دانشکده مهندسی برق- Ph.D Student Projects
Ph.D Student Projects

حذف تصاویر و رنگ‌ها  | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/12/4 | 

Ph.D. Dissertations:

1) H. Moodi, Design of robust observer to control affine-systems based on nonlinear Sugeno model, 2011.

2) A. Kazemy, Robust stability of continuous-time Luré system with constant mutiple time delays, 2009.

3) M. Hajatipour, Designing state-variable observer for nonlinear systems based on switching method, 2008.

 4) S. MohammadHosseini, Adaptive control of non-minimum phase nonlinear systems based on output feedback using neural networks, 2007.

 5) A. Alfi, A new control structure for transparent teleoperation systems with perturbed delay time in communication channel, 2007.

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