis of regular and near-regular structures: decomposition, graph products, force method, Acta Mechanica, No. 3, 226(2015)665-681.
  415. Kaveh, A.A. Aghakochak and P. Zakian, Reduced record method for efficient time history dynamic analysis and optimal design, Earthquake and Structures, Techno, No. 3, 8 (2015)639-663.
  416. Kaveh and M. Ilchi Ghazaan, A comparative study of CBO and ECBO for optimal design of skeletal structures, Computers and Structures, 153(2015)137-147.
  417. S. Talatahari and A. Kaveh, Improved bat algorithm for optimum design of large-scale truss structures, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 2, 5(2015)241-254.
  418. S. Talatahari, A. Kaveh, Magnetic charged system search algorithm for optimum design of large-scale truss structures, Iranian Journal of Structural Engineering, No.1, 1(2015)18-25.
  419. Kaveh, T. Bakhshpoori and E. Afshari, Hybrid PSO and SSO algorithm for truss layout and size optimization considering dynamic constraints, Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Techno Press), No. 3, 54(2015)453-474.
  420. Kaveh, M. Fahimi-Farzam and M. Kalateh-Ahani, Performance-based multi-objective optimal design of steel frame structures: nonlinear dynamic procedure, Scientia Iranica, No. 2, 22(2015)373-387.
  421. Kaveh and M. Naeimi, Corrections for sizing optimization of skeletal structures with a multi-adaptive harmony search algorithm, Scientia Iranica, No. 2. 22(2015) 345-366.
  422. Kaveh, S. Pirgholizadeh and O. Khadem Hosseini, Semi-active tuned mass damper performance with optimized fuzzy controller using css algorithm , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 5, 16(2015)587-606.
  423. K. Laknejadi and A. Kaveh,  A swarm based memetic evolutionary algorithm for multi-objective optimization of large structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 5, 16(2015)621-649.
  424. Kaveh and N. Soleimani, CBO and DPSO for optimum design of reinforced concrete cantilever retaining walls, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 6, 16(2015)751-774.
  425. Shojaei, A. Kaveh, H. Rahami, B. Bazrgari, Efficient non-linear analysis and optimal design of mechanical and biomechanical systems, Advances in Biomechanics and Application, Techno, No. 1, 2(2015)11-27.
  426. Shojaei, H. Rahami and A. Kaveh, Efficient finite element solution of regular and near-regular systems using graph products, Acta Mechanica, Issue 7, 226(2015) 2393-2405.
  427. Ali Kaveh, Mohsen Maniat, Damage detection based on MCSS and PSO using modal data, Smart Structures and Systems, Techno, No. 5, 15 (2015)1253-1270.
  428. M. Esmaeili, J.A. Zakeri, A. Kaveh, A. Bakhtiary, M. Khayatazad , Designing granular layers for railway tracks using ray optimization algorithm, Scientia Iranica. Transaction A, Civil Engineering, No. 1, 22 (2015)47-58.
  429. Kaveh, Expansion process in mathematics and structural mechanics, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 7, 16(2015) 943-954.
  430. Kaveh A, VR Mahdavi, A hybrid CBO and PSO for optimal design of truss structures  with dynamic constraints. Applied  Soft Computing, 34(2015) 260–273.
  431. Kaveh and M.S. Massoudi, Efficient finite element analysis using graph-theoretical force method; rectangular plane stress and plane strain Lagrange family elements, Applied Mathematics Computation, 266 (2015) 72–94.
  432. R. Sheikholeslami, and A. Kaveh, Vulnerability Assessment of Water Distribution Networks: Graph Theory Method, International Journal of Optimization In Civil Engineering, No. 3, 5(2015)283-299.
  433. Kaveh and F. Shokohi, Cost optimization of end-filled castellated beams using meta-heuristic algorithms, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 3, 5(2015) 329-351.
  434. Kaveh, H. Rahami and I. Shojaie, An efficient method for seismic analysis of structures, Engineering Computations, issue 6, 32(2015)1708 - 1721.
  435. Kaveh, M. Fahimi-Farzam and M. Kalateh-Ahani, Optimum Design of Steel Frame Structures Considering Economic Cost and Damage Index, Smart Structures and Systems, Techno, No. 1, 16(2015)1-26.
  436. Kaveh and P. Zakian, Stability based optimum design of concrete gravity dam using CSS, CBO and ECBO Algorithms International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 4, 5(2015)419-431.
  437. Kaveh And M.H. Ghafari, Plastic analysis of planar frames using CBO and ECBO algorithms, International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, No. 4, 5(2015) 479-492.
  438. Kaveh and VR Mahdavi, Damage identification of truss structures using CBO and ECBO algorithms, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 1, 17(2016)75-89.
  439. M.  Saberi, and A. Kaveh, Damage detection in space structures using charged system search algorithm and residual force method, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology , No. C2, 39(2015)215-229.
  440. Kaveh and Sh Hasana, Optimal design of tapered latticed columns using four meta-heuristic optimization algorithms, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 2, 17(2016) 259-270.
  441. Kaveh, N. Farhoudi, Dolphin echolocation optimization for design of cantilever retaining walls, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, No. 2, 17(2016)193-211.
  442. Kaveh and I. Shojaee, Advances in swift analysis of structures: near-regular structures, and optimal analysis and design, Advances in Engineering Software, 90(2015)119-126.
  443. Kaveh A, Khanzadi M, Alipour M, Rajabi Naraky M, CBO and CSS algorithms for resource allocation and time-cost trade-off, Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering, No. 3, 59(2015) 361-371.
  444. Kaveh and N. Farhoudi, Layout optimization of braced frames using differential evolution algorithm and dolphin echolocation optimization. Periodica Ploytechnic-Civil Engineering A, No. 4, 59(2015) 441-449.
  445. Kaveh, T. Bakhshpoori, and S.M. Hamzeh-Ziabari, Derivation of new equations for prediction of principal ground-motion parameters using M5′ algorithm, Earthquake Engineering, Accepted for publication, 2015.
  446. Kaveh, F. Shokohi, A hybrid optimization algorithm for the optimal design of laterally-supported castellated beams, Scientia Iranica, Accepted, June 2015.
  447. Kaveh and M. Ilchi Ghazaan, Layout and size optimization of trusses with natural frequency constraints using improved ray optimization algorithm, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, to be pulished end of 2015.
  448. M. Khanzadei, A. Kaveh et al., Application of CBO and CSS for Resource Allocation and Resource Leveling Problem, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Accepted, 2015.
  449. Kaveh, Shamstalei and A. Nasrolahi, Application of probabilistic particle swarm in optimal design of large-span prestressed concrete slabs, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Accepted, 2015.
  450. Kaveh and M. Rezaie, Topology and Geometry Optimization of Single Layer Domes Utilizing Colliding Bodies Optimization, Scientia Iranica, Accepted for publication, 2015.
  451. Kaveh and M. Ilchi Ghazaan, Optimum design of large-scale dome trusses using cascade optimization, Submitted to Stuctural Multidisciplinary Optimization, Accepted for publication,  2015.
  452. Kaveh and M. Rezaie, Topology and geometry optimization of different types of domes using ECBO, Techno, Accepted for publication, 2015.
  453. Kaveh and P. Zakian, An efficient seismic analysis of regular skeletal structures via graph product rules and canonical forms, Earthquake and Structures, Techno, Accepted for publication, 2015.

 مقالات کنفرانس‌های ملی و بین‌المللی

  1. A. Kaveh, Generalized cycle bases for the flexibility analysis of structures, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Space Structures, Edit. J. Supple, Surrey, UK, 1975.

  2. A. Kaveh, On 2-cell embedding of a graph, Proc. 6th Iranian Math. Conf., Ahwaz, 1975, pp. 106-112.

  3. A. Kaveh, On optimal cycle bases of graphs for mesh analysis of networks, Proc. of Optimization Days, Canada, 1984, p.72.

  4. A. Kaveh and K. Ramachandran, Graph-theoretical approach for bandwidth and frontwidth reduction, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. On Space Structures, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London, Edit. H. Nooshin, 1984, pp. 245-249.

  5. A. Kaveh, An associate graph for finite element ordering, Proc. 15th Iranian Math. Conf., Shiraz, 1984.

  6. A. Kaveh, A graph-theoretical approach for an efficient analysis of structures, Proc. 4th Int. Sym. Numer. Meths Eng., Atlanta, in Innovative Numerical Methods in Engineering”, Springer Verlag, Edit. R.P. Shaw et al, 1986, pp.573-578.

  7. A. Kaveh, Nodal and element ordering for bandwidth optimization, Proc. Int. Sym. On IASS, Japan, 1986, pp. 177-184.

  8. A. Kaveh, A graph theoretical approach for examining the rigidity of planar structures, Proc. The 1st Int. Conf. Light Weight Structures Arch., Sydney, Vol.2, 1986, pp. 791-797.

  9. A. Kaveh, Subminimal transversal of a shortest route tree for ordering, Proc. Comput. Mech., Beijing, China, 1987, pp. 118-123.

  10. A. Kaveh, A combinatorial approach to flexibility method, Proc. Int. Sym. Innovative Applications on Shells and Spatial Forms, India, Vol.1, 1988, pp.185-192.

  11. A. Kaveh, A Connectivity Coordinate System for Node and Element Ordering, Paper 4.2 from CCP: 9/10, ISBN 0-948749-10-5 (1989)]

  12. A. Kaveh and A. Behravesh, A direct-iterative approach to the analysis of large structures, Proc. Int. Conf. Struct. Engng., Beijing, China, 1990, pp. 63-71.

  13. A. Kaveh, Topological invariants of a graph for the flexibility analysis of structures, Proc. Int. Conf. Struct. Engng., Beijing, China, 1990, pp. 63-71.

  14. J. Bloori and A. Kaveh, Optimal design of trusses using AISC specifications, Proc. Iranian Congress on Civil Engineering, Shiraz, 1990.

  15. A. Kaveh, Graphs applied to structures (invited lecture), Proc. Iranian Congress on Civil Engineering, Shiraz, 1990.

  16. A. Kaveh and A. Mokhtar-zadeh, Fully automated force method, Proc. Iranian Congress on Civil Engineering, Shiraz, 1990.

  17. A. Kaveh, Graphs and structures, In Structural Analysis System Guidebook Series, iitt International, 1989.

  18. A. Kaveh and A. Mokhtar-zadeh, A combinatorial  approach to optimal plastic design of structures, Computational Mechanics, Edit Y.K. Cheung, J.H.W. Lee and A.Y.T. Leung, A.A. Balkema / Rotterdam / Brookfield, Vol.1, 1991, pp. 349-354.

  19. A. Kaveh, Crossing number, genus and thickness of a graph for the flexibility analysis of structures, In Trends in Application of Mathematics to Mechanics, Edits W. Schneider, H. Troger and F. Ziegler, Longman Scientific & Technical, New York, 1991, pp.333-338.

  20. A. Kaveh, Unsolved problems common to graphs and structures. Invited lecture, Int. Conf. Appl. Math., IUST Tehran, 1991.

  21. A. Kaveh, Minimal, optimal and optimally conditioned cycle bases of a graph (invited lecture), 6th SIAM Conf. On Discrete Math., Vancouver, Canada, 1992.

  22. A. Kaveh, Topological transformations in structural mechanics (invited lecture), Proc. Iranian Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Shiraz, 1993.

  23. A. Kaveh, Optimal analysis of structures (invited lecture), The 1st Conference of Mechanical Engineering Society, Tehran, 1993.

  24. A. Kaveh, Space structures and their topographical invariants, Space structures 4, Edited by G.A.R. Parke and C.M. Howard, Thomas Telford, Vol. 1, pp.186-194.

  25. A. Kaveh, Topological transformations applied to structural mechanics, Proc. Civil-Comp 93, Edited by B.H.V. Topping , Edinburgh, U.K., 1993, pp.1-10.

  26. A. Kaveh, Topological Transformations Applied to Structural Mechanics, Paper 1.1 from CCP: 19, ISBN 0-948749-21-0 (1993)

  27. A. Kaveh and Mokhtar-zadeh, Comparative study of the combinatorial and algebraic force methods, Proc. Civil-Comp 93, Edited by B.H.V. Topping, Edinburgh, U.K., 1993, pp.21-30.

  28. A. Kaveh and A. Mokhtar-zadeh, A Comparative Study of the Combinatorial and Algebraic Force Methods, Paper 1.3 from CCP: 19, ISBN 0-948749-21-0 (1993)

  29. A. Kaveh and I. Ghaderi, Conditioning of structural stiffness matrices, Proc. Civil-Comp 93, Edited by B.H.V. Topping, Edinburgh, U.K., 1993, pp.39-45.

  30. A. Kaveh and I. Ghaderi, Conditioning of Structural Stiffness Matrices, Paper 1.5 from CCP: 19, ISBN 0-948749-21-0 (1993)].

  31. A. Kaveh, Graphs, matroids and structures, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Graphs and Mechanics, Poland, 1993.

  32. A. Kaveh, Graphs for configuration processing, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Graphs and Mechanics, Poland, 1993.

  33. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, A graph theoretical method for decomposition in finite element analysis, In Advances in Parallel Vector Processing for Structural Mechanics, Edited by B.H.V. Topping and M. Papdarkakis, Civil-Comp Press, 1994, pp. 35-42.

  34. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, A Graph-Theoretical Method for Decomposition in Finite Element Analysis, Paper 2.2 from CCP: 20, ISBN 0-948749-22-9 (1994)

  35. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Graph-theoretical methods for substructuring and ordering, Proc. Of the 10th European Conf. On Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, 1994, pp. 1461-1467.

  36. N. Razzaghi Azar, and A. Kaveh, The Zangiran earthquake of 20th June 1994 in Iran and its destructive influences, Proc. Of the 10th European Conf. On Earthquake Engineering,, Vienna,1994, pp.2133-2139.

  37. A. Kaveh, and M. Malek-zadeh., Finite element nodal ordering, Proc. Civil-Comp 95, Cambridge, 1995.

  38. A. Kaveh and M. Malek-Zadeh, Finite Element Nodal Ordering Methods, Paper 4.5 from CCP: 33, ISBN 0-948749-35-0 (1995)

  39. A. Davaran and A. Kaveh, Analysis of pantographic deployable structures using pantograph stiffness matrix, Proc. Civil-Comp 95, Cambridge, 1995.

  40. A. Davaran and A. Kaveh, Analysis of Pantographic Deployable Structures using Pantograph Stiffness Matrix, Paper 2.4 from CCP: 33, ISBN 0-948749-35-0 (1995).

  41. A. Mokhtar-zadeh and A. Kaveh, Non-linear combinatorial force method, Proc. Civil – Comp 95, Cambridge, UK, 1995.

  42. A. Mokhtar-zadeh and A. Kaveh, Non-Linear Combinatorial Force Method, Paper 2.2 from CCP: 33, ISBN 0-948749-35-0 (1995).

  43. A. Kaveh, G.R. Roosts and A. Mokhtar-Zadeh, Substructuring for the Combinatorial Force Method of Structural Analysis, Paper 2.6 from CCP: 33, ISBN 0-948749-35-0 (1995)

  44. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, A graph-theoretical domain decomposer for finite element analysis, Proc. Second Int. Conf. In Civil Engineering on Computer Applications, Bahrain, 1996.

  45. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, An Algorithm for Partitioning of Finite Element Meshes, Paper 7.8 from CCP: 38, ISBN 0-948749-40-7 (1996).

  46. A. Mokhtar-Zadeh and A. Kaveh, Graph-Theoretical Methods for Optimal Plastic Analysis and Design of Frames, Paper 4.3 from CCP: 40, ISBN 0-948749-42-3 (1996)

  47. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Cycle Bases of Graphs for Sparse Flexibility Matrices, Paper 1.2 from CCP: 43, ISBN 0-948749-45-8 (1996).

  48. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Automated mesh decomposition for finite element analysis, Proc. 2nd Int. Mech. Engng. Conf., Iran, 1996.

  49. A. Kaveh and A. Davaran, A mixed method for subdomain generation for parallel processing, Advances in Computational Structures Technology, Budapest, pp. 259-264, 1996.

  50. A. Kaveh and A. Davaran A Mixed Method for Subdomain Generation for Parallel Processing, Paper 7.4 from CCP: 38, ISBN 0-948749-40-7 (1996)

  51. A. Kaveh and A. Mokhtar-zadeh, Bandwidth Optimization for Rectangular Matrices, Paper 5.3 from CCP: 39, ISBN 0-948749-41-5 (1996).

  52. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Graph-theoretical methods for profile reduction, Mouchel Centenary Conference on Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering, Cambridge, UK, 1997.

  53. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, Graph Theoretical Methods for Profile Reduction, Paper 3.1 from CCP: 50, ISBN 0-948749-52-0 (1997).

  54. A. Kaveh and G.R. Roosta, A Graph Theoretical Method for Frontwidth Reduction, Paper 5.1 from CCP: 39, ISBN 0-948749-41-5 (1996).

  55. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Element ordering for Frontwidth optimization, Advances in Engineering Computational Technology, Edit. BHV Topping, Civil-Comp Press, UK, 1998, pp. 77-84.

  56. A. Kaveh and H. Rahimi Bondarabady, Element Ordering for Frontwidth Optimization, Paper 4.2 from CCP: 55, ISBN 0-948749-57-1 (1998)].

  57. A. Kaveh and A. Khalegi, Prediction of strength for concrete specimens using artificial neural networks, Advances in Engineering Computational Technology, Edit. BHV Topping, Civil-Comp Press, UK, 1998, pp. 165-171.

  58. A. Kaveh and A. Khalegi, Prediction of Strength for Concrete Specimens using Artificial Neural Networks, Paper 4.3 from CCP: 53, ISBN 0-948749-55-5 (1998).

  59. A. Kaveh, A. Jafarvand and M.A. Barkhordari, Optimal Design of Pantograph Foldable Structures, Paper 16.12 from CCP: 55, ISBN 0-948749-57-1 (1998)

  60. A. Kaveh and A. Asadi, Bandwidth optimization of the stiffness matrices for finite element models, The First Conference of the Iranian Society of Civil Engineering, Tehran, 1999.

  61. A. Kaveh and H. Servati, Design of double layer grids using neural networks, Artificial Intelligence Applications in Civil and Structural Engineering, Edited by BHV Topping, Civil Comp-Press, Oxford, 1999, pp. 93-107.

  62. A. Kaveh and H. Servati, Analysis and Design of Double Layer Grids using Neural Networks, Paper 4.2 from CCP: 62, ISBN 0-948749-64-4 (1999).

  63. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A hybrid method for finite element nodal ordering, Developments in Analysis and Design Using Finite Element Methods, Edited by BHV Topping, Civil Comp Press, Oxford, 1999, pp. 25-31.

  64. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A Hybrid Method for Finite Element Nodal Ordering, Paper 1.4 from CCP: 59, ISBN 0-948749-61-X (1999).

  65. A. Kaveh and A.R. Rahimi Navasi, Configuration processing of space structures using graph theory, The First Conference of the Iranian Society of Civil Engineering, Tehran, 1999.

  66. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Optimal analysis of structures, 5th Int. Conf. on Civil Engineering, Mashad, 2000.

  67. A. Kaveh, M. Sabagian, and V. Kalatjary, Optimal topology of planar trusses using graph theory, The First Conference of the Iranian Society of Civil Engineering, Tehran, 1999.

  68. A. Kaveh, J. Keyvani, and Roostaie, Parametric study of the design of double and triple layer grids, The First Conference of the Iranian Society of Civil Engineering, Tehran, 1999.

  69. A. Kaveh, D. Fazel-Dekordi and H. Servati, Prediction of moment-rotation characteristic for saddle-like connections using FEM and BP neural networks, Civil-Comp Press, Leuvan, 2000.

  70. A. Kaveh, D. Fazel-Dehkordi and H. Servati, Prediction of Moment-Rotation Characteristic for Saddle-like Connections using FEM and BP Neural Networks, Paper 1.3 from CCP: 64. ISBN 0-948749-66-0 (2000).

  71. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A multi-level finite element model ordering using algebraic graph theory, Civil-Comp Press, Leuvan, 2000.

  72. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A Multi-level Finite Element Nodal Ordering using Algebraic Graph Theory, Paper 2.2 from CCP: 65, ISBN 0-948749-67-9 (2000).

  73. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A hybrid graph-genetic method for domain decomposition, Civil-Comp Press, Leuvan, 2000.

  74. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A Hybrid Graph-Genetic Method for Domain Decomposition, Paper 2.8 from CCP: 64, ISBN 0-948749-66-0 (2000).

  75. A. Kaveh and M. Saberi, Dynamic behaviour of double layer barrel vaults, The 5th Int. Conf. on Civil Engineering, Mashad, 2000.

  76. A. Kaveh and S.M. Yousefi, Dynamic analysis of single layer domes, The 5th Int. Conf. on Civil Engineering, Mashad, 2000.

  77. A. Kaveh and H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, Optimal analysis of structures, The 5th Int. Conf. on Civil Engineering, Mashad, 2000.

  78. A. Kaveh and J. Keyvani, Design of double layer grids using artificial neural networks, The 5th Int. Conf. on Civil Engineering, Mashad, 2000.

  79. A. Kaveh and N. Ehsani, Efficient graph theoretical methods for examining the rigidity of planar trusses, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Eisenstadt, Austria, 2001, pp. 43.

  80. A. Kaveh and F.N. Ehsani, Efficient Graph Theoretical Methods for Examining the Rigidity of Planar Trusses, Paper 15 from CCP: 73, ISBN 0-948749-77-6 (2001)].

  81. A. Kaveh Algebraic and Combinatorial Graph Theory for Optimal Structural Analysis, Chapter 13 from CSETS: 5, ISBN 1-874672-15-6 (2001).

  82. A. Kaveh and HA Rahimi Bondarabady, Decomposition of space structures for parallel computing, 5th Int. Conf. Space Structures, in Space Structures, edited by G. Parke and P. Disney, Thomas Telford , Vol. 2, 2002, pp. 949-956.

  83. A. Kaveh Topological Transformations in Structural Mechanics, Chapter 13 from CSETS: 7, ISBN 1-874672-16-4 (2002).

  84. A. Kaveh and MA Sayarinejad, Symmetry in graphs and space structures, 5th Int. Conf. Space Structures, in Space Structures, edited by G. Parke and P. Disney, Thomas Telford, Vol. 2, 2002, pp. 1015-1024.

  85. A. Kaveh and M.A. Sayarinejad, Symmetry in Dynamic Systems, Paper 31 from CCP: 75, ISBN 0-948749-83-0 (2002)].

  86. H.A. Rahimi Bondarabady, A. Kaveh and H. Nooshin, Pattern optimisation of stiffness matrices for finite element meshes using graphs and formices, 5th Int. Conf. Space Structures, in Space Structures, edited by G. Parke and P. Disney, Thomas Telford, Vol. 2, 2002, pp. 1573-1582.

  87. A. Kaveh and M. Raiessi Dehkordi, RBF and BP Neural networks for design of domes, 5th Int. Conf. Space Structures, in Space Structures, edited by G. Parke and P. Disney, Thomas Telford, Vol. 1, 2002, pp. 469-478.

  88. A. Kaveh and MA Sayarinejad, Symmetry in dynamic systems, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. On Computational Structures Technology, Prague, 2002, Page 75-76.

  89. A. Kaveh, Algebraic graph theory and optimal structural analysis, Invited Lecture, The 6th Int. Conf. Of Civil Engineering, Edit. By: D. Mostofinejad, Isfahan, 2003, pp.509-518.

  90. A. Kaveh and M. Abdie, Design of Frames using Genetic Algorithms, Force Method and Graph Theory, Paper 130 from CCP: 77, ISBN 0-948749-89-X (2003)].

  91. A. Kaveh and M. Raiessi Dehkordi, BP and RBF Neural networks for predicting displacements and design of Schwedler domes, Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Egmond-aan-ZeeNetherlands, September 2003.

  92. A. Kaveh and M. Raeissi Dehkordi, BP and RBF Neural Networks for Predicting Displacements and the Design of Schwedler Domes, Paper 62 from CCP: 78, ISBN 0-948749-92-X (2003)].

  93. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, An efficient method for decomposition of regular structures using algebraic graph theory, Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Egmond-aan-Zee, Netherlands, September 2003.

  94. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, An Efficient Method for Decomposition of Regular Structures using Algebraic Graph Theory, Paper 11 from CCP: 77, ISBN 0-948749-89-X (2003)].

  95. A. Kaveh and K. Khanlari, Collapse load factor for rigid-plastic analysis of frames using genetic algorithm, Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Egmond-aan-ZeeNetherlands, September 2003.

  96. A. Kaveh and K. Khanlari, Collapse Load Factor for Rigid-Plastic Analysis of Frames using a Genetic Algorithm, Paper 33 from CCP: 78, ISBN 0-948749-92-X (2003)].

  97. A. Kaveh and B. Salimbahrami, Buckling Load of Frames Using Graph Symmetry, Proc. Of the 4th on Engineering Computational Technology, Lisbon, September 2004.

  98. A. Kaveh and B. Salimbahrami, Buckling Load of Frames using Graph Symmetry, Paper 62 from CCP: 80, ISBN 0-948749-98-9 (2004)].

  99. A. Kaveh, The Role of Algebraic Graph Theory in Structural Mechanics, Chapter 4 from CSETS: 11, ISBN 1-874672-21-0 (2004).

  100. A. Kaveh and S. Shojaee, Optimal Design of Scissor-link Foldable Structures Using Genetic Algorithm, Proc. of the 4th on Engineering Computational Technology, Lisbon, September 2004.

  101. A. Kaveh and S. Shojaee, Optimal Design of Scissor-link Foldable Structures using Genetic Algorithms, Paper 94 from CCP: 80, ISBN 0-948749-98-9 (2004).

  102. A. Kaveh, Topological Transformations in Structural Mechanics, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, Austria, 17th September 2004.

  103. A. Kaveh, H. Moez and M.A. Barkhordari, Suboptimal cycle bases for analysis of frames with semi-rigid joints, Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Civil and Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome, September 2005.

  104. A. Kaveh, H. Moez and M.A. Barkhordari, Suboptimal Cycle Bases for Analysis of Frames with Semi-rigid Joints, Paper 100 from CCP: 81, ISBN 1-905088-02-7 (2005)].

  105. A. Kaveh, H. Rahami, Topology and Graph products; Eigenproblems in optimal structural analysis, Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Civil and Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Rome, September 2005.

  106. A. Kaveh and H. Rahami, Topological and Graph Products: Eigenproblems for Optimal Structural Analysis, Paper 95 from CCP: 81, ISBN 1-905088-02-7 (2005)].

  107. A. Kaveh, Optimal structural analysis, Invited paper, Concrete and Developments, Tehran, May 2005.

  108. F. Rahim Zadeh Roofoie and A. Kaveh, and F. Masteri Farahani, Estimation of the vulnerability of concrete structures using neural networks, Concrete and Developments, Tehran, May 2005.

  109. A. Kaveh, Optimal analysis of structures, Invited paper, Khajee Nasir University, 2006.

  110. A. Kaveh, Optimal structural analysis via graph theory, 6th ASMO UK, Oxford, July 2006.

  111. Ehsan Gharaie, Abbas Afshar, Ali Kaveh, Dynamic site layout optimization; ant colony optimization approach, Proceeding of the International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, 2006.

  112. A. Kaveh, Symmetry and Structures, Invited paper, Las Palmas, September 2006.

  113. A. Kaveh, Symmetry and Structures, Chapter 19 from CSETS: 15, ISBN 1-874672-28-8 (2006).

  114. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Improved group-theoretical method for eigenvalue problems of special symmetric structures, using graph theory, Las Palmas, September 2006.

  115. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Improved Group-Theoretical Method for Eigenvalue Problems of Special Symmetric Structures Using Graph Theory, Paper 288 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006).

  116. A. Kaveh and M. Jahanshahi, Plastic design of frames using heuristic algorithms, Las Palmas, Spain, September 2006.

  117. A. Kaveh and M. Jahanshahi, Plastic Design of Frames Using Heuristic Algorithms, Paper 108 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006).

  118. A. Kaveh, Expansion process for studying the topological properties of structures, The 3rd National Congress on Civil Engineering, Tabriz University, Keynote lecture, 2007, pp.1-11.

  119. A. Afshar, A. Kaveh, A. Kassaeian, O.R. Shoghli, Modified adaptive weighting method for time-cost trade-off problem based on ant colony optimization, 3rd National Congress on Civil Engineering, Tabriz University, 2nd May 2007.

  120. A. Kaveh, Graph products for domain decomposition of regular structures, The 15th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Amir Kabir University, Keynote lecture, Tehran, 15 May 2007.

  121. A. Kaveh, The role of combinatorial mathematics in structural mechanics, Invited paper, The 3rd International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, September 2007.

  122. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Symmetric Finite Elements Formulation Using Linear Algebra and Canonical Forms: Truss and Beam Elements, The Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Malta, September 2007.

  123. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Symmetric Finite Element Formulation using Linear Algebra and Canonical Forms: Truss and Frame Elements, Paper 130 from CCP: 86, ISBN 978-1-905088-17-1 (2007).

  124. A. Kaveh and B. Salimbahrami, Eigenproblems of Symmetric Planar Frames, The Eleventh International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Malta, September 2007.

  125. A. Kaveh and B. Salimbahrami, Eigenproblems of Symmetric Planar Frames, Paper 136 from CCP: 86, ISBN 978-1-905088-17-1 (2007).

  126. A. Kaveh, Space Structures and Graph Theory, 2nd National Conference on Space Structures, Tehran University, 22 May 2007.

  127. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Applications of Group and Graph Products in Configuration Processing of Symmetric Structures, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Civil Comp Press Edited by BHV Topping and M. Papadrakakis, Athens, Greece, 2-5 September 2008, p. 166.

  128. A. Kaveh and M. Nikbakht, Interrelation of Group Products and Graph Products in Configuration Processing of Symmetric Structures, Paper 166 from CCP: 88, ISBN 978-1-905088-23-2 (2008).

  129. A. Kaveh and L. Shahryari, Planar truss structures with multi-symmetry, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Civil Comp Press Edited by BHV Topping and M. Papadrakakis, Athens, Greece, 2-5 September 2008, p. 163.

  130. A. Kaveh and L. Shahryari, Planar Truss Structures with Multi-Symmetry, Paper 163 from CCP: 88, ISBN 978-1-905088-23-2 (2008).

  131. A. Kaveh, M. Daei and A. Kasseian Ziaraty, Ant colony optimization algorithm for efficient flexibility analysis of structures, International Conference 70 Years of FCE STU, Bratislava, Slovakia, December 4-5, 2008.

  132. A. Kaveh and V. Morsali, Calculation of critical load of regular frames without sway by using the eigenvalues of generators of Cartesian product of graph’s model of structure, 14th National Conference of Civil Engineering, Semnan, Iran, August 2008.

  133. A. Kaveh, B. Alinejad, New graph products of specified domains for configuration processing, GAMM 2009. Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, 9-13 February, 2009.

  134. A. Kaveh, Applications of graph products in structural echanics, 14th LL-Seminar on Graph Theory, Leoben, Austria, April 2009.

  135. A. Kaveh and A. Jahanmohammadi, Applications of groups and symmetry groups in the analysis of space structures with complex symmetries, 8th International Congress in Civil Engineering, Shiraz, May 2009.

  136. A. Kaveh and F. Shafiei Dizaji, Optimization of the conditioning of structural matrices, 8th International Congress in Civil Engineering, Shiraz, May 2009.

  137. A. Kaveh and V. Morsali, Calculation of eigenfrequencies of space structures with no lateral displacements using the Cartesian product, 8th International Congress in Civil Engineering, Shiraz, May 2009.

  138. A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari, Topological Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Latticed Domes Using Particle Swarm Ant Colony Optimization, First International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Madaira, Portugal, September, 2009.

  139. A. Kaveh, S. Talatahari, “Topological Design of Geometrically Nonlinear Latticed Domes using Particle Swarm Ant Colony Optimization”, in B.H.V. Topping, Y. Tsompanakis, (Editors), “Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering”, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 25, 2009. Doi:10.4203/ccp.92.25.

  140. A. Kaveh and P. Sharafi, Profile Reduction for Sparse Matrices using an Ant System, Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Madaira, Portugal, September, 2009.

  141. A. Kaveh, P. Sharafi, “Profile Reduction for Sparse Matrices using an Ant System”, in B.H.V. Topping, L.F. Costa Neves, R.C. Barros, (Editors), “Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing”, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 284, 2009. Doi:10.4203/ccp.91.284.

  142. A. Kaveh and L. Shahryari, Canonical Forms and Graph Theory for Calculating the Eigenfrequencies of Symmetric Space Frames, CST2010, Valencia, Spain, September 2010.

  143. A. Kaveh and L. Shahryari, Canonical Forms and Graph Theory for Calculating the Eigenfrequencies of Symmetric Space Frames, Paper 259 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010).

  144. A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, Eigensolution of locally modified regular structures using

  145. shifted inverse iteration method CST2010, Valencia, Spain, September 2010.

  146. A. Kaveh and H. Fazli, Eigensolution of Locally Modified Regular Structures using the Shifted Inverse Iteration Method, Paper 261 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)].

  147. A. Kaveh and M. Jahanshahi, An ACS algorithm for the formation of subminimal-suboptimal cycle bases, SEMC2010, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2010, pp. 437-440.

  148. A. Kaveh and M. Hassani, (Invited Lecture) Ant colony algorithms for nonlinear analyses, simultaneous analysis-design, and optimal design of structures, SEMC2010, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2010, pp. 1071-1076.

  149. A. Kaveh and M. Daei, Ant colony system for the formation of sparse flexibility matrices: Tetrahedron elements, SEMC2010, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2010, pp. 1117-1120.

  150. A. Kaveh and P. Sharafi, Facility Centers of a Network Using Charged System Search Algorithm, CMS2010, Vienna, 2010.

  151. N. Farhoodi and A. Kaveh, Weight reduction of braced frames using optimization algorithms BB-BC and PSO, CLCE2010, Kerman, April 2010.

  152. A. Kaveh (Keynote Lecture) Applications of Graph Products in Symmetric and Regular Structures, ISME2010, Sharif University, May 2010.

  153. A. Kaveh and L. Shahryari, Mashhad, Calculation of buckling load for planar truss structures with multi-symmetry, 5ncce2010, May 2010.

  154. A. Kaveh, New developments in graph products and applications in structural engineering (Invited Lecture), Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering Design and Education, Pecs, Hungary, 2011.

  155. A. Kaveh, H. Rahami, Applications of graph products and canonical form in structural mechanics: A review, (Invited Lecture), The Second International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Crete, Greece, Saxe-Coburgh Publications, Computational Science, Engineering and Technology, Series 28, Chapter 6, 2011, pp. 157-186.

  156. A. Kaveh and O. Sabzi, Optimum design of reinforced concrete frames using HPSACO algorithm, The Second International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Crete, Greece, 2011, Paper 5.

  157. A. Kaveh, S. Talatahari and R. Sheikholeslami, Optimum Seismic Design of Gravity Retaining Walls Using Heuristic Big Bang-Big Crunch Algorithm, The Second International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Crete, Greece, 2011, Paper 4.

  158. A. Kaveh, A. Zolghadr, “Damage Detection of Truss Structures using an Improved Charged System Search Algorithm”, in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), “Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology”, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 82, 2012. Doi:10.4203/ccp.99.82.

  159. A. Kaveh, B. Alinejad, “Hypergraph Products for Structural Mechanics”, in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), “Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology”, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 266, 2012. Doi:10.4203/ccp.99.266.

  160. A. Kaveh, (Keynote Lecture) Symmetry and Regularity in Structural Mechanics, the 9th International Congress in Civil Engineering, Isfahan, May 2012.

  161. A. Kaveh and H. Abbasgholiha, Big Bang-Big Crunch algorithm based optimum design of steel frames, The 9th International Congress in Civil Engineering, Isfahan, May 2012.

  162. A. Kaveh and Eftekhar, Improved Big Bang-Big Crunch for optimal design of barrel vaults, The 9th International Congress in Civil Engineering, Isfahan, May 2012.

  163. A. Kaveh and E. Afshari, Optimal design of space domes using Big Bang-Big Crunch and Charged System Search, The 9th International Congress in Civil Engineering, Isfahan, May 2012.

  164. A. Kaveh, T. Bakhshipour and E. Afshari, Optimal design of double layer grids using HBB-BC and CS algorithms, The 9th International Congress in Civil Engineering, Isfahan, May 2012.

  165. A. Kaveh and I. Shojaei, Advances on the optimal analysis of structures: near-regular structures, simultaneous analysis and design, modal analysis, in Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, B.H.V. Topping and P. Iványi, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, paper 251, 2014. doi:10.4203/ccp.106.251

  166. A. Kaveh and M.S. Massoudi (Invited Lecture), Recent advances in the finite element force method, Computational Methods for Engineering Technology, B.H.V. Topping and P. Iványi, (Editors), Saxe-Couberg Publications, Scotland, 2014, Chapter 12, pp. 305-324.

  167. A. Kaveh, A. Optimal Structural Analysis, Keynote Lecture, 2nd International & 6th National Conference on Earthquake & Structures, October 14-15, 2015, ACECR of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

 افتخارات کسب شده

  • مدال درجه 1 فرهنگی از وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی بخاطر احراز رتبه اول در هر چهار سال تحصیلی دوره کارشناسی مهندسی راه و ساختمان، 1347.
  • بورس تحصیلی وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی برای دوره دکتری در امپریال کالج دانشگاه لندن، 56-1352.
  • جایزه موسسه البرز که توسط این موسسه برای فارغ التحصیل با بهترین معدل کشوری تعلق می گرف، 1351.
  • جایزه پژوهشی برای انجام پژوهش نمونه از طرف وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی، 1359.
  • بورس ایران - انگلیس که توسط وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی اعطاء شد، 1359.
  • کتاب سال از طرف وزارت ارشاد اسلامی برای بهترین کتاب مهندسی تحت عنوان تحلیل سازه ها، 1366.
  • جایزه پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت، 1367، 1372، 1375.
  • جایزه پژوهشی خوارزمی از وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی، 1376.
  • جایزه پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت، 1376.
  • جایزه مطبوعات از طرف وزارت ارشاد برای بهترین مقاله علمی، 1377.
  • محقق نمونه مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن، 1378.
  • کتاب سال از طرف وزارت ارشاد برای بهترین کتاب انگلیسی، 1379.
  • مدال طلایی سال 2000 از طرف ABI ، 1381.
  • جایزه پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت، 1381.
  • استاد نمونه ایران برگزیده وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی، 1382.
  • پژوهشگر نمونه ایران برگزیده وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی، 1382.
  • جایزه پروژه علمی در دانشگاه علم و صنعت، 1382.
  • استاد نمونه ایران برگزیده وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی، 1382.
  • چهره ماندگار در مهندسی عمران از طرف فرهنگستان علوم و سازمان صدا و سیما، 1383.
  • محقق برگزیده دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1383 و 1384.
  • استاد نمونه ایران برگزیده وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی، 1386.
  • محقق برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت، 1384، 1385 و 1386.
  • استاد نمونه ایران برگزیده وزارت علوم و آموزش عالی، 1386.
  • محقق برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت، 1387.
  • پژوهشگر رتبه اول جشنواره مهندسی عمران، 1388.
  • نویسنده بهترین کتاب مهندسی عمران رتبه اول جشنواره مهندسی عمران، 1388.
  • پژوهشگر رتبه اول بخش تحقیقات بنیادین در دومین جشنواره مهندسی عمران، مرکز تحقیقات ساختمان و مسکن، 1388.
  • چهره ماندگار کرمان جشنواره مهندس افضلی پور، 1388.
  • جایزه پژوهشگر برجسته، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1388.
  • جایزه پژوهشگر برجسته، مهندسی عمران، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، 1389.
  • استاد و پژوهشگر برجسته بنیاد ملی نخبگان ایران، 1390.


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