دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک- اخبار علمی1
96/03/27 سخنرانی علمی

بازیابی تصاویر و رنگ‌ها  | تاریخ ارسال: 1396/3/27 | 

سخنرانی علمی

قطب علمی ˝مکانیک جامدات تجربی و دینامیک˝، و دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک

با حمایت بنیاد ملی نخبگان برگزار می کنند:

Fused Vision-Force Feedbacks for Molecular

Imaging and Precision Positioning

Most nanotechnological applications require precise modeling, control and manipulation of different components and subsystems. One of the most important differences between “macroscale” and “nanoscale/microscale” control design is the added modeling uncertainties and nonlinearities at the nano/micro-scale. This added complexity combined with the sub-micron/nanometer precision requirement calls for the development of comprehensive dynamic modeling frameworks as well as new class of controllers. more

Professor Nader Jalili

Department Of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, USA

Director of Northeastern University Piezoactive Systems Laboratory

شنبه 3 تیر ماه 1396، ساعت 14

سالن اجتماعات مهندس نبوی

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