Power Electronic and Electric,Magnetic fields Research Lab- students

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Full name : Abbas Shiri

Position: PH.D. Student in Electrical Enginerring

Tell: 09383958532

E-Mail: abbas_shiri@iust.ac.ir

Contact Information: Power Electronics and Electric  and Magnetic Fields Research Lab. Iran University of Scince and Technology (IUST)

• Education :

- PH. D. Student in Electrical Engineering at Iran University of Science & Technology (from 2006)

- M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Iran University of Science & Technology (2004-2006)

Title of M.S.c. Thesis: Calculation of Magnetic Forces between Current Carrying Coils in two Plates

- B. Sc. in electrical engineering from Tabriz University (2000-2004)

Title of B.S.c. Thesis: Investigation of Different DC/DC Inverter Topologies and their Soft Switching capibilities

• Field of interests:

1- Electromagnetic Systems and Actuators

2- Linear Electric Machiens

3- Design and Modelling of Electrical Machines

4- Power Electronics and Drives

• Papers

A) Journal

1- A. Shiri and A. Shoulaie, “A new methodology for magnetic force calculations between planar spiral coils”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER, Vol. 95, pp: 39-57, 2009.

  2- A. Shiri, M. R. Alizadeh Pahlavani and A. Shoulaie, "A new and fast procedure for calculation of the magnetic forces between cylindrical coils", International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 5 , September/October 2009.

  3- A. Shiri and A. Shoulaie, “Calculation of magnetic Forces between Spiral Coils Using Concentric Rings”,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society, Vol. 25, No .5, May 2010.

  4- M. R. Alizadeh Pahlavani, A. Shiri , H. A. Mohammadpour and A. Shoulaie, " Inductance Measurement and Magnetic Flux Density Analysis of Modular Toroidal Coil Using FEM Approach Applicable to Tokamak Reactors", International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jen./Feb. 2010.

  5- A. Shiri, D. Esmaeil Moghadam, M. R. Alizadeh Pahlavani, A. Shoulaie, “Finite Element Based Analysis of Magnetic Forces between Planar Spiral Coils”, Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2010.

  6- M. R. Alizadeh Pahlavani, A. Shiri , “Impact of dimensional parameters on mutual inductance of individual toroidal coils using analytical and finite element methods applicable to tokomak reactors”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 24, 2010.

  7- M. R. Alizadeh Pahlavani, A. Shiri, and A. Shoulaie, “Numerical and experimental analysis of electromagnetic torque for modular toroidal coil applicable to tokomak reactors”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 12, 2010.

B) Conference

1- A. Shiri , A. Vahedi and A. Shoulaie, “The effect of parameter variations on the performance of indirect vector controlled induction motor drive”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 3, July 2006.

2-  M. R. alizadeh Pahlavani, A. Shiri and A. Shoulaie, “3-D Analysis of Magnetic Flux Density in Modular Toroidal Coil Using Cubic Meshing”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Xian, China, March 2010.

3- M. R. alizadeh Pahlavani, A. Shiri , H. A. Mohammadpour and A. Shoulaie, “Magnetic Flux Density Analysis of Helical Toroidal Coil Using Finite Element Approach”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Xian, China, March 2010.

4-  A. Shiri , M. R. alizadeh Pahlavani, H. A. Mohammadpour and A. Shoulaie, “Electromagnetic Force Distribution on Cylindrical Coils' Body”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Xian, China, March 2010.

5-  A. Shiri , H. A. Mohammadpour, M. R. alizadeh Pahlavani and A. Shoulaie, "Robust Sliding Mode Control of Electromagnetic Suspension System with Parameter Uncertainty", IEEE International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Sharjah, UAE, November 2009.

6- S. E. Razavi, M. R. Jahedmotlagh and A. Shiri , " Near optimum control of large scale systems: Synchronous turbo generator system as a case study", The 42nd International University's Power Engineering Conference , University of Brighton, Brighton, UK, September 2007.

7- H. A. Mohammadpour, A. Shiri , R. Ghandehari and A. Naghashpour, “Power Quality Issues in Multi – Module Gate - Controlled Series Capacitor (MGCSC) Considering SSR Phenomenon”, IEEE International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Sharjah, UAE, November 2009.

8- H. A. Mohammadpour, M. R. alizadeh Pahlavani, A. Shiri , and A. Shoulaie, “Voltage Sag Mitigation by Means of Gate - Controlled Series Capacitor (GCSC)” , IEEE International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, Sharjah, UAE, November 2009.

And more than 10 papers published in Persian.



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