Trust dynamics in collaborative technology development network
Advisor: Dr.Moini, Dr.Teimoury Co- Advisor: Dr. Fesharaki Internal Committee Members: Dr.Fathian , Dr. Saidi External Committee Members: Dr. Charsooghi, Dr. Mohammadi
Abstract: This research has been conducted to investigate trust dynamics in collaborative technology development networks. Through current research the relationships between influencing constructs in trust dynamics including power, risk, dependency, and control are investigated and the simultaneous effects of these constructs on technology development networks are considered via different hypotheses. Based on hypotheses, four models are proposed in which the main ideas of current research are presented. In first model, it has been shown how asymmetries in power bases affect governance mechanisms through relational risk perception. In model two, it has been shown that relational risk perception influences performance through governance mechanism. In model three, it has been shown that governance mechanism influences performance through relational tie strength. Finally, in model four, the moderating roles of trust and interdependence in relationship between power and risk perception are investigated. In order to investigate presented models, a sample including 112 firms involving in new product development has been studied. Structural equation modeling has been used to study hypotheses and models fitting. The results showed that: (1) asymmetries in coercive power bases have positive effect on relational risk perception while asymmetries in non- coercive power bases do not have significant effect on relational risk perception, (2) relational risk perception has a positive effect on unilateral control and negative effect on trust and bilateral control, (3) trust and bilateral control have positive effects on relational tie strength while unilateral control have negative effect on relational tie strength, (4) relational tie strength has a positive effect on performance (shortened NPD cycle time), (5) mediation hypotheses in three first model were supported, (6) moderating role of trust and inter-dependence in relationship between power and risk were supported. Keywords: trust, control, governance, inter-organizational relationships |