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Establishment of the Neural Engineering Research Center

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 Establishment of the Neural Engineering Research Center

 The Neural Engineering Research Center has been established at Iran University of Science and Technology. This news came after the center received approval from the office of Higher Education Council. This center will begin its activities in the following three groups:

  1. The Neural-Muscle Systems Control research group

  2. The Neural Engineering research group

  3. The Brain Control and Computer Interface Systems research group


 Neural Engineering is among recent 21st century science and medical fields. Neural Engineering seeks to conduct research in areas of neural and neural-muscle systems, diagnosis, and cure.

 It is noteworthy to mention specialization in electronics, telecommunications, control, computer, neural-technology, physiology, and medical engineering has crucial roles in Neural Engineering.

 The purpose of this technology is to design and build a microelectronic system, which generates direct communication with the central nervous systems or the peripheral nerves, and controls the outside organs of the body, in the same manner that the central nervous system controls the human body naturally.

  IUST would like to congratulate this success to all the university community, especially IUST students and professors.



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