Head of Communication Group at IUST.
Academic Positions:
Full-Member of IEE /IET Society since 1978 - Charter Engineer
Full-Member of Cryptographic Society since May 2003.
Full-Member of IEEE Communication Society since Feb. 2005
External Examiner for over 7 Universities in Tehran/Iran.
Workshop Organizer for 3rd Int. Conf. on Cryptography (ICST2007-Tehran)
Member of Scientific Committee for 16th Int. Conf.in Elec. Eng. (ICEE2007)
Conferences Reviewer for over 50% of all conferences in Asia and Europe.
Reviewer for the fowllowing Journals:
IEEE (Communication, SCN and VTC),
IEE/IET (Communication and UWB Antennas),
IJEEE (Communication-Sec. B)
Tarbiat Modares University Publication on Elec. Eng.
Shariff University Publications on Communication Technology
Shiraz University Publications (TechA Sec.)
Professional Employment:
DSP, FPGA and OMAP consultant (DemCo & Modern).
LEO Satellite and Mobile BTS antenna design consultant (Soadat Res. Cent).
Executive and Technical Director of ComranFO Fiber optic Company.
Laser Applications in Medical Science Consultant (Medicare Co.)