K. Malekian, J. Milimonfared, B. Majidi. Performance Improvement of Direct Torque Controlled Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives Using Artificial Intelligence . IJEEE 2009; 5 (1) :60-66
Abstract: (11145 Views)
The main theme of this paper is to present novel controller, which is a genetic
based fuzzy Logic controller, for interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drives with
direct torque control. A radial basis function network has been used for online tuning of the
genetic based fuzzy logic controller. Initially different operating conditions are obtained
based on motor dynamics incorporating uncertainties. At each operating condition, a
genetic algorithm is used to optimize fuzzy logic parameters in closed-loop direct torque
control scheme. In other words, the genetic algorithm finds optimum input and output
scaling factors and optimum number of membership functions. This optimization procedure
is utilized to obtain the minimum speed deviation, minimum settling time, zero steady-state
error. The control scheme has been verified by simulation tests with a prototype interior
permanent magnet synchronous motor.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |
Received: 2009/03/16 | Revised: 2009/03/16 | Accepted: 2009/03/16