Volume 21, Issue 2 (Special Issue on the 1st International Conference on ELECRiS 2024 Malaysia - June 2025)                   IJEEE 2025, 21(2): 3661-3661 | Back to browse issues page

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Abd Rahman A S, Rohani M N K H, Athirah Gazata N D, Rosmi A S, Nazmi Nanyan A, Mohamed Jamil A I, et al . Analysis of Partial Discharge Measurements using Coupling Capacitor in Rotating Machine. IJEEE 2025; 21 (2) :3661-3661
URL: http://ijeee.iust.ac.ir/article-1-3661-en.html
Abstract:   (60 Views)
Partial discharge (PD) is a significant concern in the operation of rotating machines such as generators and motors, as it can lead to insulation degradation over time, reducing the reliability and lifespan of the machines. To monitor PD activity, coupling capacitors (CC) are widely used as sensors for online PD detection, as they can effectively capture PD pulses in high-voltage (HV) rotating machines. The primary objective of this research is to measure and analyze PD signals using a CC sensor for HV rotating machines under varying input voltages and frequencies, following the guidelines of the IEC 60270 standard and utilizing the MPD 600 device. The experimental setup includes performing insulation resistance (IR) testing, PD calibration, and PD measurement. Additionally, this paper provides a detailed study of PD signal characteristics, specifically focusing on phase-resolved partial discharge (PRPD) patterns, to understand the behavior of PD in HV rotating machines, enhancing fault diagnosis and preventive maintenance strategies.
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Type of Study: Only For Articles of ELECRiS 2024 | Subject: Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Received: 2024/12/31 | Revised: 2025/03/17 | Accepted: 2025/03/06

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