Intelligent Monitoring of Infrastructures Lab- Long-Term monitoring

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Structural health monitoring is an effective tool in predictive maintenance of infrastructure, which is based on results measuring the response of bridge to operational loading patters. Such measurments are carried out with the aim of assessing the dynamic response of the structure, detemrining damage index, and statistical analyses of indices to calculate the the health of the structure. Using such results, it is possible to gain a thorough inside of the performance of the structure and impose careful restrictions on operational regime of the structure. It is possible to enjoy monitoring methods for an efficient and economical meintenance of bridges, since they comprise an important portion of transportation infrastrcutre. We, at the 'intelligent monitroing of infrastructure lab', have been providing such services to various clients, such as Railway Association of Iran, Tehran municipality, and giant construction firms in Iran. 

Since bridges are one the main parts of transportaion infrastructure, it is possible 

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