Volume 21, Issue 1 (March 2025)                   IJEEE 2025, 21(1): 3030-3030 | Back to browse issues page

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Amiri F, Moradi M H. Design of the PD-FOPID Controller Based on Rain Optimization Algorithm to Improve Virtual Inertia Control Performance in Islanded Microgrids. IJEEE 2025; 21 (1) :3030-3030
URL: http://ijeee.iust.ac.ir/article-1-3030-en.html
Abstract:   (418 Views)
Low inertia is one of the most important challenges for frequency maintenance in islanded microgrids. To address this issue, the innovative concept of Virtual Inertia Control (VIC) has emerged as a promising solution for enhancing frequency stability in such systems. This paper presents an advanced controller, the PD-FOPID, as a highly effective technique for improving the efficiency of VIC in islanded microgrids. By leveraging the Rain Optimization Algorithm (ROA), this approach enables precise fine-tuning of the controller's parameters. A key advantage of the proposed method is its inherent resilience to disruptions and uncertainties caused by parameter fluctuations in islanded microgrids. To evaluate its performance and compare it with alternative control methods, extensive assessments were conducted across various scenarios. The comparison includes VIC based on an H-infinity controller (Controller 1), VIC based on an MPC controller (Controller 2), Adaptive VIC (Controller 3), VIC based on an optimized PI controller (Controller 4), conventional VIC (Controller 5), and systems without VIC (Controller 6). The results demonstrate that the proposed methodology significantly outperforms existing approaches in the field of VIC. The simulations were conducted using MATLAB software.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Microgrids
Received: 2023/08/26 | Revised: 2025/02/16 | Accepted: 2025/01/11

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