Volume 17, Issue 4 (December 2021)                   IJEEE 2021, 17(4): 2041-2041 | Back to browse issues page

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Chaabane A, Guerroui M. Printed UWB Rhombus Shaped Antenna for GPR Applications. IJEEE 2021; 17 (4) :2041-2041
URL: http://ijeee.iust.ac.ir/article-1-2041-en.html
Abstract:   (2934 Views)
A new design of a Coplanar Waveguide-Fed (CPW) Ultra Wideband (UWB) Rhombus-shaped antenna for Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) applications is designed and discussed in this work. The antenna has a simple design which is composed by a rhombus-shaped patch and a modified ground plane. The working bandwidth is improved by removing the metal from the upper part of the ground plane surrounding the patch and by introducing a corrugation geometry in the ground plane. The proposed antenna was designed on a low-cost FR4-substrate having a compact size of 0.2721λ0×0.2093λ0×0.0157λ0 at 3.14 GHz. All the simulations were carried out by using the commercially software CST Microwave StudioTM. The simulated results show that the designed antenna covers an UWB extending from 3.14 GHz to 13.82 GHz (125.94%) and indicate excellent radiation performances throughout the operating bandwidth. The measured bandwidth is nearly extending between 3.95 GHz and 13.92 GHz (111.58%). Besides, the antenna bandwidth response was checked in close proximity to a mass of Concrete. The obtained results are satisfactory and assure the efficiency of the designed antenna to work as a GPR antenna.
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  • UWB antennas are needed in GPR systems for the inspection of sub-surfaces if different penetration depths are needed;
  • The impedance bandwidth of an antenna can be enlarged by adjusting and optimizing neatly the shape and the dimensions of the ground plane and of the patch;
  • In a GPR test, placing the studied surface in contact with the antenna signifies that the antenna and the studied surface are considered as the same device;
  • In a GPR test, having a good adaptation in the working band with the device antenna and the studied surface signifies that most of the energy attributed to the antenna are transmitted;
  • An antenna can be a good candidate for GPR applications if it still working with its stated specifications through the studied surface.

Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Antenna
Received: 2020/11/28 | Revised: 2021/02/27 | Accepted: 2021/03/06

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