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Personal Details
Surname: Sadeghi Naeini
Name: Hassan
Date of birth: 28 April 1966
E-mail: naeini iust.ac.ir
Current Position: Head of Department
Department: Industrial Design Dept., School of Architecture and Environmental studies
Ph.D., University of Tehran, Iran, 2010
Tel: +98-9122773371
please click on CV
Hassan Sadeghi Naeini
(Ph.D; MS.c, BS.c)
Associate Prof., Industrial Design Dept., Iran Univ. of Science & Tech.(IUST),
Tehran, Iran
naeini iust.ac.ir
Education and Qualifications
- University Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Environmental Planning, University of Tehran 2006-2010
- Sellected Short Course Certificates
“Completion-transparency in Peer review, Elsevier Publishing Campus”, held by the Elsevier October 2017
“Ergonomics in Agriculture” Lecturer at Pre-conference workshop, held by the RECOUP, Bangalore, India 30 April 2013
“Office Ergonomics” Lecture at Pre-conference workshop, held by the RECOUP, Bangalore, India 1-3 May 2013
“ISO 9000 workshop”, held by Industrial Research & Training Center of Iran (IRTCI), Tehran, Iran 2010
“ISI-Work & EndNote workshop”, held by IUST, Tehran, Iran 2008
“Productivity improvement workshop”, held by University of Tehran, Iran 2005
“Safety Promotion & Injury Prevention course, Ph.D. international five-week Intensive Course (7.5 Credits)”, held by Karolinska Univ., Stockholm, Sweden 2004
“OHSAS 18001 Internal Auditor”, held by TQCSI, Tehran-Iran 4-8 Dec 2004
“HSE workshop”, held by TQCSI & ISOH, Tehran-Iran 29 Dec 2004
“Sick Building Syndrome Workshop & Certificate of Sick Building Syndrome Workshop”, as a head of workshop, held by WHO & IUST, Tehran-Iran 8 Dec 2003
Associate Professor, School of Arhitectutre & Environmental studies, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since 2000
Teaching Experiences
Occupational Ergonomics (Postgraduate courses in Ergonomics Division- as a visitiong researcher, KTH, Stockholm, Swedewn 2017
Industrial Design Projcet II (Postgraduate courses in Industrial Design Department, Iran University of Science and Technology) Since 2011
Industrial Design Projcet II (Postgraduate courses in Industrial Design Department, Iran University of Science and Technology) Since 2010
Industrial Design and Human (Postgraduate courses in Industrial Design Department at some universities i.e., Iran University of Science and Technology; University Tehran University of Art; Isfahan University of Art, Tabriz University) Since 2010
Industrial Sociology (undergraduate courses in Industrial Design Department , Iran University of Science and Technology) Since 2009
Industrial Products management (undergraduate courses in Industrial Design Department , Iran University of Science and Technology) Since 2009
Ergonomics I & II, (undergraduate courses in Industrial Design Department at some universities i.e., Iran University of Science and Technology; University of Tehran; Tehran University of Art; Isfahan University of Art, Tabriz University) Since 2005
Ergonomics Project III, (undergraduate courses in Industrial Design Department at some universities i.e., Iran University of Science and Technology; University of Tehran; Tehran University of Art; Isfahan University of Art, Tabriz University) Since 2008
Environmental Design Project V, (undergraduate courses in Industrial Design Department, Iran University of Science and Technology) Since 2002
Selected Written Works
Example - National Human Development Report of the I. R. Iran (lead author and national team leader), United Nations and Management and Planning Organization, Forthcoming
Applied Anthropometry, Jale Pub.Tehran, Iran (in Persian) 2016
Research methodology in design, First Ed, Varesh Pub.Tehran (in Persian) 2014
Ergonomic City-Urban Ergonomics, First Ed, Tehran Municipality Pub. (in Persian) 2013
Principles of ergonomics in Manual Materials Handling system, 2nd Ed. Fanavaran Pub, Tehran, Iran.,(in Persian) 2010
PART II: Book chapter
Application of modern models of sustainable architecture in the use of natural light and effective utilization of energy in schools: a comparative study of Glasgow (Great Britain) and Isfahan (Iran), Ch 5 , Light in Engineering, Architecture & the environment (Edited by K.Domke and Brebbia, WIT Press. Pp 51-60, www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743-3509 –Online. 2011
Sick Product Syndrome, Chapter (Part VI), Ergonomics For All- Celebrating PPCOE’S 20 Years Excellence: selected papers of the Pan Pacific Conf, (Edited by D.Y. Michael Lin & H.C. Chen, CRC Press 646 Pages, ISSN 97804156. 2010
“A Study of the Relations between the Demands of the Industry and the Capacity of the Graduated Industrial Designers in Iran” Book titled: When design education and design research meet, Editors: Boks & Ion, , Pub: Design Society, Norway, ISBN:1904670199. 2010
Case study: Sonic effect of product setup on perceived quality: as approach to home appliance design, (2nd Author), Noise control engineering journal, V.67, No.5, pp 373-379. 2019
Calf massager: Intervention for body muscle discomfort during prolonged standing, (Co-author), Human Factors and ergonomics in manufacturing and service industries, 1-9. doi.org/10.1002/hfm.20805 2019
Occupational Health promotion throughout the synergy between ergonomics and sustainable development aspects. (First & corresponding author), Health and Safety at Work 9 (2), 113-120. (in Persian) 2019
Pleasurable Experience in Old Collectivist and New Individualist Generations in Iran: Reviving “Safa” as Culture-oriented Pleasure to Decrease Generation Gap, (Co-author), The Int. J. of Humanities, 25 (2). Pp 44-60. 2018
Application of QFD method in toothbrush design for the cervical spinal cord injury handicapped (Tetraplegia), . (First & corresponding author), J. Occupational Medicine- Yazd Univ. of Med. Science, No 2, V 10, PP 40-52 (In Persian) 2018
Economic effectiveness of Ergonomics interventions, . (First & corresponding author), International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research- IJIEPR, Volume 29, Issue 3, PP 247-259. 2018
Texture Assessment Of Automobile Dashboard: An Integrated Approach On Industrial Design And Ergonomics, (Co-author), International Journal of Automotive Engineering (ISAE),7 (3). 2017
The100 Most Cited Papers in “Industrial Design”: A Bibliometric Analysis. (Co-author), Exacta – Engenharia de Produção, 15(3), 369-374. doi:10.5585/ExactaEP.v15n3.7659. 2017
Principles of Designing Outdoor Playgrounds for Orphans Living in Nurseries, (Co-author), International Journal of Scientific Study, 5 (4), pp1035-1039. 2017
Foot Anthropometry Device And Single Object Image Thresholding, (Co-author), Signal & Image Processing International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.8, No.3, June 2017
An Integration between Baluch’s Costumes and Contemporary Iranian Woman: An Apparel on Aesthetics Elements, (Co-author), Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(1), 59-72. 2017
The Effects of Physical Agents on Occupants' Satisfaction in Office Environment, (Co-author), International Journal of Occupational Hygiene (IJOH), No 8, Tehran Univ. Med. Science , pp136-144, Pub.eISSN 2008-5435. 2016
Conceptual Framework for the Design of a Child Motorcycle Safety Seat, (Co-author), Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences(AJAS), Vol.4, Issue 03, June 2016
Toothbrush Design based on an integrated method of AHP and SWOT, (Co-author), Journal of architecture and urban design (IJAUP), Vol 12. pp73-83 (in Persian) 2016
Classification and Analyze Stucco Decorations in Qajar Houses, Tehran, Iran, (Co-author), Architecture Research 2016, 6(2): 45-50.DOI: 10.5923/j.arch.20160602.03. 2016
Determination of Effective Factors on Reduction of Sick Building Syndrome in Designing Educational Environments, (Co-author), International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJBR), ISSN 0976-2612,Vol-7, Special Issue4- pp144-152,http://www.bipublication.com2016
A Model Development to Adaptive Reuse of Iranian Qajar Houses: An Approach to Sociocultural Concept (A Case: Nasir Al-Din Mirza House), (Co-author), American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture (AJCEA), Vol. 4, No. 3. 2016
Pupils’ Education Based on Design Learning: an Approach to Learning Performance, (Co-author), Indian Journal of Applied Research, V. 6 (2), Feb.2016
Occupational Health Promotion throughout an Interventional Ergonomic Design (Case Study: Ergonomic cart design at a Food Manufacturing Company in Iran) International Journal of Occupational Hygiene (IJOH), No 7., pp 172-176, Tehran Univ. Med. Science Pub.eISSN 2008-5435 2016
Toothbrush Design for Tetraplegia Handicapped (C5-C7) throughout UCD Method, (Co-author), International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research Vol 7 Special Issue, ISSN 0976-2612 Online ISSN 2278 - 599X 2016
Using QUIS as a Measurement Tool for User Satisfaction Evaluation (Case Study: Vending Machine), International Journal of Information Science, p-ISSN: 2163-1921, e-ISSN: 2163-193X,2015; 5(1): 14-23,doi:10.5923/j.ijis.20150501.03. 2015
The Role of Pleasure Criteria in Product Design: An Integrated Approach in Ergonomics and Hedonomics (A Review), Research in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 3(3), pp 39-50, 2015
User Interface assessment in Home appliances based on user satisfaction, (Co-author), J. of the scientific society of architecture & urbanism No 9, pp65-80 ( in Persian) 2015
Affective factors on user satisfaction of public drinking water fountain usage(Case: courtyard of the holy shrine of IMAM REZA), (Co-author), International Journal of Architecture Eng. & Urban planning IJAUP, V25, No 2., pp 61-65. 2015
Non-Compliance of Malaysia Motor Vehicles (Safety Seatbelts) Rules 1978, (Co-Author), Iranian J Publ Health(IJPH), Vol. 43, Suppl. No.3, Oct 2014, pp: 1-6, ISSN: 2251-6085. 2014
Safety System for Child Pillion Riders of Underbone Motorcycles in Malaysia, (Co-Author), Traffic Injury Prevention.Vol 15, No.6, 564–571, ISSN: 1538-9588 print / 1538-957X online, 2014
Ergonomics in agriculture: An Approach in Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs), (Corresponding Author), Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Vol 3, No2, pp 33-51, 2014
Preliminary Usability Testing with Eye Tracking and FCAT Analysis on Occupational Safety and Health Websites, (C0-author), Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 97, Pages 737–744, 2013
The Role of Ergonomics Issues in Engineering Education, (Corresponding author), Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 102 ( 2013 ) 587 – 590, 2013
The Economic Cost of Health and Safety in WorkPlaces: An Approach on the Costs CalculatingModel, World Academy of Science, (Co-author), Engineering and Technology 78 2013
The Ergonomic Properties of Outdoor Fitness Equipment with Respect to the Anthropometric Characteristics of Iranian Women: A Case Study of Chest Press Machine and Pull Chairs, (Co-author), European Journal of Experimental Biology (6):2077-2082, 2012
Part II: Keynote speaker
ErgoSustaiNomics: Making a synergistic collaboration between Marketing and Design, ICMD 2018, Faro, Portugal 2018
The role of Ergonomic design for WMSDs Prevention, RICE international conference, Organizing by RECOUP, Bangalore, India 2013
Part II: Papers Presented/Proceedings
Decreasing Work-related Stresses among white-collar workers throughout the Office Interior Design, International Conference on Advanced Research in Applied Science and Engineering, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 12 – 14.2019
Toward Higher Education Branding Through Service Design, ICMD 2018, Faro, Portugal 2018
Towards Quality of Life Through the “ErgoSustaiNomics” Approach. In: Bagnara S., Tartaglia R., Albolino S., Alexander T., Fujita Y. (Eds) Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018). IEA 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 825. Springer, Cham 2018
Dress Design For Autism: An Ergonomic Approach To Developing Good Feeling For Kids, 7th Int. Ergonomics Conference- ERGONOMICS 2018 -Emphasis on Wellbeing, , Zadar, Croatia 2018
Ergonomic Changes In The Upper Limb At The Sitting Work Station: An Approach To Early Awareness Of Trunk Awkward Posture, 7th International Ergonomics Conference-ERGONOMICS 2018 -Emphasis on Wellbeing, Zadar, Croatia 2018
An Ergonomic Toothbrush Design For Disabled People: An Approach On Quality Of Life Throughout The Ergonomic Design, 7th International Ergonomics Conference-ERGONOMICS 2018 -Emphasis on Wellbeing, Zadar, Croatia 2018
A new Approach on kids’ toy design, The first National Conference of Iranian Toys and Entertainment, AlzahraUniversity, Tehran, Iran 2018
Safety promotion among athletes throughout devices design to knee injuries prevention (case study: volleyball), 23rd International Safe Communities Conference Safe Communities are an Essential Need for a Modern-Day Society, Novi Sad, Serbia. 2017
Ergonomic design for welding workstation at universities’ workshops, 10th Congress of Occupational Health and Safety, The Iranian Society of Occupational Health, Sari, Iran 2017
An Ergonomic Cart Design for Occupational Health Promotion at a Food Manufacturing Company in Iran: An Approach to Industrial Ergonomics Intervention, SHO 2016, Portugal 2016
Cultural Ergonomics and Place identity, Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran 2016
Industrial design approaches in students final thesis: An approach to Engineering education, The first int. & 4th national conference on engineering education with an emphasis on innovative learning technologies, Shiraz, Iran 2015
Investigating the Effect of Age, Style, and Social Restrictions Factors on the Color Diversity of Women's Clothing in Public Environments, Affective Cities Scenes of Innovation II, Toronto , Canada 2014
Non Compliance Of Malaysia Motor Vehicles (Safety Seatbelts) Rules 1978-An Overview Of The High Percentage Of Non-Compliance Of The Seat Belt Law In Malaysia With Suggestions To Counter This Problem, ICEOH 2014, Malaysia 2014
Children Safety Awareness Among Motorcycles Users In Malaysia, ICEOH 2014, Malaysia 2014
Injury Prevention among Construction Workers: A Case Study on Iranian Steel Bar Bending Workers, ICIDE 2014: 16th International Conference on Industrial Design Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2014
Interaction Design In-Home Appliance: An Integrated Approach In Kansei And Hedonomic “Cases: Rice Cooker, Juicer, Mixer”, ICIDE 2014: 16th International Conference on Industrial Design Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2014
Home Appliance Design throughout User-Centered Design: An Approach in Industrial Design, ICIDE 2014: 16th International Conference on Industrial Design Engineering, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2014
Ergonomic assessment in handicraft workshops: a case study in wooden workshops in Isfahan-Iran, AHFE2014, Poland 2014
A comparative study of Ergonomics Branches and Design Approaches, AHFE2014, Poland 2014
Fundamental of a patch design for body perspiration: An approach to health promotion, AHFE2014, Poland 2014
A recommended treatment modality for patients with mechanical low back pain, 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), 2014 Krakow, Poland 2014
Study of the likelihood of car accident among homonymous hemianopsia patients: An ergonomic solution, 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), 2014 Krakow, Poland 2014
Research Projects
Ergonomics design fundamental for displays & controls, Research granted by IUST, Tehran, Iran 2017
Hedonomics role in product design -Research grant by IUST, Tehran, Iran 2016
The role of Environmental ergonomics in interior design-Research grant by IUST, Tehran, Iran 2015
Psychomotor skills study by Mirror Trace (Case Study: students)-Research grant by IUST, Iran2014
Ergosafety in Agriculture (Task analysis in farming)-Research grant by IUST, Tehran, Iran 2013
Human Scale Design according to Iranian Anthropometric sampled data, IUST, Tehran, Iran 2012
Ergonomic assessment at Dental workstations, -Research grant by IUST, Tehran, Iran 2011
Safety assessment of Tehran parks playgrounds,Research grant by IUST, Tehran, Iran 2010
Fundamental of Urban lighting: An approach to Light pollution, Research grant by IUST,Tehran, Iran 2009
2006-2008: Ergonomic and safety Management in Barez Tire Company, Kerman. Iran
Study of Ergonomic Product Design (Case:Iranian Home Appliances),Research grant by IUST, Iran 2008
Ergonomic Assessment of Workstations in ISACO Co. Ltd., Funded by ISACO,Tehran-Iran 2007
Study of Schools` Furniture standards-An Ergonomics & Safety approach, Funded by Ministry of Education-Tehran Iran 2006
Assessment of Occupational Health & Safety Problems, Barez Tire Company,Funded by BAREZ Co. Kerman, Iran 2004
Ergonomic Evaluation of Workstations, Barez Tire Company, Kerman, Iran, Funded by BAREZ Co. Kerman, Iran 2003
Evaluation of Job Severity & assessment of Workstations, Bahonar Copper Co. Ltd., Kerman, Iran 2002
Awards and Scholarships- Memberships
“IEA's Human Factors and Sustainable Development Technical Committee (HFSD TC”). IEA 2018
“An Associate member”, Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors (CIEHF), UK. 2017
“A member of Editorial Boards”, Journal of Occupational Hygiene & Health promotion, YAZD Med. Sciences Univ.Iran 2017
“ A visitor Researcher at KTH-Royal Institute of Technology”, Stockholm, Sweden 2017
“Distinguished University Lecturer”, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran 2016
National Patent No 86044, titled “Toothbrush for tetraplegia”, Iran Innovation Office, 2015
National Patent No 80578, titled “Portable System Simulation Sports Sailing”, Iran Innovation Office 2012
“One-year scholarship for research”, as a guest Ph.D. Candidate, in Social Med. Dept., Linkoping University (LiU), Linkoping, Sweden , 2009-2010
“A certificate from ISI-Work & EndNote workshop”, IUST, Tehran, Iran 2008
National Patent No 40376 titled “Portable Anthropometry”, Iran Innovation Office, 2007
A letter of appreciate as a successful adjunct lecturer at Faculty of Fine Art (Industrial Design Dept.), Tehran University. Tehran, Iran 2003
Assignments and Consultations
Member of the board of directors, “Iranian Occupational Health Society”, Ministry of Health, Tehran, Iran 2019
Member of the “Iranian Society of Engineering Education”, Tehran, Iran 2019
Member of Scientific Committee, 4th National exhibition, and competition of furniture design, Tehran Municipality, Iran 2018
Member of the board of directors, “Iranian Industrial Design Lecturers Association” Tehran, Iran 2017
Member of Scientific Committee,2nd National Conference on Services Design, Tehran, Iran 2015
Member of Steering Committee, 2nd National exhibition, and competition of furniture design, Tehran Municipality, Iran 2015
Member of Judgment Committee, 1st National exhibition, and competition of furniture design, Tehran Municipality, Iran 2014
Member of Scientific Committee, 1st National Conference on Services Design, Tehran, Iran 2014
Member of Editorial Boards, Iran occupational health journal (IOH), Iran Med.Sciences Univ.Tehran, Iran 2013
Member of Scientific Committee, International Conference on Environmental and Occupational Health (ICEOH2014), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2013
Member of Scientific board member of the 7th conference on Occupational Health & safety”, Iran Occupational Health Association (IOHA), Iran 2011
Board member of Judgment committee for Art series competition, University of Art, Tehran, 2008
Member of a National Network of Environmental Research & Technology, Ministry of Science-Research & Technology, Iran 2008
Member of Olympiad Committee for Univ. students, Iran Ministry of Science, Tehran Iran 2007
Board member of Scientific & steering committee of 15th International Safe Community Conference”, Tehran, Iran 2006
Theses Supervitions:
a) Ph.D. :
Cultural factors and design elements in Iranian product design, (Co-supervisor), UPM Malaysia, student’s name: A.Abedini 2012-2017
Toward appropriate higher education branding, (Co-supervisor), University of Algarve-Portugal, Faulty of Economics, Students’ name: A.Seraj Zahedi , Since 2016
The role of advertisement and media management in industrial design, (Main supervisor) Sciences & Research University (Azad Univ. Postgraduate branch), Student’s name: S.Sffari. Sine 2016
b) MS.c:
Sustainable Home Cooker Design, (Student: Shokoohi), 2019
Safe Bathroom for elderly people, (Student: Rezakhanli), 2019
Research Center interior design based on staffs performance improvement, (Student.: Khodaee) 2019
Work station design for trainee welders (Student name: Poorang) 2018
Burn Unit Architectural Design based on environmental Ergonomics & Hospital Engineering, (Student: M.Arabshahi) 2018
An Ergonomic multifunction pen design for sketching, (Student: Toomaj Yousofi) 2017
Toy design for kids based on excitement (Student: Maryam Ajorloo) 2016
Sport shoe design including adjustable heel for basic sport skills among girls (14-18 yrs) (Student: Elham Raveshi) 2016
Hospital CUT design for infants (Student: Ali Moulaee) 2016
Kitchen tools package design based on UCD Method (Student: F.Taheriun) 2016
A puzzle toy design to develop communications between grandparents and kids. (Student's name: Student: Niloofar Jafari) 2015
An ergonomic toothbrush design for Tetraplegia. ( Student's name: M.Rafeei) 2015
Geographic educational package design for students. ( Student's name: S.Hodaee) 2013
A training package design to improve psychomotor skills for pupils' with visual impairments. ( student's name: M.Nabavi) 2013
Ergonomic Wheelbarrow design for construction workers (Student: D.Saeedi) 2012