Full Name: Dr. Hosseinalipoor, Seyed Mostafa
Position: Professor
Phone: 98-21-77240540-50 Ex:2929
Fax: 98-21-77240488
Email: alipour AT iust.ac.ir
Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, IRAN
University Degrees
- Director of High Computing Center, (2002-2004)
- PhD: Mechanical Engineering Department, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (1996)
- MSc: Mechanical Engineering Department, Tarbeiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (1989)
- BSc: Mechanical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran (1985)
Awards & Honors
- Top 5% Students (B. Sc. Sharif University, Iran, 1985)
- University Dean’s Honors List (Ph.D., Mc Gill University, Canada, 1996)
- Outstanding Student (M. Sc. Tarbiat Modaress University, Iran 1989)
- Director of Comutational Fluid Dynamic Research Lab, Iran University Science and Technology, (2001-2004)
- Director of Thermal Machines Laboratory (2002 – 2004)
- Member of Canadian CFD Society
- Member of Vacuum Society
- Head of Thermo-fluid group, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Iran University of Science and Technology (2000 – 2002)
- Member of Iran Society of Combustion
- Member of Iran Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Member of Iran Society of Aerospace
- Research Centre of Power Ministry, Advisor (1997- 2004)
- Industrial Research Institute, Head of Engine Design Department, (1986-1990)
Fields of Interest
- Optimimization and design of energy consuming and energy conversion systems
- HVAC and solar energy systems
- CFD and parallel processing
- Drying and Dryers
Publications - Journal Papers
- Hosseinalipour, S.M., Aghakhani, H., " Numerical & Experimental Study of Flow from a Leaking Buried Pipe in an Unsaturated Porous Media", Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011.
- Hosseinalipour, S.M., Mehrpanahi, A., "The Investigation of the Effect of Repowering Options on Electricity Generating Cost for Iran Steam Power Plants", International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2011.
- Hosseinalipour, S.M., Askari, H., Baghsheikhi, M., Jazayeri, S.A., " Effect of Octane Number of PRF in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Combustion", International Journal of Automative Engineering, 2011.
- Movahednejad, E., Ommi, F. and Hosseinalipour, S.M. "Prediction of Droplet Size and Velocity in Droplet Formation Region of Liquid Spray", Journal of Entropy, June 2010.
- Barzegar. M, Hosseinalipour S.M.,"Numerical Simulation Of Hypersonic Flow Over Highly Blunted Cones With Spike", Acta Austronica, Vol. 67, pp. 180-193, 2010.
- Ommi, F., Hosseinalipour, S.M., Kargar, A., Movahed, E., Nekofar, K., " Experimental Investigation of Characteristics of a Double-Base Swirl Injector In a Liquid Rocket Propellant Engine", 2009.
- Shafaghat. R, Hosseinalipour S.M., Nouri. N. M, Vahedgerami. A.,"Mathematical Approach To Investigate The Behaviour Of The Principal Parameters In Axisymetric Supercavitaiting Flows Using Boundary Element Method", Journal Of Mechanics, Vol. 25, pp. 465-473, 2009.
- Shafaghat, R., Hosseinalipour, S.M., Derakhshani, S.M.E., "Derivation of a Correlation for Drag Coefficient in Two Dimensional Bounded Supercavitating Flows, Using Artifitial Neural Networks", Archive of Applied Mechanics, June 2009.
- Roustapour. O. R, Hosseinalipour S.M., Ghobadian. B, Mohaghegh. F, Maftoon Azad. N, "A Proposed Numerical-Experimental Method For Drying Kinetics In A Spray Dryer", Journal Of Food Engineering, Vol. 90, pp. 20-26, 2009.
- Banooni. S, Hosseinalipour S.M., Mujumdar. A.S, Taherkhani. P, Bahiraei. M, "Baking Of Flat Bread In An Impingement Oven: Modeling And Optimization", Drying Technology, Vol. 27, pp. 103-112, 2009.
- Banooni. S, Hosseinalipour S.M., Mujumdar. A.S, Taheran. E, Bahiraei. M, Taherkhani. P, "Baking Of Flat Bread In An Impingement Oven: An Experimental Study Of Heat Transfer And Quality Aspects", Drying Technology, Vol. 26, pp. 902-909, 2008.
- Banooni. S, Hosseinalipour S.M., Mujumdar. A.S, Taheran. E, Mashaiekhi. M, "Impingement Heat Transfer Effects On Baking Of Flat Bread", Drying Technology, Vol. 26, pp. 910-919, 2008.
- Shafaghat. R , Hosseinalipour. S.M., Nouri. N.M, Lashgari. I, "Shape Optimization Of Two-Dimensional Cavitators In Supercavitating Flows Using NSGA II Algorithm", Applied Ocean Research , Vol. 30, pp. 305-310, 2008.
- Pak. A , Mohammadi. T , Hosseinalipour. S.M., Allahdini. V, " CFD Modeling Of Porous Membranes ", Journal Of Desalination , Vol. 222, pp. 482-488, 2008.
- Doustdar. M. M , Hosseinalipour. S.M., Ghobadian. B, "An Experimental Investigation Of Lime Juice Driving In A Pilot Plant Spray Dryer" Journal Of Dispersion Science And Technology, Vol. 2, pp. 181-188, 2006.
- Doustdar. M. M, Mazaheri. K, Hosseinalipour. S. M. , "Computational Analysis Of Injection –Velocity Effects On Dynamic Parameters Of Unconfined Fuel – Vapor Clouds", Combustion, Explosion, And Shock Waves, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 510-520, 2005.
- Hosseinalipour. S. M , Amoli. A, "A Continuum Model For Pumping Performance Of Turbo Molecular Pumps In All Flow Regimes" Vacuum 75, pp. 361 – 366, 2004.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Amoli, A. and Ebrahimi, R. ., “Direct Simulation of Free Molecular Flow in Fully 3-D Axial Rotor”, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 18, No. 1, January- March 2004.
- Amoli, A., Ebrahimi R., and Hoseinalipour, S. M. “Some Features of Molecular Flow in a Rotor-Stator Row with Real Topology”, Journal of Vacuum, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2003.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Haghroosta M. R., “A Mathematical model for a cylidrical dryer”, 9th ISME Conference, Vol. 2, pp 103- 108, Gylan, Iran, 2001.
Publications - Conference Proceedings
- Hosseinalipour, S. M. and Mohaghegh, F.,“Parametric Study of Propagation and Vaporization of Droplets Flow in Free Atmosphere and their Effects on the Distribution of Droplet Vapor density”, 5th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, pp. 425 – 434, 2004
- Hosseinalipour, S. M. And F.,“The Simulation of Flow and Combustion in a Missile Liquid Engine”, 5th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, pp. 435 – 444, Hesa, Esfahan, Iran, 2004.
- Aslani, S. M. Hosseinalipour,”A Review on Dynamic Simulation Methods for SI Engines” Internal Cmbustion Engines Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2004.
- Hosseinalipour, S. M. and F. Mohaghegh, “A Parametric Study for the Propagation and Evaporation of Droplets Flow and its Effects on The Distribution of Droplet Vapor Density in Free Atmosphere” 8th Fluid Dynamics Conference, PP>, Tabriz, Tehran, 2003.
- Bidabadi M., S. M. Hosseinalipour and S. A. Fakr Tabatabaei, “The Numerical Investigation of Different Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Models of the Droplet Evaporation for Two-Phase Flows Simulation” 8th Fluid Dynamics Conference, Tabriz, Tehran, 2003
- Amoli A. and S. M. Hosseinalipour, “The Analytical Simulation of One Dimensional Flow in An Grooved Turbo-Molecular” 8th Fluid Dynamics Conference, PP>, Tabriz, Tehran, 2003.
- Hosseinalipour, S. M., M. T. Shervanitabar and J. Ghafori, “The Experimental Investigation of Initiation of Cavitation in a Centrifugal Pump” 8th Fluid Dynamics Conference, PP>, Tabriz, Tehran, 2003.
- Mirsajedi S. M., Hosseinalipour, S. M. and R. Ebrahimi, “The Study of Velocity and Pressure on Teylor Circulations Between Two Rotating Cylinders” 8th Fluid Dynamics Conference, PP>, Tabriz, Tehran, 2003.
- Doustdar M. M., K. Mazaheri and Hoseinalipour, S. M., “A Study of Initial Conditions Effects on the Detonability of Confined Fuel-Air Cloud” 4th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, PP. 152-160, Tehran, Jan. 2003.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Ebrahimi, R., Zarbafian, A. H., “Modeling of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines, Part I: Simulation of Transient Flow in Feed System,”4th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, 228-235, Tehran, Jan. 2003.
- Ebrahimi, R., Hoseinalipour, S. M., Zarbafian, A. H., “Modeling of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines, Part II: Transient Simulation of Engine Component,” 11th ISME Conference, Mashhad, May 2003
- Aslani, A., Hosseinalipour, S. M., Shahbakhti, M., Jazayeri, S. A., Ohadi, A., and Azady, S., “Dynamic Modelling of PFI Ingector Engines for Air Fuel Ratio Assesment” Vol. 2, pp. 773 – 785, ISME 11th Conference, Mashhad, May 2003.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Ebrahimi, R., Mohammadpour D., M., “Simulation of Vapor Disublimation Rate from Vapor-Gas Stream in Horizontal Channel,” Vol. 2, pp. 605 – 611, 11th ISME Conference, Mashhad, May 2003.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Ebrahimi, R., Shahrokhi. A., “Temperature Estimation of the Internal Part of a Supersonic Rocket” Vol. 2, pp. 561 – 570, ISME 11th Conference, Mashhad, May 2003.
- Amoli, A., Hoseinalipour, S. M. and, Ebrahimi, R., “Direct Simulation of Free Molecular Flow in Fully 3-D Axial Rotor”, AIAA Paper 2003-3777, 36th AIAA Thermophysics Conference, Orlando, Florida, Jun. 2003.
- Hoseinalipour, S.M , Doustdar M. M, Mazaheri, and, “Numerical Study of Ground Effect on The Detonability Characteristics The Rotor-Stator Performance of a Turbomolecular Pump with a Real Topology”, 11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, 2003
- Amoli, A., Ebrahimi, R., and Hoseinalipour, S.M., “The Rotor-Stator Performance of a Turbomolecular Pump with a Real Topology”, 11th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada (CFD03), Vancouver, 2003.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Amoli, A., Ebrahimi, R., “3-D Simulation of Free Molecular Flow within Spiral-Grooved Molecular Pump,” 10th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada (CFD02), PP. 456-461, Windsor, Canada, June 2002
- Doustdar, M. M., S. M. Hoseinalipour and K. Mazaheri “Numerical Study of Two-Phase Unconfined Fuel-Air Cloud Charastristics to Consider its detonability” 10th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada (CFD02), 204-210, Windsor, Canada, June 2002.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Amoli, A., Ebrahimi, R., “Effect of Non-Parallel Blades on Axial-Turbo Molecular Pump Performance” 9th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Isfahan, 2002.
- Doustdar M. M., K. Mazaheri and S. M. Hoseinalipour, “A Numerical Solution For Far-Field Regime in Fuel-Air Explosive Devices” 9th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Isfahan, 2002.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Amoli, A., Ebrahimi, R, “3-D Simulation of Free Molecular Flow within Axial- Turbo Molecular Pump,” 10th ISME Conference, Vol. 3, pp 2000- 2006, Khajehnasir University Tehran, 2002.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Haghroosta M. R., “Mathematical modelling of drum dryers” P.P, 123 - 132, The Second Asian-Oceania Drying Conference, ADC’01, Pinang, Malaysia Aug. 2002.
- Forozani, H. And S. M. Hoseinalipour, “The Study of Flame Temperature in Industrial Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber on Nox Production”, 10th ISME Conference, Vol. 3 , pp 1402- 1409, Khajehnasir University, Tehran, Iran, 2002.
- Hosseinalipour, S. M. and Behzad, M., “An Investigation of The Simulation of Momentum Sinks for a Row of Squared pipes in Laminar Regimes”, 10th ISME Conference, Vol. 3 , pp 1703- 1710, Khajehnasir University, Tehran, Iran, 2002.
- Hosseinalipour, S. M. and Behzad, M., “An Investigation of The Turbulent Kinetic Energy Sink Effects of the porous medium in The Flow Through a Row of Squared channels ”, 10th ISME Conference, Vol. 3 , pp 1703- 1710, Khajehnasir University, Iran, 2002
- Hayatbakhsh, A., and S. M. Hosseinalipour, “Simulation and Performance Investigation of Internal Ballistic of Power Plant Water Tube Boiler”, 9th ISME Conference, Vol. 2, pp 103- 108, Gylan, Iran, 2001.
- Forozani, H. And S. M. Hoseinalipour, “Injection of Steam into Gas Turbine for Power and Efficiency Augmentation”, 9th ISME Conference, Vol. 2, pp 371- 378, Gylan, Iran, 2001.
- Hosseinalipour S. M., and Zarbafyan, A. H., “The Design of a Solid Fuel Starter” First International and Third Iranian Aero-Space Conference, Vol. 1, pp 465- 473, Sharif University,Tehran, Iran, 2000.
- Hosseinalipour S. M., Navaei Motlagh, K., “ A Mathematical Model for Once-Through Electrical Power Plant Boiler” 9th ISME Conference, Vol. 2 , pp 699- 705, ISME 2000, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran, 2000.
- Salmanian, O., K. Mazaherie, K. and S. M. Hosseinalipour, “The Investigation and Simulation of Erosive Burning of Homogenuous Solid Propelants”, First Scientific- Applied Conference of Aerospace Organization, Vol. 6, pp. 176 – 187, Tehran, Iran, 2000
- Hoseinalipour, S. M. and Baharei, M., “The Study of Flow Through Axial Flow Comperessor”, 7th ISME Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 599 – 605, Systan University, Systan, Iran, 1999.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M. and Deilami D., “Injection Simulation for Determination of Droplets Size and Velocity Distribution”, 7th ISME Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 669 – 676, Systan University, Systan, Iran, 1999.
- Hosseinalipour, S. M. “The Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Opposing Jets”,5th Fluid Dynamics Conference, pp. 214 – 221, Mashhad University, Mashhad, Iran, 1998.
- Hosseinalipour, S. M., A. S. Mujumdar, R. Nassef, “A two Phase Model Simulation for Drying of Solid Particles in Confined Two Dimensional Impinging Streams”, PP 495 – 502, CFD96, Fourth Annual Conference of The CFD Society of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario,1996
Research Laboratory
- Computer Aided Engineering Lab
Courses Taught
- Fluid Mechanics I, (Undergraduate)
- Fluid Mechanics II, (Undergraduate)
- Fluid Mechanics Lab, (Undergraduate)
- Heat Transfer I, (Undergraduate)
- Heat Transfer Lab, (Undergraduate)
- HVAC Systems I, (Undergraduate)
- HVAC Systems II, (Undergraduate)
- Power Plant Systems, (Undergraduate)
- Thermal engines Lab, (Undergraduate)
- Thermodynamics I, (Undergraduate)
- Thermodynamics II, (Undergraduate)
- Advanced Conduction Heat Transfer, (Graduate)
- Advanced Convection Heat Transfer, (Graduate)
- Advanced Internal Combustion Engines, (Graduate)
- Advanced Numerical Methods, (Graduate)
- Advanced Radiation Heat Transfer, (Graduate)
- Aerothermodynamics of Missiles, (Graduate)
- Boundary Layer Theory, (Graduate)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics I, (Graduate)
- Computational Fluid Mechanics II, (Graduate)
- Multi-Phase Flows, (Graduate)
- Turbulence Simulation, (Graduate)