M. Sefidgaran, M. Mirzaie, A. Ebrahimzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2010)
Reliability of a power system is considerably influenced by its equipments.
Power transformers are one of the most critical and expensive equipments of a power
system and their proper functions are vital for the substations and utilities. Therefore,
reliability model of power transformer is very important in the risk assessment of the
engineering systems. This model shows the characteristics and functions of a transformer in
the power system. In this paper the reliability model of the power transformer with ONAN
cooling is obtained. The transformer is classified into two subsystems. Reliability model of
each subsystem is achieved. Markov process representation and the frequency/ duration
approach are employed to obtain a complete reliability model of the subsystems. By
combining these models reliability model of power transformer is obtained. The reliability
model associated with the transformer is then proposed combining the models of
subsystems. The proposed model contains five states. To make the model more applicable,
the 5-state model is alleviated to a 3-state one. Numerical analysis and sensitivity analysis
relevant to the proposed reliability model are performed for evaluating the numerical values
of the model parameters and the impact of different components on the reliability of the
M. R. Mosavi, A. Akhyani,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2013)
In this paper, optimal placement of Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) using Global Positioning System (GPS) is discussed. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Simulated Annealing (SA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are used for this problem. Pheromone evaporation coefficient and the probability of moving from state x to state y by ant are introduced into the ACO. The modified algorithm overcomes the ACO in obtaining global optimal solution and convergence speed, when applied to optimizing the PMU placement problem. We also compare this simulink with SA, PSO and GA that to find capability of ACO in the search of optimal solution. The fitness function includes observability, redundancy and number of PMU. Logarithmic Least Square Method (LLSM) is used to calculate the weights of fitness function. The suggested optimization method is applied in 30-bus IEEE system and the simulation results show modified ACO find results better than PSO and SA, but same result with GA.
M Sedaghati, R Dashti,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (12-2015)
In this paper, a new model has been presented to determine the number of spare transformers and their locations for distribution stations. The number of spare transformers must be so that they need minimum investment. Furthermore, they must be sufficient for replacing with transformers that have been damaged. For this reason, in this paper a new purpose function has been presented to maximize profit in distribution company’s budgeting and planning. For determining the number of spares that must be available in a stock room, this paper considers the number of spares and transformer’s fault at the same time. The number of spare transformers is determined so that at least one spare transformer will be available for replacing with the failed transformers. This paper considers time required for purchasing or repairing a failed transformer to determine the number of required spare transformers. Furthermore, whatever the number of spare equipment are increased, cost of maintenance will be increased, so an economic comparison must be done between reduced costs from reducing of outage time and increased costs from spare transformers existence.

M. Khalilzadeh, A. Fereidunian,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (12-2016)
In this paper, a stochastic approach is proposed for reliability assessment of bidirectional DC-DC converters, including the fault-tolerant ones. This type of converters can be used in a smart DC grid, feeding DC loads such as home appliances and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). The reliability of bidirectional DC-DC converters is of such an importance, due to the key role of the expected increasingly utilization of DC grids in modern Smart Grid. Markov processes are suggested for reliability modeling and consequently calculating the expected effective lifetime of bidirectional converters. A three-leg bidirectional interleaved converter using data of Toyota Prius 2012 hybrid electric vehicle is used as a case study. Besides, the influence of environment and ambient temperature on converter lifetime is studied. The impact of modeling the reliability of the converter and adding reliability constraints on the technical design procedure of the converter is also investigated. In order to investigate the effect of leg increase on the lifetime of the converter, single leg to five-leg interleave DC-DC converters are studied considering economical aspect and the results are extrapolated for six and seven-leg converters. The proposed method could be generalized so that the number of legs and input and output capacitors could be an arbitrary number.
M. Sedighizadeh, M. Esmaili, M. M. Mahmoodi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (9-2017)
Distribution systems can be operated in multiple configurations since they are possible combinations of radial and loop feeders. Each configuration leads to its own power losses and reliability level of supplying electric energy to customers. In order to obtain the optimal configuration of power networks, their reconfiguration is formulated as a complex optimization problem with different objective functions and network operating constraints. In this paper, a multi-objective framework is proposed for optimal network reconfiguration with objective functions of minimization of power losses, System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), Average Energy Not Supplied (AENS), and Average Service Unavailability Index (ASUI). The optimization problem is solved by the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) as one of the most modern heuristic tools. Since objective functions have different scales, a fuzzy membership is utilized here to transform objective functions into a same scale and then to determine the satisfaction level of the afforded solution using the fuzzy fitness. The efficiency of the proposed method is confirmed by testing it on 32-bus and 69-bus distribution test systems. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method not only presents intensified exploration ability but also has a better converge rate compared with previous methods.
R. Mohammadi, H. Rajabi Mashhadi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (3-2019)
Distribution system reliability programs are usually based on improvement of average reliability indices. They have weakness in terms of distinguishing between reliability of different customers that may prefer different level of reliability. This paper proposes a new framework based on game theory to accommodate customers’ reliability requests in distribution system reliability provision. To do this, distribution reliability equations are developed so that it is recognized how game theory is suitable for this purpose and why conventional methods could not provide customer reliability requirements appropriately. It would be shown that customer participation in distribution system reliability provision can make conflict of interest and leads to a competition between customers. So, in this paper a game theoretic approach is designed to model possible strategic behavior of customers in distribution system reliability provision. The results show that by implementing the proposed model, distribution utilities would have the capability to respond to customers’ reliability requirements, such that it is beneficial for both utility and customers.
M. Ghayeni,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (12-2019)
In this paper, the new approach for the transmission reliability cost allocation (TRCA) problem is proposed. In the conventional TRCA problem, for calculating the contribution of each user (generators & loads or contracts) in the reliability margin of each transmission line, the outage analysis is performed for all system contingencies. It is obvious that this analysis is very time-consuming for large power systems. This paper suggests that this calculation should be done only for major contingencies. To do this, at first, the contingency filtering technique (CFT) is introduced based on the new economic indices that quantify the severity of each contingency to determine the critical contingencies. Then the results of contingency filtering are used in the TRCA problem. The simulation results are reported for the IEEE 118-bus test system. The obtained results show that by application of CFT in TRCA problem, the simulation time is greatly reduced, but the percentage of error remains within an acceptable limit.
H. Sh. Solari, B. Majidi, M. Moazzami,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (12-2019)
In this paper, a new method for modelling and estimation of reliability parameters of power transformer components in distribution and transmission voltage levels for preventive-corrective maintenance schedule of transformers is proposed. In this method, with optimal estimation of Weibull distribution parameters using least squares method and input data uncertainty reduction, failure rate and probable distributions of power transformers’ components as the key parameters of equipment reliability is estimated. Then by using the results of this modelling, a maintenance schedule for evaluation the effect of maintenance on reliability of this equipment is presented. Simulation results using real failure data of 196 power transformers on 33 to 230kV voltage levels show that applying the proposed method in addition to uncertainty reduction of raw input data and better estimation of equipment reliability, improve decision making regarding maintenance schedule of power transformers.
A. Karimabadi, M. E. Hajiabadi, E. Kamyab, A. A. Shojaei,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (6-2020)
The Circuit Breaker (CB) is one of the most important equipment in power systems. CB must operate reliably to protect power systems as well as to perform tasks such as load disconnection, normal interruption, and fault current interruption. Therefore, the reliable operation of CB can affect the security and stability of power network. In this paper, effects of Condition Monitoring (CM) of CB on the maintenance process and related costs are analyzed. For this, A mathematical formulation to categorize and model equipment failures based on their severity is developed. By CM, some of the high severity failures, named major failures, can be early detected and be corrected as a minor failure. This formulation quantifies the effect of CM on the outage rate and Predictive Maintenance (PDM) rate of equipment. Also, by combining the predictive maintenance to preventive maintenance, the Integrated Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Markov model is presented to analyze the effect of CM on the maintenance process. Finally, the optimal inspection rates of CBs based on the minimum maintenance cost in the traditional and the proposed Markov model are determined. To verify the effectiveness and applicability of the method, the proposed approach is applied to the CBs of KREC in Iran.
A. Mirsamadi, Y. Damchi, M. Assili,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2021)
Power systems should have acceptable reliability in order to operate properly. Highly available and dependable protective relays help to obtain the desirable reliability. The relays should be periodically evaluated during specific intervals to achieve the mentioned characteristics. The Routine Test Interval (RTI) should be optimized in order to economically maximize the reliability of the protection system. The failure rate of the relays plays a vital role in determination of the Optimum Routine Test Interval (ORTI). Human error is one of the effective factors in the failure rate of the relays. Therefore, in this paper, a Markov model is proposed to investigate the impact of human error on the failure rate and the ORTI of the protection system. The model is applied for the protection system of power transformer. The obtained results indicated that human error has a significant impact on the increase of protection system failure, the decrease of the desired reliability indices, and the reduction of ORTI of the protection system.
A. Mohammadi, S. Soleymani, B. Mozafari, H. Mohammadnezhad-Shourkaei,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (6-2021)
This paper proposes an advanced distribution automation planning problem in which emergency-based demand response plans are incorporated during service restoration process. The fitness function of this planning problem consists of various costs associated with fault occurrence in electric distribution systems consisting of the total yearly cost of customers’ interruptions, the total annualized investment cost of control and protection devices deployment, including sectionalizing switches, circuit breakers, and fuses and the total annual cost of performing emergency-based demand response programs in the service restoration process. Moreover, the customers’ behavior in participating in the service restoration process is also modeled through using an S-function. The proposed advanced distribution automation planning method is implemented on the fourth bus of the Roy Bilinton test system in order to evaluate its efficacy. The obtained results show that the reliability indices and the total cost of distribution automation are reduced by about 9% and 12% more than the published methods for distribution automation, respectively.
N. Thakkar, P. Paliwal,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (12-2022)
In the last decade, there has been a lot of focus on sustainable development in the electrical power industry to meet the growing energy demand. This has led to an increase in the integration of renewable energy sources (RES). In addition to being abundantly available, the RES offers advantages such as low environmental impact and increased social development of rural communities which are imperative for a sustainable society. However, the selection of a particular generating resource or resource mix (RM) for an autonomous micro-grid is a complex problem that involves multiple conflicting factors. In this paper, a planning strategy for selecting an appropriate RM has been proposed. Seven RMs comprising different combinations of four generation/storage technologies such as solar photovoltaic array (SPVA), wind turbine (WT), diesel generator (DG) and battery storage (BS) have been considered. The planning is initiated with the determination of optimal component sizing for all seven RMs. The RMs are then analyzed with respect to four primary sustainability parameters i.e. economic, social, technical and environmental. The analysis is further enhanced by investigation of 13 sub-parameters as well. Thereafter, prioritization of RMs is carried out using two MCDM methods: Best worst method (BWM) and PROMETHEE II. Finally, to assert the importance of weight assignment on RM ranking, sensitivity analysis is performed. In order to impart the practical aspect to analysis, the planning formulation is applied to a case study of the Thar desert, India. The results suggest that a combination of SPVA and BS provides the most optimum RM solution.