Mostafa Khanzadi
Program Area:
Structural Engineering
(+98-21) 77896623 Ex: 7164
(+98-21) 77454053
khanzadi AT
Address: Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran
University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan
University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, U.K
University of Manchester, U.K
JCI ( Japan Concrete Institute)
ACI (American Concrete Institute)
ACI – Iran Chapter
ICI ( Iran Concrete Institute) Member of the Board
JAI ( Japan Architecture Institute)
Khanzadi,M, Kamada, E , “ the Required Compressive Strength and Prehardening time to Prevent Damage to High flowing Concrete from Frost Damage at Early Ages” Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute.
Khanazadi,M., Kamada,E,“ The Frost Durability of High Flowing Concrete Using Fine Mineral Powders” Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute”.
Khanzadi, M, Vickridge, “A study of Strength and Cracking Behavior of Ferro cement In Tension”. Concrete Journal, Japan Concrete Institute.
Khanzadi, M, “The Effect of Cover and Arrangement of Reinforcement on the Behavior of Ferro cement in Tension” Second Asia Pacific Symposium on Fibrocement, Roorkee , India,.
Khanzadi,M, Ramesht, M.H. “The Effect of Cover and Arrangement of Reinforcement on the Behavior of Ferro cement in Tension” Journal of Ferro cement.
Khanzadi,M, Kamada,E, “ Rheological Properties, and Application of Simple Electrical Circuit Model to the Flowing Behavior of High Flowing Concrete in the Plain and Reinforced Mold, Proceedings of International Symposium, Korea,.
Khanzadi,M , “ Hanaoka ,T, “Measurement of the Degree of the Segregation of Course Aggregate in High Flowing Concrete by Electrical Resistance Method” The 48 the Annual Meeting of JCA.
Tanicuchi, M, Khanzadi , M,“ Study on the Air Void System and Frost Resistance of High Fluidity Concrete made with Viscous Agent,” 9 the Annual Meeting of Architecture in Japan.
Tanicuchi, M, Khanzadi ,M, “Study on the Properties and Durability of High fluidity Concrete with Fine Powder” 9 the Annual Meeting of Architecture in Japan”
Khanzadi,M, Kamada ,E, “An experimental study on the air Entertainment and Frost Resistance of High fluidity Concrete” Journal of Structure and Construction Engineering, AIJ,
Ghodrati, G, Abdollah zadeh, G, Khanzadi,M, “Earthquake Duration and Damping Effects on input Energy” International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2007.
Khanzadi,M, Afshar, A, Nasirzadeh,F,’ “ Dynamic risks analysis in Construction Project”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (ISI), 2008.
Khanzadi,M, Behnood,A, “Mechanical properties of high strength concrete incorporating copper slag as coarse aggregate” Construction and Building Materials, 2008.
Ghandehari , M, Behnood, A, Khanzadi, M ” Residual mechanical properties of high strength concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures” Jan 2010.
Nasirzadeh,F, Afshar, A, Khanzadi,M, “Integrating System Dynamics and Fuzzy Logic Modeling for Construction”, Journal of Construction Management and Economics, 2008.
Kaveh, A, Jahanshahe,N, Khanzadi,M,” Plastic Analysis of Frames Using Genetic and Ant Colong Algorithms”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2008.
Nasirzadeh,F, Afshar, A, Khanzadi,M, “System Dynamic Approach for Construction Risk Analysis”2008.
Nasirzadeh,F, Afshar, A, Khanzadi,M, “System Dynamics Approach to Optimum Response Selection in Construction Project Risk” , International Project Management Conference, 2007.
Nasirzadeh,F, Afshar, A, Khanzadi,M, “Consideration and Dynamic Analysis of Main risks in Construction project”, Third International Civil engineering Conference, 2008.
Nasirzadeh,F, Afshar, A, Khanzadi,M, “Application of Non-deterministic system for Construction” , Twenty Sixth International system Dynamics Conference, 2008.
Nasirzadeh,F, Afshar, A, Khanzadi,M, “Modeling and Simulation of Quality Management Process” , 4th International Project Management Conference, 2008.
Khanzadi,M, “Applying Delphi method and Decision support system for Bidding”, International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries, 2008.
Khanzadi,M, Dabirian Shahin, Hossainpour, M, “Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process in Swot Analysis for” PMSA Conférence, 2007.
Khanzadi, M, Behnood, A,” Residual Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Concrete Heated to High Temperature, Protect 2007.
Khanzadi,M, Ramesht, M, “The effect of arrangement of cover and arrangement of reinforcement on the behavior of ferrocement in tension”, Journal of ferrocement,1996.
M. Khanzadi, I, Vickridge, “ A study of strength and cracking behavior of ferrocement in tension”, Proceeding of the Japan concrete Institute, 1994.
Khanzadi,M, Taniguchi, S, Senbu, A, Kamada,L,” An experimental study on the air entrainment and frost resistance of high fluidity concrete”, Journal of Construction Eng, 1996.
Khanzad, M, Kwon, Senbu, A, Kamada,J,” The Frost Durability of high Flowing concrete using fine mineral powder”. Conference in concrete under severs condition, environment and loding, 1995.
Khanzadi,M, Kurihara,M, Kamada,L,” The required compressive strength and pre hardening time to prevent damage to high flowing concrete from frost damage at early age”, Proceeding of the Japan concrete Institute , 1995.
Khanzadi,M, Taniguchi, S, Senbu, A, Kamada,L, “Rheological properties and application of simple electric circuit model to the flowing behavior of high flowing concrete”, Proceeding of the Japan concrete Institute, 1996.
Khanzadi,M, Hanoka, T, Senbu, A, Kamada,L,” Measurement of the degree of the segregation of coarse aggregate in high flowing concrete by electrical resistance method”, 4th Annual Meeting of JCA, 1994.
Sato,N, Khanzadi, M, Hanoka, T, Senbu, A, Study on the properties and durability of high fluidity concrete with fine powders ( frost resistance),1994.
Hanoka, T, Khanzadi, M, et al., ”Study on the properties and durability of high fluidity concrete with fine powders (air voids system.
Research Fields of Interest and Expertise
Concrete Technology
Durability of Concrete
Rheological Properties of Self Compacting Concrete
Fresh and Early age Properties of High Performance Concrete
Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete
Properties of Concrete Containing Pozzolanic Materials.
Construction Management
Strategic Project Management
Construction Project Risks
Decision Support System
Quality Management Process