"Dr. Mir Saman Pishvaee "
Department of systems and supply chain engineering
School of Industrial Engineering
Email : pishvaeeATiust.ac.ir - ms-pishvaeeATaut.ac.ir
Tel: +98 21 73225016
ORCID: 0000-0001-6389-6308
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Education and Important Achievements
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran, 2012.
- Ph.D. research area: Sustainable supply chain management.
- Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Polytechnic), 2008.
- M.Sc. research area: Closed-loop supply chain management.
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Polytechnic), 2006.
Prizes and achievements
- Among the Top 1 percent researchers (Engineering area) in 2017 and 2018 based on ISI-ESI report.
- The best PhD student award from University of Tehran (UT), 2011.
- The best researcher of Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2017.
- Publishing 6 “WOS highly cited paper” till 2018.
Employment and practical projects
- Manager of strategic planning and performance assessment department, Tehran municipal cultural organization (2007-2008).
- Manager of strategic and operational planning department, Iran Ministry of Health and Medical Education (2010-2011).
- Strategy and management consultant, Iran Social Security Fund, (2011).
- Product development strategy consultant, Industrial Management Institute (IMI), 2012.
- Faculty member (assistant Prof.), Department of School of Industrial Engineering, Iran university of Science and Technology (from March 2013 by now)
- Deputy of socio-cultural affairs, School of Industrial Engineering, Iran university of Science and Technology (from Sep. 2013 by now).
Research and practical projects:
- The reengineering and strategic change project of Nuclear Medicine Center of ShariatiHospital, Master analyst, 2009.
- The design of AVAPESHK (Medical Device Manufacturer Company) company distribution system, Project manager, 2010.
- The Strategic planning project of AVAPESHK (Medical Device Manufacturer Company), Project manager, 2010.
- The Strategic planning project ofElm-Gostaran-Alavi charity organization, Project manager, 2011.
- Industrial Management Institute Consultants Network project (shams.imi.ir), Main manager, 2012.
- The Strategic planning and business model design project of DANA (A large venture capital), Project manager, 2013.
- The analysis of digital life style and its future planning according to Islamic-Iranian life style approach, The Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, Manager, 2014.
- The process re-engineering of Khatam-Al-Osiyah (PBUH) Foundation, 2016.
- The Process recognition and improvement project for Tehran Municipality, 2016-2017.
- The strategic planning, business model design and logistics network planning for Tashkhis networked Lab., 2018
Teaching Experiences
• Supply chain and logistics management:
- Introduction to supply chain management
- Supply and procurement management
- International logistics
- Reverse logistics management
• System analysis, design and optimization:
- Robust optimization
- System analysis
- System dynamics
- Quantitative methods in Industrial Engineering
- Operations research in healthcare
• Innovation management:
- Innovation theories, models, processes and policies
- Open innovation
- Crowdsourcing
• Strategic management:
- Introduction to strategic management
- Corporate strategy
- Strategy implementation and change management
Selected Written Works (Journal Papers)
- Aghababaei, B., Pishvaee, M. S., & Barzinpour, F. (2019). A two-stage fuzzy optimization model for scarce drugs supply and ration planning under uncertainty: A case study. Applied Soft Computing, 105514.
- Ashtineh, H., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2019). Alternative Fuel Vehicle-Routing Problem: A life cycle analysis of transportation fuels. Journal of Cleaner Production, 219: 166-182.
- Ghazanfari, M., Mohammadi, H., Pishvaee, M. S., & Teimoury, E. (2019). Fresh-Product Trade Management Under Government-Backed Incentives: A Case Study of Fresh Flower Market. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (In Press).
- Babazadeh, R., Ghaderi, H., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2019). A benders-local branching algorithm for second-generation biodiesel supply chain network design under epistemic uncertainty. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 124, 364-380.
- Mohammadian-Behbahani, Z., Jabbarzadeh, A., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2019). A robust optimisation model for sustainable blood supply chain network design under uncertainty. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 31(4), 475-494.
- Fazli-Khalaf M., Chaharsooghi S.K., Pishvaee M.S., (2019). A new robust possibilistic programming model for reliable supply chain network design: A case study of lead-acid battery supply chain. RAIRO Operations Research (In Press).
- Ahmadvand, S., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2019). An efficient method for kidney allocation problem: a credibility-based fuzzy common weights data envelopment analysis approach. Health care management science, 21(4), 587-603.
- Ghaderi H., Gitinavard H., Pishvaee M.S., (2019). A system dynamics approach to analyzing bioethanol and biodiesel supply chains: Increasing bioethanol and biodiesel market shares in the United States. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (In Press).
- Mohamadi, A., Yaghoubi, S., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2019). Fuzzy multi-objective stochastic programming model for disaster relief logistics considering telecommunication infrastructures: a case study. Operational Research, 19(1), 59-99.
- Mohammadi, H., Ghazanfari, M., Pishvaee, M. S., & Teimoury, E. (2019). Fresh-product supply chain coordination and waste reduction using a revenue-and-preservation-technology-investment-sharing contract: A real-life case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, 262-282.
- Ghaderi, H., Babazadeh, R., Moini, A., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2019). Efficiency assessment of switchgrass cultivation areas using sustainable indicators under epistemic uncertainty. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 157, 12-22.
- Ahmadi, A., Pishvaee, M. S., & Heydari, M. (2019). How group purchasing Organisations influence healthcare-product supply chains? An analytical approach. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70 (2), 280-293.
- Sabouhi, F., Pishvaee, M. S., & Jabalameli, M. S. (2018). Resilient supply chain design under operational and disruption risks considering quantity discount: A case study of pharmaceutical supply chain. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 126, 657-672.
- Beiranvand, H., Ghazanfari, M., Sahebi, H., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). A robust crude oil supply chain design under uncertain demand and market price: A case study. Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles, 73(66): 1-14.
- Gitinavard, H., Ghaderi, H., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). Green supplier evaluation in manufacturing systems: a novel interval-valued hesitant fuzzy group outranking approach. Soft Computing, 22(19): 6441–6460.
- Dehghani E., Pishvaee M.S., Jabalameli M.S., (2018). A hybrid Markov process-mathematical programming approach for joint location-inventory problem under supply disruptions. RAIRO Operations Research, 52 (4), 1147-1173.
- Peykani P., Mohammadi E., Pishvaee M.S., Rostamy-Malkhalifeh M., Jabbarzadeh A., (2018). A novel fuzzy data envelopment analysis based on robust possibilistic programming: possibility, necessity and credibility-based approaches. RAIRO Operations Research, 52 (4), 1445-1463.
- Ghelichi, Z., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). A stochastic programming approach toward optimal design and planning of an integrated green biodiesel supply chain network under uncertainty: A case study. Energy, 156, 661-687.
- Yousefi, A., Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). A Fuzzy Optimization Approach to Integration of Physical and Financial Flows in a Global Supply Chain Under Exchange Rate Uncertainty. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1-25.
- Mirhashemi M.S., Mohseni S., Hasanzadeh M., Pishvaee M.S. (2018). Moringa oleifera biomass-to-biodiesel supply chain design: An opportunity to combat desertification in Iran. Journal of Cleaner Production, 203: 313-327.
- Fazli-Khalaf M., Chaharsooghi S.K., Pishvaee M.S., (2018). A new robust possibilistic programming model for reliable supply chain network design: A case study of lead-acid battery supply chain. Rairo Operations Research (In Press).
- Dehghani E., Pishvaee M.S., Jabalameli M.S., (2018). A hybrid Markov process-mathematical programming approach for joint location-inventory problem under supply disruptions. RAIRO Operations Research (In Press).
- Peykani P., Mohammadi E., Pishvaee M.S., Rostamy-Malkhalifeh M., Jabbarzadeh A., (2018). A novel fuzzy data envelopment analysis based on robust possibilistic programming: possibility, necessity and credibility-based approaches. RAIRO Operations Research (In Press).
- Gitinavard, H., Ghaderi, H., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). Green supplier evaluation in manufacturing systems: a novel interval-valued hesitant fuzzy group outranking approach. Soft Computing, 22(19): 6441–6460.
- Mohammadi H., Ghazanfari M., Teimouri E., Pishvaee M.S., (2018). Optimization of Transactions in the Plant and Flower Organized Market Considering Third-Party Logistics Company under Uncertainty, Modern Researches in Decision Making, 2: 179-205.
- Yousefi, A., Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). The effect of exchange rate fluctuations on financial and physical flow in a global supply chain, Modiriat-e-Farda, 16(53): 313-348.
- Fallah, H., Eskandari, H., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). Network Design for Allied Supply Chains under Uncertain Conditions: A Possibilistic Programming Approach. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20(6), 1857-1871.
- Ghaderi H., Gitinavard H., Pishvaee M.S., (2018). A system dynamics approach to analyzing bioethanol and biodiesel supply chains: Increasing bioethanol and biodiesel market shares in the United States. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (In Press).
- Sharif, N. S., Pishvaee, M. S., Aliahmadi, A., & Jabbarzadeh, A. (2018). A bi-level programming approach to joint network design and pricing problem in the municipal solid waste management system: A case study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 131, 17-40.
- Ahmadi, A., Pishvaee, M. S., & Heydari, M. (2018). How group purchasing Organisations influence healthcare-product supply chains? An analytical approach. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-14.
- Mousazadeh, M., Torabi, S. A., Pishvaee, M. S., & Abolhassani, F. (2018). Accessible, stable, and equitable health service network redesign: A robust mixed possibilistic-flexible approach. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 111, 113-129.
- Zarrinpoor, N., Fallahnezhad, M. S., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). The design of a reliable and robust hierarchical health service network using an accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm. European Journal of Operational Research, 265(3), 1013-1032.
- Dehghani, E., Jabalameli, M. S., Jabbarzadeh, A., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). Resilient solar photovoltaic supply chain network design under business-as-usual and hazard uncertainties. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 111, 288-310.
- Ghelichi, Z., Tajik, J., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). A novel robust optimization approach for an integrated municipal water distribution system design under uncertainty: A case study of Mashhad. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 110, 13-34.
- Bairamzadeh, S., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). Modelling different types of uncertainty in biofuel supply network design and planning: A robust optimization approach. Renewable Energy, 116, 500-517.
- Ghaderi, H., Moini, A., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). A multi-objective robust possibilistic programming approach to sustainable switchgrass-based bioethanol supply chain network design. Journal of Cleaner Production, 179: 368-406.
- Ahmad Alinejad, E., Pishvaee, M. S., & Bonyadi Naeini, A. (2018). Key success factors for logistics provider enterprises: an empirical investigation in Iran. Kybernetes, 47(3): 426-440.
- Yari M., Pishvaee M.S., Jabbarzadeh A. (2018). Competitive Supply Chain Design Considering Supply Disruption: A Case of the Decorative Stones Supply Chain. Journal of Industrial Management Studies, 16: 31-53.
- Moeini A., Pishvaee M. S., & Dezfuli M. (2018). Study of cultural and social indicators of universities and higher education institutions of the Islamic republic of Iran based on the upstream documents of the country by the combination of BSC and KPI method and their ranking using AHP technique. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 34, 575-581.
- Salamat, V., Aliahmadi, A., Pishvaee, M.S., & Hafeez, K. (2018). A robust fuzzy possibilistic AHP approach for partner selection in international strategic alliance. Decision Science Letters, 7(4), 481-502.
- Khanjarpanah, H., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). A fuzzy robust programming approach to multi-objective portfolio optimisation problem under uncertainty. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 12(1), 45-65.
- Issabakhsh, M., Hosseini-Motlagh, S. M., Pishvaee, M. S., & Saghafi Nia, M. (2018). A Vehicle Routing Problem for Modeling Home Healthcare: a Case Study. International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 5(3), 211-228.
- Eshtehadi, R., Fathian, M., Pishvaee, M. S., & Demir, E. (2018). A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the robust pollution-routing problem. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 11(1), 0-0.
- Dehghani, E., Jabalameli, M. S., Pishvaee, M. S., & Jabarzadeh, A. (2018). Integrating information of the efficient and anti-efficient frontiers in DEA analysis to assess location of solar plants: A case study in Iran. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 11(1), 0-0.
- Abbasi, M., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). A two-stage GIS-based optimization model for the dry port location problem: A case study of Iran. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 11(1), 0-0.
- Mousazadeh, M., Torabi, S. A., Pishvaee, M. S., & Abolhassani, F. (2018). Health service network design: a robust possibilistic approach. International Transactions in Operational Research, 25(1), 337-373.
- Ahmadvand, S., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2017). An efficient method for kidney allocation problem: a credibility-based fuzzy common weights data envelopment analysis approach. Health care management science, 1-17.
- Gitinavard, H., Ghaderi, H., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2017). Green supplier evaluation in manufacturing systems: a novel interval-valued hesitant fuzzy group outranking approach. Soft Computing, 1-20.
- Khanjarpanah, H., Pishvaee, M. S., & Seyedhosseini, S. M. (2017). A risk averse cross-efficiency data envelopment analysis model for sustainable switchgrass cultivation location optimization. Industrial Crops and Products, 109, 514-522.
- Fazli-Khalaf, M., Mirzazadeh, A., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2017). A robust fuzzy stochastic programming model for the design of a reliable green closed-loop supply chain network. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 23(8), 2119-2149.
- Shoaraye-Nejati, M., Jabalameli, M. S., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2017). A joint pricing-network design model for a resilient closed-loop supply chain under quantity discount. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 10(4), 177-195.
- Yousefi, S., Soltani, R., Saen, R. F., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2017). A robust fuzzy possibilistic programming for a new network GP-DEA model to evaluate sustainable supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, 537-549.
- Rastaghi, M. M., Barzinpour, F., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2017). A multi-objective hierarchical location-allocation model for the healthcare network design considering a referral system. International Journal of Engineering-Transactions B: Applications, 31(2), 365.
- Khanjarpanah, h., Pishvaee M.S., Jabbarzadeh A. (2017). Optimizing a flexible constrained portfolio in stock exchange with fuzzy programming. JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH AND ITS APPLICATIONS, (2017): 39-54.
- Gitinavard, H., Pishvaee, M. S., & Jalalvand, F. (2017). A hierarchical multi-criteria group decision-making method based on TOPSIS and hesitant fuzzy information. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 10(3), 213-232.
- Naderi M.J., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). A stochastic programming approach to integrated water supply and wastewater collection network design problem, Computers & Chemical Engineering 104, 107-127.
- Grivani A., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). Honey global supply chain network design using fuzzy optimization approach, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 10 (3), 0-0.
- Naderi M.J., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). Robust bi-objective macroscopic municipal water supply network redesign and rehabilitation, Water Resources Management, In Press.
- Salamat V.R., Aliahmadi A., Pishvaee M.S., Hafeez K., (2017). Assessing Partnership Alternatives in an IT Network Employing Analytical Methods, Scientific Programming, In Press.
- Zarrinpour N., Fallahnejad M.S., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). Design of a reliable hierarchical location-allocation model under disruptions for health service networks: A two-stage robust approach, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 109: 130-150.
- Ahmadi A., Pishvaee M.S., Akbari Jokar M.R., (2017). A survey on multi-floor facility layout problems, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 107: 158-170.
- Zahiri B., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). Blood supply chain network design considering blood group compatibility under uncertainty, International Journal of Production Research 55 (7), 2013-2033.
- Babazadeh R., Razmi J., Pishvaee M.S., Rabbani M., (2017). A sustainable second-generation biodiesel supply chain network design problem under risk, Omega, 66: 258-277.
- Babazadeh R., Razmi J., Rabbani M., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). An integrated data envelopment analysis–mathematical programming approach to strategic biodiesel supply chain network design problem, Journal of Cleaner Production, 147: 694-707.
- Zarindast A., Seyed Hosseini S.M., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). A robust multi-objective global supplier selection model under currency fluctuation and price discount, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 13(2). 161–169.
- Zarrinpoor, N., Fallahnezhad, M.S., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). Design of a Reliable Facility Location Model for Health Service Networks, International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, 30(1): 75-84.
- Zarrinpoor, N., Fallahnezhad, M.S., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). Reliable location-allocation model for congested systems under disruptions using accelerated Benders’ decomposition. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 9, special issue on location allocation and hub modeling, pp 100-117.
- Zarrinpoor, N., Fallahnezhad, M.S., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). The reliable hierarchical location-allocation model under heterogeneous probabilistic disruptions, International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, 29(10): 1401-1411.
- Mohseni S., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). A robust programming approach towards design and optimization of microalgae-based biofuel supply chain, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 100: 58-71.
- Ghaderi H., Pishvaee M.S., Moini A., (2016). Biomass supply chain network design: An optimization-oriented review and analysis, Industrial Crops and Products, 94: 972-1000.
- Mohseni S., Pishvaee M.S., Sahebi H., (2016). Robust design and planning of microalgae biomass-to-biodiesel supply chain: A case study in Iran, Energy, 111: 736-755.
- Babazadeh R., Razmi J., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). Sustainable cultivation location optimization of the Jatropha curcas L. under uncertainty: A unified fuzzy data envelopment analysis approach. Measurement, 89: 252-260.
- Boukani F.H., Moghadam B.F., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). Robust optimization approach to capacitated single and multiple allocation hub location problems, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 35(1): 45-60.
- Talaei M., Farhang Moghaddam B., Pishvaee M.S., Bozorgi-Amiri A., Gholamnejad S., (2016). A robust fuzzy optimization model for carbon-efficient closed-loop supply chain network design problem: a numerical illustration in electronics industry, Journal of Cleaner Production, 113: 662-673.
- Ghafarimoghadam A., Karimi A., Mousazadeh M., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). A robust optimization model for remanufacturing network design problem with one-way substitution, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 24(4): 484-503.
- Daghigh R., Jabalameli M.S., Bozorgi Amiri A., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). A multi-objective location-inventory model for 3PL providers with sustainable considerations under uncertainty, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 7(4): 615-634.
- Mousazadeh M., Torabi S.A., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). Health service network design under epistemic uncertainty (Book Chapter) in Fuzzy Logic in its 50th Year, 257-281.
- Naderi M.J., Pishvaee M.S., Torabi S.A., (2016). Applications of fuzzy mathematical programming approaches in supply chain planning problems (Book Chapters) in Fuzzy Logic in its 50th Year, 369-402.
- Jabbarzadeh A., Pishvaee M.S., Papi A., (2016). A multi-period fuzzy mathematical programming model for crude oil supply chain network design considering budget and equipment limitations. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 9: 88-107.
- Kohneh J.N., Teymoury E., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). Blood products supply chain design considering disaster circumstances (Case study: earthquake disaster in Tehran). Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 9: 51-72.
- Pishvaee M.S., Fazli Khalaf M., (2016). Novel robust fuzzy mathematical programming methods, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40: 407-418.
- Bairamzadeh S., Pishvaee M.S., Saidi-Mehrabad M., (2016). Multi-objective Robust Possibilistic Programming Approach to Sustainable Bioethanol Supply Chain Design under Multiple Uncertainties, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 55: 237-256.
- Fallah H., Eskandari H., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). Competitive closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 37: 649-661.
- Pishvaee M.S., Ahsanizadeh S., (2016). Selecting appropriate finance method for innovations in Jahadi Management approach, Journal of Modiriat-e-Farda, 14(45): 3-18.
Ahmadvand S., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). A two stage multi-organ allocation model for Iranian organ transplant supply chain network, Journal of Modiriat-e-Farda, 14(44): 25-40.
- Kalantari M., Pishvaee M.S., Yaghoubi S., (2016). A multi-objective optimization model integrating financial and material flow in supply chain master planning, Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 19: 139-167.
- Babazadeh R., Razmi J., Pishvaee M.S., Rabbani M., (2015). A non-radial DEA model for location optimization of Jatropha curcas L. cultivation, Industrial Crops and Products, 2: 624-632.
- Mohammadi A., Yaghoubi S., Nahofti Kohne J., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). Location problem of shelters and telecom-relief centers considering uncertainty in the disaster time: A Case Study of flood disaster in region #3 of Tehran, Journal of Industrial Management, 7(1): 125-149.
- Fazli-Khalaf M., Chaharsooghi S.K., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). A reliable closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty: A case study of a lead-acid battery manufacturer, Journal of Modeling in Engineering, 12(39): 45-60.
- Saffari H., Makui A., Mahmoodian V., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). Multi-objective robust optimization model for social responsible closed-loop supply chain solved by non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 8(3):42-59.
- Kalantari M., Hayati Z., Shahmoradi-Moghaddam H., Pishvaee M.S., (2014). The analysis of implementing the objectification of subsidy plan on drug supply chain: A system dynamics approach, Journal of Modiriat-e-Farda, 13(41): 19-34.
- Lari A.R., Mehrkar J., Pishvaee M.S., (2014). Assessing the remedy policies of “Urmia Lake” basin crises by a system dynamics approach, Journal of Modiriat-e-Farda, 13(40): 37-62.
- Zahiri B., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam R., Pishvaee M.S., (2014). A robust possibilistic programming approach to multi-period location-allocation of organ transplant centers under uncertainty, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 74: 139–148.
- Pishvaee M.S., Razmi J., Torabi S.A., (2014). An accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm for sustainable supply chain network design under uncertainty: A case study of medical needle and syringe supply chain, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 67: 14-38.
- Babazadeh R., Jolai F., Razmi J., Pishvaee M.S., (2014).Developing a robust programming approach for the responsive logistics network design under uncertainty,International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 21(1): 1-17.
- Manzour H., Torabi S.A., Pishvaee M.S., (2013). New heuristic methods for the single-source capacitated multi facility Weber problem. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 69: 1569-1579.
- Razmi J., Amini A., Pishvaee M.S., (2013). A new mixed-integer programming model for joint inventory-transportation problem in a social responsible supply chain, International Journal of Services and Operations Management.
- Pishvaee M.S., RazmiJ., Torabi S.A., (2012). Robust possibilistic programming for socially responsible supply chain network design: A new approach, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 206: 1-20.
- Pishvaee M.S., Torabi S.A., Razmi J., (2012). Credibility-based fuzzy mathematical programming model for green logistics design under uncertainty, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 62: 624-632.
- Pishvaee M.S., Razmi J., (2012). Environmental supply chain network design using multi-objective fuzzy mathematical programming, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36: 3433-3446.
- Pishvaee M.S., Rabbani M., (2011). Agraph theoretic-based heuristic algorithm for responsive supply chain network designwith direct and indirect shipment, Advances in Engineering Software, 42: 57-63.
- Pishvaee M.S., Rabbani M., Torabi S.A., (2011). A robust optimization approach to closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35: 637-649.
- Babazadeh R., Razmi J., Pishvaee M.S., (2011). Robust Facility Location in Supply Chain Network Design under Risk, International Journal of Mechanic Systems Engineering.
- Razmi J., Seifoory M., Pishvaee M.S., (2011). A Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making Model for Selecting the Best Supply Chain Strategy: Lean, Agile or Leagile, Journal of Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran, Special Issue, PP. 127-142.
- Pishvaee M.S., Torabi S.A., (2010). A possibilistic programming approach for closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 161: 2668–2683.
- Pishvaee M.S., Farahani R.Z., Dullaert W., (2010). A memetic algorithm for bi-objective integrated forward/reverse logistics network design, Computers & Operations research, 37: 1100-1112.
- Pishvaee M.S., Kianfar K., Karimi B., (2010). Reverse logistics network design using simulated annealing, Int. J. of advanced manufacturing technology,47:269–281.
- Pishvaee M.S., Jolai F., Razmi J., (2009). A stochastic optimization approach to integrated forward/reverse logistics network design, Journal of manufacturing systems, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 28: 107-114.
- Pishvaee M.S., Fathi M., Jolai F., (2008). A fuzzy clustering-based method for scenario analysis in strategic planning: The case of an Asian pharmaceutical company. South African Journal of Business Management, 39: 15-25.
Conference Attendance
- Mohammadi H., Ghazanfari M., Pishvaee M.S., Teimouri E., (2018). The revenue and preservation-technology investment sharing contract in the fresh-product supply chain: A game-theoretic approach, 14th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.
- Rahmanzadeh S., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). Open supply chain planning a novel mathematical model under demand uncertainty, 47th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Ashtineh H., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). Robust possibilistic programming for pollution-routing problem with flexible time-window constraint, The first International Conference of Systems Optimization and Business Management, Babol, Iran.
- Namakshenas M., Pishvaee M.S., Mahdavi Mazdeh M., (2017). Robustifying against Event-driven and Attribute-driven Uncertainties, 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IIEC 2017), Tehran, Iran.
- Daghigh R., Pishvaee M.S., (2017). Integrated optimization of gas supply chain network design problem and liquefied natural gas contract selection, 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IIEC 2017), Tehran, Iran.
- Moradi M.S., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). Strategic planning of fourth generation biofuel supply chain network, 2th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering (ICISE), Mashhad, Iran.
Ghesmati R., Ghazanfari M., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). A fuzzy-stochastic model for reliable supply chain network design, 12th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.
Davoodizadehjolge L., Barzinpour F., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). Designing green oil motor supply chain with a case study, 12th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.
Ahmadvand S., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). A two stage model for ranking and allocation of kidney and liver to patients using a non-deterministic scoring system, 12th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.
Yari M., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). Decorative stones competitive supply chain, 2th Management Tools and Techniques Conference, Tehran, Iran.
Ahmadvand S., Amanian B., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). A system dynamics model for studying the HIV/AIDS epidemiology and adjusting the prevention policies, The International Conference on New Research in Industry and Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
Naderi M.J., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). A multi-objective optimization model for urban water supply network redesign using augmented epsilon constraint method. International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mashhad, Iran.
Badakhshan E., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). System dynamics modelling of physical and cash flows bull-whip effect within a supply chain and the proposition of mitigation and improvement policies, International Conference on Modern Research in Management, Economics and Accounting (MEA), Istanbul, Turkey.
Karimi A., Pishvaee M.S., Mohammadian Amiri E., (2015). Analyzing the innovation efficiency of Iran compared to other region countries using data envelopment analysis, 5th International Conference on Management of Technology.
Karimi A., Pishvaee M.S., Bonyadi Naeini A., Mohammadian Amiri E., (2015). Studying the commonalities of Iran, KSA and Malaysia national visions according to global innovation index concepts, 5th International Conference on Management of Technology.
- Kalantari M., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). A fuzzy data envelopment analysis based on the size of credit to assess efficiency of deputy of cooperatives, Management Tools and Techniques Conference, Tehran, Iran.
- Lari A., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). A "developed light robust optimization" approach for water distribution network design under uncertainty, 11th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.
- Bonyadi Naeini A., Hemmati M., Pishvaee M.S., (2015). A concept model proposed for the implementation of strategy and assessment performance in the corporate parent level based on BSC, International Conference on Management and Industrial Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Zahiri B., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam R., Pishvaee M.S., (2014). A multi-period location-allocation of organ transplant centers, Tenth International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.
- Shabgard H., Shahmoradi H., Pishvaee M.S., (2014). The selection of best catalyst supplier via analytical hierarchy process: A case study, The First International Conference of Operations Research For Optimal Decision Making in Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, And Refining And Distribution Industries, Tehran, Iran.
- Pishvaee M.S., Razmi J., (2011). Green manufacturing and recovery network design using multi-objective mixed integer programming, 23rd Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM-2011).
- Nazaridoost B., Razmi J., Pishvaee M.S., (2011). A dynamic mathematical model for integrated remanufacturing and manufacturing planning in a group technology system (in Persian), 4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Gilan.
- Mohammadi A.S., Pishvaee M.S., Habibirad A., (2010). Sustainable balanced score card for mining industry (in Persian), 7th International Conference of Strategic Management, Tehran.
- Pishvaee M.S., Jolai F., (2009). A stochastic optimization approach to integrated forward/reverse logistics network design, International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Babolsar, Iran.
- Mir Saman Pishvaee, Hamed Shakouri. A System Dynamics Approach for Capacity Planning and Price Adjustment in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain. EMS 2009 - UKSim 3rd European Modelling Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation, art. no. 5358724, pp. 435-439 (Athens, Greece, 25 – 27 November 2009).
- Rasouli M.R., Pishvaee M.S., (2006).A practical process for strategic management in culture area (in Persian), National Congress of Cultural Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
- Pishvaee M.S., Mousavi A.S., Salsabil M., (2018). Popular economy business models, Al-Ahmad.
- Ahmadvand, S., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). Design and Planning of Organ Transplantation Networks. In Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management (pp. 211-240). Springer, Cham.
- Gholami-Zanjani, S. M., Pishvaee, M. S., & Torabi, S. A. (2018). OR Models for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Management. In Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management (pp. 395-421). Springer, Cham.
- Ahmadi, A., Pishvaee, M. S., & Torabi, S. A. (2018). Procurement Management in Healthcare Systems. In Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management (pp. 569-598). Springer, Cham.
- Ahmadi, A., Mousazadeh, M., Torabi, S. A., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2018). OR Applications in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management. In Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management (pp. 461-491). Springer, Cham.
- Sarmad, M. Y., & Pishvaee, M. S. (2017). Applications of Operations Research in Production and Distribution Management of Pharmaceutical Products. In Handbook of Research on Data Science for Effective Healthcare Practice and Administration (pp. 49-77). IGI Global.
- Daghigh, R., Pishvaee, M. S., & Torabi, S. A. (2017). Sustainable Logistics Network Design Under Uncertainty. In Sustainable Logistics and Transportation (pp. 115-151). Springer, Cham.
- Naderi M.J., Pishvaee M.S., Torabi S.A., (2016). Applications of fuzzy mathematical programming models in supply chain planning problems (Book Chapter: 369-402) in Kahraman C., Kaymak U., Yazici A., (Eds.) Fuzzy Logic in its 50th year.
- Mousazadeh M., Torabi S.A., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). Health service network design under epistemic uncertainty (Book Chapter: 257-281) in Kahraman C., Kaymak U., Yazici A., (Eds.), Fuzzy Logic in its 50th year.
- Pishvaee M.S., Mohammadi A.S., Jalalvand F. (2015). Supply chain strategy, Arkane-danesh (in Persian).
- Pishvaee M.S., Ghafarimoghadam A., (2014). Science and technology parks: Concepts, strategies, models and case studies, Tolide-danesh (in Persian).
- Mousazadeh M., Torabi S.A., Pishvaee M.S., (2016). Health service network design under epistemic uncertainty (Pages: 257-281), in Kahraman C., Kaymak U., Yazici A., Fuzzy logic in its 50th year, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Naderi M., Pishvaee M.S., Torabi S.A., (2016). Applications of fuzzy mathematical programming in supply chain planning problems (Pages: 369-402), in Kahraman C., Kaymak U., Yazici A., Fuzzy logic in its 50th year, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Mousazadeh M., Torabi S.A., Pishvaee M.S., (2014). Green and Reverse Logistics Management Under Fuzziness in Kahraman C., Öztaysi B., (eds.) Supply Chain Management Under Fuzziness, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Keshtkar M., Pishvaee M.S., Mohammadi A.S., (2013). Crowdsourcing: The driver of novel business, Industrial management institute (IMI) (in Persian).
- Razmi J., Pishvaee M.S., (2010). Quantitative models for reverse logistics management, Institute for Trade Studies and Research (in Persian).
- Mir Saman Pishvaee, Hadi Basiri. “National logistics costs” as a book chapter (Chapter 4) in “Supply chain and Logistics in National, International and Governmental Enviroment Concepts and Models ” Springer– (2009) - (Editors: Reza Zanjirani Farahani, Masoud Hekmatfar)
- Masoud Hekmatfar, Mir Saman Pishvaee. “Hub Location” as a book chapter (Chapter 11) in “Facility Location Concepts, Models, Algorithms and Case studies” Springer– (2009)- (Editors: Reza Zanjirani Farahani, NasrinAsgari, HodaDavarzani)
Research areas
- Supply chain management with focus on sustainable and closed-loop supply chains (SCs), SC network design, SC risk management, Supply and procurement management, international logistics, healthcare and energy logistics.
- System analysis, design and optimization with focus on robust optimization, fuzzy mathematical programming, system architecture and engineering, design of large-scale systems, system dynamics.
- Innovation management with focus on open innovation, crowdsourcing, social economy, innovation systems.
- Strategic management with focus on network level strategy, robust strategy.
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