دانشکده مهندسی برق- ISI & Peer Reviewed Journals
Peer Reviewed Papers

حذف تصاویر و رنگ‌ها  | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/11/5 | 

1. Mathematical Proof for the Minimized Stray Fields in Transformers Using Auxiliary Windings Based on State Equations for Evaluation of FEM Results, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-IJEEE, March 2010.

2. Dominant Effects of Magnetic Field on High Current Injection Transformers: Thermal, Mechanical Forces and EMC Issues, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2010.

3. Impact of Mechanical Forces in a 25kA Current Injection Transformer, Iranian Journal Of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 1, No.1, December 2007.
4. EMC Consideration in Current Injection Transformer Systems- WSEAS Trans. on Communication- 2004.
5. Electromagnetic Compatibility Considerations for control Circuits of Medium Voltage STATCOM - WSEAS Trans. on Communication- 2004
6. Microprocessor Controlled Measurement of Flux Distribution in Stator Core of Single Phase Induction Motors, Inter. Journal IUST, 2003
7. Selection Criteria in Respect of 3-Phase Transformer Core Building Techniques, Inter. Journal IUST, 1998.

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