آزمایشگاه تحقیقاتی الکترونیک قدرت و میدان‌های الکتریکی ، مغناطیسی- مقالات علمی
مقالات علمی سال 1386

حذف تصاویر و رنگ‌ها

The problems of voltage notch phenomena in power AC/DC converters

R. Ghandehari, A. Shoulaie and D. Habibinia

Abstract :

In this paper, voltage notch have been analyzed based on theoretical equations at during commutation time of a AC/DC converter. Depth of voltage notch in the converter busbar, depend on several parameters : feeder system impedances. Converter impedance that placed between feeder and converter and fire angle of controllable converters. By the way, characteristics variation of notch depth and wide according to system impedances and DC current of converter load, are presented. Main matter of this paper, discuss about oscillation frequency of converter voltage during commutation time. These frequencies depend on system impedances size, capacitor banks in network and capacitors size of snubber circuits. In final conclusion exprimental results that obtained from a controllable AC/DC converter have been compared with simulation and theoretical results.

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