Department of Physical Education- Athletic Programs

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Optimize outdoor facilities (short term),

Transform tennis courts from soft to hard surfaces with approval of the I.R of IRAN'S Organization of physical education and sports and The Ministry of Education's Sports and Physical Education Administration(short term),

complet the stadium for round the clock operational purposes to generals revenue (long term),

improve and maintanin the turf to host important games to generate revenue.(short term).


Varsity Athletic Programs :

Intramural athletic programs (short term).

intra-university competitions will be held to select university men's and women's sports teams. This will help encourage students to take part in sports activities, while also provide opportunities for introuducing new sports into Physical Education Administration of the Ministry of Education and  forming varsity sports associations dormitories, departments and specializations.


  Non-Varsity Athletic Programs :

  Forming athletic communities for university employees.

  Forming athletic communities for faculty members.

  Holding employee competitions in certain sport discipllins.

  Planning summer camps for employees' children.


  Revenue Generating Pragrams:

  Leasing sport facilities to potential applicants (preferably educational institutes).

  Establishing football, basketball and tennis courses throughout the year.

  Recruiting specialists

  Educating the human resources by registering them in specialized courses.


 Organizational programs:

 To encourage the university community to develop the habit of leading healthy and balanced lives, a university higher council of sports was established with the purpose of policy making and prioritizing activities.

To make Structural changes to the physical education office administration(incorporating academic extramural activities  and deviising it. its new organizational structure).

 To promote phys. Ed. administrator and the extracurricular management in addition to devising and planning its organizational structure to increase.


Controlling Programs:

Forming a community of students and specialists to control and  evaluate varsity athletic teams are among university phys. Ed. missions. Proper advertisement through the making of promotional  brochures with different athletic content to encourage student participation in sports will be prepared Programs will be held to celebrerate athletic achievements.

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