Volume 24, Issue 2 (2014)                   IJAUP 2014, 24(2) | Back to browse issues page

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Shakibamanesh A. Improving results of urban design research by enhancing advanced semiexperiments in virtual environments . IJAUP 2014; 24 (2)
URL: http://ijaup.iust.ac.ir/article-1-204-en.html
Assistant professor of Urban Design, Department of Urban Planning and Design, School of Architecture and Urban Studies, Tehran Art University, Tehran, Department of Urban Planning and Design, School of Architecture and Urban Studies, Tehran Art University, In front of Shahrak-e- Owj, Imam Reza Boulevard, Azadegan Square, Ayatollah Taleghani Boulevard, Karaj,Iran , shakibamanesh@ut.ac.ir
There is abundant literature regarding virtual reality as a technology of interest in the present age. However, there are few comprehensive studies on strategies that can improve the level of urban design research using this technique. To investigate the issue, this paper first reviews the concept of virtual reality. Next, the opinions of experts in the field of virtual reality technology are summed up and key elements needed to create a virtual reality experience and key operators that establish the actual interaction of users with virtual environments are discussed. The use of Virtual Reality Modeling (VRM) in the urban design process and is also elaborated on. Uses of this technique in urban projects and advantages and limitations of its use in the field are discussed. Finally, the paper attempts to provide practical solutions and strategies to improve the quality of semi experiments developed virtual environment. This can improve the results and findings of research conducted with the technique. Strategies discussed in this article have been mostly derived from practical experience and research in recent years by the author. They can help provide a more robust analysis and reduce the errors made in the virtual environment.
Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Urban Design

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