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The First Faculty Assembly on the National High Speed Railway Project

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The First Faculty Assembly on the National High Speed Railway Project, Fast and Speedy Systems


  October 20, 2012 – Saturday marks the first faculty assembly pertaining the national (mega) project and HSR system. The assembly took place in Iran University of Science and Technology’s Imam Khomeini Amphitheatre, and began at one o’clock with the recitation of the Holy Quran and the national anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The theme of the assembly focused on presenting this great national project and the team members. Dr. Baziar, vice chancellor for research and technology, presented the audience, composed mainly of faculty from the School of Railway Engineering and the School of Architecture, with a brief overview of the project’s procedure, and its approval process by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology. He introduced the team’s project members, Dr. Younesian, Dr. Moeeni, Dr. Davayee, Dr. Sayyedin, Dr. Vahedi, Dr. Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, Dr. Mohammadi, and Dr. Kakayee, and discussed the team formation procedure, and the project’s credibility detail. Later there was a question and answer session where faculty members expressed their comments and concerns, and the project team responded according to their specialties. Mr. Daneshmand, from the ministry of roads, buildings and urban development, had also attended this conference. All attendees received a CD that provided the following information:

  1. The country’s twenty year plan

  2. The country’s fifth development program

  3. A comprehensive map of the country’s scientific programs

  4. Bylaws of projects approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

  5. Bylaws of management projects run by the managing committee

  6. The present power point project run by Dr. Mohammad Hassan Baziar

  7. A plan of the HSR project


In the end it was requested that all interested in the aforementioned project, can apply to participate in the project through completing a form available in the CD.

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