| Full Name: Dr. Hosseini Hashemi , Shahrokh Position: Professor Phone: 98-21-77240540-50 Ex:2912 Fax: 98-21-77240488 Email: shh AT iust.ac.ir Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, IRAN |
University Degrees- PHD, City University of London, U.K.
- MSC, City University of London, U.K.
- BSC, Iran University of Science and Technology.
Awards & Honors- Supervision if the best PhD's thesis of the year 2014, Iranian Society of Acoustics and Vibration.
- Supervision if the best Bachelor thesis of the year 2014, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom, Overseas Research Students (ORS) award, London, England, 1982/83
- Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom, Overseas Research Students (ORS) award, London, England, 1981/82.
- Ministry of Culture and Higher Education, PhD Scholarship award, Tehran, Iran, 1977.
Current Research- Three dimensional vibration analysis of bodies
- Vibration of thick plates
Fields of Interest- Sound & Vibration
- Continuum Mechanics
- Impact
Graduate Theses Supervised - Nazem Nezhad.R."Free vibration analysis of nanoribbons and multilayers graphene incorporating surface effects using nonlocal elasticity and molecular dynamic" (PhD), 2014.
- Atashi Pur.R."Exact analytical study of static bending, vibration and buckling of multilayer composit plates" (PhD), 2013.
- Fadaee M."A new analytical solution for free vibration of doubly thick shell with variable properties in thickness direction" (PhD), 2012.
- Yousefi P. "Dynamic response of circular/elliptical composite plates in collision with rigid solid sphere according to Hertz contact theory" (PhD), 2011.
- farhadi S.., “Control of flutter of rotatory plates subjected to supersonic flow" (PhD), 2009.
- Khorshidi K., “Vibro-buckling of moderatly thick rectangulat plates resting on Pasternak elastic fondation”, (PhD), 2008.
- Hezavehi E., "Investigation of wrinkle behavior of woven fabrics under different torsional strains", (PhD), 2008.
- Mojabi A., "The effect of folding and packaging operations on physical and mechanical properties of hand-woven carpets under the different environmental conditions", (PhD), 2007.
- Mehrabani H., "Exact solution of vibration of nano graphene plates in visco elastic medium", (MSc), 2014.
- Abaei A., "Free vibration analysis of functionally graded visco elastic cylindrical sector", (MSc), 2014.
- Fakher M., "Study of free vibrational behavior of nano beam incorporating surface effect with analytical and molecular dynamic simulation methods", (MSc), 2013.
- Habibnezhad A.,"Analysis of vibrational motion of AFM's cantilever", (MSc), 2013.
- Asadi S., "Analytical solution of vibro- buckling of thick circular/sectorial plates made of multi layers composite", (MSc), 2012.
- Kermajani M., "A new exact solution for vibro-buckling of thick rectangular nano plates resting on Pasternak foundation via non local elasticity and third order shear deformation plate theory", (MSc), 2012.
- Salehi Pur H., "Exact analysis of free vibration of thick rectangular FGM plates via 3D elasticity", (MSc), 2011.
- Ilkhani M.R., "Exact analysis of free vibration of Piezoelectric cylindrical shell", (MSc), 2011.
- Eshaghi M., "Free vibration analysis of piezoelectric coupled circular/ annular functionally graded Reddy plates", (MSc), 2010.
- Kalbasi H., "Free vibration analysis of piezoelectric coupled circular/ annular plates with variable thickness using Rayleigh-Ritz method", (MSc), 2010.
- Azimzade monfaredi M., "Three dimensional free vibration of piezoelectric coupled circular/anuular thick plate using Ritz method", (MSc), 2010.
- Karimi M., "Free vibration and buckling of moderatly thick rectangular plate on elastic foundation in adjacent of non-viscous flow", (MSc), 2010.
- Shojaei T., "Analysis of behavior of metalic wing in incompressible flow", (MSc), 2009.
- Pahlevani M., "Vibrational analysis of FGM rectangular Mindlin plate under in-plane moving load", (MSc), 2009.
- Amini M., "Three dimensional vibration analysis of elliptical plate on Pasternak foundation using Rayliegh-Ritz method", (MSc), 2009.
- Mousavi akbarzade h., “Flutter of rotatory blades with high aspect ratio under subsonic flow", (MSc), 2008.
- Fadaee m., "Acoustic field due to the forced vibration of circular plate using third order SDT", MSc), 2008.
- Mohamadi behbahani M., “Flutter of a blade under aerodynamical forces with reference to the effect of pizoelectric in its damping", (MSc), 2008.
- Almasi B., "Instability of cantilevered rotatory plate subjected to aerodynamic flow", (MSc), 2008.
- Jafari Pazhuh H., "Flutter of cantilevered trapezoidal plate and its control by using pizoactuator layer", (MSc), 2007.
- Sepahi brujeni A., "Free vibration of Mindlin circular plate with variable thickness under different boundary conditions", (MSc), 2007.
- Mahmudi A., "Active control vibration of rectangular Mindlin plate by using reinforced composite with pizoelectric fiber", (MSc), 2007.
- Amuzade khalili R., "Free vibration of triangular Mindlin plate by using Rayleigh-Ritz energy method", (MSc), 2006.
- Karimi S., "Vibrational response of rectangular Mindlin plate under in-plane stresses resting on elastic foundation subjected to impulsive load", (MSc), 2006.
- Mirzayi Y., "Vibration of Mindlin rectangular plate under inplane stresses resting on Pasternak foundation by using Rayleigh-Ritz method", (MSc), 2006.
- Mehdipur H., "Free vibration of multi span rectangular Mindlin plate by using Rayleigh-Ritz approach", (MSc), 2006.
- Razavi M., "Vibration of thin rectangular plate under inplane stresses resting on Pasternak foundation subjected to impulsive load", (MSc), 2005.
- Khosravi Sh., "Free vibration of circular sector made of functionally graded material", (MSc), 2005.
- Nezamabadi S., "Modal analysis of thin composite rectangular plates with different boundary conditions", (MSc), 2004.
- Mahmudpur A., "Forced vibration of rectangular plate resting on elastic foundation subjected to termal and mechanical loads", (MSc), 2003.
- Farhadi S., "3D vibration analysis of cone", (MSc), 2003.
- Sahafi M., "Elastic impact on thick circular plate", (MSc), 2003.
- Arsanjani M., "Elasto-plastic impact on thick rectangular plates", (MSc), 2003.
- Musavi J., "Analysis of matrix element of Mindlin plate by using inverse method", (MSc), 2003.
- Jafari M., "free and forced vibration of thick cylindrical shell", (MSc), 2002.
- Ahmadifard H., "Effect of explosive lateral force on cylindrical shell", (MSc), 2001.
- Satari M., "Elasto-plastic impact on thin rectangular plate", (MSc), 1999.
- Homayi H., "Free vibrations of toroid", (MSc), 1999.
- Teymuri R., "Free vibrations of multi layers spherical shell", (MSc), 1998.
- Hosseini A.R., "Dynamic analysis of weapon's tube subjected to ballistic pressure", (MSc), 1998.
- Nuri M., "Free vibration analysis of prolate spheroid", (MSc), 1998.
- Heydari F., "Dynamic analysis of small rifled weapons", (MSc), 1997.
- Javaheri M.R., "Dynamic absorptive of thick stepped-width beam", (MSc), 1997.
- Javid H., "Free vibration analysis of hallow elliptic cylinder", (MSc), 1996.
- Abdolahi F., "Sound generated by transient vibration of thin plates", (MSc), 1996.
- Lame V., "Theoretical and empirical analysis of manufacturing processes of mechanical seal", (MSc), 1996.
- Maleki M., "Investigation of sound pressure generated by a dipole source of sound undergoing inelastic collision", (MSc), 1995.
- Bigdeli S., "Torsional vibration analysis of hallow sphere subjected to the non-harmonic torque", (MSc), 1995.
Publications - Journal Papers- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Mehrabani H., Ahmadi Savadkuhi A. (2015) "Exact solution for free vibration of coupled double viscoelastic graphene sheets by viscoPasternak medium" , Composites Part B, Vol. 78, PP. 377-383.
- Bedroud M., Nazemnezhad R., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2015) "Axisymmetric/asymmetric bucklhng of functionally graded circular/annular Mindlin nanoplates via nonlocal elasticity", Meccanica, Vol. 51, PP. 1027-1044.
- Nazemnezhad R., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2015) "Nonlinear free vibration analysis of Thimoshenko nano beams with surface energy", Meccanica, Vol. 50, PP. 1027-1044.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Abaei A.R., Ilkhani M.R. (2015) "Free vibrations of functionally graded viscoelastic cylindrical panel under various boundary conditions" Composite Structures, Vol. 126, PP. 1-15.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Nazemnezhad R., Rokni H. (2015) "Nonlocal nonlinear free vibration of nano beams with surface effects", European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, Vol. 52, PP. 44-53.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Kermajani M., Nazemnezhad R. (2015) "An analytical study on the bucklhng and free vibration of rectangular nano plates using nonlocal third order shear deformation plate theory", European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, Vol. 51, PP. 29-43.
- Fadaee M., Ilkhani M., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2014) "A new generic exact solution for free vibration of functionally graded moderately thick doubly curved shallow shell panel", Journal of Vibration and Control, PP. 1-13.
- Nazemnezhad R., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2014) "Free vibration analysis of multi-layer graphene nanoribbon incorporating interlayer shear effect via molecular dynamics simulations and nonlocal elasticity", Physics Letter A, Vol. 378, PP. 3225-3232.
- Bedroud M., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Nazemnezhad R. (2013) "Surface effects on free vibration piezoelectric functionally graded nanobeams using nonlocal elasticity", Acta Mechanica, Vol. 224, PP. 2663-2678.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Atashipour S.R., Fadaee M. (2013) "Free vibraton analysis of Levy- type functionally graded spherical shell Panel using a new exact closed-form solution", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 77, PP. 227-238.
- Nazemnezhad R., Salimi M., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Asgharifard P. (2012) "An analytical study on the nonlinear free vibration of nanoscale beams incorporating surface density effects", Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 223, No. 10, PP. 2153-2166.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Rezaee V., Atashipour S.R., Girhammer U.A. (2012) "Accurate free vibration analysis of thick laminated circular plates with attached rigid core", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 331, No. 25, PP. 5581-5596.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Salehipour H., Atashipour S.R. (2012) " Exact three-dimensional free vibration analysis of thick homogeneous plates coated by a functionally graded layer", Acta Mechanica, Vol. 223, No. 10, PP. 2153-2166.
- Yousefi P., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Kargarnovin M. H. (2012) " Force vibration of laminated plates with various shapes subjected to law-velocity impact", Journal of Materials Science Research, Vol. 1, No. 3, PP. 106-116.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Atashipour S.R., Fadaee M., Girhammer U.A. (2012) " An exact closed-form procedure for free vibration analysis of laminated spherical shell panels based on Sanders theory", Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 82, Issue 7, PP. 985-1002.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Ilkhani M., Fadaee M. (2012) " Identification of the validity range of Donnell and Sanders shell theories using an exact vibration analysis of functionally graded thick cylindrical shell panel ", Acta Mechanica, Vol. 223, Issue 5, PP. 1101-1118.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Atashipouri S.R., Fadaee M. (2012) " An exact analytical approach for in-plane and out-of-plane free vibration analysis of thick laminated transversely isotropic plates", Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 82, Issue 5, PP. 677-698.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Atashipour S.R., Fadaee M. (2012) " On the buckling analysis of isotropic, transversely isotropic, and laminated rectangular plates via Reddy plate theory: an exact closed-form procedure", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 226, Issue 5, PP. 1210-1224.
- Samaie A., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2012) "Buckling analysis of graphene nanosheets based on nonlocal elasticity theory", International Journal of Nano Dimension (IJND), Vol. 2, Issue 4, PP. 227-232.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fazeli S. (2012) "Free vibration analysis of a fiber reinforced mindlin plate by using Ritz method", Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 110-116 (2012) PP. 350-356.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Korshidi K., Eshaghi M., Fadaee M., Karimi M. (2012) "On the effects of coupling between in-plane and out-of-plane vibrating modes of smart functionally graded circular/annular plates", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 36, Issue 3, PP. 1132-1147.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Karimi M., Rokni Damavandi H. (2012) "Natural frequencies of rectangular Mindlin plates copled with stationary fluid", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 36, Issue 2, PP. 764-778.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Kalhor R. (2011) "Low Velocity Impact on Relatively Thick Rectangular Plate under In-plane Loads Resting on Pasternak Elastic Foundation", Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering (ISME) Vol. 12, No 1, PP. 41-62.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fazeli S., Fadaee M. (2011) "Obtaining the Natural Frequencies of Moderately Thick Orthotropic Plates with Piezoelectric Patches using the Ritz Method", Modares Technical and Engineering Journal, Vol. 11, No 4, Winter 2011, PP. 65-73. (In persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fazeli S., fadaee M. (2011) "Pizoelectric materials and their application in rail way industry", Mechanical Engineering (ISME), No. 77, PP. 48-56. (In persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Khorami K. (2011) "On the generalized Differential quadreture method in computional mechanics", Mechanical Engineering (ISME), No. 77, PP. 65-74. (In persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Akhavan H., Fadaee M. (2011) "Exact closed-form free vibration analysis of moderately thick rectangular functioally graded plates with Bonded Piezoelectric Layers", Modares Technical and Engineering Journal, Vol. 11, No 3, Fall 2011 PP. 57-74. (In persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Khorami K. (2011) "Analysis of Free Vibrations of Moderately Thick Cylindrical Shells Made of Functionally Graded Materials Using Differential Quadrature Method", Modares Technical and Engineering Journal, Vol. 11, No 2, Summer 2011 PP. 93-106. (In persian)
- Farhadi S., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (2011) "Active vibration suppression of moderately thick rectangular plates", Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 17, Issue 13, PP 2040-2049.
- Eshaghi M., Sh. Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fadaee M., (2011) "Vibration analysis of piezoelectric FGM sensors using an accurate method", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 53, Issue 8, PP585-594.
- Farhadi S., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (2011) "Flutter stabilization of cantilevered plates using a bonded patch", Acta Mechanica, Vol. 219, Issue 3, PP 241-254.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fadaee M., (2011) "On the free vibration of moderately thick spherical shell panel-A new closed-form procedure", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330. Issue 17, PP. 4352-4367.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Kalbasi H., Rokni Damavandi H. (2011) "Free vibration analysis of piezoelectric coupled annular plates with variable thickness", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 35, Issue 7, PP. 3527-3540.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Samaei A.T., (2011) "Buckling analysis of micro/nanoscale plates via nonlocal elasticity theory", Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Vol 43, Issue 7, PP. 1400-1404.
- Farhadi S., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (2011) "Aeroelastic behavior of cantilevered rotating rectangular plates", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 53, Issue 4, PP. 316-328.
- P. Yusefi P., Kargarnovin M.H., and Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (2011) "Free vibration of generally laminated plates with various shapes", Polymer Composites, Vol. 32, Issue 3, PP. 445-454.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fadaee M., Atashipour S.R. (2011) "Exact solution for free flexural vibration of Levy-type rectangular thick plates via third-order shear deformation plate theory", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 35, Issue 2, PP. 708-727.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fadaee M., Atashipour S.R. (2011) "Study on the free vibration of thick functionally graded rectangular plates according to a new exact closed-form procedure", Composite Structures, Vol. 93, Issue 2, PP. 722-735.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fadaee M., Atashipour S.R. (2011) " A new exact analytical approach for free vibration of Rissner-Mindlin functionally graded rectangular plates",International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 53, Issue 1, PP. 11-22.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Moradi M. (2010) "Exact solutions for the in-plane vibrations of rectangular Mindlin plates using Helmholtz decomposition", Acta Mechanica, Vol. 215, Issue 4, PP. 345-361.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Azimzadeh-Monfared M., Rokni Damavandi H. (2010) "A 3-D Ritz solution for free vibration of circular/annular functionally graded plates integrated with piezoelectric layers", International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 48, Issue 12, PP. 1971-1984.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Karimi M., Rokni Damavandi H. (2010) "Hydroelastic vibration and buckling of rectangular Mindlin plates on Pasternak foundations under linearly varying in-plane loads", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 30, Issue 12, PP. 1487-1499.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Heydar Roohi Gh., Rokni Damavandi H. (2010) "Exact free vibration study of rectangular Mindlin plates with all-over part-through open cracks", Computers & Structures, Vol. 88, Issue 17-18, PP. 1015-1032.
- Farhadi S., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2010) "Effect of a bounded patch on aeroelastic behavior of contilevered plates", Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.2010, PP. 1-15.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fadaee M., Eshaghi M. (2010) "A novel approach for in-plane, out-of plane frequency analysis of functionally graded circular/anuular plates", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 52, Issue 8, PP. 1025-1035.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Eshaghi M., Rokni Damavandi H., Fadaiei M. (2010) "Exact closed-form frequency equations for thick circular plates using a third-order shear deformation theory", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 329, Issue 16, PP. 3382-3396.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Rokni Damavandi H., Akhavan H. (2010) "Vibration analysis of radially FGM sectorial plates of variable thickness on elastic foundations", Composite Structures, Vol. 92, Issue 7, PP. 1734-1743.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Rokni Damavandi H., Akhavan H., Omidi M. (2010) "Free vibration of functionally graded rectangular plates using first-order shear deformation plate theory", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 34 Issue 5, PP. 1276-1291.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Eshaghi M., Rokni Damavandi H. (2010) "An exact analytical solution for freely vibrating piezoelectric coupled circular/anuular thick plates using Reddy plate theory", Composite Structures, Vol. 92, Issue 6, PP. 1333-1351.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Akhavan H., Rokni Damavandi H., Daemi N., Alibeigloo (2010) "Differential quadrature analysis of functionally graded circular and anuular sector plates on elastic foundation ", Materials and Design, Vol. 31, Issue 4, PP. 1871-1880.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Eshaghi M. Karimi M. (2010) "Closed-form solution for free vibration of piezoelectric coupled anuular plates using Levinson plate theory", Journal ofSound and Vibration, Vol. 329, Issue 9, PP. 1390-1408.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Eshaghi M., Karimi M. (2010) "Closed-form vibration analysis of thick anuular functionally graded plates with integrated piezoelectric layers", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 52, Issue 3, PP. 410-428.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Karimi M., Rokni Damavandi H. (2010) "vibration analysis of rectangular Mindlin plates on elastic foundations and vertically in contact with stationary fluid by the Ritz method", Ocean Engineering, Vol. 37, Issue 2-3, PP. 174-185.
- Mojabi A., Shaikhzadeh S., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Bassim S. (2009) "Investigation of folding in hand made carpet under static pressure", Iranian Journal of Hand Woven Carpet (Goljam), No 13, PP. 107-122. (In persain).
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Farhadi S., Carra S. (2009) "Free vibration analysis of rotating thick plates", Journal of Sound and Vibration,Vol.323, Issue 1-2, PP. 366-384.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Khorshidi K., Rokni Damavandi H. (2009) "Exact acoustical analysis of vibrating rectangular plates with two opposite edges simply supported via Mindlin plate theory", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 322, Issue 4-5, PP. 883-900.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Rokni Damavandi H. Omidi M. (2009) "The validity range of CPT and Mindlin plate in comparison with 3D vibrational analysis of circular plates on the elastic fundation", European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, Vol. 28, Issue 2, PP. 289-304.
- hosseini hashemi Sh., Khorshidi K., Payandeh H. (2009) "Vibration analysis of moderately thick rectangular plates with internal line support using Rayleigh-Ritz approach", Scientia Iranica, Transaction B, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 16, No 1, PP. 42-56.
- Mofakhamia M.R., Hosseini Toudeshky H., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2009) "Sound transmission into a thick hollow cylinder with the fixed-end boundary condition", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 33, Issues 3, PP 1656-1673.
- Akhavan H., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Rokni Damavandi H., Alibeigloo A., Vahabi Sh. (2009) "Exact solutions for rectangular Mindlin plates under in-plane loads resting on Pasternak elastic foundation. Part I: Buckling analysis", Computational Materials Science, Vol. 44, Issue 3, PP. 968-978.
- Akhavan H., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Rokni Damavandi H., Alibeigloo A., Vahabi Sh. (2009) "Exact solutions for rectangular Mindlin plates under in-plane loads resting on Pasternak elastic foundation. Part II: Frequency analysis", Computational Materials Science, Vol. 44, Issue 3, PP. 951-961.
- Hezavehi E., Shaikhzadeh S., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2009) "Investigation into wrinkle behavior of woven fabrics in a cylindrical form by measuring their tangantial force", International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No 1, PP. 7-30.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Khorshidi K., Amabili M. (2008) " Exact solution for linear buckling of rectangular Mindlin plates",Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 315, Issues 1-2, PP. 318-342.
- Hezavehi E., Shaikhzadeh S., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2008) "A new test method to characterize torsional behavior of woven fabrics", Amirkabir International Journal of Science and Technology, Amirkabir, Vol. 19, No 68-D (Textile Engineering), PP. 63-70.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Rokni Damavandi H., Omidi M. (2008) "3-D Free Vibration Analysis of Annular Plates on Pasternak Elastic Foundation via p-Ritz Method", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 311, Issues 3-5, PP. 1114-1140.
- Mojabi A., Shaikhzadeh S., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2008) "Investigation of Creep Behavior of Persian Hand-Woven Carpet during Simulated Storage under Different Environmental Conditions", Fibers and Textiles in Eastern Europe, Vol. 16, No 1(66), PP. 57-62.
- Mofakhamia M.R., Hosseini Toudeshky H., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2008) "Noise reduction evaluation of multi-layered viscoelastic infinite cylinder under acoustical wave excitation ", Shock and Vibration, Vol. 15, No 5, PP. 551-572.
- Hezavehi E., Shaikhzadeh S., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2007) "A new aproach for wrinkle recovery evaluation of wrosted fabrics using fuzzy systems", Journal of Sciences Islamic Azad University (JSIAU), Vol. 17, No 62/2, PP. 20-27.
- Mofakhamia M.R., Hosseini Toudeshky H., Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2006) "Finite cylinder vibrations with different end boundary conditions", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 297, PP. 293-314.
- Mojabi A., Shaikhzadeh S. and Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2006) "Silk Persian Carpet under Loading in Different Environmental Conditions", Iranian Journal of Hand Woven Carpet (Goljam), No 3, PP. 92-104.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh. and Arsanjani M. (2005) "Exact characteristic equations for some of classical boundary conditions of vibrating moderately thick rectangular plates", International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 42, PP. 819-853.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2002) "Collision and Penetration of Rigid Spherical-Nose Rods in Infinite Compressible Media", Sharif journal of Science and Technology, No 22, PP. 41-45. (in persian)
- Hosseini hashemi Sh., Anderson J. S. (1988) "Orthogonality and Normalization of Torsional Modes of Vibration of Solid Elastic Spheres", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 121(3), PP. 511-524.
Publications - Conference Proceedings- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Maduliat R., and Kalhor R., (2010) "Combined effects of shear deformation and permanent indentation on impact response of rectangular Mindlin plates wiyh two opposite edges simply supported ", Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Azim zadei M.,and Rokni damavandi H. (2010) "3-D free vibration analysis of piezoelectric coupled circular/anuular thick plates via Chebyshev-Ritz method ", Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Ruhii H., (2010) "A closed-form solution for fully simply supported rectangular thin plates containing crack",Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Maduliat R., and Kalhor R., (2010) "Low velocity impact on relatively thick rectangular plate under in-plane loads resting on Pasternak elastic foundation ", International Conference on Lightweight Construction and Earthquake, Kerman, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Ruhi H., and Azim zadei M., (2010) "Analytical solution for free vibration of moderetly thick rectangular plates containing crack ", Proceedings of 9th Annual International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Amini M., (2010) "Three dimensional vibration analysis of functionally graded super-elliptical plates on Pasternak foundation", Proceedings of 9th Annual International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Amini M., and Omidii H., (2010) "Analysis of the vibrational behavior of the composite elliptical plates reinforced with non-uniform distributed carbon nanotubes using micro-mechanical approach ", Proceedings of 9th Annual International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Fadaie M., and Musavi H., (2009) "Acoustic resulting from forced vibration of moderetly anuular thick plate using the third order shear deformation theory", Proceedings of 17th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Eshaghi M., and Rokni Damavandi H., (2009) "An analytical solution for freely vibrating annular Mindlin plates coupled with piezoelectric", Proceedings of 17th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Amini M., and Omidii H., (2009) "3-D vibration analysis of thick elliptical plates on Pasternak foundation", Proceedings of 17th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Rokni Damavandi H. (2009) "An analytical solution for free vibration analysis of smart FGM annular Mindlin plates", Proceeding of 8th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Isfahan, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Mohamadi M. (2009) "Investigation of increase in wing's flutter velocity via state feedback applied on pizoelectric composite operator", Proceeding of 8th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Isfahan, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (2009) "Flutter of rotatory blades in hover flight subjected to subsonic flow", Proceeding of 8th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Isfahan, Iran. (in persian)
- Aghamiri S.M.R., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Omidi M., and Rokni Damavandi H. (2008) "Irradiation effect on the behavior of 3-D free vibrations of solid and hollow circular cylinders via p-Ritz method", Proceedings of 16th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Kerman, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (2008) "Acoustic power and efficiency of out of plane free vibration of moderately thick annular plate", Proceedings of 16th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Kerman, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (2008) "Determination of the critical dynamic pressure for cantileverd rotatory plate subjected to aerodynamical supersonic flow", Proceedings of 16th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Kerman, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Mohamadi M. (2008) "Calculation of flutter velocity for 3 DOF aircraft wing's model by Rayleigh-Ritz method", Proceedings of 16th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Kerman, Iran. (in persian)
- Mirzaie Y., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Khorshidi K. (2008) "Effect of Pasternak foundation on buckling force of moderately thick rectangular plate using FSDT", Proceeding of 7th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Khorshidi K., Sadeghi A., and Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2008) "Analytical and numerical investigations of efficiency of radiated sound resulting from the free vibration of moderately thick rectangular plate", Proceeding of 7th Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Mehdipur H., and Razavi M. (2007) "Free vibrations of multi-span rectangular plates using Rayligh-Ritz method", Proceeding of the 2nd Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICMF), Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hezavehi E., Shaikhzadeh S. and Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2007) "A unique approach to wrinkle force of wrosted fabrics under different torsional strains", 5th International Conference Innovation & Modeling of Clothing Engineering Processes, Toplice, Slovenia
- Moalamzade A., Bisadi H. and Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2007) "Combined effect of damage geometry and crack on variations of stress intensity factor" Proceedings of 15th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh. and Khorshidi K. (2007) "Axi-symmetric vibration of Mindlin circular plates with variable thickness under different B.Cs." Proceedings of 15th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Khorshidi K. (2007) "The effect of step, ramp and sinusoidal forces on response of multi step Thimoshenko beam", Proceeding of the 2nd International operational modal analysis conference (IOMAC), Copenhagene, Denmark.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh. and Khorshidi K. (2007) "Buckling of moderetly thick rectangular plates using the first order shear deformation theory and Reyligh-Ritz method" Proceeding of 6th conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh. and Khorshidi K. (2007) "Free vibration of Mindlin triangular plates using the first order shear deformation theory and Reyligh-Ritz method" Proceeding of 6th conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh. and Khorshidi K. (2007) "vibrations of solid and hallow circular plates with variable thickness" Proceeding of 6th conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh. and Khorshidi K. (2007) "Bucking of Mindlin rectangular plates under bi-axial inplan stresses resting on Pasternak elastic fundation" Proceeding of 6th conference of Iranian Aerospace Society, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Mojabi A., Sheikhzade S. and Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2006) " compressional creep behavior of wool hand-woven carpet (Gabeh) under different enviromental conditions" 2nd International Conference of Applied Research on Textile (CIRAT-2), Tunisia.
- Basiri M., Sheikhzade S. and Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2006) "Study of curling behavior of dry-relaxed cotton using neural network" 2nd International Conference of Applied Research on Textile (CIRAT-2), Tunisia.
- Mojabi A., Sheikhzade S. and Hosseini Hashemi Sh. (2006) "A simulator apparatus to investigate storing behavior of persian hand-woven carpet under different environmental conditions" Futurotextiles International Conference, Lille, France.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Khorshidi K., and Sadeghi A. (2006) "Exact acoustical analysis of sound radiation from free vibrations of rectangular Mindlin plates"CAA Annual Conference, Holifax, Nova, Scatia.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Omidi M., and Rokni H., (2006) "3-D vibration analysis of circular and annular plates of variable thickness with different combinations of boundary conditions" Proceedings of 14th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineerin Isfehan, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Khorshidi K., (2006) "Free vibration analysis of thin elliptical plates using Rayleigh-Ritz method" Proceedings of 14th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Isfehan, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Khorshidi K., (2005) "Forced vibration of Mindlin rectangular plates under termal and mechanical loads resting on elastical fundation" Proceedings of 13th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Isfehan, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Khorshidi K., (2005) "Analysis of termo-mechanical stress and strain on car cylinder head using finite element approach" Proceedings of 13th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Isfehan, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Sepahi A., and Khorshidi K., (2005) "Free vibration analysis of thin trapzoidal plates by Rayleigh-Ritz method using polynomial function" Proceedings of 13th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Isfehan, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Arsanjani M., and Omidi M., (2004) "Vibrational investigation of a general triangular thin plate by using Rayleigh-Ritz energy method", Proceedings of 12th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Ahmadifard H., and Khorshidi K., (2004) "Plasto dynamic of cylinderical shell subjected to lateral impact focusing on effect of length and strain hardening", Proceedings of 12th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Khorshidi K., and Sarikhani M., (2004) "Vibrational analysis of car's model focusing on effects of metal sheet springs", Proceedings of 12th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Arsanjani M., (2004) "Buckling of triangular plates under uniformly distributed load using Rayleigh-Ritz approach", Proceedings of 12th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Tehrani P., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Khorshidi K., and Alizadenia S., (2004) "Study of stress and temperature of thermoplastic shock fields in laser surface hardening using BEM", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines, Tehran, Iran.
- Ahmadifard H., Khorshidi K., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Hosseini Tehrani P., (2004) "Mechanical properties of steel and aluminum structures under impact loads", 2nd Conference of Aerospace Industries Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Ahmadifard H., and Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (2004) "Crack detection on uniform beams by analysis of its natural frequncies", 2nd Conference of Aerospace Industries Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Ghayemi H., (2003) "3-D free vibrational analysis of finite length hollow cylinder by using Ritz method and beam theories", Proceedings of 11th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Mashhad, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Soltani P., (2003) "Investigation of effects of cavities on strength and fatigue life of car's piston by using FEM", Proceedings of 11th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Mashhad, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Ahamadifard H., (2003) "Elastic instability of circular rings under uniformly external radial impact", Proceedings of 11th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Mashhad, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Tehrani P., Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Khorshidi K., and Ahmadifard H., (2003) "Impact of wedge on rectangular plate made of materials sensetive to strain rate", 3rd Student Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Babol, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., Hosseini Tehrani P., Ahmadifard H., and Khorshidi K., (2003) "Behavior of mechanical structures under impact loads", 3rd Student Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Babol, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Ahamadifard H., (2002) "Behavior of plasto dynamic of circular rings under external impact load", Proceedings of 10th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Ghayemi H., (2002) "Vibrational investigation of one and two dimensional continuous systems by applying Gram-Schmidth approach in generation of orthogonal functions", Proceedings of 10th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Teymouri Faal R., (2001) "Elastic impact on thin circular plate", Proceedings of 9th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Gilan, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Abhari P., (2000) "Analysis of natural modes of vibration for detection of crack on metallic plates", Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Nuri M., (2000) "Torsional vibration of prolate spheroid" , Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Satari M., (2000) "Study of elasto plastic impact's parameters on soft thin rectangulat plates" , Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Homaie H., (2000) "Numerical solution of Galerkin equation governing vibrational behavior of toroid" , Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Homaie H., (2000) "Inespection of algebraical polynomials as trial functions on study of free vibrations of beam and plates by using Rayleigh-Ritz approach" , Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Teymouri Faal R., (2000) "Spheroidal vibration of thick multi-layered spherical shell interchanging heat with environment" , Proceedings of 8th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Epackchi A., (2000) "Collision and penetration of rigid spherical-nose rods in infinite compressible media", Proceedings of 8th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Samadian Zakaria M., (1999) "Static analysis of truck's chassis with pair of differential gear by FEM", Proceedings of 7th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Zahedan, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Hosseini A.R., (1999) "Investigation of dynamic strain in tubes subjected to moving pressure by using thin and thick pressure vessel's theory and its application on 60 mm cannon tube", Proceedings of 7th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Zahedan, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Samadian Zakaria M., (1999) "Flow induced vibration in heat convertor", Proceedings of 7th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Zahedan, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., and Teymuri Fall R., (1999) "Transient vibrations due to impact on thin plates", Proceedings of 7th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Zahedan, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (1998) "Experimental investigation of sound radiated by a dipole source undergoing a Hertzian acceleration", Proceedings of 6th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (1998) "Sound radiated by a dipole source undergoing a Hertzian acceleration", Proceedings of 6th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh.,and Javid H., (1998) "Analysis of torsional vibration of hollow cylinder with elliptical cross section", Proceedings of 6th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (1997) "Spheroidal vibrations of sphere with spherical cavity", Proceedings of 5th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tabriz, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (1997) "Acoustic energy due to impulsive excitation of spherical source of sound", Proceedings of 5th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tabriz, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (1997) "Torsional vibrations of sphere with spherical cavity", Proceedings of 5th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tabriz, Iran. (in persian)
- Hosseini Hashemi Sh., (1992) "Sound generated by accelerated visco elastic sphere due to collision with a metallic sphere", Proceedings of 1st Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran. (in persian)
Research Laboratory- Impact Research Laboratory
Publications- Sh. Hosseini-Hashemi, "Continuum Mechanics", Iranian Students Book Agency Publisher, 2011 (in persian)
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