Arab Khaburi D. A Comparative Study on Predictive and ISVM Direct Torque Control Methods for a Doubly Fed Induction Machine Fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter. IJEEE 2012; 8 (2) :138-145
Abstract: (12709 Views)
This paper presents a comparative study on the Predictive Direct Torque Control
method and the Indirect Space Vector Modulation Direct Torque Control method for a
Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) which its rotor is fed by an Indirect Matrix
Converter (IMC). In Conventional DTC technique, good transient and steady-state
performances are achieved but it presents a non constant switching frequency behavior and
non desirable torque ripples. However, in this paper by using the proposed methods, a fixed
switching frequency is obtained. In this model Doubly-Fed Induction Machine is connected
to the grid by the stator and the rotor is fed by an Indirect Matrix Converter. Functionally
this converter is very similar to the Direct Matrix Converter, but it has separate line and
load bridges. In the inverter stage, the Predictive method and ISVM method are employed.
In the rectifier stage, in order to reduce losses caused by snubber circuits, the rectifier fourstep
commutation method is employed. A comparative study between the Predictive DTC
and ISVM-DTC is performed by simulating these control systems in
MATLAB/SIMULINK software environments and the obtained results are presented and
Type of Study:
Review Paper |
Electrical Drives Received: 2011/01/16 | Revised: 2013/05/25 | Accepted: 2013/05/25