Full Name: Dr. Madoliat, Reza
Position: Professor
Phone: 98-21-77240540-50 Ex:2931 Direct: 77240193
Fax: 98-21-77240488
Email: r_madoliat{at} iust{dot}ac{dot}ir
Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, IRAN
University Degrees
Current Research
- Inverse problems
- Machinery vibration
- Numerical Analysis & FEM
Publications - Journal Papers
- Madoliat, R., Nouri, N.M., Rahrovi, A., Equalization of acoustic source using multi-pole sources and source strength estimation using inverse method, Applied Acoustics, 2016
- Mirzabeigy, A., Madoliat, R., Free vibration analysis of partially connected parallel beams with elastically restrained ends, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016
- Hashemi, R., Madoliat, R., Afshar, A., Prediction of forming limit diagrams using the modified M-K method in hydroforming of aluminum tubes, International Journal of Material Forming, 2016
- Mirzabeigy, A., Madoliat, R., La rge amplitude free vibration of axially loaded beams resting on variable elastic foundation, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2016
- Madoliat, R., Khanmirza, E., Moetamedzadeh, H.R., Transient simulation of gas pipeline networks using intelligent methods, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016
- Nouri, N.M., Madoliat, R., Jahangardy, Y., Abdolahi, M., A study on the effects of fluctuations of the supercavity parameters, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2015
- Taherinejad, M., Hosseinalipour, S.M., Madoliat, R., Steady flow analysis and modeling of the gas distribution network using the electrical analogy, International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications, 2014
- Madoliat, R., Ghanati, M.F., Theoretical and experimental study of spindle ball bearing nonlinear stiffness, Journal of Mechanics, 2013
- Faraji Ghanati, M., Madoliat, R., New continuous dynamic coupling for three component modeling of tool-holder-spindle structure of machine tools with modified effected tool damping, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 2012
- Madoliat, R., Hayati, S., Ghalebahman, A.G., Investigation of chatter suppression in slender endmill via a rictional damper, Scientia Iranica, 2011
- Madoliat, R., Hayati, S., Ghalebahman, A.G. , Modeling and analysis of frictional damper effect on chatter suppression in a slender endmill tool, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing, 2011
- Madoliat, R., Ghasemi, A. , Bilinear rectangular element matrices for diffusion problems via the inverse method, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2009
- Mehrabadi, I.M., Nouri, M., Madoliat, R. , Investigating chatter vibration in deep drilling, including process damping and the gyroscopic effect, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2009
- Alibeigloo, A., Madoliat, R., Static analysis of cross-ply laminated plates with integrated surface piezoelectric layers using differential quadrature, Composite Structures, 2009
- Madoliat, R., Razavi, M., Dehghani, A.R. , Modeling of heat transfer in cisterns using artificial neural networks, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2009
- Reza Madoliat, Ahmad Ghasemi, Inverse finite element formulations for transient heat conduction problems., Heat and mass transfer. April 2007.
- Reza Madoliat, Ahmad Ghasemi, operating regions for discrete models based on physical reality of diffusion problems., Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. March 2007.
- S.A.A. Akbari Mousavi, H. Feizi, and R. Madoliat., Investigations on the effects of ultrasonic vibrations in the extrusion process., Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2007.
- S.A.A.Akbari Mousavi, S.M. Ebrahimi, and R. Madoliat, Three dimensional numerical analysis of asymmetric rolling., Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2006.
- A.S. Milani, A. Shanian, R. Madoliat and J.A. Nemes, The effect of normalization norms in multiple attribute decision making models., Struct Multidisc Optim. April 2005.
Publications - Conference Proceedings
- R. Madoliat, R. Narimani and H. Rahrovan, "Investigation of sheet metal forming using rubber pad forming.
- R. Madoliat, A. Milani and R. Taymori, "A new procedure for the balancing of dynamic forces transferred to the base by a selected mechanism., ISME 98.
- R. Madoliat, A. Milani and R.Taymori, "Analysis of impact of reflected moment of inertia on vehicle`s overdrive., ISME 98.
- R. Madoliat and R. Abedi, "Time step criteria for time dependent heat conduction problems by using FEM., ISME 98.
- F. Djavanroodi, R. Madoliat, P.Koochebaghi,"Prediction of cold rolling force in 1100 aluminium sheet using artificial neural networks., TIMCE 2007.
- R. Narimani, R. Madoliat, M. Hosseinzadeh,"A comparison between dry and conventional finish turning process of 7075 aluminum alloy., TIMCE 2007.
- R. Madoliat, F. Jafarvand, V. Ehtemam, "Comparison of different training on performance of a feed forward neural network for prediction of surface roughness., TIMCE 2007.
- R. Madoliat, S. Hayati, H. Rokni D.T., "Chatter control in turning process using fuzzy model based controller and energy dissipater actuator.,TIMCE 2007.
- R. Madoliat, S. Hayati, Rokni D.T., "Robust control for regenerative chatter suppression via H∞ approach using µ-analysis and µ-synthesis., TIMCE 2007.
- S. M. Hasheminejad, R. Madoliat, S. Hayati, B. Rahmani, "Analysis of self-excited stick-slip oscillations of drill bits using multiple scale method.,TIMCE 2007.
- R. Madoliat, O. zarei, P. M. Kashtiban, "Optimization of multi-pass-milling using generic algorithm harmony search algorithm., TIMCE 2007.
- N. M. Noori, R. Madoliat, I. Maleki, A. Shienejad, "Process optimization in deep drilling., TIMCE 2007.
- N. M. Noori, R. Madoliat, I. Maleki, A. Shienejad, "A two degree freedom model for simulating chatter vibration in drilling., TIMCE 2007.
- N. M. Nouri, R. Madooliat, I. Maleki, A. Shie Nejad and M. Mansouri, "TIME DOMAIN SIMULATION OF CHATTER VIBRATION IN DRILLING., CADME 2007.
- N. M. Nouri, R. Madooliat, I. Maleki, A. Shie Nejad and M. Mansouri, "OPTIMIZING PROCESS TIME IN DEEP DRILLING., CADME2007.
Courses Taught