First name & Surname: Sina Eshkevardalili
Email Address: S_eshkevar @arch.iust.ac.ir
2010-2014: Bachelor of Urbanism, Kurdestan University: http://www.uok.ac.ir Kurdestan, Iran
Dissertation: Review of theories and urban theorists in the current century (After rationalist theory , 1972).
Supervisor: Dr. K.irandoost (K.irandoost@uok.ac.ir)
2014-2016: Master of Regional Planning,Iran university of science and technology: http://www.iust.ac.ir , Tehran, Iran,
Dissertation: Spatial strategic planning of the Qonurbations with emphasis on the spatial justice., Qazvin of Qonurbation as the case study
Supervisor: Dr. Reza Kheyroddin (Reza_Kheyroddin@iust.ac.ir),
2. Publication
- Eshkevardalili , sina (2015), Strategic planning of water sensitive city.case study: The city of Marivan , 2nd international semener and workshop on new approaches and advanced methodology of research in urbanism and architecter, iust , paydar Publication.
- Eshkevardalili , sina , Taiefe afshari , Mahsa , Soleiman nejad Bari , Amir , (2015), water sensitive city with emphasis on Sustainable urban development .case study: The city of Melborn , The first national conference on sustainable urban development ,sbu .
- Eshkevardalili , sina , Taiyefe afshari , Mahsa , (2015), To evaluate the factors in restoring Lake Urmia in line with sustainable tourism , ICAUC2015.
- Eshkevardalili , sina , Khalili , Morteza (2016), Comparative assessment of strategic analysis approach City Airport to Imam Khomeini airport cities based on future scenarios in other countries , 1st scientific conference on civil , architecture and sustainable Environment ,
3.Software and non-software skills
- Microsoft Office 2013
- Photoshop CS
- Corel Draw 7
- Sketch up
- GIS 10.3