Iran University of Science & Technology- Gharavi, Mojtaba
Dr. Gharavi, Mojtaba

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Mojtaba Gharavy

Position: Assistant Professor

Program Area: Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

Phone: (+98-21) 77240399 Ex: -

Fax: (+98-21) 7724-0398

Email: Gharavi AT


Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England (UK)

M.S. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England (UK)

B.S. Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Mailing Address: Iran University of Science and Technology, College of Civil Engineering, Narmak, Tehran 16846, Iran


  • Dams: All Design and stability Control Aspects Related to Foundation and Body of RCC, Embankment and Rockfill Dams. Foundation and Abutments of Gravity and Arch Concrete Dams, Strength and Deformation Properties, Permeability and Seepage Control Measures

  • Slopes: Rock Slopes and Structures

  • Waste Disposal and land fill design.

  • Geo-Environment

  • Soil pollution and remediation Technology.

  • Environmental Impact Assessment study of Hydropower and Dames.


  • A Laboratory Study on Permeability and Stability Analysis of Plastic Concrete Cut-off Walls of Karkheh Dam, Nov. 1998

  • Numerical Analysis of Geotechnical Stability of Pressure Tunnels without and with Lining, Feb 1998.

  • The Case Study of the Using RCC Materials for Construction of Pay-E-Pol Dam, Parametric Study and Mix design. March 1999.

  • The Influence of Compaction Time and Delay Time on the Mechanical Properties of RCC. Dec 1999.

  • Laboratory and Field Investigation of Using Natural Pozzolans on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of RCC Material. Jan, 2000

  • Optimization of Rock Bolt Reinforcement - Support System of Karun III (H.P.P) Powerhouse cavern, Feb, 2000

  • Thermal Stratification in Tandem Reservoirs, Case Study of Karun I, II and III reservoirs and dams. Dec. 2001.

  • Conceptual Model of Reservoir Damages Estimation in GIS Environment. Sep, 2002.

  • Thermal Stratification in Large Reservoirs located in very warm area, Case Study of Karkheh Dam (7 billion m3 reservoir capacity), March 2003.

  • Application of the Finite Element Methods for the Stability Analysis of Siah Bisheh (P.S.P) Powerhouse Cavern. May 2003.

  • Two dimensional Simulation of DO Concentration and water temperature, Case study Karkheh Reservoir, Oct. 2003

  • Application of the Finite Element Methods in the assessments of Sliding Gates behavior. May 2004

  • A software for use Value Engineering methods in Hydraulic Projects, May 2004

  • Eutrophication Modeling with System Dynamic Approach, Nov. 2004

  • Eutrophication of Reservoir - Two Dimensional Modeling (case Study Karkheh Reservoir), Dec. 2004

  • Dynamic analysis of Plastic Concrete of Karkheh Cut of wall, Feb, 2005.

  • Study of interaction between Plastic Concrete and soils in Karkheh cut of wall. (case study Karkheh Dam), April 2005

  • Investigation of rockfill material behavior, Feb, 2005

  • Factors affecting in application of Quality Control and Quality assurance in Dam Engineering projects , March 2005

  • Inspection of static reaction between plastic concrete cut of wall with around environment in homogenous foundation of Earth Dam, Case study (Mamloo Dam, Sep. 2005

  • Investigation of Free Surface flow over Spillways, Case study, Zolachay Dam Spillway, May 2006

  • Evaluation of Embankment and Rockfill dams instrumentation by ranking Method, Jun 2007,



  • Director of following research project:

  • Client: Iranian water resources research council.


  • Guild lines and Criteria for EIA studies of dams in IRAN

  • Guild lines and Criteria for EIA studies of Irrigation projects in IRAN.

  • Code of practice and standard for design of dam.

  • Dynamic analysis of gravity dams.

1999 - 2003

  • Director of following research project:

  • Client: Iran Water and Power Resources Development Company (IWPC).


  • Review of Flood design in the world and suggested design flood for Iran

  • Sufficient methods of site investigations and in suite test for dams.

  • Hydraulic model tests for IWPC's dams and hydropower projects.

  • Flood monitoring system for upstream of Karun, karkheh and Dez rivers.

  • Study of optimum operation, sizing and sequencing of cascade dams in Karun and Dez rivers.

  • Application of Palo-flood for the assessment of historical flood in Karun basin.

2002 - 2003

  • Director of following research projects:

  • Client: Iranian water resources research council.


  • 1-Influence of compaction time on the mechanical properties of RCC materials.

  • Investigation into the seepage and permeability of RCC materials.

2002 - 2003

  • Director of following research project:

  • Client: Iranian national Committee on large Dams (IRCOLD);


  • Present status of EIA study for the hydropower and Dams in the world.

  • Study of the factors controlling growth of algae in the Karkheh reservoir.


1996 - Present

  • Dr. M. Gharavy has been involved in a number of hydropower projects as a Generalist, Project Management, Environmentalist, Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical expert for the client, including:

Karkheh Storage Dam

  • A 127 m high, 3030 m crest long embankment dam, The Karkheh Dam Project is a multi purposes project for flood control, water for irrigation, and electricity (400 MW).

Bakhtiyari H.P.P. and Dam

  • An Arch Dam, 315 m High, (Highest Arch dam in the world) currently under detail design stage, with a final capacity of 1500 MW

Karun III Concrete Arch Dam

  • A 205 m high arch dam, with a final capacity of 2000 MW

Masjed-e-Soleiman Dam

  • A 177 m high rockfill dam, with a final capacity of 2000 MW

Upper Gotvand Dam

  • A 180 m high rockfill dam, Under Construction, with a final capacity of 1500 MW

Seymareh Concrete Dam

  • A 178 m high arch dam, with a final capacity of 640 MW

Pa-Alam Dam

  • An Earth Core Rockfill Dam, 180 m High, currently under design, with a final capacity of 400 MW

Sazbon Dam

  • An Arch Gravity Dam, 178 m High, currently under detail design stage, with a final capacity of 500 MW

Khersan III Dam

  • A Double Curvature Arch Dam, 183 m High, currently under detail design stage, with a final capacity of 300 MW

Rodbar-e-Lorestan Dam

  • A 169 m high RCC dam, currently at the detail design stage, with a final capacity of 400 MW

Karun IV Concrete Arch Dam

  • A230m high arch dam, currently under design and construction, with a final capacity of 1000 MW

Siah Bisheh Pump Storage Plant

  • A1000 MW P.S.P. Plant under Construction with two upper and Lower CFRD dams.

Other HP Projects

  • A number of other dams and hydropower projects under reconnaissance and feasibility study stages with Total capacity of 15000 MW in Karkheh, Karun, Dez, Aras, Kelas Zohreh, Marun and Ghezel-Ozan Rivers.


1998 Chairman of First International Review Panel for Karun III Hydropower Project (Review of the Grouting system)

2000 Chairman of Second International Review Panel for Karun III Hydropower Project (review of the Flood design)

2001 Third International Review Panel for Karun III Hydropower Project (review of the Plunge Pool and Spillways capacity)

2001 First International Review Panel for the Upper Gotvand dam and hydropower project. (Review of the stability analysis of the right abutment and optimization

study of embankment).

2009 Member of Technical Committee for the Karun II Dam and Hydropower project - IWPC Iran


  • British Geotechnical Society (BGS)

  • Member of the Executive Board of Iranian national Committee on Large Dams. (IRCOLD)

  • President of the Iranian Rock Mechanic Society.

  • Council Member (Executive Board) of IHA (International Hydropower Association).

  • Secretary General (Vice Chairman) of Iranian Hydropower Association (IR-IHA).

  • Member of the Environmental Committee of ICOLD.

  • Member of the Iranian Water Resources Research Council.

  • Individual Members of the Following Iranian Society:

  • (Geotchnical, Civil Engineering, Environment, Value Engineering, Tunneling, Construction,)


1998 The 4th Conference on Tunneling (National) -Member of the Executive Committee - Member of the Scientific Committee

2000 Member of the Organizing Committee of the 4th National Conference on Dams.

2000 Member of The Organizing Committee of the First National Conference on Water use.

2001 The 3rd International Seminar on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering-Member of the Executive Committee.

2001 Chairman of The Organizing Committee of the first National Conference on Rock Mechanics.

2003 Secretary General and Chairman of The Organizing Committee of the first Iranian National Conference on Hydropower.

Papers (English)

  • Numerical modeling of Rockfill behavior in large direct shear Box. "9th International congress on Rock Mechanics" ISRM. PARIS/FRANCE/1999-page 899-902

  • Material cooling and concrete transportation in Iranian RCC DAMS." The International Conference on RCC "CHINA, RCC 99. CHINA, 1999" page, 785-789

  • Evaluating Economic parameters for the Karun IV project " Hydropower into the next Century, International conference " GMUNDEN, AUSTRIA, October , 1999, page 777-790

  • The influence of compaction time on the mechanical properties of RCC" The international journal on Hydropower & Dams " Issue three, 2000 page 60-63

  • Water resources and Hydropower potential in Iran " Making Hydro more competitive " "International Hydropower Conference, 2-4 October 2000,Bern Switzerland (Page 18).

  • Karkheh Hydropower, Dam and the Environment "International Conference, 2-4 October 2000,Bern Switzerland page 457-469

  • Benefits evaluation of the Siah Bishe pumped storage station in the Iranian power system. "International Conference, 2-4 October 2000, Bern Switzerland Page 513-523.

  • Influences of Iranian Pozzolans on Mechanical properties of Roller compacted concrete." Seventh CANMET/ACI International conference on fly Ash, silica Fume, slag and Natural Pozzolans in concrete" Chennai (Madras,) India, July 22-27, 2001, page 341-355.

  • Suggested Method for classification of dams Safety against Flood in IRAN, "hydro Vision 2002, International Hydro Vision Conference - 2002 Portland, Oregon, USA, July 29 - August 2, 2002.

  • Optimization of the compaction time with the effects of different pozzolans (type and dosage) on the mechanical properties of RCC. "4th International Symposium on Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Dams." 17-19 November 2003, Madrid, Spain.

  • Assessing Iran's Project Finance Requirements in the Power and Water Sector. "MEED Project Finance Conference, 7-8th October 2003, Sheraton Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain.

  • Hydropower development in Iran, achievements and plans, Hydro 2004, a new era for hydropower International Conference and exhibition, 18-21 Oct. 2004, PORTO PORTUGAL

  • Siah Bisheh Pumped - storage projects dam and the environment, Hydro 2004, a new era for hydropower, International Conference and exhibition18-21 Oct. 2004, PORTO PORTUGAL

  • Karun III Hydropower and dam the Environment , Environmental Impact Assessment Results, A Symposium in Environment, May 16-22 2004, 72nd ICOLD annual meeting in Seoul, South Korea

  • Iranian Strategy for Future hydro Development, Hydro-Vision 2004, Conference, August 16-20 Montreal Quebec , Canada

  • Hydropower development in Iran, International Journal of Hydropower and Dams, May 2005,

  • A Comparisons of Underground Opening Supported Design Methods in Jointed Rock Mass, International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 21, Number3, October 2008

  • Review of Embankment Dam Engineering Practices, First national Conference in Dam Engineering, Islamic Azad University Zanjan, Branch- Iran, Sep. 2008

  • New Technologies used for Fish Passage at Large Dams and Hydropower, First Environment Conference in Mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran, Oct. 2008

  • Application of Numerical Methods in Drawing of Ground Response Curves and Rock Support interaction analysis in Large Underground structure, Hydro vision 2008 - July 14 - July 18 California - USA

Papers (Farsi/Persian)

  • Failure Criteria for Rockfill Materials. "Amirkabir University of Technology, (Tehran Poly Technique), Department of Mining", 25 th Jun 1996. (Keynote lecture publication 25 pages).

  • Study of the IRS (Reservoir Induced Seismicity) in Iranian Dams Particularly for Karkheh Dam (With reservoir capacity of 7 billion m3). "Iran University of Science and Technology, Civil Engineering Department," 14th May 1997. (Keynote Lecture Publication 32 Pages.)

  • Environmental Impact Assessment of using cable ways in Iranian Dams." Iran Water and Power Resources Development Company (IWPC) Journal, July 98, 6 pages.

  • Optimization Rock bolt system of karun III Powerhouse cavern, 4th Iranian National Conference on Large Dams, Feb, 2000.

  • Application of the GIS and RS in EIA Studies for Dams, 4th Iranian National Conference on Large Dams, Feb 2000.

  • EA study of the Karkheh dam, 4th Iranian National Conference on Large Dams, Feb 2000.

  • Evaluation and benefits of the Siah-Bisheh P.S.P. in the Iranian Network System, 4th Iranian National Conference on Large Dams, Feb 2000.

  • Water Resources and Hydropower Potential in the Country, First Iranian National Conference on Hydropower, May 2003 - Tehran-Iran

  • Evaluation of the Effect and Expenses for Pollution Control of Thermal Power Plants, First Iranian National Conference on Hydropower, May 2003, Tehran, Iran

  • Environmental Aspects of Karun Cascade Projects, First Iranian National Conference on Hydropower, May 2003, Tehran, Iran

  • System Dynamic Modeling of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton In Reservoirs, Water and Sewage Iranian Journal, Vol. 52, 16 Aug 2004, Pages 47-55

  • Ancient Flood, Selection or In addition, First National, Water Resource Conference, Tehran University, 17th to 18 th Nov. 2004, Tehran - Iran

  • ISO 9000 and the responsibility of surveying engineer, During its application, 2nd Iranian Civil Engineers Congers, 12 th to 14th May 2004

  • Two dimensional Modeling of reservoir thermal Stratification, 2nd Iranian Civil Engineers Congers, 12th to 14 th May 2004

  • Investigation of Parameters used for Dynamic Analysis of Embankment Dams, 2nd Iranian Civil Engineers Congers, 12 th to 14th May 2004

  • Application of Interface element with Zero thickness for Dynamic analysis, 2nd Iranian Civil Engineers Congers, 12 th to 14th May 2004

  • Application and efficiency of Numerical Modeling in the assessment of Flow over Free Slipways, 3rd Iranian Civil Engineers Congers, 23th to 24th Jan 2005

  • Thermal Stratification in Tandem reservoir, Case study Karun 1,2 and 3, Iranian Water Resources Sciences Journal, Oct. 2006

  • Drawing of Ground Response Curves and Rock Support interaction analysis in Large Underground penning of Siah Bisheh Pump storage project, 2nd Hydropower and Dam National Conference, IWPC - Tehran May 2008, Tehran -Iran


  • EIA study of Karkheh Dam, Submitted to the Department of Environment of IRAN - 1999.

  • EIA study of Masjid-E-Soliman Dam, Submitted to the Department of Environment of IRAN - 2000.

  • EIA study of KarunIII Dam, Submitted to the Department of Environment of IRAN - 2001.

  • EIA study of Karun IV Dam, Submitted to the Department of Environment of IRAN and Oekab (Austria) - 2002.

  • EIA study of Bakhtiyari Dam, Submitted to the Department of Environment of IRAN and Hermmes (Germany) - 2002.

  • Assessment and Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil, 52 pages, IUST Publications, Jun 2007

  • Radioactive Waste disposal Management and Assessment and Remediation Contaminated Soil, 150 pages, IUST Publications, May 2009

Books in Farsi

  • Investigation of present guidelines and suggested methods for environmental impact assessment (EIA Study) at International level, IRCOLD publication 272 pages, Oct. 2004, Tehran-Iran

  • Mathematic for University Students (Calculus level1), 198 Pages, Feb 2005, Tahan Publication, Tehran- Iran

  • Mathematic for University Students (Calculus level2), 210 Pages, March 2006, Elyas Publication, Tehran- Iran

  • Technical dictionary for Architecture Student, 368Pages, May 2006, Tahan Publication, March 2007, Tahan Publication, Tehran- Iran

  • Soil Mechanics for Post Graduate Student, 200 pages, Jan. 2007, Tahan Publication, Tehran- Iran

  • Fluid Mechanics for post graduate students, 224 Pages, Mahan Private Institute, Feb. 2008, Tehran- Iran

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