[1] M. R. Zoghi and M. H. Kahaei. Sensor selection for target tracking in WSN using modified INS algorithm. In 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on Info. & Comm. Tech. (ICTTA2008), Damascus, Syria, Apr. 2008.
[2] R. Mohammadkhani and M. H. Kahaei. Nonlinear active noise controller using Hammerstein series. In 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on Info. & Comm. Tech. (ICTTA2008), Damascus, Syria, Apr. 2008.
[3] H. Alikhanian M. H. Kahaei K. Hosseini, A. Montazeri. New classes of LMS and LMF adaptive algorithms. In 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on Info. & Comm. Tech.(ICTTA2008), Damascus, Syria, Apr. 2008.
[4] M. R. Zoghi and M. H. Kahaei. Active sensors selection in wireless sensor network using GDOP. In 15th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 692–697,(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2008.
[5] M. Mahdikhani and M. H. Kahaei. Use of continuous masks for improvement of BSS in time-frequency domain. In 15th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 922–927,(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2008.
[6] M. R. Zoghi and M. H. Kahaei. Sensor selection in wireless networks using Spatial-Split algorithm in decentralized target tracking. In 13th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Kish, Iran, Mar. 2008.
[7] J. Mohammadi M. Mahdikhani and M. H. Kahaei. Use of modified inverse STFT for improvement of BSS. In 13th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Kish, Iran, Mar. 2008.
[8] M. Atashbar and M. H. Kahaei. A new adaptive particle filter for target localization using TDOA and FDOA. In 13th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Kish, Iran, Mar. 2008.2
[9] M. R. Zoghi and M. H. Kahaei. Sensing range modification of spatial split algorithm for high speed target tracking in WSN. In IST2008, Tehran, Iran, Aug. 2008.
[10] H. Nezamfar and M. H. Kahaei. A comparison of maximum likelihood frequency offset estimation methods for OFDM systems. In IST2008, Tehran, Iran, Aug. 2008.
[11] V. Khan-Agha and M. H. Kahaei. Learning of selective separating filters for TDOA estimation and localization of multiple targets in echoic environments. In 17th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., volume 4(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2009.
[12] V. Hajmalek and M. H. Kahaei. DOA estimation based on D3LS criterion using linear conjugate gradient algorithm. In 17th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., volume 4(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2009.
[13] P. Shabestari and M. H. Kahaei. Adaptive localization of mobiles using residual test in nonstationary environments. In 17th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., volume 4 (in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2009.
[14] M. Mahdikhani and M. H. Kahaei. Blind source separation using virtual sensors. In ICDT2009, 2009 Fourth Int. Conference on Digital Telecommunications, Jul. 2009.
[15] F. Noormohammadi and M. H. Kahaei. A novel adaptive error estimation-based VSLMF algorithm. In 17th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., volume 4(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2009.
[16] H. Abbasi and M. H. Kahaei. Improving source localization in LOS and NLOS multipath environments for UWB signals. In 14th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2009.
[17] M. Asadi and M. H. Kahaei. Efficient sensor selection based on spatial correlation in wireless sensor networks. In 14th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2009.
[18] M. Asadi and M. H. Kahaei. Improvement of blind estimation of number of users in FH spread spectrum systems in low SNRs. In 14th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran (in Persian), Mar. 2009.
[19] M. Asadi and M. H. Kahaei. Real-time blind separation of FHSS signals using JADE algorithm with a solution to permutation problem. In 14th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran (in Persian), Mar. 2009.
[20] M. Mahdikhani and M. H. Kahaei. Source signal separation in dynamic case using new IBM algorithm. In 15th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran(in Persian), Feb. 2010.
[21] M. Atashbar and M. H. Kahaei. DOA estimation of a speaker using compressed sampling in frequency domain. In 15th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran(in Persian), Feb. 2010.
[22] H. Shabani T. Noohi and M. H. Kahaei. An introduction to EIP-NLMS post-processing method for cross-talk cancellation in BSS outputs. In The 2nd Int. Conf. on Comp. & Auto.Eng.(ICCAE 2010) , Singapore, Feb. 2010.
[23] T. Noohi and M. H. Kahaei. Residual cross-talk suppression for convolutive blind source separation. In The 2nd Int. Conf. on Comp. Eng. and Tech. (ICCET 2010), China, Apr. 2010.
[24] T. Noohi and M. H. Kahaei. A new algorithm for cross-talk cancellation with post-processing of BSS outputs. In 18th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Isfahan, Iran (in Persian), May 2010.
[25] M. Atashbar and M. H. Kahaei. DOA estimation of multiple speakers using new spatial sparse algorithm. In 18th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Isfahan, Iran (in Persian), May 2010.
[26] M. Mahdikhani and M. H. Kahaei. A solution to local permutation of ICA using new LICA algorithm in frequency domain BSS. In 18th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Isfahan, Iran (in Persian), May 2010.
[27] H. Khonsari and M. H. Kahaei. Energy efficient information-driven target location estimation in wireless sensor networks. In 6th Int. Conference on Wireless Communications Networkingand Mobile Computing (WiCOM) , China Chengdu, Sep. 2010.
[28] M. R. Zoghi and M. H. Kahaei. Sensor selection for target tracking in a wireless network of power-measurement sensors. In IST2010, Tehran, Iran, Dec. 2010.
[29] H. Khonsari and M. H. Kahaei. Energy efficient information-driven target location Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks. In 6th Int. Conf. on Wireless Communications Networking andMobile Computing , China, Chengdu, Sep. 2010.
[30] M. Mahdikhani and M. H. Kahaei. Increase of ICA speed in blind source separation without losing quality. In 19th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Amirkabir Univ., Tehran, Iran (in Persian), May 2010.
[31] M. Atashbar and M. H. Kahaei. A new fast technique for DOA estimation of multiple speakers based on spatial sparsity. In 19th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Amirkabir Univ., Tehran, Iran (in Persian), May 2010.
[32] H. Shabani and M. H. Kahaei. Missing feature mask generation in BSS outputs using pitch frequency. In The 17th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2011), Greece, Corfu, Jul. 2011.
[33] A. Zahedi and M. H. Kahaei. A new low computational technique for spectral estimation based on signal sparse representation. In 16th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran(in Persian), Feb. 2011.
[34] M. H. Kahaei S. Mohammadkhani and S. M. Razavizadeh. Cooperative filter-and-forward beamforming in cognitive radio for interference management. In IST2012, pages 170–175, Tehran, Nov. 2012.
[35] S. Mohammadkhani and M. H. Kahaei. A new lp norm algorithm for interference cancellation using spatial sparsity. In IST2012, pages 139–143, Tehran, Nov. 2012.
[36] K. Yamashita, M. H. Kahaei, H. Asato, and H. Miyagi. A method of designing an adaptive lattice joint-process predictor for fast convergence. In SICE, pages 289–292, Okinawa, Japan, Dec. 1991.
[37] M. H. Kahaei and B. Boashash. Polynomial order reducing property of the adaptive lattice filter in the presence of quadratic FM signals. In 4th Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and itsApplications , pages 722–725, Gold Coast, Australia, Aug. 1996.
[38] M. H. Kahaei, A. M. Zoubir, and B. Boashash. The tracking behavior of adaptive lattice filters for a quadratic FM signal in the application of instantaneous frequency estimation. In 4th UK/Aus. Int. Symp. on DSP for Communication , pages 440–446, Perth, Australia, Sep. 1996.
[39] M. H. Kahaei, M. Deriche, and B. Boashash. Polynomial order reducing property of lattice filters for FM signals with polynomial phases. In Proc. of IEEE Region Ten Conf. on DigitalSignal Processing Applications , pages 569–573, Perth, Australia, Nov. 1996.
[40] K. Yamashita, K. Asato, H. Miyagi, and M. H. Kahaei. A design method of an adaptive multichannel IIR filter with generalized lattice structure. In ITC-CSCC, pages 813–815, Seoul, Korea, Jul. 1996.
[41] M. H. Kahaei, B. Boashash, M. Deriche, and A. M. Zoubir. A survey on tracking behavior of adaptive lattice filters for linear and quadratic FM signals with application to instantaneous frequency estimation. Technical Report ISBN: 1-86435-204-3, Signal Processing Research Centre, QUT, Brisbane, Australia, Oct. 1996.
[42] M. H. Kahaei, M. Deriche, and B. Boashash. Performance analysis of adaptive lattice filters for impulsive signals. In Proc. of IEEE Region Ten Conf. on Digital Signal Processing Applications, pages 77–80, QUT, Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 1997.
[43] M. H. Kahaei, M. Deriche, and B. Boashash. Polynomial order reducing property of lattice filters in detection of linear FM signals. In Int. Conf. on Inform., Commun. & Signal Processing, pages 1382–1385, Singapore, Sep. 1997.
[44] M. H. Kahaei and M. Deriche. Adaptive lattice filters for impulsive interference suppression in DS spread spectrum systems. In Workshop on Signal Processing Applications, pages 159–162, Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 1997.
[45] M. H. Kahaei, B. Boashash, M. Deriche, and B. Senadji. Modeling EEG signals using alpha-stable processes. In IEEE Int. Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and CommunicationSystems , pages 812–816, Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 1998.
[46] M. H. Kahaei, B. Boashash, M. Deriche, and B. Senadji. Modeling EEG signals using alpha-stable processes. Technical report, Signal Processing Research Centre, QUT, Brisbane, Australia, Jun. 1998.
[47] M. H. Kahaei, B. Boashash, and M. Deriche. Performance analysis of normalized least mean P-norm lattice algorithm for alpha-stable processes. In 5th Int. Symp. on Signal Processingand its Applications , pages 387–390, Brisbane, Australia, Aug. 1999.
[48] M. H. Kahaei. Active noise control systems in telephone kiosks, part 1: fundamentals and algorithms. Technical report, SSM lab., School of Elect. Eng., Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 2000.
[49] M. H. Kahaei. Active control of fan noise, part 1: system identification. Technical report, SSM lab., School of Elect. Eng., Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2000.
[50] M. H. Kahaei and M. R. Moniri Hamedani. Convergence speed analysis of the sign algorithm in Gamma filters. In 9th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 39(1–8),(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2001.
[51] M. H. Kahaei and S. Ghofrani. Extension of normalized-LMS algorithm for Hammerstein nonlinear filters. In 9th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 40(1–7), (in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2001.
[52] M. H. Kahaei. Active noise control systems in telephone kiosks, part 2: applications, simulations and implementation in a small enclosure. Technical report, SSM lab., School of Elect. Eng., Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 2001.
[53] M. H. Kahaei, M. E. Sadeghi, and J. Poshtan. Simulation and implementation of a single channel active noise canceller in enclosure. In 6th Int. Mech. Eng. Conf.(in Persian), pages 630–637, Tehran, Iran, May 2002.
[54] M. H. Kahaei, S. Hossein-zadeh, and J. Poshtan. A new algorithm for secondary-path modeling using adaptive notch filters. In Int. Conf. on Intelligent Syst. and Cont., pages 115–119, Tsukuba, Japan, Oct. 2002.
[55] J. Poshtan, A. Mirbagheri, and M. H. Kahaei. Comparison of linear and nonlinear filtering ANC. In Int. Conf. on Intelligent Syst. and Cont., pages 101–104, Tsukuba, Japan, Oct. 2002.
[56] J. Poshtan, A. Mirbagheri, and M. H. Kahaei. Modeling of acoustic path in ANC. In Int.Conf. on Intelligent Syst. and Cont. , pages 105–109, Tsukuba, Japan, Oct. 2002.
[57] A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, and M. H. Kahaei. Optimal placement of loudspeakers and microphones in an enclosure using Genetic algorithm. In IEEE Conf., Cont. Applications, pages 135–139, Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 2003.
[58] J. Poshtan, F. Taringoo, A. R. Nasiri, and M. H. Kahaei. Multichannel active noise control algorithm using align matrix. In IEEE Conf., Cont. Applications, pages 435–438, Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 2003.
[59] J. Poshtan, S. Sadeghi, and M. H. Kahaei. An investigation on the effect of acoustic feedback in a single-channel active noise control system. In IEEE Conf., Cont. Applications, pages 430–434, Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 2003.
[60] M. H. Kahaei and M. Torbatian. Design method of adaptive nonlinear Lattice-Hammerstein filters. In 11th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 202–209, (in Persian), Shiraz, Iran, May 2003.
[61] J. Poshtan, A. Montazeri, and M. H. Kahaei. Acoustical analysis of an experimental enclosure for optimal placement of microphones and loudspeakers using Genetic algorithm. In 11th Int.Elec. Eng. Conf. , pages 166–174, (in Persian), Shiraz, Iran, May 2003.
[62] M. Shahmohammadi and M. H. Kahaei. A new dual-mode approach to blind equalization of QAM signals. In 8th IEEE Int. Symp. on Comp. & and Commu., Ankara, Turkey, Jul. 2003.
[63] M. H. Kahaei, F. Taringoo, A. R. Nasiri, and J. Poshtan. Analysis of out-of-band overshoots in multi-tone narrowband active noise control systems. In 7th Int. Mech. Eng. Conf. of Iran, pages 477–482, Mashhad, Iran, May 2003.
[64] M. Torbatian, M. H. Kahaei, and J. Poshtan. Bearing fault detection using Morlet wavelets. In 18th Int. Power System Conf., pages 11–17, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2003.
[65] M. Torbatian, M. H. Kahaei, and J. Poshtan. Bearing fault detection using level-dependent noise reduction technique. In IEEE eth Int. Symp. on Signal Processing & Info. Tech., Darmstadt, Germany.
[66] M. H. Kahaei, A.R. Nasiri, F. Taringoo, and J. Poshtan. Overshoot reduction in multitone narrowband ANC systems. In IEEE 3th Int. Symp. on Signal Processing & Info. Tech., Darmstadt, Germany, Dec. 2003.
[67] J. Poshtan and M. H. Kahaei. An investigation on fault detection techniques in electromechanical systems - Part 2: Model based. Technical report, SSM lab., School of Elect. Eng., Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2003.
[68] M. E. Sadeghi, M. H. Kahaei, and J. Poshtan. Active cancellation of sinusoidal noise in enclosures using a 1*2*2 FXLMS algorithm. In 1th Conf. on Mechatronics, pages 167–172, Ghazvin, Iran, May 2003.
[69] M. Moradkhani, M. H. Kahaei, and M. Khalaj Amir-Hosseini. Introduction to new cross-coupled Filtered-U LMS algorithm in active noise control systems. In 1th Conf. on Mecha-tronics , pages 158–166, (in Persian), Ghazvin, Iran, May 2003.
[70] A. Nasiri, J. Poshtan, and M. H. Kahaei. A survey on model-based fault detection methods in dynomic systems. In 1th Conf. on Mechatronics, pages 275–283, (in Persian), Ghazvin, Iran, May 2003.
[71] M. Torbatian, M. H. Kahaei, and J. Poshtan. Performance evaluation of adaptive noise cancellers for on-line bearing damage detection. In 1th Conf. on Mechatronics, pages 284–288, Ghazvin, Iran, May 2003.8
[72] M. Mirkamali and M. H. Kahaei. An Adaptive Nulling System with a Look-Direction constraint in the presence of jammers. In 12th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 65–70, (in Persian), Mashhad, Iran, May 2004.
[73] M. Torbatian, M. H. Kahaei, and J. Poshtan. Bearing fault detection using wavelet packets associated with Meyer filters. In 12th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 478–483, (in Persian), Mashhad, Iran, May 2004.
[74] F. Taringoo, J. Poshtan, and M. H. Kahaei. Effort constraint in active noise control algorithms. In 12th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 55–59, Mashhad, Iran, May 2004.
[75] A. Nasiri, J. Poshtan, M. H. Kahaei, and F. Taringoo. Wavelet packet decomposition as a proper method for fault detection in three phase induction motor. In Int. Conf. on Mecha-tronics , Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 2004.
[76] A. Nasiri, J. Poshtan, M. H. Kahaei, and F. Taringoo. A new scheme in model-based fault detection in three-phase induction motors. In Int. Conf. on Mechatronics, Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 2004.
[77] M. H. Kahaei, M. Eghtedari, and J. Poshtan. Adaptive Hammerstein filters for nonlinear and nonminimum-phase active noise control. In IEEE 4th Int. Symp. on Signal Processing & Info.Tech. , pages 60–63, Rome-Italy, Dec. 2004.
[78] M. H. Kahaei, A. Baharlouei, M. Eghtedari, and M. Torbatian. Analysis of lattice- Hammerstein nonlinear filters. In IEEE 4th Int. Symp. on Signal Processing & Info. Tech., pages 513–516, Rome-Italy, Dec. 2004.
[79] M. H. Kahaei and S. M. Majedi. Adaptation analysis of tri-Level quantized regressor algorithm. In 2nd IEEE GGC, Bahrain, Nov. 2004.
[80] M. H. Kahaei, M. Torbatian, and J. Poshtan. Fault detection of bearings using Haar wavelets. In 2nd IEEE GGC, Bahrain, Nov. 2004.
[81] S. Ardestani Khoubrouy and M. H. Kahaei. Performance of hierarchical-LMS-Hammerstein filters. In 2nd IEEE GGC, Bahrain, Nov. 2004.
[82] M. Moradkhani, M. H. Kahaei, and J. Poshtan. Investigation on Quiet Zones in 1*1*2 & 1*2*4 ANC systems in an laboratory enclosure. In 8th Int. Mech. Eng. Conf.(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2004.
[83] F. Taringoo, J. Poshtan, and M. H. Kahaei. Analysis of nonlinear FXLMS algorithm in ANC systems. In 8th Int. Mech. Eng. Conf., Tehran, Iran, May 2004.
[84] H. Khaleghei Bizaki and M. H. Kahaei. BER reduction in asynchronous DS-CDMA using blind VSLMS algorithm. In WOCN2005, Dubai, Mar. 2005.
[85] M. E. Sadeghi, M. H. Kahaei, and J. Poshtan. Simulation of a 1*2*2 active noise control system using secondary-path estimation. In 13th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Zanjan, Iran, May 2005.
[86] J. Zarei, J. Poshtan, and M. H. Kahaei. Fault detection of induction motor bearings by analysis of stator current using wavelet packet. In 13th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Zanjan, Iran, May 2005.
[87] M. Atashbar, M. H. Kahaei, and B. Abolhasani. The design of a non-coherent QAM receiver using noisy ICA. In 13th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Zanjan, Iran, May 2005.
[88] M. Atashbar, S. Mehdizadeh, and M. H. Kahaei. Speakers’ direction-of-arrival finding for distance learning applications. In IST2005, pages 805–810, Shiraz, Sep. 2005.
[89] S. M. Sajjadi and M. H. Kahaei. A two-stage MOE-subspace multiuser detector for MC-CDMA . In IST2005, pages 691–695, Shiraz, Sep. 2005.
[90] B. Abolhassani, S. Ghavami, and M. H. Kahaei. Effects of transmitter nonlinearity on the performance of decorrelating and MMSE detectors in CDMA cellular networks. In IST2005, pages 585–589, Shiraz, Sep. 2005.
[91] A. Montazeri, M. H. Kahaei, and J. Poshtan. A new stable adaptive IIR filter for active noise control systems. In USIPCO2005, Turkey, Sep. 2005.
[92] M. Eghtedari, M. H. Kahaei, and J. Poshtan. Nonlinear active noise control with lattice- Hammerstein structure. In 10th Int. Mech. Eng. Conf., Isfahan, Iran, May 2006.
[93] P. Mowlaee, M. H. Kahaei, and B. Aboulhasani. An introduction to VSPNLMS algorithm for identification of sparse impulse response. In 11th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran, Jan. 2006.
[94] P. Mowlaee and M. H. Kahaei. New adaptive SVS-PNLMS algorithm for speech signal echo cancellation and colored noise. In 14th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Tehran, Iran, May 2006.
[95] M. Mashreghi, M. H. Kahaei, and B. Aboulhasani. An introduction to new adaptive VS-NSAF algorithm. In 14th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., Tehran, Iran, May 2006.
[96] M. H. Kahaei, M. Eghtedari, and J. Poshtan. Analysis of coefficients boundaries of nonlinear Lattice-Hammerstein filters. In ICTTA2006, Syria, Mar. 2006.
[97] M. Atashbar and M. H. Kahaei. Multi-speakers direction-of-arrival finding using ICA. In ICTTA2006 , Syria, Mar. 2006.
[98] M. Hassanpour and M. H. Kahaei. Adaptive tracking of speaker’s direction using two microphones. In ICTTA2006, Syria, Mar. 2006.
[99] P. Mowlaee Begzade Mahale and M. H. Kahaei. Convergence and tracking behavior of the new SPVS-NLMS algorithm. In ICTTA2006, Syria, Mar. 2006.
[100] M. Hassanpour and M. H. Kahaei. Adaptive DOA tracking using microphone arrays. In 9thInt. Symp. on Signal Processing and its Applications , Feb. 2007.
[101] M. Shaghaghi and M. H. Kahaei. Resonance-based bearing fault diagnosis using wavelet packet decomposition. In 9th Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and its Applications, Sharjeh, UAE, Feb. 2007.
[102] P. Mowlaee Begzade Mahale and M. H. Kahaei. New robust adaptive CRLS-GSC algorithm for DOA mismatch in microphone arrays. In 9th Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and itsApplications , Sharjeh, UAE, Feb. 2007.
[103] P. Mowlaee Begzade Mahale and M. H. Kahaei. New robust CRLS-GSC algorithm for noise reduction application in microphone arrays. In 3rd Int. Conf. on Modeling, Simulation, &Applied Optimization , Abu Dhabi, UAE, Mar. 2007.
[104] M. R. Zoghi and M. H. Kahaei. Target tracking in collaborative sensor networks using a decentralized leader-based scheme. In 9th Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and its Applications, Sharjeh, UAE, Feb. 2007.10
[105] M. R. Zoghi and M. H. Kahaei. Decentralized target tracking in collaborative sensor networks based on sensor selection. In 12th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2007.
[106] P. Mowlaee Begzade Mahale and M. H. Kahaei. Improving the noise reduction performance using AEC-GSC for reverberant environments. In 12th Int. CSI Computer Conf., Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2007.
[107] M. Atashbar F. Noormohammadi and M. H. Kahaei. A novel adaptive EEVSLMS algorithm. In 3nd IEEE GGC, Bahrain, Nov. 2007.
[108] M. Azarbadegan and M. H. Kahaei. Adaptive channel equalization using NMVSS-LMS algorithm. In 15th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 342–347,(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2007.
[109] S. S. Fadaei and M. H. Kahaei. Improvement of convergence rate of an on-line gradient algorithm in blind source separation of speech signals. In 15th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 171–176,(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2007.
[110] M. Rahmani and M. H. Kahaei. New adaptive normalized sub-band algorithm with variable step-size parameter. In 15th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 429–433,(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2007.
[111] M. Hasan-pour and M. H. Kahaei. Tracking of maneuvering mono-static radars using unbiased coordinates transformation. In 15th Int. Elec. Eng. Conf., pages 89–93,(in Persian), Tehran, Iran, May 2007.
[112] M. Mahdikhani and M. H. Kahaei. Short-Time Fourier transform and its inverse transform with nonlinear sampling. In 16th Int. CSI Computer Conf. , pages 467–471, Tehran, Iran(in Persian), Feb. 2011.
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