Sh. Jadid, S. A. H. Bahreyni,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (December 2014)
Smart Grids are result of utilizing novel technologies such as distributed energy resources, and communication technologies in power system to compensate some of its defects. Various power resources provide some benefits for operation domain however, power system operator should use a powerful methodology to manage them. Renewable resources and load add uncertainty to the problem. So, independent system operator should use a stochastic method to manage them. A Stochastic unit commitment is presented in this paper to schedule various power resources such as distributed generation units, conventional thermal generation units, wind and PV farms, and demand response resources. Demand response resources, interruptible loads, distributed generation units, and conventional thermal generation units are used to provide required reserve for compensating stochastic nature of various resources and loads. In the presented model, resources connected to distribution network can participate in wholesale market through aggregators. Moreover, a novel three-program model which can be used by aggregators is presented in this article. Loads and distributed generation can contract with aggregators by these programs. A three-bus test system and the IEEE RTS are used to illustrate usefulness of the presented model. The results show that ISO can manage the system effectively by using this model
H. Hasanzadeh Fard, S. A. Bahreyni , R. Dashti , H. A. Shayanfar,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (June 2015)
Evaluation of the reliability parameters in micro-grids based on renewable energy sources is one of the main problems that are investigated in this paper. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy, battery as an energy storage system and fuel cell as a backup system are used to provide power to the electrical loads of the micro-grid. Loads in the micro-grid consist of interruptible and uninterruptible loads. In addition to the reliability parameters, Forced Outage Rate of each component and also uncertainty of wind power, PV power and demand are considered for micro-grid. In this paper, the problem is formulated as a nonlinear integer minimization problem which minimizes the sum of the total capital, operational, maintenance and replacement cost of DERs. This paper proposes PSO for solving this minimization problem.